53°05' / 21°34'
Edited by: Y. Ivri
Published by Irgun Yotzei Ostrolenka in Israel, Tel Aviv, 2009
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2009 • TEL-AVIV • 5769
Translation: Tzipora Hauser
Typesetting and Graphics: Offset Printing Reemim
Special Drawing: Shlomo Margalit
Members of the Book Publishing Committee | |
Ostrolenka during the period between the two World Wars (1914-1939) map | |
Introduction Yehuda Chamiel | 15 |
Preface Yitzhak Ivri | 17 |
With the Book Chaim Chamiel | 19 |
Introduction by Polish Public Figures in Ostrolenka Today | 21 |
Notes of the Editorial Staff | 25 |
Ostrolenka in Ancient Poland Balinski and Lipinski | 29 |
Ostrolenka and Its District General Polish Encyclopedia | 30 |
Number of Inhabitants of Ostrolenka and the District | 31 |
A Chapter about the City and the Jews in it M. Cynowicz | 32 |
Bialystok Region Waszyotinski Almanac Warsaw | 33 |
M. Cynowicz |
Rabbi Jechiel Michel Goldszlag | 34 |
Rabbi Nachman Dawid Hakoen | 35 |
Rabbi Jeszajahu | 35 |
Rabbi Mosze Nachum Jeruzalimski | 35 |
Rabbi Icchak Bursztejn | 40 |
Rabbi Jakow Szlomo Pizman | 42 |
Rabbi Szlomo Irmijahu Grynberg | 42 |
Rabbi Jakow Jehuda Hakoen | 43 |
Rabbi Jossele the Sharp Netta Grabie | 44 |
Supporters of Torah and Learning in Ostrolenka | 45 |
Ostrolenka and its Vicinity in the Press | 47 |
At the Time of Napoleon's Reign in Ostrolenka | 52 |
The Settlement of the Jews in Ostrolenka From the Polish, R. Palewski | 53 |
Ostrolenka, Pre-World War I to 1939 | 57 |
A Look at the City Y. I. | 59 |
Between Two Wars Chaim Chamiel | 66 |
Yeshivas Y. Ivri | 73 |
A. Yeshiva or Concentration of Heders | 73 |
B. Bejt Josef, the Nowardok Yeshiva Brajna Iglewicz-Majrowicz | 74 |
Bejt Jakow in Ostrolenka Brajna Iglewicz-Majrowicz | 76 |
The Yavneh School Yehuda Chamiel | 79 |
Schools in the City | 80 |
Study Halls and Minyanim (Prayer Quorums) Chaim Drezner | 83 |
The Kolner Shtebl Awiezer Drori (Kupferminc) | 85 |
The Zionist Shtebl Y. I. | 86 |
The House of the Otwock Chassidim Y. I. | 87 |
Institutions and Associations Aron Szperling | 90 |
The Professional Organization A. L. | 91 |
How the Library Was Founded Awiezer Drori | 91 |
Linat Tzedek Yosef Wonszak, Eliezer Ma-Tovu | 93 |
Jewish Doctors Chaim Drezner | 95 |
The Lives of Tradesmen Arcie Nowinski | 97 |
Ostrolenka Economics and Culture Moshe Kamin | 98 |
Firemen Awiezer Drori-Kupferminc | 100 |
Jewish Firefighters A. Szyman | 102 |
Our Teachers ! Alter Szyman | 102 |
Cantonists in Ostrolenka A. S. | 104 |
The Porters A. S. | 104 |
Klezmorim [Jewish Folk Musicians] Y. I. | 105 |
Theater in Ostrolenka | 107 |
A. Drama Circles and Guest Appearances | 107 |
B. Icchak Iwri | 113 |
Our Amateurs' Circle Welwel Bajuk | 114 |
The HaShomer HaDati Drama Studio Yehuda Chamiel | 116 |
Ostrolenkans on the Stage I. Yitzhak | 117 |
About the Parties in Ostrolenka Yehuda Yitzhaki (Chomont) | 122 |
The Founding of the General Zionist Organization HaTikva Yosef Wonszak | 123 |
Dates and Personalities in the Zionist-Religious Parties David Kaspi (Sarniewicz) | 124 |
HaShomer HaDati Chaim Chamiel | 125 |
About the Pioneering and the Labor Zionist Movement in Ostrolenka Eliezer Lachowicz | 126 |
The HaShomer HaTzair Movement Hanan Eisenstein | 141 |
The HaShomer HaTzair Members' Hike to Myszyniec Shimon Chamiel | 145 |
HaShomer HaTzair as a Scouting Organization in 1921 Chaim Piaseczny | 147 |
HeChalutz A. Slazenger | 148 |
HeChalutz in 1932 Shlomo Zusman | 151 |
Freiheit Zyskind Lachowicz | 154 |
HaPoel, the Jewish Sports Club Zyskind Lachowicz | 156 |
The Bund Yitzhak Kachan | 159 |
The Working Class and the Y.L. Peretz Library Yisrael-Simcha Chamiel | 161 |
Beitar Chanoch Chacek | 164 |
My Memories of Beitar Batya Byszko-Chamiel | 166 |
The Parties in Ostrolenka after World War I Shalom Margalit | 167 |
Henach Flakser (1878-1943) Menachem Flakser | 170 |
Mendel Bialy Chaim Drezner | 170 |
Mendel Bialy Moshe Kamin | 171 |
Mendel Bialy David Kaspi (Sarniewicz) | 171 |
Mosze Aron Kaczor Shlomo Kaczor | 172 |
Chaim Pinczas Gingold Y. I. | 172 |
Lejbel Barszcz Yitzhak Kachan | 173 |
Icel Sojka Chaim Drezner | 174 |
Zalman Chanoch Gorzelczany Chaim Drezner | 174 |
Efraim Chmiel Chaim Drezner | 175 |
Mosze Lejb Skrobacz Chaim Drezner | 176 |
Pesach Hochberg Chaim Drezner | 177 |
Mosze Margalit A Landsman | 178 |
The Father of Ostrolenkan Youth Rachel Sapir (Romani) | 179 |
Mendel Brin Awiezer Drori-Kupferminc | 179 |
Mendel Gedanken A. L. | 180 |
Awraham Piaseczny C. P. | 180 |
Our Home Chaim Chamiel | 185 |
Episodes of Memories Chaim Chamiel | 189 |
My Childhood Home Awiezer-Drori Kupferminc | 194 |
About a Dear Friend Awiezer-Drori Kupferminc | 197 |
Figures, Memories and Deeds | 198 |
The Home of Reb Welwel Ben-Adam (Benedon) Awiezer-Drori | 200 |
Motel Cycowicz Despairs of the Revolution and Repents Awiezer-Drori | 201 |
Upon the Outbreak of World War I Yosef Finkelsztejn | 205 |
My Memories Meir Margalit | 208 |
My Ostrolenka Shimshon Dov Yerushalmi (Jeruzalimski) | 214 |
Our Home Shalom Margalit | 222 |
In 1937 Chasia Drori | 227 |
Memories of the Townspeople Aryeh Liubka Levi | 228 |
A Home in Ostrolenka Menachem Flakser | 230 |
Our Old Home Yitzhak Kachan | 232 |
A. Visiting the Graves of Our Fathers | 232 |
B. My father, as I knew him | 233 |
Ostrolenka of Long Ago Rabbi Jakow Hirsz Zimmerman | 237 |
The Ostrolenka That Is No More Chanoch Gingold | 238 |
Y. I. |
A. Our Courtyard | 242 |
B. One Hundred Explosions in One Day | 243 |
C. My Grandfather | 244 |
D. Pania, Kawale, Nawiwaj ! | 245 |
E. How I Discovered the Promenade Park | 245 |
F. The Ritual Slaughterers Family | 246 |
G. Note the Quiet | 247 |
The Story of Lewin-Levy Family | 248 |
Mordechaj Iglewicz Brajna Iglewicz-Majrowicz | 249 |
Naftali-Cwi Iwri M. Kamin | 250 |
Szmuel Baruch Landau A. L. | 250 |
Awraham Mlynarzewicz Moshe Kamin | 251 |
Ben Cyjon Cukrowicz Moshe Kamin | 251 |
Awraham Lazer Skrobacz Moshe Kamin | 251 |
Chaim Welwel-Malach Moshe Kamin | 252 |
Folk Types Moshe Kamin | 252 |
Zawel the Tailor | 252 |
The Fruit Seller | 252 |
The Dead Shoemaker | 252 |
Ostrolenka's Neighborhoods Shalom Margalit | 253 |
The Way to Mendel Bialy's Sawmill | 253 |
The New Market the Right Side | 253 |
In Benedon's Kingdom | 254 |
Kilinski Street | 256 |
The Old Market (3rd May Square) | 257 |
An Event that Occurred A Story with a Moral Frumke Segal-Bogdanowicz | 259 |
From the Party's Doings Shalom Margalit | 260 |
Memories of Ostrolenka Zvi Hersz Kachan | 261 |
From the City Arcie Nowinski | 262 |
How Rabbi Jakow Meir Rakowski Turned Kaczyny into an Official Town Y. I. Tzila Rakowski-Carmel | 263 |
Collected, adapted and written by Y. I. |
Ostrolenka Style | 265 |
Times in Ostrolenka | 268 |
Ostrolenka's Dialects | 269 |
Cultural Points | 269 |
Nicknames and Derogatory Names | 270 |
The Mentally Retarded | 271 |
The Verses of Ostrolenka | 272 |
Writers, Artists and Cultural Activists | 275 |
Menachem Flakser | 275 |
Yitzhak Kachan | 275 |
Meir Margalit | 276 |
Dr. Chaim Chamiel | 276 |
Chaim Drezner | 277 |
Mark Rakowski | 278 |
Helen Kajman | 278 |
Yitzhak Ivri | 279 |
The First Pioneers Motel Tzuker | 280 |
About a Pioneer Family from Czerwin Yitzhak Gilboa (Frydman) | 281 |
Meir Margalit An Actor in Israel | 282 |
The Organization A. Landsman | 285 |
The Elder of the Ostrolenkans in Jerusalem, Rabbi Awraham Szlomo Brum A. Yitzhak | 287 |
Introduction Zalman Drezner, Shalom Chamiel | 290 |
A Personal Story Zalman Drezner | 292 |
A Personal Story Shalom Chamiel | 295 |
A Personal Story Chana Friedman | 298 |
An Award to a Jewish Writer in Poland | 300 |
Rakowski Always Young Michael Mirski | 301 |
Celebration in Honor of Yitzhak Kachan's 50th Birthday | 302 |
Yitzhak Kachan The Self Made Man | 303 |
Ostrolenkans in Argentina Arcie Nowinski | 303 |
Ostrolenkans in Uruguay Alter Zyman | 306 |
Progressive Young Friends of Ostrolenka in America | 307 |
A map of Ostrolenka and its environs | 308 |
Kaczyny Memories Mark Rakowski | 309 |
Zamość Hone Holcman | 313 |
My Town of Czerwin Shalom Wiater | 314 |
Wojciechowice Cegielnia Yehuda Yitzhaki (Chomont) | 318 |
Wojciechowice Cegielnia Lejbke Jabek | 319 |
Kadzidła Israel Lewinski | 320 |
Myszyniec | 328 |
My Town Mosze Blumsztejn | 330 |
Echo Yisroel Shtern | 335 |
God of Vengeance Chaim Chamiel | 336 |
On the Brink of the Holocaust Yehuda Chamiel | 339 |
Our Share in the Crematoria Arcie Nowinski | 348 |
A Prolonged Journey of Great Suffering Yitzhak Zohar-Wylozny | 349 |
When the Germans Came Fajwel Serok | 366 |
The Day of the Expulsion Chaim Drezner, Bnei Brak | 367 |
Taking the Testimony of Wolf Wisocki, Weiren, 1917 | 369 |
Eyewitness Testimonies Chaya Lis-Wolkowicz | 371 |
Eyewitness Testimonies Herszel Wolkowicz | 374 |
Eyewitness Testimonies Zalman Wylozny | 375 |
My Sisters Tell Hone Holcman | 382 |
Among the Partisans in the Naliboki Forest Hanan Czernowin | 389 |
Adolescence During the War Ester Michelson- Choniak | 390 |
Ostrolenkans in the Slonim Ghetto Bluma Gedanken | 397 |
The Slonim Ghetto The Final Phase of Its Destruction | 408 |
Our Bunker in the Bialystok Ghetto Chaya Sojka-Jablonka | 417 |
The Last Laugh of the Children of Ostrolenka Helen Kajman | 419 |
They Drove Us from the City Yitzhak Ivri | 424 |
Yisroel Shtern Menachem Flakser | 429 |
My Brother, Yisroel Shtern H. Leyvik | 433 |
A Tree in the Ghetto Rachel Auerbach | 434 |
My Book Ostrolenka Yisroel Shtern | 439 |
From the Poems and Writings of Yisroel Shtern Collected by Yitzhak Ivri | 444 |
Writers: On Yisroel Shtern | 447 |
Itzik Manger (From a letter to Yitzhak Ivri) | 447 |
Yechiel Hofer | 447 |
When Yisroel Shtern Expired Binem Heller | 449 |
A Reading by Yisroel Shtern in Ostrolenka Yitzhak Kachan | 450 |
The Poet Who Remains a Deep Secret Yitzhak Ivri | 452 |
Dawid Lew Y. I. | 455 |
Awigdor Kupferminc A.D. | 456 |
Elchanan Wylozny | 456 |
Mosze Wylozny Chaim Chamiel | 458 |
Szaczar Finkelsztejn The Family | 459 |
Parchments of Fire Rosa Finkelsztejn | 460 |
Pesia Szereszewska-Nasielski Brajna Iglewicz-Majrowicz | 463 |
Yehuda Nachshoni | 464 |
The Princess in the Devils' Den A. B. | 464 |
Wisdom of the Survivors Pesia Szereszewska-Nasielski | 465 |
Pesia Szereszewska-Jazyn Yosef Barc | 469 |
Pesia Szereszewska-Jazyn Yosef Shprinzak | 470 |
Pesia Szereszewska, of Blessed Memory Y. I. | 470 |
Rebbetzin Basia Lea Herzkowicz, May She Rest in Peace | 472 |
Rabbi Chaim Mordechaj Braunrot, of Blessed Memory | 474 |
Reb Israel Mordechaj Lewinski YIvri | 476 |
Note Grabie | 477 |
The City of My Youth Mark Rakowski | 478 |
Ostrolenka Today | 481 |
For the Stone Shall Cry Out of the Wall Mark Rakowski | 483 |
Magnified! Chaim Chamiel | 491 |
The Terrible Memory Chasia Drori | 499 |
River, If Only You Could Speak! Esther Eisenstein-Eisenman | 500 |
The Jewish City Frumke Segal-Bogdanowicz | 501 |
On the Anniversary of the Destruction Arcie Nowinski | 502 |
I Will Never Forget! Sara Holcman, Argentina | 503 |
Sparks of Holiness! Yosef Kalina, Adapted by Yitzhak Ivri | 504 |
I Am Entirely Yitzhak Ivri | 511 |
The Souls of Our Fathers Folk Halperin | 512 |
Obituaries and Expressions of Remembrance |
In Memory of Martyrs and Departed Ones Chaya Sapir-Szpigelman | 515 |
In the Memory of a Party in Ostrolenka Yosef Kalina | 515 |
Awraham Mendel Grynberg G. | 517 |
Chaim Szyman S. | 517 |
Lea Kosowski Chana Kupferminc-Zarfati | 517 |
Alter Bonciak L. | 518 |
Ben Cyjon Pianko Z. | 518 |
Berel Kopytko Yitzhak Kachan | 518 |
Israel and Cwija Wonszak W. | 519 |
Chana Rywka Keller I. | 519 |
In Memory of the Blachowicz Family Shoshana Perlman-Blachowicz | 524 |
May God Remember Rivka and Zyskind Lachower | 525 |
For He Who Exacts Retribution for Spilled Blood Remembers Them The Lachowicz Family | 526 |
In Memory of the Szperling Family Aron Szperling | 531 |
In Eternal Remembrance Yosef Miron | 537 |
The Story of the Teltejbojm Family | 540 |
About the Menachem Frydman Family, May God Avenge Their Blood Menachem Lachower | 542 |
In Memory of the Eisenstein Family Hone Eisenstein | 543 |
In Memory of Shlomo Goldsztein | 548 |
Israel Mojzesz and Leja Lewin Shlomo Margalit | 550 |
In Memory of My Parents Moshe Kamin | 567 |
In Eternal Remembrance Chaya Szperling (née Sapir) | 574 |
Frejdel Flakser M. Flakser | 586 |
The Gaon, Rabbi Icchak Bursztejn | 615 |
Yizkor The Jewish Community of Ostrolenka and the Region | 616 |
List of the Martyrs | 617 |
God, Full of Mercy | 633 |
In Conclusion A Word from the Publishers | 634 |
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