Obituaries on Individuals and Families (Part 2)


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Silent evidence of Nazis killings.

In Pulawy he was known as the Mute Water Carrier.

He died on Kidush Hashem (Sanctification of the divine Name),
together with the entire Pulawy community.

Avraham Shniterman

The leader of the Poalei Zion in Pulawy.

He survived the war and died in Israel.

His Biography is on page 251 of this
Memorial Book.

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[Page 467]
pul466c.jpg [24 KB] The Teacher of Pulawy
R’ Hirsh-Leib Rosenzweig

He was lucky to die in his own bed.
His wife and children, however, were killed.

His sons:
Noah and Yossel

His daughters:
Nechama, Perel, and Manya,
with their families

I shall always remember them.

The frightened son and brother

Mendel Rosenzweig

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