Yiskor Book in Memoriam
Of Our Hometown Kurow
(Kurów, Poland)

51°23' / 22°12'

Translation of
Yisker-bukh Koriv; sefer yizkor, matsevet zikaron la-ayaratenu Koriv

Editor: Moshe Grossman

Tel Aviv 1955




Previous Project Coordinators: Neil Lott, Carol Marlin


Our sincere appreciation to Sondra Ettlinger
for extracting the pictures from the original book,
enabling their addition to the project.


This is a translation of: Yisker-bukh Koriv; sefer yizkor, matsevet zikaron la-ayaratenu Koriv (Yiskor book in memoriam of our hometown Kurow),
Edited by Moshe Grossman, Former Residents of Kurow in Israel, Tel Aviv 1955 (Y 1148 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Kurow

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Translated by Gloria Berkenstat Freund


A Grave and a Monument [H]   ז – ח
A Grave and a Monument   ט – י”א
A Burial Place and a Memorial [E] M. Grossman י”ב – ט”ו
Yizkor   ט”ו – ט”ו
Our Cemetery List of the Holy Dead Sons of Kurow   י”ו – נ”ב
Melech Ravitch writes about Aryeh Merzer's copper relief “Thou Shalt Not Kill”   נ”ג – נ”ד
Official documents concerning the extermination   נ”ה – נ”ו
Materials on Kurow in Encyclopedias and History Books   נ”ו – ס”ב
A Writer and Art Critic Writes About the Kurow Synagogue   ס”ג – ס”ד
Several Notes (from Moyshe Grossman)   1-12
Expressions of thanks   13-16
Kurow and its Great Men [H] Rabbi Aryeh Mordechai Rabinovitch 17-20
Our Community Institutions, Culture Societies, Parties, Professional Unions, Places of Worship and Charity Societies
The Zionist Organization in Kurow Benyamin Wajnrib 23-38
“Mizrachi” in Our Town Benyamin Wajnrib 39-46
The Cooperative Bank Benyamin Wajnrib 47-50
Betar in Kurow Arye Rozenzon 51-72
Our Professional Unions Shimeon Wajnberg 73-78
Library and School Avraham Ahron Sztern 79-96
The Tzeirei Agudas Yisroel Pinkhus Szildkraut 97-106
Several Episodes about Our Hechalutz Liptshe Wajnrib 107-112
Some Remarks and Memories of Our Hechalutz and Hachshara Dovid Kartman 113-116
Left Wing “Poalei Tziyon Dovid Kartman and Sheyndel Sztrasburg 117-124
The Hakhnosas Orkhim [Guest House; Welcoming Guest] Dovid Kartman 125-126
The House of Prayer [Study–House] Yekhiel Hekht 127-132
A Few Words about My Brothers And Sisters in My Cell of Betar Kalman Taytlboym 131-132
From Everything a Little Bit Yekuthiel Wakhman 133-140
Lines haTzedek Shmuel Gotlib 141-144
Several Additional Comments about the Zionist Movement in Our Shtetele Shmuel Teitelbaum 145-152
A Kurow Trade Moshe Hanisman 153-156
A Beis-Medrashnik (Writes) about the Beis-haMedrash Simkha Wajnman 155-158
Bikur Kholem and Library Gershon Wajrde 159-160
In the Bunkers, Caves, Stalls, Fields and Forests (September 1939–May 1945) Memories from the Survivors
My Experiences Zehava Fogelman 163-196
The Experiences of Levi Grossman   197-220
I Was a German Soldier… Nechemia Wurmann 221-234
The Destruction of Kurow and the Survival of Shmuel Hanisman   235-270
68 Months in a Fight against Death Yisroel Hittelman 271-286
And Yet I Remained Alive Chaya Taube Kotlacz 287-366
Survived, but… Binyamin Waynryb 367-370
In Kurow, My Ruined Home Town Moyshe Shulshteyn 371-390
Their Last Road Slava Zimmerman-Ginzburg 391-394
Auschwitz Prisoner Number 42212 395-400
Always on the Eve of Death Malka Knoplikh–Shtern 401-426
My Childhood, Youth and Partisan Struggle Sane Rozenzon 427-502
I will Relate It Briefly Miryam Vaynbukh 503-506
Survived and Lived to Tell Khaye Ritser Vaserman 507-518
Some Sorrow (Song) Leizer Eichenrand 519-528
The Survival of Chaim Hanisman   529-540
How I Survived Dinale Rotsztajn-Ricer 541-552
The Martyr Death of an Editor and a Councilwoman – the Nisenbaum Couple   553-556
A Letter from Meir Akerman   555-556
Songs: I Saw a Mountain, Ayzykl the Shouter, The Melody of My Father's Sewing Machine Moshe Shulstein 557-566
A Drawing by Josl Bergner   565-566
A Kurow Woman in the Kovel Ghetto Feyge Brik-Rekhtman 567-586
Our Calamity Shimen Zilbering 587-588
Songs of an Ordinary Jew Khayim Rokhlsman 589-590
From Kurow to Sobibor and the Revolt in that Camp Hershl Cukerman 591-610
Our Sons and Daughters in the Armies, in the Struggle Against the Nazi-Murderers (Photographs and Necrology)   611-616
Memories of Our Town Types, Figures, Customs, Habits, and Events
Autobiography Rabbi Tuviya Gutman Rapoport 621-656
Lamentation and Tears   657-660
The Rabbi Tuvya Rapaport Sows the Research Work of Israel's Wisdom Sh. Ernst 661-664
The Transformation of a Melody - “Stand Up Holy Jews” Rapaport-Barlaf 663-664
Father-Mother, Grandfather-Grandmother, and the Biography of a Generation Rabbi Tuviya Gutman Rapoport 665-744
Three Stories: A Kurow Jew Publicly Sanctifies the Name of Heaven ; How Mendl Wasertreger [water carrier] Ate Meat During the Nine Days; A Match from Heaven   745-760
Meir Rapaport - The Modest and Educated Man Sh. Ernst 761-764
What Happened in 1914? Rabbi Reb Arya Mordekhai Rabinowicz 765-772
Eternal Memory   771-772
Several Words About My Father, the Rabbi Reb Elimelekh Guterman Yitzhak Guterman 773-776
Reb Josele the Shoykhet [ritual slaughterer]   777-778
Once - Once… (Memories) The Rabbi Dovid Kirszenbaum 779-786
In the Bright Glare of Generations Sh. Tenenbaum 787-798
My Father - a Grandson of Reb Shmuel Kurower Yehiel Grabatsztajn 779-802
From My Memories About Kurow Shlomo Rozenberg 803-808
My Father, Reb Moshe Mordekhai, May He Rest In Peace Dovid Arya Najmark 809-812
A Child's Episode Moshe Grosman 813-820
Hundreds of Episodes, Curiosities and Happenings Y. Zilbershtayn (Jacob Silvershtein) 821-892
A Literary Anniversary Celebration with a Kurower in Israel (Pictures)   893-894
A Gentile Lost It and a Jew Found It Avrom Aron Shtern 895-900
A Strike by the Burial Society Shleyme Vakhman 899
Already Twenty Years Zive Vardi Rozenberg-Melhendler 901-902
My Short Biography Yankev Yosef Shifman 902-903
In the Year 1905 Avrom Rozenshpir 904-906
My Father, Yudl Brik, of blessed memory Feyga Brik (Tsipora Rechtman) 905-906
At a Celebration of Yad Vashem in Jerusalem Gitl Trudler 907-908
A Redress for the Victims Moshe Feldberg 909-910
Commemoration… Arya Wajnrib 911-914
Our Father, Avraham Leib Bricman, of blessed memory Chaim Josef Bricman 915-916
Our Father, Avraham Leib Bricman, of blessed memory Sholem Bricman 917-918
Dina's Daughter, Ester Chaya Chaim Tajchman (Chaim Simkha Yehidlsl's) 919-922
Kurow, Warsaw, Siberia, Red Army, Polish Army, Eretz Yisroel Simkha Rotfarb 923-926
A Disturbed Friday Night Chanatshe Kawa-Lerman[1] 927-930
A Packet of Memories Chanatshe Kawa-Lerman 931-936
To the Memory of the Kheder-Yinglekh [boys in religious primary school] (Poem) Chanatshe Kawe-Lerman 937-938
Like a Tree (Poem) Meir Pakntrager 937-938
Two Rescued Orphans in a Kibbutz in Israel   939-940
I Live at the Jordan Motl Hitlman 941-942
Memories Sheyndl Kartman-Sztrasburg 943-944
An Episode of One and One Half Minutes - A Story About a Cossack Who Grabbed the Mezusah from Feywl the Shoemaker Moshe Hanisman 945-946
The Belamer [podium on which Torah is read] and the Naughty Children Moshe Hanisman 945-948
How I Caught Fish Moshe Hanisman 949-950
Studying Khumush [Torah] Without a Hat, but Not With a Bare Head… Yitzhak Nisenbaum 951-954
Reb Dovid Tzwi Cymerman Bela Lewin 955-956
Reb Yitzhak Moshe, son of Reb Akiva Licht, of blessed memory   957-960
Myriam Gitl Larberbaum F. Kliger 961-962
Memories and Episodes Gitl Trudler 963-966
My Sisters, My Brothers Ester Trudler-Wachnhazer 965-968
Hershl Rushiser, the Rich Man, Porter, Story Teller Moshe Feldberg 969-970
My Grandfather Leibush Feldberg Chaya Dina Feldberg 971-972
The Last Khazan [cantor] and Sofer [scribe] B. Wajnrib 973-974
This Is How I Saw Kurow Sura Ajzensztadt 975-980
Several Jottings Chaim Rachelsman 981-982
Because of a Chicken and a Rooster, Tur Malka Became a Ruin and Because of an Eye of a Goat, Ayzyk the Shoemaker Beats Hertske Berer Avraham Ahron Sztern 983-984
My Shtetele [small town] Kurow (pictures and rhymes] Avraham Ahron Sztern 985-986
Kurow Types Benyamin Wajnrib 987-990
Curiosities, Episodes and Equivalents Benyamin Wajnrib 991-996
Several Stories and Miracles About the Kurow Rabbi, Reb Noakh Pinkhus ben [son of] Avraham 997-998
The Competition Among the Fair Merchants Rywka Grynfeld 999-1002
Several Small Episodes Fishl Feldberg 1003-1004
A Bunch of Memoirs from Our Old Home Avraham Lerman 1005-1016
Several Words Yehudis Krakowiak-Korngold 1015-1016
Two Songs Chaim Sznajer 1017-1018
When I Was the Final Judge Welwl Wachenhauser 1019-1020
Crumbs of Memories Shmuel Pozarowczyk 1021-1024
Sora Rywka the Wife of the Fisherman and Troubles on Simkhas Torah Leah Wajnsztok-Wachman 1023-1024
The School Dvoyre Taytlboym 1025-1026
On the Lubliner Road Moshe Wachman 1027-1034
Pages from a Book of Memories Simkha Hanisman 1035-1042
We Sat There on the River… Moshe Feldberg 1043-1044
Necrologies, Obituaries
Leibl Landsman's Funeral (Picture)   1047-1048
Necrologies   1049-1096
A Kurower from America Visits Israel (Harry Lipsman and His Wife, Ester)   1097-1100
Activity Report of the Kurower in New York   1101-1108
Kurower in New York (picture)   1109-1110
Several Additional Comments about the Kurower Society in New York L. Kawa 1111-1114
Acknowledgement of Landsleit [people from the same town] Yakov Lerman 1115-1116
The Kurower Landsleit [people from the same town] in Montreal Pinkhus Akerman 1117-1130
Kurower in Montreal (picture)   1131-1132
A Little History of the Lives and Activity of the Kurower in Detroit Chanatshe Lerman-Kawa 1133-1134
A Kurower in Argentina   1135-1138
Address Register of the Kurower Landsleit in the World   1139-1146
Afterword   1147-1148
Contents   1149-1152

  1. This name also appears below on page 1133 as Chanatshe Lerman-Kawa Return
  2. Organizations of people from the same town Return

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