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(Sîrbi, Romania)

47°46' 23°57'

Romanian: Sîrbi
Hungarian: Szerfalu

Translated by Jerrold Landau

It was a village about 25 kilometers south of the district city of Sighet. All of its residents were Romania.

Jewish Population

Year Population Percentage
of Jews in the
1830 37 [519 residents]
1920 112 11.2
1930 95 8.9


The first Jews arrived in the village at the beginning of the 18th century. In the census of the Jews from 1728, the Jews Leibe Moskovitch is mentioned as the lessee of the lord Timushi Borodi. He worked in the brewing of strong drinks and commerce. This Jew did not remain in the village for a long time, for in the census of 1735, it is noted that Timushi employed a different Jew, Yaakov Meir, who also left the village after a brief time. In the censuses of 1746 and 1768, Jews were no longer listed in Serb.

In the census of 1830, the following heads of families are mentioned in Serb (number of individuals in parentheses):

Shimon Yonger (5), Mihai Mendelovich (6), Shimon Goldstein (2), Shimshon Huber (6), Nachum Goldstein (4), Mihai Mendel (5), Leib Feivel (6).

We have no information about when the Jewish settlement of Serb was restored. It seems that it was only at the beginning of the 19th century. Apparently, the small community began to organize in the middle of the 19th century, when it established the necessary institutions for the existence of a community. It employed a shochet [ritual slaughterer] who also served several other villages of the area.. The rabbi of Berbeşti also served the community of Serb.

The Jews earned their livelihoods from the forest of the area. Some of them cut down trees and cut the lumber in the village sawmill, which was owned by Jews. Others also worked in small scale agriculture and various trades. The number of Jews dwindled continuously from the beginning of the 20th century. Many moved to Sighet and other cities in the country, or immigrated overseas.

At the end of April 1944, the Jews of Serb were transferred to the Berbeşti Ghetto. From there, they were transferred to the Sighet Ghetto and deported to Auschwitz.


Magyar-Zaido Okleveltar, vol. VII, Budapest, 1963, pp. 136, 306.

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