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The singing teacher Shiman and his chorus, 1923

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Row 1:
  1. Unidentified
  2. Gita Boyarsky
  3. Abrusha Levinovitzky
  4. Alta Rom
  5. Shmelo Boyarsky
  6. Leib Volkin
Row 2:
  1. Masha Sobol
  2. Rivka Shpringel
  3. Ilho Darshek
  4. Yekhezkal
  5. Shira Zhimotrovsky
Row 3:
  1. Lidsky
  2. Gita Orzechovski
  3. The teacher, Shiman
  4. Sonia Krapyeski
  5. Kushilevitz
Row 4:
  1. Lidsky
  2. unidentified
  3. Ester Mednitzky
  4. Lubetzky
  5. Dvosha Volpinsky
  6. Malka Kaganowitz

List of photographs

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Concert Program, 1922
Performers include: Korpejska, Wolpianska, Kaganowicz, Korpejska, Lidzka, Kaganowicz, Rupianska, Lubecka, Dzimylowicz, Mesnik, Karpejska, Boyarska, Mowopurcka, Szyman

List of photographs

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Performance of the play:
“Dvora Hanevia” (Dvora the prophet) at the Tarbut School

The director is the teacher, Yakob Gelbord (1932)

List of photographs

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