Caption |
Page |
Map of Lida, 1940 |
6 |
Lida Fortress |
16 |
Aron HaKodesh of the Great Synagogue (drawn by a Jewish soldier) |
27 |
Yeshiva of Rabbi Reines (1913) |
29 |
Girl's High School of Novitzky (1912) |
30 |
The “Hazimir” Zionist Club (Lida, about 1913) |
31 |
The municipal election committee of the “Royal Duma” (1906) |
33 |
Teachers of “Tarbut” (of the late Moshe Levit) |
44 |
The Hebrew “Tarbut” High School in 1923 |
44 |
Group of “Tarbut” supporters |
45 |
The “Tarbut” School, 3rd degree, in the year 1927 |
45 |
Yosef Haftman in the company of a group of Zionist Youth, 1928 |
45 |
”Tarbut” Kindergarten (1930) managed by Yehudit Zilbersztajn (Landau) |
46 |
Tamar Yeruslimski's kindergarten (1930) |
46 |
Elementary school named after Shalom Alechem in Lida – 1931 |
48 |
Membership card for the ”Hashomer Haza'ir” branch in Lida |
48 |
The “Yasha”{?} elementary school named after Shalom Alechem |
49 |
Kindergarten established by “Yasha” near the Shalom Alechem school |
49 |
Shalom Alechem Kindergarten, 1929 |
50 |
Jewish students in the municipal high school with teacher |
50 |
State elementary school for Jewish children |
51 |
State elementary school - fifth grade (at the end of the nineteen twenties) |
51 |
The Jewish library management with guest, the writer, Sh. Niger |
54 |
Town council of the city of Lida (at the beginning of the twenties) |
54 |
”TOZ” Camp (1938), teacher Luna |
62 |
Camp in Rushlaki of the kindergarten founded by “Yasha” |
62 |
Camp in Rushlaki of the elementary school established by “Yasha” |
62 |
A group of students of the State Jewish elementary school |
63 |
Class of the State Jewish elementary school |
63 |
A class celebration of the school “Tarbut” |
64 |
Sixth grade of “Tarbut” school (1936-1937) |
64 |
Youth sports troop of “Macabee “1923 |
65 |
Physical education. Class of third graders “Tarbut school”,1936 |
65 |
Macabee of Lida. The coach is Chaim Kiblovicz |
65 |
Group Macabee girls with the coach |
65 |
Group Macabee girls, 1923 |
65 |
Tarbut School Certificate, 1935 |
66 |
Front Pages of the Weekly “Lider Woch” 1933–1934 |
67 |
Flower Day in Lida, 1925, collecting money for JNF |
68 |
”To the Jewish population of Lida...” |
69 |
Henya Rabinowitz, sister of the Lida Rabbi |
100 |
Rabbi R' Aharon Rabinowitz and family |
100 |
Rabbi Itzak Yakob Reines |
106 |
Lida Yeshiva (1910) |
108 |
The genius rabbi: R' Shlomo Poliachek |
109 |
Pinchas Shifman (Ben-Sira) |
110 |
Moshe Cohen (Kagan) |
110 |
Dr. Hirsh Leib Gordon (1896 - 1969) |
111 |
The Mayatzazer “Eiloy” (rabbi Shlomo Poliachek) |
114 |
Staff and Students of the Yeshiva |
120 |
Rabbi Itzhak Yakob Reines |
125 |
Rabbi Reines with the graduating class of the Yeshiva |
126 |
Moshe Biten (Bitensky) |
130 |
Way of life |
133 |
Yakob Ilutowitz |
137 |
Postcard: Sadova [Garden] Street as seen from the Yeshiva |
138 |
Postcard: the Great Synagogue on in the center of Sadova Street |
139 |
Tarbut School of Lida, 1927/28 |
141 |
Mikal Evensky |
149 |
R' Yosef Bielogrodsky (Yoshy the Torah Scribe) and daughter Batya (1920) |
151 |
R'Yosef Epshtein and the students of the youngest class |
161 |
Tarbut School of Lida, 1931 |
167 |
Tarbut School, 1937 |
168 |
The cultural committee of the Tarbut school, 1929 |
169 |
The play “Joseph was sold” written by Y. Catzenelson (1917) |
174 |
The singing teacher Shiman and his chorus, 1923 |
175 |
Concert Program, 1922 |
175 |
Performance: “Dvora Hanevia” (Dvora the prophet) at the Tarbut School, 1932 |
176 |
Dramatic Society at the time of the German Occupation in WWI |
177 |
Amateur Drama Circle in Lida with Kheikl Visnevsky's Children's Choir |
178 |
Notes: “The blind beggar's song” and “From Meir Lideer's compositions” |
178 |
The River Lideika, drawing by E. Sander |
179 |
Itzak Halevi Dimitrovsky |
183 |
Reception for Jewish soldiers at Passover, in Mrs. Rudnitzky's restaurant |
183 |
The Hertziliah Orphanage in Lida, staff and children |
184 |
A letter in Yiddish, probably referring to TOZ |
187 |
TOZ in Lida |
187 |
Summer camp for Jewish children from Lida organized by TOZ in Rashlaki |
188 |
Firemen about 1926 |
191 |
Firemen |
191 |
The Volunteer Firemen 1932 |
191 |
Jubilee Medal of the Volunteer Firemen of Lida 1832-1932 |
191 |
no caption; probably the author, A. Guelman |
192 |
Tarbut Ein-Yakob of Chasids of Lida |
196 |
Matza making in Lida |
215 |
On the Way to Zion and Zion as a Way |
220 |
Rabbi Shimon Tzvi Horowitz |
221 |
Itzak Yosef Zhimitrovsky |
224 |
Yosef Yudelowitz |
224 |
Chaim Kropsky (Ariav) |
225 |
Elimelik Zlikowitz (Abner) |
225 |
Yakob Shifman (Ben-Sira) |
226 |
“HeChalutz” garden, year 1919 |
228 |
A group of the first pioneers from Lida, immigrated to the land in Av of 5680 |
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A group of members from the “HeChalutz” organization |
228 |
Class B or 2nd Grade, Tarbut School |
228 |
Young WIZO |
228 |
Haneuer Ha-Zion |
228 |
Hashomer Hetzeir of Lida, Yula Zeitzik |
230 |
The Kinereth Group of Hashomer Hetzeir, Lida, 1928 |
231 |
The organization “Freiheit” (Freedom) at the beginning of the 1930's |
232 |
“HaShomer HaTzair“ (The Young Guardians) |
233 |
“Zionist Youth” in Lida |
233 |
The “Oved” union committee at the beginning of the 1920's |
233 |
General meeting of “HaShomer Hetzeir” |
235 |
“Hashomer Hetzeir” summer camp in Lida |
236 |
The “Carit” (pillowcase) group of “HaShomer HaTzair” |
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“HaShomer HaTzair” - “Yehuda” group 1928 |
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The “Baderech” (on the road) group of “HaShomer HaTzair” |
236 |
Rayon (district) conference of “Poelei Tzion” (Workers of Zion) in Lida 1930 |
237 |
Dvoshe (Dorit) Volpinsky, Minya Krinik, Abigel Boyarsky,
Ester Khetzkalowitz, Letzki, Eruzlimsky, Sklotzky, Kaplinsky |
239 |
The committee for “Eretz Ysrael Ha'ovedet” |
241 |
no caption |
241 |
“Hachalutz” about 1925 |
241 |
A group of “Poaley Zion” (the Workers of Zion) party members
241 |
“Beitar” in Lida (1932)
243 |
Founders of “Brit Trumpeldor”
244 |
The “Zahar” [Revisionists] in Lida (1932)
244 |
“Beitar” of Lida members in a parade in the city streets
244 |
Zev Zabotinsky in Lida 1932
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Shmuel Rubinowitz, “Beitar” of Lida
245 |
“Hachalutz” on flower day in Lida
246 |
“Kibbutz Hachshara” [Training kibbutz] in Lida
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“Hachalutz” Histadrut about 1924
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In the “Hachalutz” garden of Lida about 1919
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“HaChalutz Hetzeir” with a photo of comrade Wismonski
249 |
“HaChalutz Hetzeir”
250 |
“Hachalutz Hetzeir” 1923
251 |
“Hachalutz Hetzeir” of Lida
251 |
“The Dying of a City” - A. Shlonsky
253 |
Tuvia Bielsky commander of the Jewish partisans' camp
286 |
Shmuel Amrant
288 |
Itzak Rubinowitz (1943?) |
301 |
Kalman Ozherkovsky (Orcher)
314 |
Document: Charecteristika (certificate as to character)
319 |
Menachem Reznik
320 |
Reuven Rubenstein
344 |