Obituaries on Individuals and Families (Part 2)


[Page 486]
In eternal Memory of my family
that was killed.

Father: Ichele

Mother: Chaya Sima Friedman

Brothers: Yakov, Nechemya, Avraham Friedman

Brother-in-law: Yisrael Rosenblat
and two children: Yakov and Menashe.
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Ichele Friedman and his family

Brother-in-law Yisrael Rosenblat,
my sister Feiga, and one child.

Their son, brother and uncle, David Friedman

[Page 487]
In memory of my dear family
that was killed by the
Nazi murderers:

My dear mother:
Sheindel Perelman

My dear sister:
Mirel and her husband
Shmuel Hanigshandler
and their child Henele
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My dear grandfather Zalman-Yitschak Bornstein.

My dear uncle Yakov-Moshe Bornstein and his family.

My dear mother Tsharna Vlostowitzer and her family.

My dear grandmother Feiga Goldberg and her family.

In deep mourning, the survivor,

Malka Perelman-Friedman

[Page 488]
In memory of my family
that was killed by the Nazis when they were deported from France.

My father: Yisrael My mother: Miriam
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My young brother: Bernard
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In deep mourning, the only survivor
of a large family from Pulawy,

Morris Korenberg, in Paris

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