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[Page 67]


(Tisa, Romania)

47°57' 23°58'

Romanian: Virişmort
Hungarian: Tiszaveresmart

Translated by Jerrold Landau

It was a village about 15 kilometers northeast of the district city of Sighet. Most of its residents were Ruthenians, with a minority of Romanians and Hungarians.

Jewish Population

Year Population Percentage
of Jews in the
1830 20 [117 residents][1]
1920 120 14.6
1930 98 10.5


The first Jews arrived in Virismort during the 1730s. In the census of 1735, a two person family, David Yaakov, was registered. He owned two horses, and paid 11,40 Florin of leasing fees per year. He was under the protection of the local nobleman Szeretsi Gersi. In the 1746 census, a four person family is once again registered, but the name of the head of the family is not listed.

In the 1768 census, three families consisting of 13 individuals are mentioned. Yosef Moskovitch (4 individuals), who paid 45 Florin: Shaya Aronovich (3 individuals), who paid 35 Florin; Hersh Shlimovich (6 individuals) who paid 77 Florin per year as lease fees. It is almost certain that these Jews did not form the kernel of the future community. They left the village after a brief period and settled in the interior of the country.

In the 1830 census, the following heads of families in Virismort are mentioned (number of individuals in parentheses):

The widow of Chaim Shklar (4), Zelig Sabo (5), Yankel Fogel (4), Shmuel Fogel (5), the widow of Yisrael Roth (8), Kasriel Fogel (4), Avraham Fogel (3), Hirsch Laks (6), Avraham Shimshi (3).

The community was organized in the latter third of the 19th century.

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It is not known if it also had a shochet [ritual slaughterer]. Virismort was in the rabbinical district of Sighet.

The Jews of the village were occupied in wood cutting. They floated the lumber down the Tisa River, upon whose banks the village was situation. Others were occupied in small-scale business, agriculture, and cattle raising. Most of the Jews were very poor.

At the end of April[2], the Jews of Virismort were gathered together and transferred to the Sighet Ghetto, from where they were deported to Auschwitz.


Magyar-Zaido Oklevelar, vol. VII, Budapest, 1963, pp. 306/7; vol XVI 1976, p. 102.

Translator's Footnotes:

  1. This translates to 11.3%. Return
  2. This would be 1944. Return

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