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Members of the Tatka Zvibach family (1929/30) |
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We are honored to invite you to participate in the dedication ceremony of the grove/unveiling of the sign in the name of the martyrs of the Kuty community in the area of the
Poland Saints' Forest on the land of the National Fund for Israel, which will be held on Sunday, 27 Nisan 5723 (21.4.63) at 15:00, next to Eshtaol in the Jerusalem Corridor. Sincerely,
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The photo was taken in 1990 |
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The photo was taken in 1990 |
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Avihu ben Aryeh Klinger, son of Luba and Lucia, second generation of Holocaust survivors, was born on October 16, 1953. On October 7, 1973, he fell in a battle during the Yom Kippur War at Tel Fares in the Golan Heights, he was 20 years old on his death. |
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Born in Moshav Betzet to Polish immigrant parents, survivors of the Holocaust. His mother passed away when he was 7 years old. He learned in Ort high school in Afula.
On the eve of Rosh Hashanah, he returned to Sinai and of course also to the tank. The H-hour. Moshe went with the warriors to stop the advance of the enemy. Two hours after the outbreak of war, he fell in the battle for defending one of the outposts on the canal line. He was 19 years old on his death. Born in 25th of Av, 5714 (24.8.1954) Died on the 10th of Tishrei, 5734 (6.10.1973) |
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Kuty, Ukraine
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Updated 07 Mar 2023 by JH