- Margolis/Margolioth, Efraim Zalmen. Maalot Hayukhsin (Degrees of
Genealogy). Lemberg, 1900.
- Detailed genealogy of the Margolis and Ettinger families. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- An early, oft-quoted source. The author states his
descent from a number of famous rabbis and from Rashi and Yohanan
Ha-Sandler on the title page. He cites the fragmentary list of Rashi's
ancestors, then leaps to the Lurias, Landaus, and himself. He mentions
families Schor, Heschel, Margulies, Itinga, and Horowitz. This work has
been criticized as containing errors. [Comment by David Einsiedler,
- See also: Elef Margoliot, by
Rabbi Meir Wunder.
- Michelsohn, Tsvi Yekhezkel. Tsvi Letsadik.
Pietrkov, 1904.
- One of a series of books by this renowned classical genealogist. Includes very detailed information on the descendants of Rabbi Tsvi Hersh Berlin. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Menton, Arthur F.
- The Book of Destiny: Toledot Charlap.
Cold Spring Harbor, NY: King David Press, 1996. (E)
- Ancilla to Toledot Charlap. Cold Spring
Harbor, NY: King David Press, 1999. (E)
- Details of research of ancient
rabbinic families of Sephardic origin, their settlement in Europe and
current descendants. Includes scholarly explanation of many versions
of the family’s descent. The second volume consists of genealogical
charts. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Munk,
Baruch P. Toldot Mishpakhat
Munk. Jerusalem: 1985. (H)
- Perles,
Meir. Sefer Toledot Ve-Niflaot Maharal (The Book of History and Wonders of the
MaHaRaL). Bilgoray, 1911. (H)
- Right on the title page it proclaims
Judah Lowe, the MaHaRaL of Prague, as the descendant of both Rashi and
the other Davidic line. It goes into much detail to describe the family,
the stories, and the genealogy of the related families. Some derivative
families are: Cohen (Katz), Bachrach, Margulies, Karo, and Edels. [Comment by David
Einsiedler, F2]
- Rapaport-Hortschtein, M.E. Shalashelet Hazahav. Munkatz,
1931. (H)
- The descendants of Rabbi Naftali Katz, the author of Smikhat
Khakhamim. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Rivlin, Eliezer. Sefer Hayakhas Lemishpakhat Rivlin
Vehagaon Mivilna. Jerusalem, 1935. (H)
Genealogical lists of many
Litvak, Belarus and Eretz Yisrael families related to or descended
from the Vilna Gaon. Includes about 3,000 people whom the author was
able to trace at the time. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Rosenstein, Neil. The Gaon of Vilna and His Cousinhood.
New Jersey: Computer Center for Jewish Genealogy, 1997. 430 pp. (E)
A work on the ancestry, collateral relatives, and descendants of the Gaon of
Vilna, Elijah ben Solomon. Includes 100 genealogical charts and a
surname index of more than 1,800 surnames. Includes narrative,
numerous reproduced documents, photographs, and portraits. [Comment by
Neil Rosenstein]
- Rosenstein, Neil. The Unbroken Chain: Biographical
Sketches and Genealogy of Illustrious Jewish Families from the 15th-20th century.
New York: CIS Publishers, 1990. 2 Vols. (E)
- One of the best-known
published Jewish genealogies. It traces the descendants of
Rabbi Meir Katzenellenbogen of Padua through more than 16 generations
to the present. More than 30,000 people are identified as
descendants. "While the majority of those mentioned have Eastern European roots, there are generous sprinklings of important German families (e.g. Riesser, Mendelssohn), as well as Dutch and English ones (among them, the well-known British cousinhood that includes Rothschilds, Phillips, Samuels, Waleys, etc.).
This is truly a compilation of
the elite of Ashkenazic Jewry, and it is no surprise that
one finds among their offspring some of this century's most
important Jews in Europe, Israel, and America. A very high
proportion of genealogies are those of the leading Hassidic
dynasties: Levi Isaac of Berdichev, Halberstam, Rabinowitz,
Horowitz, Rokeach, Shapiro, Spira, Teitelbaum, Twersky, etc.
Each chapter is introduced with a somewhat detailed explanatory genealogical chart showing the relationships of the families mentioned in the chapter to other families elsewhere in the book.
So exhaustive has he been in pursuing every conceivable descendant of the first Rabbi Isaac of Katzenellenbogen, that anyone with Ashkenazic ancestry, especially from Germany, Poland, or Russia, should search here before moving on to other sources."
--Rabbi Malcolm H. Stern. [F3]
- Rozenkrantz, Aharon. Sefer Yukhsin. Warsaw,
1885. (H)
- Detailed and often rare material about a number of interrelated eastern European rabbinical families. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Rubinstein,
Mordechai. Sefer Nitey Ne'emanah
(Seedlings of Fidelity: A Shoot Out of the Stock of Jesse). Jerusalem,
- The author cites descent from King
David on the title page. His genealogy includes most [well-known family] names plus Teomim, Halberstam, Frenkel,
Ish-Zvi, and Klausner. [Comment by David Einsiedler, F2]
- Sackheim, George S. Scattered Seeds. Skokie, Illinois: self-published, 1986. (E)
- Genealogy of the descendants
of the famous martyr Rabbi Israel of Rossienoi who perished in 1659.
Includes genealogical tables and biographical details of prominent
rabbinical families, many updated to current generations. A useful
English accompaniment to Daat
Kedoshim. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Shapira, Yaakov Leib. Mishpakhot Atikot Beyisrael. Tel
Aviv, Israel: 1981. (H)
- Traces the ancestry and principal descendants of the classical
rabbinical families commencing with Rashi. Summary charts are followed
by detailed biographical information about each successive generation
and its marital connections. Aside from its genealogical value, this
book is an excellent and concise summary of rabbinical biography.
[Comment by Chaim Freedman,
- Schwerdscharf, M.J. Hadrat Tsvi. Sighet, 1909. (H)
- Genealogy of part of the Schwerdscharf family with considerable
material on ancestral rabbinic lines. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Shlesser, Shimon. Sefer Otsar Harebi R. Heschil.
Jerusalem: self-published, 1996. (H)
Family genealogy, biography of R. Avraham Yehoshua Heschel
(1596-1663). [Comment by Werner
L. Frank]
- Slonim, Menachem S. Toledot Mishpakhat Ha-Rav Mi-Liady
(The History of the Family of the Rabbi from Liady). Tel Aviv: Zohar
Publishing Co., 1964. (H)
The Schneerson dynasty genealogy. It includes more than 1,500 names,
beginning with the founder of the dynasty, down to his eighth
generation descendants and their relatives in the 1940s. It describes
the putative descent from the Maharal of Prague, Judah Loew ben
Bezalel (1525–1609), source of the claim to Davidic lineage. [Comment by David Einsiedler, F2]
- Stern, Y. Zekher Leyehosef. Warsaw, 1898. (H)
- Very detailed material on the descendants of several eastern European rabbinical families. Includes an extensive introduction which traces many sources for the concept of genealogy in Jewish tradition. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Teitelbaum, Mordechai. Ha-Rav Mi-Liady
U-Mifleget Chabad (The Rabbi From Liady and the Chabad Movement).
Warsaw: Tushiyah Publishing, 1914. (H)
- The claim of Davidic descent in Menachem S. Slonim's Toledot Mishpakhat Ha-Rav
(The History of the Family of the Rabbi from Liady) is questioned by Mordechai Teitelbaum.
[Comment by David Einsiedler, F2]
- Twersky, Rabbi Aaron D. Sefer Ha-Yikhus Mi-Chernobyl
ve-Ruzhin (The Genealogy of the Chernobyl and Ruzhin Dynasties).
Lublin, 1938. (H)
- Deals with the
Chassidic families Twersky and Friedman, and related families. It
mentions descent from King David of Nathan Nota Schapiro, ABD Grodno,
Aaron of Karlin, Abraham (Twersky) of Chernobyl, Isaac of Drohobycz, and
Abraham Joshua Heschel of Opatow. [Comment by David Einsiedler, F2]
- Weill, Ernest B. Weil-deVeil, A Genealogy, 1360-1956.
Scarsdale, NY, 1957. (E)
- Weinstock,
Yair. Tiferet Beit David (The Glory of
the House of David). Jerusalem, 1968. (H)
- Lists all generations from Adam
to Judah Lowe the Elder, then links them to the dynasty of Samuel Shmelke
HaLevi Horowitz, ABD Nikolsburg, and that of this brother Pinchas
Horowitz, ABD Frankfurt am Main ("Haflaa"). Their descendants
include the Biedermans, Adlers, Rotenbergs, Bernsteins, and Mintzbergs,
to name a few. [Comment by David Einsiedler, F2]
- Wunder, Meir. Elef Margaliot. Jerusalem: ha-Makhon
le-hantsahat Yahadut Galitsyah,
1993. (H)
Traces the ancestry of one of the rabbis of the Margolis family.
Extensive biographical information, sources and genealogical charts
present an authoritative summary of many ancient rabbinical families. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
This book contains biographies and genealogical charts of more than a thousand ancestors, a lineage of Jewish leaders from ancient times until Rav
Israel Arie Margulies, Admur of Premishlan in London. The book also includes, as an
annex, a copy of the book Maalot Hayukhsin,
by Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Margaliot, originally published in Lemberg (Lviv) in 1900.
[Comment by Ilan Ganot]
- Zeligman, Y. Megilat Yukhsin. (pre-Holocaust) (H)
The history of the publication
of this priceless book is rather unclear. It would appear that the author
sent the first forty-nine pages from Latvia, where he lived, to his
son in Baltimore. The rest of the book appears to have disappeared in the Holocaust. The book covers a number of
repeatedly inter-related rabbinical and scholarly families who lived in the
Latgale region of Latvia and several towns of adjacent
Vitebsk Gubernia such as Altshul, Brauda, Donchin/Don-Yechia, Druyan,
Eizenstadt, Kissin, Levin, Margolis, Reizes, Rovinson, Shoyer, Sternim,
Tzioni, and Zeligman. The structure of the book
comprises the main text written by Zeligman under the title Megilat Yukhsin with extensive footnotes written by his
relative Rabbi Benzion Don-Yechia under the title Yakhas
Avot. Don-Yechia was an erudite rabbinic scholar who wrote a
number of historical articles. His notes to this book portray a keen
insight into the historical perspective of the events the members of
the families were involved in. Limited copies of the incomplete book
exist, held mainly by members of the families. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Ziv, Asher. Rabbeinu
Moshe Isserles. New York: Yeshiva University, 1972. (H)
- Traces selected descendants of Rabbi Moshe Isserles (the Rema). [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- His maternal
grandmother was the daughter of Jehiel Luria ABD Brest-Litovsk (d.
1740), a descendant of Rashi. This is stated in the first few paragraphs
of the book. It has two chapters about his descendants, too many to name
them all. Here are a few: Morgenstern, Reines, Meisels, Mirkes,
Ehrenreich, Friedland, Rabinowitz (of Lida), Zifferstein, Heilprin,
Margulies, Rokeach, Parnas, Schor, Horowitz, Itinga/Ettinger, Rubin,
Glickman, Ehrlich, Moskowitz.
[Comment by David Einsiedler, F2]
4Information on rabbinical
genealogy published on the Internet may be found separately in the extensive
Links section of the Rav-SIG web site. See: Links
1. All comments by Chaim
Freedman are used with permission from his book, Beit
Rabbanan: Sources of Rabbinic Genealogy.
Petah Tikva, Israel: self-published, 2001.
2. Einsiedler, David. "Are
You a Descendant of King David? A Look at Rabbinic Sources." Roots-Key:
Journal of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Los Angeles. Spring, 1988.
3. Stern,
Rabbi Malcolm. "Book Review: The Unbroken Chain." Avotaynu:
The International Review of Jewish Genealogy. Spring,
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