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[Column 1139]

Address Register of
the Kurower Landsleit in the World

Translated by Judy Petersen

Given name
BRUTMAN Efraim Tel Aviv Israel and Rivka 1139-1140
BRUTMAN Birech Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
BRUTMAN Blime Israel 1139-1140
BLUMENKRANTZ Yisrael Ramat Gan Israel 1139-1140
BRAUN-WEIMAN Perl Yaffo Israel 1139-1140
BERNER David Ramat Gan Israel 1139-1140
BERNER-WURMAN Channah Lod Israel 1139-1140
BLANKROIT Baruch Haifa Israel 1139-1140
BILO-BILOSTOTZKY Aharon Petach Tikva Israel 1139-1140
GINSBURG-TZIMMERMAN Tzalba Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
GURMAN Yakov Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
GOTTLIEB Shmuel Ramat Gan Israel 1139-1140
GROSSMAN Levi Ramat Gan Israel 1139-1140
GROSSMAN Moshe Ramat Amidar Israel the writer 1139-1140
GINSBURG-ROSENSPIER Bela Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
GUTERMAN Yitzchak Haifa Israel 1139-1140
GRINFELD-SHUCHHANDLER Rivka Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
GILBORT Yakov Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
GRINGRUZ Gitshe Haifa Israel 1139-1140
GOLDBERG Mirel Rishon Letzion Israel 1139-1140
GOLDBERG Aryeh Montefiore Israel 1139-1140
GRANATSTEIN Yechiel Tel Aviv Israel writer 1139-1140
HOPENHEIM Shalom Petach Tikva Israel 1139-1140
HAFNER Mordechai Yaffo Israel 1139-1140
HECHT Mordechai Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
HECHT Yechiel Netanya Israel 1139-1140
HADRI-HITELMAN Mordechai Hulata Israel 1139-1140
HITELMAN Yisrael Givataim Israel 1139-1140
HAUT-FELDBERG Golda Ramle Israel 1139-1140
HOZWIRT-WEINBERG Miriam Haifa Israel 1139-1140
HOPENHEIM Kayla Rakhel Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
HOPENHEIM Yosef Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
HOPENHEIM Moshe Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
HEMEL Blume Haifa Israel 1139-1140
WEINRIB Aryeh Petach Tikva Israel 1139-1140
WEINRIB Binyamin Ramat Gan Israel and Liptshe 1139-1140
WASSERMAN-BLUMENKRANTZ Ramat Gan Israel 1139-1140
WEIMAN Simcha Ramat Gan Israel 1139-1140
WACHMAN Yekutiel Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
WACHMAN Shlomo Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
WACHMAN Tzvi Hertzliya Israel and Channah Yente 1139-1140
WEINSTOCK-WACHMAN Leah Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
WEINBUCH Yosef Ramle Israel 1139-1140
WEINBUCH David Ramle Israel 1139-1140
WASSERMAN-RITCHER Chaya Kfar Saba Israel 1139-1140
WURMAN Nechemia Ramat Gan Israel 1139-1140
WOLF-TEITELBAUM Sarah Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
WEINBERG Shimon Lod Israel 1139-1140
ZILBERING Shimon Moshav Gan Chaim Israel 1139-1140
ZEIDENWORM Eliahu Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
ZAMBERG Yitzchak Moshe Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
ZALTZMAN Meir Givataim Israel 1139-1140
ZEIDENWERG Reuven Holon Israel 1139-1140
ZILBERBERG-TZIMMERMAN Chaya Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
ZILBERNUDEL Mirel Haifa Israel 1139-1140
KHANISMAN Chaim Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
KHANISMAN Chaya Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
TEITELBAUM Eliezer Tel Aviv Israel and Devorah 1139-1140
TEITELBAUM Shmuel Givataim Israel and Necha 1139-1140
TEITELBAUM Tzvi Givataim Israel 1139-1140
TEITELBAUM Eliezer Givataim Israel 1139-1140
TEITELBAUM Kalman Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
TEICHMAN Chaim Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
TEICHMAN Freide Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
TEICHMAN Yechezkel Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
TEICHMAN Yosef Lod Israel 1139-1140
TRUDLER Gitel Ramat Hasharon Israel 1139-1140
TRUDLER-WACHENHAZER Esther Ramat Hasharon Israel 1139-1140
TOP-LIPSMAN Freidel Bat Yam Israel 1139-1140
YOM-TOV Shalom Ramle Israel 1139-1140
LYUBITZER Givat Hashlosha Israel 1139-1140
LERMAN Channah Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
LEWIN Bertsche Tel Aviv Israel and Beile 1139-1140
LICHT Shlomo Magdiel Israel and Miriam 1139-1140
NEDIVI ROTFARB Simcha Ramat Gan Israel 1139-1140
NISENBAUM Yitzchak Ramat Gan Israel 1139-1140
NESHER-ALTMAN Chaim Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
SNAPIR-FLISFEDER Shlomo Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
SEGEL-LEICHTER Sarah Ramat Gan Israel 1139-1140
SOBOL-FELDBERG Chaya Dina Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
ETINGER Meir Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
ETINGER Dov Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
ETINGER Natan Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
PAZAROWTSCHIK Shmuel Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
FANINI-SCHNEIDLEDER Matityahu Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
FLISFEDER Shifra Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
FELDBERG Moshe Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
FELDBERG Yosef Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
FELDBERG Tzvi Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
FILISDORF-FALKOVITZ Manya Hadera Israel 1139-1140
FINKELSTEIN Avraham Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
FUHRER-BUCHSCHREIBER Naomi Rishon Letzion Israel 1139-1140
FEINSCHMIT Binyamin Kibbutz Menit Israel 1139-1140
FEUERTAG Meir Rehovot Israel 1139-1140
FISH-ROSEN Esther Rehovot Israel 1139-1140
FISHMAN Shimon Yaffo Israel and Gitel 1139-1140
FISHMAN Aryeh Jerusalem Israel 1139-1140
FISHMAN Menachem Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
FISHMAN Gitel Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
CHENSTOCHOVSKY Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
TZIGLER-GOLDBERG Bella Ramat Gan Israel 1139-1140
KLUGER-LOBERBAUM Tzirl Holon Israel 1139-1140
KNOFLICH-SHTERN Malka Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
KENIG Michael Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
KRAKOVIAK-KORNGOLD Ida Ramat Gan Israel 1139-1140
KRATMAN David Ramat Gan Israel and Scheindel 1139-1140
RECHTMAN-BRIK Feige-Tzipora Bnei Brak Israel 1139-1140
ROSENSON Aryeh Bnei Brak Israel 1139-1140
ROSENSON Netanel Ramat Gan Israel 1139-1140
ROSEN-SHTRASBURG Tzipora Ramat Gan Israel 1139-1140
ROSENBAUM-EISENSCHMIT Leah Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
ROCHELSMAN Leibish Ramat Gan Israel 1139-1140
ROSEN Yitzchak Gadera Israel 1139-1140
ROSEN Mordechai Leib Haifa Israel 1139-1140
RACHENSCHWALB-ROCHELSMAN Esther Jerusalem Israel 1139-1140
ROCHMAN Etel Givataim Israel 1139-1140
ROSENBERG-MELHENDLER Ziva-Tzine Netanya Israel 1139-1140
RABINOVITZ Akiva Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
ROSENBERG David Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
RAPAPORT Zev Kfar Ona Israel 1139-1140
RABINOVITZ Aryeh Jerusalem Israel Rabbi; and Rasha 1139-1140
ROSENSPIER Avraham Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
ROSENFELD Yitzchak Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
SHTERN David Haifa Israel 1139-1140
SHILDKROT Pinchas Tel Aviv Israel 1139-1140
SHTRASBURG Moshe Kfar Chagla Israel 1139-1140
SCHACHTER-LEWIN Bluma Ramat Gan Israel 1139-1140
MELHENDLER Yosef Poland 1139-1140
LANDMAN Matel Poland his wife 1139-1140
TZUKERMAN Yehoshua Poland 1139-1140
AKERMAN Meir Poland 1139-1140
LOBERBAUM Blime Poland 1139-1140
WURMAN Leibel Poland 1139-1140
ANK M. Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
APPLEBAUM H. Lakewood, New Jersey USA 1141-1142
BERNSTEIN Jack New York, New York USA 1141-1142
BERNSTEIN Jess Elmhurst, New York USA 1141-1142
BERNSTEIN Max New Brunswick, New Jersey USA 1141-1142
BINOWITZ Cy Brooklyn, New York USA 1141-1142
BRENNER Chaim Brooklyn, New York USA 1141-1142
BRETTOW A. Brooklyn, New York USA 1141-1142
BRETOW H. Brooklyn, New York USA 1141-1142
BRUTMAN (Mrs.) Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
BLUM B. Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
CHANESMAN (Mrs. F.) Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
CHODELES Noah Brooklyn, New York USA 1141-1142
COHEN I. Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
COHEN Jack Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
COHEN Julius Brooklyn, New York USA 1141-1142
CHANESMAN H. Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
EDELHERTZ (Mrs. B.) New York, New York USA 1141-1142
FISHMAN J. Orange, New Jersey USA 1141-1142
FISHMAN S. Lawrence, Long Island, NY USA 1141-1142
FLECK W. Brooklyn, New York USA 1141-1142
FROMOWITZ H. Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
FUCHS M. Brooklyn, New York USA 1141-1142
FINKELSTEIN I. Brooklyn, New York USA 1141-1142
GELMAN D. M. Great Neck, New York USA 1141-1142
GELMAN D. M. Flushing, New York USA 1141-1142
GERSHINSKY W. New York, New York USA 1141-1142
GERSTEL H. Lawrence, Long Island, NY USA 1141-1142
GOLD A. Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
GOLDZIEHER Ch. Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
GOLDBERG (Mrs.) Brooklyn, New York USA 1141-1142
GOLDMAN Arnold New York, New York USA 1141-1142
GOLDMAN Arthur Spring Valley, New York USA 1141-1142
GOLDSHER M. New York, New York USA 1141-1142
GOLDSTEIN H. Brooklyn, New York USA 1141-1142
GOLDWATER Alfred Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
GUBERMAN H. Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
GUBERMAN H. Brooklyn, New York USA 1141-1142
GUBERMAN I. Flushing, New York USA 1141-1142
GUBERMAN Isaac New York, New York USA 1141-1142
GUBERMAN Joe Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
GUBERMAN L. Brooklyn, New York USA 1141-1142
GUBERMAN Max Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
GUBERMAN M. Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
GUBERMAN Morris New York, New York USA 1141-1142
GUBERMAN S. New York, New York USA 1141-1142
GUBERMAN S. Bronx, New York USA c/o Zalondek 1141-1142
GUBERMAN Saul New York, New York USA 1141-1142
GOLDBERG Rywka Vineland, New York USA 1141-1142
HANDELMAN (Mrs. E.) Rego Park, New York USA 1141-1142
HANDELSMAN (Mrs. B.) Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
HORENSTEIN H. Brooklyn, New York USA 1141-1142
HOUSNER M. Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
ISRAEL A. Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
JACOBS L. Astoria, Long Island, New York USA 1141-1142
JEAN New York, New York USA 1141-1142
KAWA P. Brooklyn, New York USA 1141-1142
KELTZMAN (Mrs. L.) Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
KINIG M. Brooklyn, New York USA 1141-1142
KOTLAR R. Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
LIPSKIND S. Brooklyn, New York USA 1141-1142
LEVY V. Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
LEVINE D. Brooklyn, New York USA 1141-1142
LEVINE D. New York, New York USA 1141-1142
LIEBHABER A. Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
LIEBHABER (Mrs. E.) Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
LIEBHABER Irving Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
LIEBHABER J. Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
LIEBHABER Ph. Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
LULA J. Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
LIPSMAN Harry Davenport, Iowa USA 1141-1142
MARSHAL J. Bayside, New York USA 1141-1142
MILLER S. Brooklyn, New York USA 1141-1142
MORGENSTERN (Mrs. S.) Brooklyn, New York USA 1141-1142
NAIMARK D. New York, New York USA 1141-1142
NEISTEIN M. Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
NEWMAN J. New York, New York USA 1141-1142
NEEDLEMAN Charles Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
NEEDLEMAN M. Flushing, New York USA 1141-1142
RIPS (Mrs. S.) New York, New York USA c/o Wadro 1141-1142
RITZER G. Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
RITZER H. Kew Garden Hills, New York USA 1141-1142
RITZER Jack New York, New York USA 1141-1142
RITZER L. Brooklyn, New York USA 1141-1142
RITZER M. Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
RITZER (Mrs. R.) Sea Cliff, New York USA 1141-1142
RITZER S. Los Angeles, California USA 1141-1142
ROSENBERG S. Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
ROSENBERG E. Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
ROSENBERG L. Bronx, New York USA 1141-1142
ROSEBLUM J. Coney Island, New York USA 1141-1142
RUBENSTEIN M. New York, New York USA 1141-1142
RUBINSTEIN G. New Brunswick, New Jersey USA 1141-1142
RUBINSTEIN S. New York, New York USA 1141-1142
RUCHELSMAN (Mrs. F.) Brooklyn, New York USA 1141-1142
SALTZMAN (Mrs. H.) Astoria, Long Island, New York USA 1143-1144
SALTZMAN M. Flushing, New York USA 1143-1144
SALZBERG A. Bronx, New York USA 1143-1144
SALZBERG N. Bronx, New York USA 1143-1144
SCHNEIDER A. Flushing, New York USA 1143-1144
SCHNEIDERMAN (Mrs. A.) New York, New York USA 1143-1144
SCHNEIDERMAN M. Bronx, New York USA 1143-1144
SHABMAN Harry Brooklyn, New York USA 1143-1144
SHABMAN J. Brooklyn, New York USA 1143-1144
SHABMAN (Mrs. J.) Brooklyn, New York USA 1143-1144
SHABMAN M. New York, New York USA 1143-1144
SHAPIRO J. Brooklyn, New York USA 1143-1144
SHINE H. New York, New York USA 1143-1144
SHINE M. Bronx, New York USA 1143-1144
SHINE O. Bronx, New York USA 1143-1144
STEIN H. Bronx, New York USA 1143-1144
STEINBERG R. New York, New York USA 1143-1144
STEINSALTZ (Mrs. A.) Astoria, Long Island, New York USA 1143-1144
STERN D. Brooklyn, New York USA 1143-1144
STRAUSBERG (Mrs. H.) Flushing, New York USA 1143-1144
STRAUSBERG M. Kew Garden Hills, New York USA 1143-1144
STRAUSBERG S. J. Brooklyn, New York USA 1143-1144
SHEA TENENBAUM Long Island City, New York USA 1143-1144
WEIBMAN S. East Meadow, Long Island, NY USA 1143-1144
WEIDMAN (Mrs. M.) Bronx, New York USA c/o KELLER 1143-1144
WEINSTEIN (Mrs. E.) Flushing, New York USA 1143-1144
WEISS Joe Bronx, New York USA 1143-1144
WEISS M. Brooklyn, New York USA 1143-1144
WEISS (Mrs. R.) Bronx, New York USA 1143-1144
WEISS S. Bronx, New York USA 1143-1144
WEISBORD J. New York, New York USA 1143-1144
WEISBORD (Mrs. R.) New York, New York USA 1143-1144
WEISLEDER J. Flushing, New York USA 1143-1144
WEISLEDER (Mrs. R.) Brooklyn, New York USA 1143-1144
ZALONDEK A. Brooklyn, New York USA 1143-1144
ZIMMERMAN Ivan Valley Stream, New York USA 1143-1144
ZUCKER N. D. Long Beach, New York USA 1143-1144
ZUCKERMAN H. Bronx, New York USA 1143-1144
ZUCKERMAN Ph. Bronx, New York USA 1143-1144
BEAR A. Detroit, Michigan USA Temi, daughter of Yosel BLACHAZSHS, her husband Elik is not from Kurow 1143-1144
BRENNER Meir Detroit, Michigan USA and his wife; grandson of Chaya DINHAZ 1143-1144
FRIEDMAN Moshe Detroit, Michigan USA his wife Golde from the RETSCHAKS family 1143-1144
HERSHMAN Yankel Detroit, Michigan USA his wife Roza 1143-1144
HANDELSMAN Sara Detroit, Michigan USA daughter of Yitzchak KANIERS, her husband Zelig (not from Kurow) 1143-1144
GERSHMAN Mordechai Detroit, Michigan USA from the HOIF or the KANIERS family; his wife Channah (not from Kurow) 1143-1144
GROSSMAN Harry Detroit, Michigan USA his wife Esther (not from Kurow) 1143-1144
KAWA Nechemia P. Detroit, Michigan USA his wife Channatsche 1143-1144
LUMBERG Pintsche Detroit, Michigan USA c/o L. LUMBERG 1143-1144
LIEBERSON Scheindel Oak Park, Michigan USA daughter of Yosel BLECHERS 1143-1144
NISENBAUM Yitzchak / J. Detroit, Michigan USA his wife Ida (from Konskiwolye 1143-1144
MAJERS (Mrs.) Detroit, Michigan USA not from Kurow, but a friend to our community 1143-1144
ROSENBAUM Meir Detroit, Michigan USA Breindel Meir HELLES a son, his wife Channah (not from Kurow) 1143-1144
RUBIN Leah Detroit, Michigan USA daughter of Chaim WITELES, her husband Sol (not from Kurow) 1143-1144
STONE Moshe Detroit, Michigan USA Yiddish version of surname: STEIN. Moshe LITWAK; stepson of Beirech KAKLINERS, his wife Khashe (not from Kurow) 1143-1144
STERN Shmuel Detroit, Michigan USA son of Yudel SHTEPERS, his wife Leah (not from Kurow) 1143-1144
STERN Yakov Meir / J. Detroit, Michigan USA 1143-1144
TENENBAUM Meir Detroit, Michigan USA not from Kurow, widower of Esther, grandchild Moshe NECHES 1143-1144
WEIDER Ida Detroit, Michigan USA widow of Chaim WEIDE[R]. 1143-1144
WEIDER Tzipora / C. Detroit, Michigan USA grandson Shalom WOLFES 1143-1144
ZAEM Yosel / J. Detroit, Michigan USA son Hersh WALTENMACHERS, his wife Etel (from Kosenkiwolye 1143-1144
CUTLER S. Detroit, Michigan USA Esther FRANKEL (granddaughter of Eizik SHUSTERS), her husband Sam KOTLER (not from Kurow) 1143-1144
STONE Leibel / J. L. Detroit, Michigan USA stepson Beirech KOKLINERS 1143-1144
TENNENBAUM Chaya Detroit, Michigan USA daughter of Yitzchak KANIERS, her husband Aharon TENNENBAUM (not from Kurow) 1143-1144
WARREN Leibel Detroit, Michigan USA son of Yosel BLACHAZSHS, his wife is not from Kurow 1143-1144
WARREN Meir Detroit, Michigan USA son of Yosel BLACHAZSHS, his wife is not from Kurow 1143-1144
LASSER J. Detroit, Michigan USA Ruth, daughter of Yitachak KANIERS, her husband Jake ASHMAN (not from Kurow), they don't have any others. 1143-1144
GREENBERG M. Detroit, Michigan USA Chaya, daughter of Pintsche LOMBERGS, her husband Morris GREENBERG 1143-1144
LUMBERG L. Detroit, Michigan USA Pintsche son of Polorye, his wife Miriam 1143-1144
STERN Aharon Youngstown, Ohio USA his wife Chaya 1143-1144
LIBMAN Shaul Yankel East Liverpool, Ohio USA son of Lozer KANIERS, his wife Perl (daughter of Yankel SHMEGDIS) 1143-1144
SHOOR (Mrs. M.) Arcadia, California USA 1145-1146
BERNSTEIN H. Los Angeles, California USA 1145-1146
WEITZMAN Irving Los Angeles, California USA 1145-1146
WOLERSTEIN Harry Los Angeles, California USA 1145-1146
KOTLARZ Jack Los Angeles, California USA 1145-1146
KOTLARZ Harry Los Angeles, California USA 1145-1146
ZIGELBAUM Louis Los Angeles, California USA 1145-1146
LEEBERMAN P. Los Angeles, California USA 1145-1146
SILBERING N. Los Angeles, California USA 1145-1146
WEIDER G. Los Angeles, California USA 1145-1146
WEIDER Dave Los Angeles, California USA 1145-1146
LOBER B. Los Angeles, California USA 1145-1146
ZALEMAN Ben Los Angeles, California USA 1145-1146
FRIEDMACHER H. Los Angeles, California USA 1145-1146
AKERMAN Pinchas Montreal Canada 1145-1146
AJDELSZTEIN Mordcha-Kaile Montreal Canada 1145-1146
BAYER Dawid Ontremont, Quebec Canada 1145-1146
CUKERMAN Hersz Montreal Canada 1145-1146
ELENBOGEN Rosa Montreal Canada 1145-1146
ETINGER Mosze Montreal Canada 1145-1146
ELENBOGEN Mosze Montreal Canada 1145-1146
FOGELMAN-AKERMAN Golda Montreal Canada 1145-1146
GOLDSTEIN D. Montreal Canada 1145-1146
GOLDSTEIN I. Montreal Canada 1145-1146
GELIBTER-WASSERMAN Fr. Montreal Canada 1145-1146
GUTMAN Chaim Montreal Canada 1145-1146
GOLDSTEIN Harry Montreal Canada 1145-1146
GOLDSTEIN Sali Montreal Canada 1145-1146
GOLDSTEIN David Montreal Canada 1145-1146
GELMAN Willy Montreal Canada 1145-1146
GOLDSTEIN Gerszon Montreal Canada 1145-1146
GOLDSTEIN Abraham Montreal Canada 1145-1146
GODFRIED-HELFAND Sara Montreal Canada 1145-1146
HELFI Willy Montreal Canada 1145-1146
HITELMAN Abraham Montreal Canada 1145-1146
HITELMAN Feiga Montreal Canada 1145-1146
HITELMAN Sali Montreal Canada 1145-1146
HITELMAN Mosze Montreal Canada 1145-1146
HOPENHEIM Abraham Montreal Canada 1145-1146
HOPENHEIM Meir Montreal Canada 1145-1146
HOPENHEIM Dewora Montreal Canada 1145-1146
HOPENHEIM Bela Montreal Canada 1145-1146
KLEMENSBERG Mosze Montreal Canada 1145-1146
KLEMENSBERG-STRASBURG Dewora Montreal Canada 1145-1146
KLEMENSBERG Eli Montreal Canada 1145-1146
LERMAN Jacob Montreal Canada 1145-1146
LERMAN Abraham Ontremont, Quebec Canada 1145-1146
LIBERSON Luyi Montreal Canada 1145-1146
MILER-HITELMAN Chaia Montreal Canada 1145-1146
MENDSON-GOLDSTEIN Miriam Montreal Canada 1145-1146
ROKBRAND Leon W. Montreal Canada 1145-1146
PONSZNER-ROKBRAND Sz. Montreal Canada 1145-1146
SZYLDKROT Josef Montreal Canada 1145-1146
SZTAJNMAN Mordcha Montreal Canada 1145-1146
SYGYL-GOLDSTEIN Toba Montreal Canada 1145-1146
WASERMAN Chaim Montreal Canada 1145-1146
WASERMAN Szulim Montreal Canada 1145-1146
WAIZBERG Abraham Montreal Canada 1145-1146
WEIDER Chana Montreal Canada 1145-1146
WART-GOLDSTEIN Ester Montreal Canada 1145-1146
WACHMAN Mosze Montreal Canada 1145-1146
AJZENSTAT (Mrs. L.) Toronto Canada 1145-1146
FRIMER M. Toronto Canada 1145-1146
RICER B. Toronto Canada 1145-1146
RICER M. Toronto Canada 1145-1146
KIRSHENBAUM H. Toronto Canada 1145-1146
GOLDFINE (Mrs. J.) Toronto Canada 1145-1146
GREENBLUM (Mrs. D.) Toronto Canada 1145-1146
HANDLER (Mrs. D.) Toronto Canada 1145-1146
ZEIDENBERG (Mrs. L.) Toronto Canada 1145-1146
HANDLER H. Toronto Canada 1145-1146
RICER S. Toronto Canada 1145-1146
KIRSHENBAUM D. Toronto Canada Rabbi 1145-1146
RAPPOPORT Toronto Canada Rabbi 1145-1146
ROZENSON M. Toronto Canada 1145-1146
TENENBAUM (Mrs. L.) Toronto Canada 1145-1146
HIRSHMAN (Mrs. J.) Toronto Canada 1145-1146
ABRACZKA (SZNAJDERMAN) Paris France 1145-1146
AJCHENRAD Paris France 1145-1146
BRYCMAN Paris France 1145-1146
BLANCHE MAISON Leon Paris France 1145-1146
EDELHERTZ Paris France 1145-1146
FELDMAN Paris France c/o Mme. FAJERSZTAJN 1145-1146
KLAPERMAN Paris France 1145-1146
HANDELSMAN Ch. Paris France 1145-1146
RAJES Paris France c/o Mme. Perl MELHENDLER 1145-1146
SZABESSON Paris France 1145-1146
SZABEN-CHER J. Paris France 1145-1146
SZABENMACHER Paris France 1145-1146
SZTAJNSALC L. Paris France 1145-1146
SZULSZTEIN Paris France 1145-1146
VEBERMAN Paris France Mirale SZEBENACHER 1145-1146
VEBERMAN Eta Paris France 1145-1146
RYCER Dyna Paris France 1145-1146
WEINBOUH Paris France 1145-1146
BRUTMAN Szlome Paris France 1145-1146
BRUTMAN B. Paris France 1145-1146
SAMACHER FILS Eta Paris France 1145-1146
SAMACHER Fany Paris France 1145-1146
WAJCMAN Sara Paris France 1145-1146
MELLE Rosette Paris France 1145-1146
WAJSBROT Paris France 1145-1146
HECHT Taube Paris France 1145-1146
AJCHENRAND Lejzer Paris France 1145-1146
FLAKSER Mosze Paris France 1145-1146
LEVINE Samuel Buenos Aires Argentina 1145-1146
SEIDENVERG Simon Buenos Aires Argentina 1145-1146
KLOPERMAN Jacobo Buenos Aires Argentina 1145-1146
WACHENHAIZER Wolf Buenos Aires Argentina 1145-1146
FELDBERG Fischel Buenos Aires Argentina 1145-1146
SCHNAIDLER Enriquez Buenos Aires Argentina 1145-1146
SOMBERG Julio Buenos Aires Argentina 1145-1146
FINKELSHTAIN Salomon Buenos Aires Argentina 1145-1146
KENIG Simon Buenos Aires Argentina 1145-1146
NAISCHTAIN M. Buenos Aires Argentina 1145-1146
ELENBOGUEN Jose Buenos Aires Argentina 1145-1146
FICHMAN Jacobo Buenos Aires Argentina 1145-1146
LEVIN B. Buenos Aires Argentina 1145-1146
KENIG Gregorio Buenos Aires Argentina 1145-1146
CEDERBOM M. Buenos Aires Argentina 1147-1148
LICHT Abram Buenos Aires Argentina 1147-1148
LICHT Jaime Buenos Aires Argentina 1147-1148
MINSKI M. Buenos Aires Argentina 1147-1148
DIKERT Gregorio Buenos Aires Argentina 1147-1148
ORENSCHTAIN Simon Buenos Aires Argentina 1147-1148
AKSELRAD M. Buenos Aires Argentina 1147-1148
BRENNER Maier Buenos Aires Argentina 1147-1148
NAISCHTAIN Arie Buenos Aires Argentina 1147-1148
SILVERSTEIN I. Winnipeg Canada 1147-1148
GROSSMAN Abraham Chicago, Illinois USA 1147-1148
HANESMAN S. Montevideo Uruguay 1147-1148
WAJNBERG Ch. Melbourne Australia 1147-1148
MANDELKERN Sz. Julio Habana Cuba 1147-1148
CHANESMAN M. Rio de Janeiro Brasil 1147-1148
SZYFMAN I. Rio de Janeiro Brasil 1147-1148
STERN Abram Bogota Colombia 1147-1148
LOBERBAUM Jacob Bogota Colombia 1147-1148
SALTZMAN Salomon Donedin New Zealand 1147-1148
SALTZMAN Leon Wellington New Zealand 1147-1148
HANESMAN S. Wellington New Zealand 1147-1148


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Updated 11 Dec 2021 by LA