Obituaries on Individuals and Families (Part 2)


[Page 489]
pul489a.jpg [12 KB] I will forever remember my dearly beloved,
who were killed by the Nazi murderers.

My parents:
Elya-Yecheskel (Wolfs) and Pesel Zion

Brother: Leibush

Sisters: Perel, Esther, Naomi

Hersh Leib Zion and his wife Sarale, their daughter Rivka

Leibel Laks and his wife Sara
their children Yecheskel Wolfs, his family and children

Avraham-David Laterman and wife
their children Tuvia, Dina, Binyamin

Their son, brother and relative,
Yoseph Zion

[Page 490]

In respect and love we remember our dear parents:

Binem and Tsila Kleinberg

And our sister Rivka and her husband Goldman
and their children
Henya Kleinberg-Perska

Moshe Kleinberg

In eternal memory of my dear
Sara Rozman and her three sons:
Itamar, Avishai, Yisrael
and daughter Breindel

Sam Wasserman

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