[Page 239]
Dvoshe (Dorit) Volpinsky, Minya Krinik, Abigel Boyarsky, Ester Khetzkalowitz, Letzki, Eruzlimsky, Sklotzky, Kaplinsky
Dvoshe (Dorit) Volpinsky, Minya Krinik, Abigel Boyarsky,
Ester Khetzkalowitz, Letzki, Eruzlimsky, Sklotzky, Kaplinsky

List of photographs

[Page 241 - top right]
The committee for 'Eretz Ysrael Ha'ovedet'
The committee for “Eretz Ysrael Ha'ovedet”
With a delegate from the committee center in Wilna,
lawyer Bernatzuk/Berentchok/Baranczuk, Tara“tz, 1930

List of photographs

[Page 241 - center right]
no caption
no caption

List of photographs

[Page 241 - center left]
Hachalutz about 1925
“Hachalutz” about 1925

1. Tzigelnitzky (daughter of Yoshy Reshes) 2. Eliahy Shmulowitz, 3. Fruma Klemvowitz (Levin),
4. Lob 5. ? 6. Tzipora Levin (Bleikbord) 6. Elkhanon Yeshiyahu Kamenitzky

List of photographs

[Page 241 - lower]

A group of 'Poaley Zion' (the Workers of Zion) party members
A group of “Poaley Zion” (the Workers of Zion) party members
Together with the lawyer Ber'nchuk (in the middle),
a member of the central committee in Vilna, at the middle of the 1920s

List of photographs

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 22 Aug 2003 by LA