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[Pages 241-242]


(Pryborzhavske, Ukraine)

48°21' 23°14'

(Ruthenian: Zadne, Hungarian Zaenya, previously and also from 1939, Zadnya).

Translated by Jerrold Landau

Donated by Jenna Herskovic

It is a village in the district of Chust, next to Dolha. All of its residents are Ruthenians.

Year Jews Total
1768 5  
1830 40 821
1880 118  
1910   1,801
1921   2,001
1930 371 2,330
1941   2,670


Jews were first noted in Zadne during the Jewish census of 1746, in which two men without wives or children were registered. The names of those enumerated were not noted in that census. In the census of the Jews in 1768, only one Jew is mentioned, named Marko (apparently Mordechai), with a family of five. He paid 12 florin of lease fees per year.

About 62 years later, there were Jews (individuals) in Zadne, as is demonstrated in the census of the Jews of 1830. However, in a document written two years later, in 1932, which had not yet been published, only three heads of families are mentioned, totaling 16 individuals, as follows (number of members of each family in parentheses): Hershko Lebovitch (3), Yanko Itzkovitch (7), and another Jew named Marko (6).

Among the scholars of Zadne, we find Reb Fishel Itzkovitch, a student of the Mahara'm Shik. His rabbi writes about him, “To my renowned Torah student, sharp and learned, Rabbi Fishel Itzkovitch of Zadne, I have received your letter. Even though I do not respond in writing other than for urgent matters, I am nevertheless honored to respond to you in brief“ (Responsa Mahara'm Shik, Yoreh Deah, chapter 113, Vayishlach 5638 – 1877). There is another responsa from the Sabbath eve of Noach, 5638 (1877) (ibid. chapter 139). Even the author of Beit Hayotzer answered him on the 9th of Iyar 5647 (1887) (Responsa Beit Hayotzer Orach Chaim, chapter 24). Apparently, Reb Fishel is none other than the son (or perhaps grandson) of Yanko Itzkovitz from the list of names of 1832.

[Page 242]

The rabbinical judge and teacher in Zadne of the final generation, Rabbi Yaakov Itzkovitch, who perished in the Holocaust, is probably also a descendent of that same Yaakov Itzkovitch – whose name he bore.

There is also a responsa to the community of Zadne in Responsa Arugat Habosem (Yoreh Deah, chapter 253), “regarding your desire to expand the cemetery, about which you asked how to conduct yourselves.“ It is unfortunate that there is no date on the responsa.

We have two short lists of residents of Zadne who appear as signatories (“Prenomeranten”) on two books, one published during the 1880s, and the other published a few years prior to the Holocaust. In the first book, Imrei Shoham (Kolomyya, 5640 – 1880) the following names are noted: Reb Yosef Mordechai the son of Yitzchak, Reb Moshe Eliahu the son of Fishel (Itzkovitch?), Reb Yisrael Dov Kahana, Reb Shlomo Kahana, Reb Yechiel Eizik the son of Reb Yosef Mordechai, Reb Yehuda Aryeh the son of Reb Yitzchak, Shlomo Tzvi Steinberg. In the second book, Beit Asher, (Munkacz, 5697 – 1937), the following names are noted: Reb Yosef Yaakov Festinger, Reb Nachman Chaim Weiss, Reb Shraga Fishel Yasovitch, Reb Yosef Meislik, and Rabbi Meir Shu'b. We can surmise that both the former and the latter were honorable residents of the town, the former from the beginning of the existence of the community, and the latter just before the destruction befell them.

To our sorrow, these are all the details and data that we have been able to find about this community. We also saw a briefer piece of testimony, stating that the Jews of Zadne were transferred to the Munkacz Ghetto on April 16, 1944, from where they were deported to Auschwitz after about a month.


Reb Moshe Shik: Responsa Mahara'm Shik, Yoreh Deah, Munkacz 5641 (1881), chapters 113, 139.
Reb Yoel Tzvi Roth: Responsa Beit Hayotzer, Volume I, Munkacz 5656 (1896), Orach Chaim chapter 24.
Reb Moshe Greenwald: Responsa Arugat Habosem, Yoreh Deah, Volume II, Satu–Mare, 5686 (1926), chapter 253.
Testimony in the Yad Vashem Archives: 015/2704.

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