- Areshet. Sefer shana le-cheker
ha-sefer ha-ivri. Jerusalem: Mosad ha-rav Kook, 1958-. (H)
- Asufot. Afikim, Archiyon Afikim. 1969-. (H)
- Ha-Darom. New York: Rabbinical
Council of America, 1957-. (H)
- Ha-Tsofe Le-Khokhmat Yisrael. Budapest: 1911-1931. 15
Vols. (H)
Hebräische Bibliographie (Hamaskir) (HB). Berlin, 1858-1882.
21 Vols. (G)
Hebrew Union College Annual (HUCA). Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College, 1924-.
- Historia Judaica (HJ). New York: 1938-1961.
23 Vols. (E)
- Jahrbuch der Jüdisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft
(JJLG). Frankfort-am-Main: Jüdisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft,
1903-1931/32. 22 Vols. (G)
- The Jewish Quarterly Review (JQR).
London-New York-Philadelphia: D. Nutt and Macmillan, The
Dropsie College, 1888-1908. (20 Vols.), 1910- (New Series). (first 20 Vols. Reprinted
by Ktav Publishing House, New York). (E)
- Kiryat Sefer. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1924-. (H)
- Ha-Magid. Krakow-London: 1879-1881. 3 Vols. (H)
- Monatschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des
Judentums (MGWJ). Frankfort: 1851-1939. 83 Vols. (G)
- Otsar Ha-Sifrut. Jaroslaw-Krakow: E. Gräber, 1887-1902. 6
- Proceedings of the American Jewish Academy for Jewish
Research (PAJA). Philadelphia: American Jewish Historical
Society, 1892-1961. 50 Vols. (E)
- Reshumot. Odessa-Tel Aviv: Dvir,
1918-1930. 6 Vols. (H)
- Revue de Études Juives. Paris:
Durlacher, 1880-1961 (120 Vols.) from 1962- (New series,
confused with Historia Judaica). (F)
- Sinai. Jerusalem: Mosad ha-rav
Kook, 1937-. (H)
- Studies in Jewish Bibliography and Booklore
(SBS). Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of
Religion, 1953-. (E)
- Talpiyot. New York: 1943-1961. 8 Vols. (H)
- Tsiyon. Jerusalem: Merkaz Zalman
Shazar - Israel Historical Society 1954?.-. (H)
- Yivo Bleter. New York: Yivo, 1931-. (Y)
- Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Juden
(ZGJ). Tel Aviv: Olamenu, 1964-1972. 9 Vols. (G)
- Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland
(ZGJD). Braunschweig: 1887-1892, 5 Vols. Berlin: Philo Verlag,
1929-1938. 8 Vols. (G)
- Zeitschrift für Hebräische Bibliographie
(ZHB). Berlin-Frankfort: S. Calvary - J. Kauffmann, 1900-1921.
24 Vols. (G)

- Avotaynu: The International Review of Jewish Genealogy.
Editor: Sallyann Amdur Sack, PhD,
Publisher: Gary Mokotoff.
Since 1985. (E)
- Search: International Quarterly for Researchers of Jewish Genealogy.
A publication of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois.
Alan Spencer, Editor,
Scott E. Myers, Associate Editor.
42 issues published 1981-91 (final issue). (E)
Sharsheret Hadorot (Journal
of Jewish Genealogy). Israel Genealogical
Society. (H)
- Toledot.
Editors: Arthur Kurzweil, Steven W. Siegel. 13 issues published 1977-78 (final issue).

- Assaf, David. "From Volhynia to Safed: Rabbi Abraham Dov of Ovruch as a Hasidic
Leader in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century." Shalem:
Studies in the History of the Jews in Eretz Israel, 6. 1992, pp.
223-279. (H)
- Brann,
Marcus. "Die Familie Fraenkel." Monatsschrift
fuer Geschichte und Wissenschaft Des Judentums, Vol.45, pp.193-213. 1901. (G)
- Brilling, Bernhard. "Der Name Maram, Marum, Zur Geschichte der
Familien Guggenheim, Weil und anderer Nachkommen des Meir von Rothenburg."
am Judentum, Festschrift zum sechzigsten Geburtstag von Rabbiner Dr. Lothar Rothschild. Bern: Verlag Herbert Lan, 1970. (G)
Michael. "The Jewish Historical Clock." Shemot:
The Journal of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain.
London: March 1999: Volume 7, Number 1.
Honey, Michael. "Moses Mendelssohn and The Jewish Historical Clock:
Disruptive Forces in Judaism of the 18th Century by Chronologies of Rabbi
Families." Jewish Genealogy Society of Greater Washington, D. C.
web site. July 2001.
David. "The Oldest Jewish Dynasty: A 3400 Year line of
Descendants." RootsKey: Jewish Genealogical Society, Los
Angeles (JGSLA). Original Articles in the
Spring, 1997 Issue (Vol. 17, #1). (E)
- Click the title to view this article online.
Freedman, Chaim. "A Review Of Hebrew Genealogical Sources." Search
(Journal of the Chicago
Jewish Genealogical Society), 1989. (E)
- Each listed book has a brief review of contents with names of prestigious
families cited. Many of the books were written toward the end of the 19th century.
[Comment by Bernard Kouchel,
- Fuzailoff,
Giora. "Rabbinic
Succession in Bukhara 1790-1930." Sharsheret Hadorot (Journal
of Jewish Genealogy). Israel Genealogical
Society: October 2001, Vol. 16, No. 1. (H,E)
- Click the title to view this article online.
Yehuda. "European Rabbis Throughout the
Generations." Sharsheret
Hadorot (Journal of Jewish Genealogy). Israel
Genealogical Society: June 2001, Vol. 15 No. 3. (H,E)
- Click the title to view this article online.
Yehuda. "The Hasidic Rabbinate - Part
I." Sharsheret Hadorot (Journal of Jewish Genealogy).
Israel Genealogical Society: October
2001, Vol. 16, No. 1. (H,E)
- Click the title to view this article online.
- Klausner, Yehuda. "The Hasidic Rabbinate - Part
II." Sharsheret Hadorot (Journal of Jewish Genealogy).
Israel Genealogical Society: June 2002, Vol. 16, No. 3.
- Click the title to view this article online.
- Penkalla,
Adam. "Personnel Records of Rabbis of Radom Gubernia, 1867-1914."
translated from the Polish by Gordon McDaniel. Kielce-Radom SIG Journal, V:1 (Winter 2001), pages 16-23. (E)
An article detailing the application process to become a rabbi in the Kingdom of Poland, and the records of those
proceedings in the gubernia administration files at the Polish State Archives in Radom. Translation of
"Akta Personalne Rabinów Guberni Radomskiej z lat 1867-1914," an article from Biuletyn Zydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego (BZIH), the Bulletin of the Jewish Historical Institute in
Warsaw. This article refers to "government rabbis" or "crown rabbis."
[Comment by Warren
4Information on rabbinical genealogy
published on the Internet may be found separately in the extensive
Links section of the Rav-SIG website. See: Links
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