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[Columns 1085-1086]

Necrology – Obituaries (cont.)

[ ] translator's remarks

These are my closest ones, almost all of whom were murdered in Majdanek by the Nazis, may their names be erased.

My father Shloime Weinberg, died in Kurow in the year 1935;
My mother Chaya Neche's, killed by the Nazis;
My sister Shaindel and her husband Mechel Tenenboim;
My sister Nechama and her husband Moshe Elimelech and her young children;
My brother Yoine, his wife Rochel, and their two children Malka and Shloime;
My brother Meir and his wife Chana and their two young children;
My brother Simcha and his wife Yutka and child.

May their innocent blood never be forgotten!

Yechezkel Weinberg, Melbourne, Australia

In memory of our beloved wife and mother
Esther Tenenboim (Moshe Noach's grandchild)

Esther Tenenboim

She was a beloved member of our Kurow landsmannschaft [fraternity of compatriots] in Detroit, died in the year 1943.

Meir Tenenboim and children, Detroit.

Sister Tauba and her husband Itche Flisfeder and children;
Sister Raizel and her husband Gedalia Zilberman and children;
Our brother Shaul, his wife and children.

They were murdered by the Nazi beasts in the year 1942.

Moshe Klimensberg, his wife Devora Strassberg, and children, Montreal

In memory of my deceased, late mother Miriam;
My perished ones;
Father Moshe Weide;
Step-mother Shaindel;
Aunt Fraidel and her husband Yitzchok Fishman;
Uncle Leibel Weide, wife Malka Riczer, and children;
Grandparents Sholom Volf and Raizel and brother Shmuel.

Tzipora Weide, Detroit

With fear of Heaven and awe we remember our parents:

Yoske the sofer [scribe] and chazzan [cantor] and Breindel;
As well as our sisters and brothers:
Raizel and her husband Berel Leibruder and their children;

Berl Leibruder, his wife Raizel, Yoske chazzan's daughter

We will always remember you.

Meir Akerman in Poland; Golda and Pinchas Akerman and their families in Montreal, Canada

In deepest sorrow and pain, we remember
Our mother Naomi Chanisman (nee Krantzberg);
My brother Chaim Chanisman, his wife Chayale Tzederboim and child;

Chaim Chanisman, his wife Chayale (Tzederboim), Shlomo Shaul's daughter

All perished in Kurow in 1942, by the hands of the Nazi killers.

David Bauer and his wife Golde Strassburg, Montreal, Canada

[Columns 1087-1088]

We will never forget our family that was murdered by the Nazis and Poles –

Yechezkel Levin (Beirech's), his wife Shaindel (Brutman);

Yechezkel and Shaindel Levin

Their children Rechel, Fishel, Beirech, Shloime, Mottel, Esther, Toba, and Noach.

Fishel Brutman

In sorrow-
Shprintze Faierstajn – the sister of Shaindel (Paris); Yankel and Hershel Brutman, the brothers of Shaindel (Paris); Blimele Brutman-Levin – the sister of Yechezkel (Tel Aviv)

With awe of Heaven, I remember:

My father Yisroel Manis Weisberg;
My mother Soroh Chana (died in Kurow in 1917);
My wife Hinde, who died in the year 1949 in Montreal.

Avrohom Weisberg, Montreal, Canada

In deepest sorrow, we remember our parents:

Yakov and Gitele Hpoenheim (Lomer Yoske's son)

Henry and Shmuel Hopenheim; Roz Weisbord, Los Angeles

From our large family, from all the branches, only we remain: I and my sisters were saved through miracles, in cellars and in caves. With us were my wife and our children. From our big family, branched out, we were the only ones left. But we were very broken, and tragically, there will never be relief. With trembling, and with awe of Heaven, we will always be reminded of our beloved ones who were murdered with cruelty.

Our father Reb Yosef Leib son of Avrohom Meir Grosman, of blessed memory;
Our mother Chaya daughter of Reb Nosson Dovid Migdalek, may she rest in peace;
My father-in-law Reb Chaim Yoine Kitenkorn, of blessed memory;
My mother-in-law Malka Laya (Kava).
My sister Chana Tauba and her husband Yechiel Honigsblum, and their child Shmuelki;

Yechiel Honigsblum   Chana Tauba Grosman

Our sister Elke (17 years old)
Our brother Moshe (15 years old, died from a German bomb in September 1939);
Our sister Ruchele (14 years old, burned in a pit in the forest, from the blast of a German grenade that was thrown there);
Our youngest brother Yankele (13 years old, betrayed by Polish farmers into the hands of the Gestapo and then was shot to death. A beloved lad, gifted in an exceptional way);
Our uncle Shmuel Eliyahu Grosman, his wife Chaya Sarah and their children:
Rochel and her husband and children, Rivka and her husband and children, Chana and her husband, Chama and Lyuba;
Our uncle Yakov Eliezer Grosman, his wife Chaya'le and their children:
Soroh'le and her husband and children: Sone, his wife and children; Yechezkel and his wife; Ozer, his wife and their children, and son Nechemia (23 years old);
Our aunt Devora, her husband Shloime'le Melhendler and their children;
Our aunt Rochel, her husband Yankel Ankar and their children;
Our uncle Mendel, his wife Devora and their children;
Our aunt Miriam, her husband Nosson and their children;
Our aunt Bela, her husband and children;
Our uncle Yehoshua (Shiye) Grosman, his wife and children;
Our grandfather Reb Nosson Migdalek, of blessed memory (“the Kaniers”), (died in Kurow in the year 1942);
Our aunt Chava (daughter of Reb Nosson Dovid), her husband and children;
Our uncle Moshe Migdalek, his wife and children;
Our aunt Laya and her husband Mendel Dovid Javetz and their children;
Our uncle Aryeh, his wife and their children.

Levi Grosman, his wife Esther and their children (Ramat Gan, Israel)
Rivka Grosman and her husband Yankel Borg and their children (United States)

[Columns 1089-1090]

With great respect and honor, with a broken heart, I remember the names of my dearest and closest and never to be forgotten ones, who perished to sanctify G-d's Name, killed by Hitler's murderers –

My father Reb Binyomin Beinish Vachenhazer;
My mother Malka Vachenhazer daughter of Yakov Kava, who died in the year 1937, 22 Av;
My sister Chana and her husband Itche Rozen and their three children - Chaya, Teme, Yakov;
My sister Elke and her husband Yoine Weinberg and their three children – Faige, Yosef, Miriam;
My sister Faige and her husband Lipa Rozenblat and their three children – Toba, Teme, Yakov;
My brother Faivel Vachenhazer;
My brother Avrohom and his wife Devoira and daughter Malka;
My brother Yankel with his wife Teme Kitenkorn and their two sons – Itche Meir and Hersh Ber;
My sister Soroh and her husband Yankel Shor and two daughters – Baila and Malka;
My brother Sholom;
My brother Leibel;
My youngest sister Gitele;
And all my relatives. I commemorate them all in the Yizkor Book.

With great respect and honor,
Esther Vachenhazer and her husband Dovid
Trudler and two children – Gilad and Beinish (Ramat Hasharon, Israel)

In memory of our parents –
Hersh and Teme Vatenmacher
And our sister who died
Faige and her husband and children

Yosel Zeam, Detroit

In sorrow and in memory

For our dear wife and mother
Soroh Laya Lemberg

Soroh Laya Lemberg

From the founders of the Kurow landsmannschaft [fraternity of compatriots] in Detroit, was loved by all, died in the year 1951

Her husband Pintche Lemberg and children

In perpetual sorrow, we remember our memorable dear ones:

Our parents Sholom Volf and Raizel Weide;
Our brother Moshe, wife and children;
Our brother Leibel, his wife Malka (Riczer) and children;

Leibel Weide, his wife Malka (Riczer)

Our sister Fraindel and her husband Yitzchok (Fishman)
Who were murdered by the Nazis, may their names be erased.

Dovid Weide and his family; Gershon Weide and his family, Los Angeles

With a broken heart we will always mourn the horrific deaths of our family members –
My father Sender Zishe Eisenstat; my mother Toba (Elenboigen); my brother Tuvia; my brother Shmuel Simcha; my brother Yosef Aharon; my sister Faigele; my grandparents; and all my uncles and aunts and their children.

And especially, my dear and devoted friend Etel Bauer.

I will never forget you!

Sarah and her husband Levi Eisenstat
Toronto, Canada

With great pain and sorrow we list in the Sefer Hazikaron [Memorial Book] the family members who died and were killed by the Nazi murderers, may their names be erased.

Our father and grandfather Reb Nachum Strassberg, of blessed memory, died in Kurow on 2 Av, 1928;
Our mother and grandmother Devoira'le, died in Kurow, 3 Shevat, 1937;
Our father, mother, sisters Chaya Esther and her husband, our brother-in-law Berel Hitelman and his son Avrohom;
Our sister and aunt Fraidel and her husband, our brother-in-law Leibel Riczer and their children: Mottel, Shaindel, Noach.

May the ground not cover their blood!

Moshe Strassberg and his wife;
Shaindel Strassberg nd her husband Dovid;
Faige Strassberg and her husband Yakov;
Mottel Hitelman and his family;
Yisroeld Hitelman and his family;
(All in Israel)

[Columns 1091-1092]

We mourn for and will always remember our deceased and those who perished –

Our father Moshe Nisenboim;


Our brother Yakov Hersh (Yankel) and his wife Bela Shapiro;
Our sister Chayale and her husband Yakov Leizer (Grosman) and their children;
Sorohle and her husband Yankel (Sher) and children;
Sane, his wife Fraindel and children;
Ozer, wife Soroh and children;
Yechezkel, wife Frieda and children;
Our brothers: Chaim Mordechai, Yechiel, Avremele.

Yitzchok and Ida Nisenboim, Detroit;
Soroh'le and Moshe Wachman, Montreal

I will never forget my dear and loved ones:

My grandfather Meir (Gap) Steinman;
My grandmother Breindel (died in Kurow;
My father Noach Helfenboim and my mother Chana Lieba (Steinman), kileed in the war;
My brothers Gershon and Mordechai;
My sister Golda, perished in Lodz in the year 1942.

Velvel Helfy, Montreal, Canada

In anguish and pain, I remember our family who perished and who are deceased –

My father Simcha Zeidenwurm, died in Kurow;
My mother Tobale, died on Hoshana Raba, 1929;

Gershon Zeidenworm   Tobale Zeidenworm

My brother Meir, his wife and two children, perished;
My sister Rivka, her husband and two children, perished;
My brother Gershon and his wife Shifra, and two children, perished.

Eliya Zeidenworm and wife Ettel (Israel)

With great pain and sorrow, I weep for the members of my family who died and those who were killed by the Nazis:

My father Shmuel Zanvil Mehlhendler, died in Israel;
My mother Gittel;
My brother Moshe, died in his youth in the year 1935, and his wife Chana, who were killed at hands of the Nazis, and their daughter Lieba'le;
My brother Yosef, his wife Lieba and their children;
My sister Fraindel and her husband, Sane Grosman and their children Velvel and Chana'le;
My uncle Dovid and his family;
My uncle Yakov and his family;
My uncle Leibel and his family;
My uncle Yisroel who died before the war;
My uncle Shimon and his family;
My aunt Soroh Zinger and her family;
My aunt Mattel Zukerman and her family;
And all my family who were killed at the hands of the Nazis, may G-d avenge their blood!

Ziva (Tzine) Werde-Mehlhendler, Netanya

In deepest sorrow for my father

Pesach Zilbering (Mulazh), wife, children, and grandchildren

Noach Zilbering, Los Angeles

[Columns 1093-1094]

I mourn for -

My brother who died young, Moshe Chaim Gewirtzman,
His wife Rivka (Grosman, daughter of Shmuel Eliye),


who was killed with her young children by Hitler's murderers – May their names be erased!

Devora Teitelboim and her husband Leizer, Tel-Aviv

We do not wish to and will never forget, until our final breath, those who were torn away from us, may their blood be avenged, those who were killed by the Nazi murderers and their accomplices –
Our mother Laya, daughter of Hillel (Anglister) Grosman;
Our sister Rochel, her 17-year-old daughter Soroh;
Our sister Chaya, her husband Yosef and their three children;
Our brother Nachman and his wife Genya (Shpringer), from Lublin-Tchekhov; she was killed by Poles in liberated Poland, at the end of the year 1945;
Our father who died at a young age:
Yakov (Yankele Moshe Yoine's), of blessed memory.

May his soul be bound up in the bond of everlasting life.

Moshe Grosman and family, (Israel)
Avrohom Grosman and family (Chicago)

I mourn for my father who perished –
Reb Yankel Flakser, may his memory be blessed

Born in Kurow in the year 1869 and murdered by the Nazis in Warsaw in 1942.

I mourn for my deceased sister Neitche, her murdered husband and children;
My sister Rivka who died young;
My sister Chaya, her husband Meir Mechel Rotfarb and young children, who were murdered by the Nazis;
Our mother who died young – Bela Grosman.

Their bright commemoration will always remain in our memory.
Moshe Flakser, his wife Gitele, children, and grandchildren, Paris

Yoel Lemberg, may he rest in peace

On 15 Tammuz 5714, the Kurow family in Argentina suffered a great loss at the death of our compatriot Yoel Lemberg. A beloved, compassionate person, collaborated


… tirelessly for the Kurow compatriots with heart and soul. All the Kurowers sadly mourn his death.

Peace unto him.

The Kurow Landsmannschaft in Buenos Aires


[Columns 1095-1096]

A group of teachers and their teacher

Standing, from right to left: Sorohle Teitelboim (Tel-Aviv); Chaya Gotlieb, Rivka Kartman, Chayale Grosman, Perel Weinman (Jaffa, Israel)
Second row, seated: Fotche Shneiweis, Faige Gittel Weinberg, Rochel Schildkraut, the teacher Yakov Goldfein (Toronto), Blima Elenboigen, Chavale Rozenson, Rivka Grosman (New York). Eight of these were killed.


The Kurow Rav in Jerusalem, Rabbi A.M. Rabinovitch, may he live long, who is now laying sick in the hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery, amen.


Perel Kirshenboim, the daughter of Yechezkel Rozenson (Beiger), the wife of Rabbi Dovid Kirshenboim, London, Canada


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