Obituaries on Individuals and Families

(Part 2)

Translated by Shmuel Kehati

[Pages 461 to 472]

Page 1

“Friends of Pulawy” and the surroundings Society

Names of deportees from Pulawy, engraved on the Memorial plaque located at
Section 155, of the Cemetery in Bagneux, France.

Kalman Ashteinlafa
Ari Baygele
Pinchas Baygele
Shlomo Bornstein
Chava Bernstein
Albert Bernstein
Bernaro Bernstein
Ari Beygele
Jack Ersherkraft
Bernard Eisenstein
Cecile (Pesil?) Eisen
Hinda Fayerstein
Chana Friedman
Eva Friedman
Feyvel Friedman
Simon Fayerstein
Tania Fayerstein
Rose Fayerstein
Marcel Fayerstein
Le Ann Feytelbaum
Chaim Feder
Salomon Feder
Teresa Greenboim
Sharl Greenboim
Maria Goldfarb
Clare Goldfinger
Helen Goldfinger
Camille Goldfinger
Jack Hafferman
Le Ann Hafferman
Joseph Jakobovitch
Morris Jakobovitch
Rivka Jakobovitch
Shmuel Jakobovitch
Rosa Kaftel
Isaac Korenberg
Marry Korenberg
Bernard Korenberg
Adolf Korenberg
Shmuel Katshna
Albert Katshna
Regina Katshna
LeAnn Kaftal
Mayer and Eka? Katz
Paul Katz
Jack Lustman
Sara Lustman
Helen Lustman
Louise Lustman
Bernard Levyne
Shulom Lehrer
Kurt Lehrer
Yakov Lehrer
Bill Lederman
Eva Lederman
Marbel Mandelboim
Burt Mandelboim
Morris Mandelboim
Paulette Mandelboim
Jacqueline Mandelboim
Bella Mandelboim
Cecile Mandelboim
Ella Mashkevitch
Paul Noodelman
Sala Noodelman
Sharles Noodelman
Claude Noodelman
Yasek Peretz
Morry Peretz
Susan Peretz
Felix Perlstein
Chanya Perlstein
Isaac Perlstein
Raymond Perlstein
? Plochta
Eva Plochta
David Paststein
David Ridlewitz
Genya Ridlewitz
Morris Riger
Herman Rosenblum
Rose Rosenblum
Mischlin Rosenblum
Sharl Rosenblum
Joseph Rosenberg
Fanny Rosenberg
Jack Shenkman (President)
Teresa Shenkman
Morial Shenkman
Yisrael Sherman
Yadzia? Sherman
Denis Sherman
Shraye? Sherman
Esther Sherman
Sharl Sherman
Simon Sherman
Esther Shulkrot
LeAnn Smilenski
Maria Smilenski
Lucien Smilenski
Susan Spodek
Joseph Shabazen
LeAnn Shteinbuch
Paul Shteinbuch
Simon Shteinbuch
Mendel Shteinbuch
Matlech Schwartskop
Chava Schwartsenberg
Avraham Schwartsenberg
Hinda Shener ( nee Feyerestein)
Bernard Shikman
Albert Teishidler
Morris Tchapnikewitz
Leah Tchapnikewitz
Marcel Tchapnikewitz
Annie Tchapnikewitz
Annette Usherman
Shlomo Velt (?)
Chaim Velt (?)
Efrayim Velt (?)
Dora Veinbuch
Morry Veinbuch
Morris Zuker
Le Ann Zuker

[Page 462]

For Eternal Memory

Unforgettable Man My Beloved Father
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Yakov Fishel
Mordechai Yoseph

And my beloved sister
Leah and her husband
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Yossel Marel Paula Ashkenazi

From my elder sister, Glike, unfortunately, I have no pictures.

Gittel Levine

[Page 463]

On the untimely passing of our unforgettable young woman, friend and mother

Shulamit Molrad Z"L
(Slava Tauber)

Died October 12 th , 1961,
Second day of Mar-Cheshvan (5)722

We are in deep mourning,

Yehoshua and the children
Tel-Aviv, Kibbutz Sarid, Israel

Organization of former residents of Pulawy in Paris.

Bowing low, draped in deep mourning, in sacred memory of
our relatives, our dearly beloved, our fathers and mothers, our brothers and sisters,
who were tortured and murdered by the cruel Nazis.

We shall never forget them.

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The Gordonia Youth Movement in Pulawy.
Most of them were murdered by the Nazi Murderers.

Next Page

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