[Page 123]
Translations by Mira Eckhaus
Eastern Galicia, 1st Sep 1939
[Page 124]
The children of the seventh grade at the general Polish school for boys in Kuty in 1934
The soccer team Nordia of Beitar Kuty (1938)
[Page 125]
Group Herzliya of Hashomer Hatzair movement in Kuty (1928)
Beitar group in Kuty (1932)
[Page 126]
Children of the Mendel, Klinger, Steinkol, Baron and Remer families at a Purim party
Birthday celebrations
The photos were taken in the early 1930s
[Page 127]
Hashomer Hatzair group in Kuty
[Page 128]
The children of the seventh grade at the general Polish school for boys in Kuty (1936)
A class at the Hebrew school in Kuty with the teacher Issachar Spiegel (1922)
[Page 129]
The children of the sixth grade at the general Polish school for boys on a trip to Mount Ovidius (1932)
The Hebrew School in Kuty (1926)
[Pages 130-131]
General view of the city from Mount Ovidius (1932)
[Page 132]
HaChalutz branch of Hashomer Hatzair in Kuty (1928)
[Page 133]
Members of the Hashomer Hatzair group in Kuty (1928)
[Page 134]
Members of the Hashomer Hatzair group in Kuty (1931)
Members of the Hashomer Hatzair adults' group in Kuty (1926)
[Page 135]
The Hezenfretz Family (1932)
[Page 136]
The lawyer Dr. Moshe Mendel, the first chairman of the
community committee
(Judenrat) and his wife Victoria (Tortsia)
The photo was taken in the 1930s
[Page 137]
Primche and Arthur (Artek) Locker (1939)
[Page 138]
The Aron (Aharoni) family in 1934
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Kuty, Ukraine
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Updated 28 Aug 2022 by JH