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Members of the Book Publishing Committee

Yehuda Chamiel
Yehuda Chamiel is the Chairman of the Jewish Community of Ostrolenka in Israel. He initiated the effort to obtain a contribution from Dr. Miriam and Mr. Sheldon G. Adelson for the translation of the Book of the Jewish Community in Ostrolenka into English and its publication. Since the first Book Publishing Committee was established, Yehuda has worked to publish the book. The first edition was published in 1963, in Yiddish and Hebrew. Yehuda supported and encouraged Dr. Zalman Drezner to translate the book into Polish and publish it. This second edition was published in 2001. Yehuda also initiated the project to publish the third edition, which was published in 2002, entirely in Hebrew.
Eitan (Levy) Levin,
Advocate and Engineer
Eitan Levin is the Secretary of the Committee. He enthusiastically joined the project to publish the Book of the Jewish Community in Ostrolenka. He donated his legal services to the Committee, served as the contact person with overseas contributors, and administered the funds donated, and the organization, translation and publication of this book.

Eitan is of the “next generation” of Ostrolenkans, and was born in Israel. His father, Reuven (Lewin) Levy (1919-1995) was born and raised in Ostrolenka. He was a member of the first Book Publishing Committee, which published the first edition of this book in 1963, in Yiddish and Hebrew (see photograph on page 286 of the English edition). Reuven passed away in Israel in 1995.

Eitan's mother was Charna (Zielinski) Levy (1919-1994), who was born in Pultusk and passed away in Israel. Eitan is the grandson of Israel-Mojzesz and Leja Lewin, both from Ostrolenka. Leja (Lea) was murdered by the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943, at the age of 59.

Dr. Zalman Drezner
A member of the Committee, Dr. Drezner participated in committee meetings and contributed from his experience to the publication of the Book of the Jewish Community in Ostrolenka. In addition, he translated the book from Hebrew into Polish, and had it published.
Shlomo Margalit
A member of the Committee, Shlomo Margalit contributed from his experience, with illustrations and drawings to enhance the book.


Editors and Members of the Publishing Committee
of the First Edition of the Book of the Jewish Community in Ostrolenka

Published in 1963, in Hebrew-Yiddish

Yitzchak Ivri


Members of the Editorial Staff

Dr. Chaim Chamiel
Meir Margalit
Chaim Drezner


Members of the Book Publishing Committee

Shalom Margalit
Yehuda Chamiel
Zyskind Lachowicz
Hanan Eisenstein
Szlomo Zusman
Yosef Wonszak




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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 11 May 2011 by LA