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Book of Lida


Caption Page
Map of Lida, 1940 6
Lida Fortress 16
Aron HaKodesh of the Great Synagogue (drawn by a Jewish soldier) 27
Yeshiva of Rabbi Reines (1913) 29
Girl's High School of Novitzky (1912) 30
The “Hazimir” Zionist Club (Lida, about 1913) 31
The municipal election committee of the “Royal Duma” (1906) 33
Teachers of “Tarbut” (of the late Moshe Levit) 44
The Hebrew “Tarbut” High School in 1923 44
Group of “Tarbut” supporters 45
The “Tarbut” School, 3rd degree, in the year 1927  45
Yosef Haftman in the company of a group of  Zionist Youth, 1928  45
”Tarbut” Kindergarten (1930) managed by Yehudit Zilbersztajn (Landau) 46
Tamar Yeruslimski's kindergarten (1930)  46
Elementary school named after Shalom Alechem in Lida – 1931 48
Membership card for the ”Hashomer Haza'ir” branch in Lida 48
The “Yasha”{?} elementary school named after Shalom Alechem 49
Kindergarten established by “Yasha” near the Shalom Alechem school 49
Shalom Alechem Kindergarten, 1929 50
Jewish students in the municipal high school with teacher 50
State elementary school for Jewish children 51
State elementary school - fifth grade (at the end of the nineteen twenties) 51
The Jewish library management with guest, the writer, Sh. Niger 54
Town council of the city of Lida (at the beginning of the twenties) 54
”TOZ” Camp (1938), teacher Luna 62
Camp in Rushlaki of the kindergarten founded by “Yasha” 62
Camp in Rushlaki of the elementary school established by “Yasha” 62
A group of students of the State Jewish  elementary school 63
Class of the State Jewish elementary school 63
A class celebration of the school “Tarbut” 64
Sixth grade of “Tarbut” school (1936-1937) 64
Youth sports troop of “Macabee “1923 65
Physical education. Class of third graders “Tarbut school”,1936 65
Macabee of Lida. The coach is Chaim Kiblovicz 65
Group Macabee girls with the coach 65
Group Macabee girls, 1923 65
Tarbut School Certificate, 1935 66
Front Pages of the Weekly “Lider Woch” 1933–1934 67
Flower Day in Lida, 1925, collecting money for JNF 68
”To the Jewish population of Lida...” 69
Henya Rabinowitz, sister of the Lida Rabbi 100
Rabbi R' Aharon Rabinowitz and family 100
Rabbi Itzak Yakob Reines 106
Lida Yeshiva (1910)  108
The genius rabbi: R' Shlomo Poliachek 109
Pinchas Shifman (Ben-Sira) 110
Moshe Cohen (Kagan) 110
Dr. Hirsh Leib Gordon (1896 - 1969) 111
The Mayatzazer “Eiloy” (rabbi Shlomo Poliachek) 114
Staff and Students of the Yeshiva 120
Rabbi Itzhak Yakob Reines 125
Rabbi Reines with the graduating class of the Yeshiva 126
Moshe Biten (Bitensky) 130
Way of life 133
Yakob Ilutowitz 137
Postcard: Sadova [Garden] Street as seen from the Yeshiva 138
Postcard: the Great Synagogue on in the center of Sadova Street 139
Tarbut School of Lida, 1927/28 141
Mikal Evensky 149
R' Yosef Bielogrodsky (Yoshy the Torah Scribe) and daughter Batya (1920) 151
R'Yosef Epshtein and the students of the youngest class 161
Tarbut School of Lida, 1931 167
Tarbut School, 1937 168
The cultural committee of the Tarbut school, 1929 169
The play “Joseph was sold” written by Y. Catzenelson (1917) 174
The singing teacher Shiman and his chorus, 1923 175
Concert Program, 1922 175
Performance: “Dvora Hanevia” (Dvora the prophet) at the Tarbut School, 1932 176
Dramatic Society at the time of the German Occupation in WWI 177
Amateur Drama Circle in Lida with Kheikl Visnevsky's Children's Choir 178
Notes: “The blind beggar's song” and “From Meir Lideer's compositions” 178
The River Lideika, drawing by E. Sander 179
Itzak Halevi Dimitrovsky 183
Reception for Jewish soldiers at Passover, in Mrs. Rudnitzky's restaurant 183
The Hertziliah Orphanage in Lida, staff and children 184
A letter in Yiddish, probably referring to TOZ 187
TOZ in Lida 187
Summer camp for Jewish children from Lida organized by TOZ in Rashlaki 188
Firemen about 1926 191
Firemen 191
The Volunteer Firemen 1932 191
Jubilee Medal of the Volunteer Firemen of Lida 1832-1932 191
no caption; probably the author, A. Guelman 192
Tarbut Ein-Yakob of Chasids of Lida 196
Matza making in Lida 215
On the Way to Zion and Zion as a Way 220
Rabbi Shimon Tzvi Horowitz 221
Itzak Yosef Zhimitrovsky 224
Yosef Yudelowitz 224
Chaim Kropsky (Ariav) 225
Elimelik Zlikowitz (Abner) 225
Yakob Shifman (Ben-Sira) 226
“HeChalutz” garden, year 1919 228
A group of the first pioneers from Lida, immigrated to the land in Av of 5680 228
A group of members from the “HeChalutz” organization 228
Class B or 2nd Grade, Tarbut School 228
Young WIZO 228
Haneuer Ha-Zion 228
Hashomer Hetzeir of Lida, Yula Zeitzik 230
The Kinereth Group of Hashomer Hetzeir, Lida, 1928 231
The organization “Freiheit” (Freedom) at the beginning of the 1930's 232
“HaShomer HaTzair“  (The Young Guardians) 233
“Zionist Youth” in Lida 233
The “Oved” union committee at the beginning of the 1920's 233
General meeting of “HaShomer Hetzeir” 235
“Hashomer Hetzeir” summer camp in Lida 236
The “Carit” (pillowcase) group of “HaShomer HaTzair” 236
“HaShomer HaTzair” - “Yehuda” group 1928 236
The “Baderech” (on the road) group of “HaShomer HaTzair” 236
Rayon (district) conference of “Poelei Tzion” (Workers of Zion) in Lida 1930 237
Dvoshe (Dorit) Volpinsky, Minya Krinik, Abigel Boyarsky,
Ester Khetzkalowitz, Letzki, Eruzlimsky, Sklotzky, Kaplinsky
The committee for “Eretz Ysrael Ha'ovedet” 241
no caption 241
“Hachalutz” about 1925 241
A group of “Poaley Zion” (the Workers of Zion) party members 241
“Beitar” in Lida (1932) 243
Founders of “Brit Trumpeldor” 244
The “Zahar” [Revisionists] in Lida (1932) 244
“Beitar” of Lida members in a parade in the city streets 244
Zev Zabotinsky in Lida 1932 245
Shmuel Rubinowitz, “Beitar” of Lida 245
“Hachalutz” on flower day in Lida 246
“Kibbutz Hachshara” [Training kibbutz] in Lida 247
“Hachalutz” Histadrut about 1924 248
In the “Hachalutz” garden of Lida about 1919 248
“HaChalutz Hetzeir” with a photo of comrade Wismonski 249
“HaChalutz Hetzeir” 250
“Hachalutz Hetzeir” 1923 251
“Hachalutz Hetzeir” of Lida 251
“The Dying of a City” - A. Shlonsky 253
Tuvia Bielsky commander of the Jewish partisans' camp 286
Shmuel Amrant 288
Itzak Rubinowitz (1943?) 301
Kalman Ozherkovsky (Orcher) 314
Document: Charecteristika (certificate as to character) 319
Menachem Reznik 320
Reuven Rubenstein 344

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