Obituaries on Individuals and Families (Part 2)


[Page 479]

Eternal Memorial

For the large Tachterman family
who were killed by the Hitler followers Germans and by
their murdering Polish accomplices in Pulawy.

Also in memory of the desecrated graves of the Tachtermans,
in the cemetery of Pulawy.

We remember those who perished:

Yisrael Tachterman and his wife;
Moshe, their son

Binyamin and his family

Yakov and his family

Leibel and his family

Shaul’s family

Yehudit and her family

Chanale Tachterman, Rachel her daughter and family

David Meir Tachterman

Chaim Tachterman and his family

Iche Tachterman and his family

Feige and her family

Mattel and her family

Sara and her daughter and her family

Binyamin, his son and his family

Yisrael, his grandchild and his young wife

Avramele Tachterman and his young wife

We remember the desecrated graves of:

Nathan Tachterman and his family

Daniel and his family

Shmuel Aaron and his family

Shaul and his family

Iche Mayer Tachterman, wife and children

Rachel Tachterman

Shmuel Aaron Yisrael’s son, husband of Chana Lea

Sarale Tachterman, her son and husband

Rivkale Tachterman

Yakov Leib Tachterman

Yakov Leib and Feige Tachterman

Moshe Yakov Tachterman and his family

Mayer Tachterman’s father and mother from Israel (?)

The memorial
is erected by the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the annihilated Tachterman family:

Zvi and Chana Tachterman-Shuber,
Rose Tachterman-Shuber-Sheinen,
Shmuel Tachterman-Shuber, Yakov Tachterman-Shuber
in Toronto, Canada

[Page 480]
pul479a.jpg [22 KB] Eternal mourning for my dear sister

Chava Shwartsberg

and brother-in-law.

My sister
and her husband
Yecheskel Weiner

killed in Maydanek, near Lublin

The brother Shimon Shwartsberg

From right to left:
Rachel Shwartsberg-Weiner, Chava Shwartsberg,
Hersh Shwartsberg

(the only one who survived).

pul479b.jpg [24 KB]
In eternal memory
of my murdered parents, Shlomo and Beila Rosenson,
my sisters Chava and Miriam;
brother Yecheskel, and uncle Noah.

Mendel Rosenson

[Page 481]
pul479c.jpg [20 KB] We will never forget the memory of our father,
son-in-law and grandfather.

Henech Sheidenfish

killed by the Nazi murderers, in Kidush Hashem
(Sanctification of the divine Name) .

May these lines be a symbolic monument and an eternal candle
on the unknown burial site of:

Sons: Yoseph Sheiden,
Daughter-in-law: Pearl Sheiden

Grandchildren: Leibel, Sara, Avraham and their children

(New York)

Daughter: Rose Lerner,
Son-in-law: Shmuel Lerner

Grandchildren: Malka, Sara, Moshe-Chaim


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