Obituaries on Individuals and Families (Part 2)


Translated by Shmuel Kehati

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In eternal memory of my family that was destroyed.

Parents, brothers, sisters, brother-in-law, sister-in-law and their children

Shalom Englender and wife Miriam, Moshe Englender and wife Breindel,
Shlomo Englenderand wife Friemet, Berish Weinberg and wife ChanaGitel,
with their children.
The mournful and only survivor,
David Englender

[Page 472]

In memory of my dear parents

Chavale Zuker Lam and Meir Lam

Sister and brother-in-law Yenteleand Aaronke
and their children

I also mention my grandmother Reitsele and her husband

Rabbi Yechiel Moshe Shwartsberg and their children

Charna Lam-Borshtein

In mourning and grief I remember my dear parents

Iche and MenuchaRubinstein

my sister
Rochale Rubinstein and her husband
and two children, who were killed by the Nazi murderers.

Dvora Rubinstein-Sheidenfish

I will forever carry the memory of my dear parents,
who were murdered by the Nazi murderers.

Avraham and Raisel Sheidenfish

Brother Yona Meir and Shifra Sheidenfish and daughter,

Sister Gitel and Leibish Sherman and family,

Yisrael Isser Sheidenfish and his family.

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Yossel Kornberg Mottel Kornberg, his wife
and three children.

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Pessa Chana Reisel

All were killed by the Nazi slaughterers.

Bluma, Eve and Flora

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