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(Văleni, Romania)

47°47' N 24°01'

Romanian: Valeni
Hungarian: Mikolapatak

Translated by Jerrold Landau

It is a village about 25 kilometers southeast of the district city of Sziget. All of its residents were Romanian.

Jewish Population

Year Population Percentage
of Jews in the
1830 48 (710 residents)
1920 89 7.5
1930 62 5.5


We have not succeeded in obtaining details about the life of the Jews in this village. Not one Jews is registered in Valen in the censuses of the 18th century.

It seems that there was already a regular minyan [prayer quorum] in Valen by the beginning of the 19th century. Later, the Beis Midrash and mikva [ritual bath] were built. The small community was under the district rabbinate of the rabbi of Berbeºti. Once a week, or twice a week in times of need, the shochet [ritual slaughterer] from Birsanif came to slaughter for the Jews of Valen.

Half of the Jews of Valen were Hasidim of Visznitz, and half were Hasidim of Sziget. Alter Ganz served as the head of the community during the latter years. The survivors of the community mention the memory of Reb Baruch Abramovics from among the honorable householders. He served as the prayer leader and Torah reader. The scribe Reb Yitzchak Stern also served several villages of the area. Reb Yonah Tesler was a melamed [teacher]. (His son Fishel Tesler moved to Grosswardein near the Rebbe of Visznitz. He was a successful merchant of hides, hosted many guests, and distributed a great deal of money to charity. He made aliya to Israel, settled in Sfiria and earned his livelihood from agriculture.)

The Jews of Valen earned their livelihoods from agriculture, trades, and commerce. During the summer, their livelihoods were augmented by the guests that came to the village, which was a place of respite and rest due to the therapeutic baths that were there.

The Jews of the village were deported to the Berbeºti Ghetto at the end of April 1944, from where they were deported to Auschwitz. Ten Holocaust survivors returned after the Holocaust, but they all left after some time.

Today, there are no Jews in Valen.


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