In Memoriam - the City of Pulawy
(Puławy, Poland)

51°25' / 21°58'

Translation of Yisker-bukh Pulawy

Edited by: M. W. Berstein

Published in New York, 1964



Project Coordinator

Elsa Drezner


This is a translation of Yisker-bukh Pulawy (In memoriam--the city of Pulawy),
Editors: M. W. Berstein, New York, Pulawer Yiskor Book Committee, 1964 (Y, 494 pages).

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Introduction   7
Mordechai W. Berstein The History of the Jews in Polav 11
Simcha Sneh Polav Sonnets (The Station, The Vistula, Prince Tchortorisky, The Crazy Leibush) 50
Moshe Levinstein Our Hometown Polav 53
Shlomo Rosenberg Polav, A Cultural and Literary City 102
Yaakov Roshal Polav 50 Years Ago 149
Yaakov-Leibush Eisenman  The Beginnings of Enlightenment and Zionism in Polav 173
Shia Tennenbaum My Memories of My Hometown Polav 181
S. Shoham (Ratnovsky) Here the Entire Building Was Destroyed 200
Z. Segalovitch On the Road from Polav to Kazimirz 205
Mordechai David Eisenman Reminiscing About My Hometown Polav 207
Shmuel Weiss The Beginnings of the Jewish Workers’ Movement 220
*** «The Sprouting» 234
Shlomo Rosenberg By the Vistula (a poem) 239
Yisrael-Yakir Neimark Aspects of the History of the Left Poalei-Zion in Polav 241
Charna Lamm-Burstein Polav, a Cultural Center 253
Zvi Schuber I See Them Before My Eyes 259
Gimpel Greenberg The Great Idealistic Youth 262
Shia Tennenbaum Silhouette of and in Polav (word evidently left out in Yiddish) 266
Yosef Sheiden My Home 278
Yakir (no last name) Guest House (Linat Hatzedek) in Polav 281
*** The Polav Aid Committee for the Nazi Refugees in 1938 284
Yisrael-Asher Sheidenfish Our Wonderfull Home 299
  The Destruction of Polav 311
Simcha Sneh Yahrzeit Ballads 315
Moshe Bloystein Chronicle of Destruction and Wanderings 316
  Arrival at Domashov 340
Sanak Duvshani (Honikshandler) The Fateful Days 355
M. Zeldin The Jewish Involvement in the Partisan Resistance in the Polav Region 373
M. Zanin At the Ruins of Polav 382
Golda Payek   387
Ethel Shavasan-Brifman   388
Golda Teich   393
  The Polav Community in Paris 406
Yehoshua Milrad The Polav Community in Israel and its Activities 411
Yisrael Seiden The Story of Our Yiskor Book 416
Our Martyrs List of the Polav Martyrs 419
Chaim Brakasz Shlomo Sheinberg 449
  Obituaries on Individuals and Families,
( Page 1 ) – ( Page 2 ) – ( Page 3 )
  Yarzeit Pages 491


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