Alfasi, Yitskhak. Sefer Hayakhas Lebeit Eliash. Jerusalem,
Descendants and ancestors of
the Eliash family of Vilna (related to the Vilna Gaon). [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- de Trani, Isaiah
(1180-1250). Shem
Ha-Machriah (The Book of the Arbitrator). Livorno, 1779.
- Has a genealogy of a later publisher, Noah
Samuel Lifshitz (Lublin, 1897) which ends with the Lurias, Rashi, and
King David. [Comment by David Einsiedler, F2]
- de Weille, G.J. and de Weille Jr, G.A. Het Geslacht de
Weille (Weil,
Weill, De Veille, De Veil). Weesp, Netherlands:
Drukkerij-Boekhandel G. a. de Weille & Zn., 1936. (in Dutch)
Eisenstadt, Israel Tuvia, Daat Kedoshim (Knowledge of the Holy
Ones). St.
Petersburg, Russia: J. Berman & Co., 1897-98.(H, G)
This work was written as a
memorial to the two famous martyrs, Yisrael Zak and Tuviah Bachrach, who
were burned at the stake in Rossinoi, Belarus, in 1660. Essentially they
were the ancestors of the families Zak and Bachrach, while the book
covers other major families. It is divided into the following major
ZAK - includes Katzenellenbogen, Broida, Grayever, Rabbinovitch, Meizel, Polak
BACHRACH - includes Altshuler, Jaffe
MIRELS - includes Neumark, Ashkenazy, Berlin, Broda, Frenkel
HEILPRIN - Parness, Horowitz, Hochgelerenter, Margolis
YOSEF YOSKA of Dubno - includes Auerbach, Babad, Berliner, Eskeles, Heilprin, Heshil
of Krakow, Kara, Landau, Lipshutz, Meizels, Ornstein, Shorr, Teumim
RAPAPORT - includes Ashkenazy, Halberstadt, Epstein, Sirkin, Meizels,
Volozhiner, Luria, Ettinger, Berlin, Zusman
EISENSTADT - includes Shach (Shabbtai ben Meir ha-Cohen)
GUNZBERG - Mirkes, Landau, Levi
Each section is arranged by
generation number for cross-reference. The entries include dates,
places and biographical material. Daughters are included by name
(where known) and not just in order to link rabbinic sons-in-law.
Likewise fathers-in-law are noted as are rabbinical positions held and
books written. Daat
Kedoshim is an extensive source of over two hundred pages which continues lines
recorded in earlier works, updating them to the end of the nineteenth
century. It is a major authoritative source of classical rabbinic
genealogy, often quoted in later genealogical works. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
Includes genealogical material on the following families: Bachrach, Eisenstadt, Friedland, Ginzburg, Heilperin, Katzenellenbogen, Merowitz, Mintz, Rapoport, and Rokeach. Part 2 includes 60 transcriptions from cemeteries in Leipnik, Lublin, Ludmir, Minsk,
Nikolsburg, Satanow, Slutsk, St. Petersburg, Tykocin, Vienna, and Vilna.
Epstein, A. Mishpakhat
Luria. Vienna,
Traces the ancestry of the
Luria family and gives details of principal descendants. Whilst this work
provides considerable information, it has been criticised for its
inaccuracies and unsubstantiated claims. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Ehrlich, S. Ateret Yehoshua. New York: Photocopied version of a pre-Holocaust
publication, 1982.(H)
- Biography and descendants of Rabbi Yaakov Yehoshua of Lemberg, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, etc. Includes considerable genealogical material. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Friedberg, Chaim-Dov (Bernhard) (1876-1961). Bnei Landau Lemishpakhotam. Frankfurt am Main, 1905. (H)
- Friedberg, Chaim-Dov (Bernhard) (1876-1961). Hayakhas min Mishpachat Steinberg. Anvers,
1934. (H)
- Friedberg, Chaim-Dov (Bernhard) (1876-1961). Toldot Mishpachat Horowitz. Frankfurt am Main, 1911.
Antwerpen, 1928. (H)
Detailed material on the early generations of the Horowitz family. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Friedberg, Chaim-Dov (Bernhard) (1876-1961).
Toldot Mishpakhat Shor. Frankfurt am Main, 1901. (Reprinted:
Brooklyn, 1994) (H)
Genealogical material about
the major personalities in the early generations of the famous
rabbinical family Shor. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Fraenkel, Louis and Henry. Forgotten Fragments of the History of an
Old Jewish Family. Copenhagen-Munich: K. G. Saur, 1975. (E)
- The
cited book has been reprinted in a two-volume book: Fraenkel, Louis and Henry. Genealogical Tables of Jewish Families,
1st-20th Centuries. Munich: K. G. Saur, 1999. This book
is not oriented to a rabbinical focus. It is however very valuable.
[Comment by Werner L. Frank]
- Freedman, Chaim. Eliyahu’s Branches: The Descendants of the
Vilna Gaon and his Family. Teaneck, NJ: Avotaynu, 1997. (E)
Genealogy of the descendants
of the Vilna Gaon and his siblings. Includes about 20,000 people with
many families updated to the date of publication. Extensive sources
and bibliography. Biographical details where available, often
including personalities previously unknown to the English readers.
Detailed explanation of research methodology. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
Heilprin, Shmuel Eliezer. Sefer Hatze’etzaim.
Jerusalem, 1980. (H)
- Descendants of the founder of
Chabad (Lubavitch) Chassidism, Rabbi Shneour Zalman of Liadi. Each
generation is presented with biographical material. Updated to current
generations. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Heilprin, Y. Shalshelet Hayikhus. 1740. (H)
- Horodetsky, S. A.. Rabbi Nakhum mi-Chernobyl ve-tze'etza'av.(H)
Rabbi Nachum of Chernobyl and his descendants.
Tsvi. Toldot Mishpakhat Horowitz. Krakow, 1932. (H)
- Jacoby,
Paul J. The Kara-Caro-Karo Family.
Jerusalem: two-volume typescript, 1988.
- By the renowned late attorney and genealogist. The first non-rabbinical
source on the Sephardi and Ashkenazi Caro Family ever written.
[Comment by Chava
- Katzenellenbogen, Pinkhas. Yesh Mankhilin. Jerusalem, 1986.
- This book was based on a
manuscript written by a member of the Katzenellenbogen family in the
mid-eighteenth century. Essentially a personal memoir, the author
mentions many rabbis and their families. The editor has prepared indices
of those mentioned to facilitate research. A fascinating and valuable
first hand source of rabbinical genealogy. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
Dor Yesharim (Generation of Righteous). Berdichev, 1898. (H)
Material on the classical
medieval rabbinical families descended from Rashi, through the Treves and
Luria families. The author was a renowned nineteenth century genealogist. A
number of his claims have been disputed by the modern genealogy critic,
Rabbi Shlomo Englard. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Kohen-Tzedek,
Yosef. Shem
Ve-She'erit (Name and Remainder). Krakow, 1895. (H)
- Both books (Dor Yesharim and Shem
Ve-She'erit) contain the theme of descent of the Lurias from Rashi. It may be of interest to note that some of the Treves
changed the name to Dreyfus. [Comment by David Einsiedler, F2]
- Levin, N. Megilat Yukhsin. Warsaw, 1889.(H)
- Lipschitz, Chaim Uri and Neil Rosenstein. The Feast and the Fast.
Jerusalem. New York: Moriah Offset,
- The autobiographical Megillat Eiva (Scroll of
Envy), 1645, by the famous Rabbi Yom Tov Lipman Heller, ABD
Prague, (the Tosfos
Yomtov), describes his prosperous life, the great misfortune that
befell him and his ultimate triumph over adversity. The
Feast and the Fast, the English translation of Megillat
Eiva, includes genealogical charts of many of his descendants.
[Comment by Neil Rosenstein]
- Lipshitz (Lifshitz), Arye Judah Loeb. Avot Ateret Lebanim. Warsaw, 1927.(Reprinted Tel
Aviv, 1965) (H)
Whilst the prime purpose of
the book is to present the descendants of the Katzenellenbogen family,
many inter-related families are included with coded cross
reference. This work is chronologically
an extension of Daat Kedoshim,
while its purpose is to concentrate on the descendants of Shaul Wahl
(Katzenellenbogen). Because the book was written in the late 1920’s it
differs from earlier sources in that it is not restricted to rabbinical
personalities, although these abound. The changes which took place in the
Jewish social structure in the early twentieth century produced later
generations whose activities were not only in the rabbinic sphere.
Therefore this book provides a valuable source for those families whose
immediate ancestors may not have been famous rabbis, but who hold a
tradition of descent from a particular rabbi. The major families covered,
other than the main Katzenellenbogen lines and their appendages, include
Bloch, Heilprin, Pines, Zabludowsky, Lipshutz, Rotenberg, Alter,
Morgenstern, Shershevsky, Folman, Tsuker, Levin, Finkelstein. A separate
section is devoted to the Polish family Berliner which stemmed from Rabbi
Tsvi Hersh of Berlin and which settled principally in Piotrykow, with
links to families Baharier Posner, Gliksman, Morgenstern, Schwerdscharf and
Michelson. There is also a list of people who held a tradition of descent
from Shaul Wahl, but whose exact descent the author was unable to
determine. This book is a valuable precursor to Neil
Rosenstein’s The Unbroken Chain. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Has a great number of derivative families. It begins
with a detailed history of Saul Wahl, moves back to each ancestor up
to Rashi, mentions the few known ancestors of Rashi, on to Hillel, to
Shephatiah, son of David, as far back as Judah (head of the tribe).
The primary families are Wahl, Katzenellenbogen, Luria, Treves, Spiro,
and Shapiro. One part has a list of ancestors from the Lifshutz family
all the way to King David, followed by a number of related branches.
Some of the derivative families: Ginzburg, Schor, Teomim,
Shereshevski, Morgenstern, Posner, Berliner, Levinsohn, Alter,
Weinberg, Bernstein, Falman, and Rotenberg. [Comment by David Einsiedler, F2]
Lourie, Anton. Die Familie Lourie. Vienna, 1923. (G)
- The author is a direct descendant of the Lurias and was particularly interested in tracing the Polish branch of the family, which is still with us today. I am quite certain that he consulted the three Luria genealogies composed by earlier historians of the family, as did Epstein, but came to different conclusions.
Maggid, David. Toldot Mishpakhat
Ginzburg. St. Petersburg, Russia, 1899. (H)
Traces various branches of the
Ginzburg family with biographical material and genealogical charts.
Tends to be disorganized and often fails to show clear linkage between
certain branches. Critical comments by other genealogists appear in
appendices. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- The Ginzburg saga tells of some family
members who are descendants of the MaHaRaL of Prague, others of Saul
Wahl, both descendants of King David. Some of the derivative families
are: Itingen, Lichtenstadt, Roffe, Winkler, Ginzburger, and Paprosh. [Comment by David Einsiedler, F2]
Continue to Family Genealogies, Part
II >>
4Information on rabbinical
genealogy published on the Internet may be found separately in the extensive
Links section of the Rav-SIG web site. See: Links
1. All comments by Chaim
Freedman are used with permission from his book, Beit
Rabbanan: Sources of Rabbinic Genealogy.
Petah Tikva, Israel: self-published, 2001.
2. Einsiedler, David. "Are
You a Descendant of King David? A Look at Rabbinic Sources." Roots-Key:
Journal of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Los Angeles. Spring, 1988.
Hundert, Gershon David. "18th-Century Polish Jewry: Demographic and
Genealogical Problems." Avotaynu:
The International Review of Jewish Genealogy.
Winter, 1999.
4. Richter, John Henry. "About Some
Problems with Rabbinic Genealogies." Avotaynu:
The International Review of Jewish Genealogy. Spring, 1989.
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