f Kuty, Ukraine
Kitov My Hometown:
Survivors of Kuty Tell the Story of Their Town
(Kuty, Ukraine)

48°15' / 25°11'

Translation of
Kitov 'iri: Bene Kuty mesaprim et sipur ha-'ir

Editor: Dr. Chaim Zins

Published in Tel Aviv 1993



Project Coordinator

Brigit Young


Our sincere appreciation to Dr. Chaim Zins for permission
to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation of: Kitov 'iri: Bene Kuty mesaprim et sipur ha-'ir
( Kitov my hometown: survivors of Kuty tell the story of their town),
Editor: Dr. Chaim Zins, Hotsa'at “Yair” 'a”sh Avraham Shter, Published: Tel Aviv 1993 (H 285 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Kuty (1993)

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TOC translated by Sara Mages


Introduction 11
History of the City 13
Kuty, Poland   15
Life 21
Ken Betar in Kuty Yakov Guttel (Gotlieb) 23
Kuty - One Big Family Norma Dermer (née Weiner) 25
Childhood Memories Arye Hazenfratz 43
Our teacher Yosel Yupiter Azriel Hirsh 51
Three Chaim Azriel Hirsh 55
“Young Schmill” Azriel Hirsh 66
Memories from school Dora Halper 75
Memories Yehudit Salzman (from Koren family) 76
The Town: reality and folklore Yehudit Zalzman 79
Tarbut School Anya Izhar (née Druckman) 82
The beginning Berel Luker 83
The early days of Kuty Rachel Nir 89
The Rabbi of Kosow performs a miracle Rachel Nir 90
Beloved people Dunia Rap 91
There was a Jewish town Henya Sade (née Drechsler) 92
Childhood memories Chaya Shield 98
The branch of Hashomer Hatzair Arye Schechter 99
Anecdotes about characters in the town Yakov Schechter 101
From the town's folklore Yakov Schechter 108
Kitev the city and its Jews Yakov Schechter 115
Memories from a vanished way of life Shmuel Schnibleg 119
Froykele Shmuel Schnibleg 121
My parents Yafa Shraga (from the Altman family) 122
Picture section 123
Holocaust 139
Live testimony Shabtai Avni (formerly Steinbercher) 141
Testimony Yaakov Altman 143
Sally Rapoport (Oya) Nehama Braunstein (from Meltzer family) 146
Testimony Nehama Braunstein (from Meltzer family) 147
Testimony Landwehr Bronislaw 151
The last day of Pesach 5702 Yaakov Gottel 153
Rabbi Chaim Druckman - Personal Myth Naomi Golan 155
The only survivor of the Druck family Itke Druck 156
Testimony Arie Hozen 158
Memories from the Diaspora Chaim Hazenfratz 162
Testimony Shimon Weich 164
Personal testimony Sigmund Mach 170
Testimony Victoria Mendel 173
Letter to Jacob Shechter Dr. Ze'ev Mendel 185
The Tetka (Menashe) Glazberg family Betty Neuman (from Glazberg family) 186
The great disaster I will never forget Hana Klinger (from Abush family)) 189
Testimony Atela Rigler (from Zvibach family) 191
The orphan from Kuty Yitzhak Mendel Reiser 195
Testimony Menashe Steinbracher 196
Picture section 199
Poems 215
Devouring flame Malka Locker 217
I want to say Kaddish Malka Locker 218
Poems from the book The World Is Without a Protector Malka Locker 219
Between Kosow and Kitve Itzik Manger 226
Between Kosow and Kitve (Yiddish) Itzik Manger 228
Kitve 1 Ester Mayevski 230
Kitve 2 Ester Mayevski 232
* Ester Mayevski 233
* Ester Mayevski 234
* Ester Mayevski 235
* Ester Mayevski 236
A sound that eluded your head Ester Mayevski 237
Poems from the book “There on the bank of the Cheremosh River” Yafa Zins, Chaim Zins 238
Hatred   238
Prophecy   240
Sleepless night   242
Separation   243
Slaughter   245
News   247
Fire   248
The death march to Kolomyia   249
The ash of the martyrs of the community of Kolomyia and the surrounding area hy”d   250
The Martyrs 251
List of the Martyrs 254
The Silver Tray 277
Former Residents of Kuty
List of People who Left Kuty after the Shoah 281


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