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Flower Day in Lida, 1925, collecting money for JNF

List of photographs

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Women in particular are warned to be sure the meat they buy, in particular poultry, has the community's official round red band certifying the meat is kosher & to buy no other meat & not to bring their poultry to 2 young butchers in particular, Leyb Paykovski (Peykovski?) & Yankev Moltshadski among others who are mentioned as not slaughtering kosherly & yet passing it off as kosher. There are announcements from the Lida rabbi, Lida kosher slaughterers, a list of the the governing committees of most (if not all) of the various Lida organizations, schools, institutions, etc.. The survival of the town's social, humanitarian & cultural organizations, having been built with great  effort, is seen as being in great peril due to this situation.

List of photographs

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