Obituaries on Individuals and Families (Part 2)


[Page 464]

I cry for them

I shall always remember my parents, in sacred memory, who were slaughtered by the Nazi murderers.

Avraham and Chaya Milrad

Brothers and sisters
Yair, Yonathan, Zalman, Sara, Freidele, Henelle

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Sara Milrad Avraham Milrad

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Chana Milrad (nee Latershpiel) and her children

(in order of ages)
Yair, Yonathan, Zalman; Freidele and Chanale

Yehoshua Milrad

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pul464d.jpg [15 KB] In eternal memory of those killed by the Nazis:

Moshe-Pinchas Sherman
Chana Sherman
(nee Sheidenfish) and their children;

Breindele, Jeannette, Yossel, Leibish Yona
Esther Pintel
(nee Breithaltz) and their children;

Nechama, Rivka, Shiye and Shmuel-Moshe

Avraham Sheidenfish

The tragic victims of Nazi cruelty
Itke and Mottel Klapperman

Wife and child of Simcha Klapperman

When she thought her husband had been killed during the deportation, she killed her daughter and committed suicide, by gas, at home.
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