Obituaries on Individuals and Families (Part 2)


Translated by Shmuel Kehati

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I mourn my family which was entirely annihilated:

My parents: Yudel and Sara Goldberg

Sisters: Rachtshe, Perel, Czina, and brother Shalom

Chaim Goldberg

(Windsor, Canada)

In eternal memory
of my dear parents

Moshe and Chava Shabbatson


who were killed by Nazi murderers

Golde Farba


I will always remember my parents
Iche Leib and Chana

Sister and brother-in-law Chana and Mechel-Ber Borenstein

the Breindel and Avraham-Yakov Tsibel

Brother – Yoseph

They were killed by the Nazis

Avraham D. Shabbatson

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In holy memory of my uncle Leibel Schneidlerer

(Leibel Naftschardz-Rubin) and his wife, Malkale

They had a grocery store on Dziadzinski Avenue (on the road to Dzielkes).

Leibel Schneidlerer
was a dealer of kerosene, as well.
He was a Parisever Chassid, and an important member of the community in town.

He and his wife were taken from Konskevalia to Maydanek, where they were killed in 1943.

Roshka Weberman
was two years old when my father
Avraham Yitschak

The Schneidlerers
had no children. They adopted me like their own child, raised me till 1939.
They showed great love towards me.

I will never forget them,

Roshka Weberman

[Page 484]

I mourn the tragic death of my parents

Father Chaim Yisreal Vlostovitzer and mother Charna

Two sisters Freidel and Sheindel and their children

Their son and brother,
Hershel Vlostovitzer and family

(Paris, France)

In eternal memory of my dear parents

Yona Hirsch and Baltshe Sheidenfish

Also, my sister, brother and brother-in-law
and their children.

I do not know where their bones ended-up.

May this Memorial Book serve as a warning that this should never happen again.

Sheidenfish Family


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My sister, Perel, her husband
and two children
I remember, in sorrow, my family that was killed
pul482c.jpg [16 KB] The Rabbanit Chana-Beile Rozentsweig,

My sisters:
Chana Rozentsweig-Bahane, Manya Rozentsweig-Ginzburg and her child,

Perel Rozentsweig-Edelman
and two children,

My brothers:
Noah Rozentsweig, his wife and child,

Yoseph Rozentsweig

All together, a thousand souls HY"D.

pul482d.jpg [13 KB] In eternal memory of our parents

Avraham and Rosa Freidman

Devora Friedman

Freidel Friedman (nee Feder)

The surviving sons:
Moshe and Shmuel Friedman

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