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HaPoel, the Jewish Sports Club

The organizing committee of the HaPoel Jewish sport club in Ostrolenka, in 1931

(See those on the right) Standing from the right: Z. Lachowicz, Y. Icchaki, Y. Szafran, A. Lachowicz, H. Eisenstein.
Seated: B. Zabludowicz, M. Zutkiewicz, Y. Lew, P. Hochberg, B. Gutman, G. Grosman


In 1931, the HaPoel club was founded in Ostrolenka. At the head of the organizing committee were Pesach Hochberg and Jakow Lew, the son Anszel Lew, who was well-known in town as a Zionist activist. At his initiative, a wind instrument band with splendid instruments was formed. In time, we succeeded in training an excellent soccer team that competed with strong teams, such as Maccabi from Lodz, Poltusk, Wyszkow and others. We beat them quite often.

Ostrolenka's HaPoel team played quite often against HaPoel Warsaw, which was one of the strongest teams. The late Member Hercke Sojka especially excelled in our team. Due to his influence, even a few members of the Bund joined HaPoel.

This is the place to stress once more that the extensive activity of all the Zionist organizations in our city was crowned with success thanks to the leading Poalei Zion members: Berel Zabludowicz, Motel Zutkiewicz, Jechiel Szafran, Mendel Szlafmic, Pesach Hochberg and others. They themselves, to our sorrow, did not realize their dream of emigration to Israel and see the founding of the Jewish State. Because of them, however, many pioneers and Zionists were saved from the inferno and live in the State of Israel today.

Zyskind Lachowicz, Tel Aviv

HaPoel, the Jewish workers sports organization, in Ostrolenka


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HaPoel Ostrolenka at a soccer game with Maccabi Wyszkow



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HaPoel Ostrolenka soccer team

From the right, standing above: Jakow Lachowicz, Kugel (the instructor), Lejbel Perkal, Arjeh Bajuk, Hercke Sojka, Berel Bajuk, Roszeniak, Icchak (Tataleh).
Below, from the right: Felhendler, Baldy, Chaim Piaseczny


HaPoel Ostrolenka soccer team

In the middle row, second and third from the right, seated: Pesach Hochberg and Dr. Gutman


The HaPoel band at a recreational evening in the town of Myszyniec


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