[Columns 1045-1046]
Translated by Tina Lunson
[ ] translator's remarks
[Columns 1047-1048]
Leibel Landman (son of Yitzchok Miriam's), was loved and respected in town. A genius student right at from the beginning of his Beis Medrash studies, later active in culture organizations, an activist in the secret revolutionary Workers' movement. Died from consumption at the young age of 33.
In this picture of his funeral, we can recognize several people, such as: Motel Hopenheim, Soro Laya Krantzberg, Ruchama Ritzer, Yitzchok Rosen (lives in Hadera, Israel), Leibish Rosen, Avrohom Finkelstein (lives in Tel Aviv), Zisel Ritzer, Meyer Kornstein, Hersh Kotlazh, Yehoshua Buchshreiber, Nechemia Grosman, Simcha Bergerman, Moishe Elenboigen, Itche Fishman, Moishe Zinger, Dovid Hochman, Fularia (Refoel Aryeh) Buchshreiber, Dovid Niderberg. |
I will never forget my dear family
My father Leibel Weinberg (Miriam's) All who were killed by Nazi murderers. Shimon Weinberg, wife , and child (Israel)
I will never forget my deceased and perished family
My father Pesach Zilbering (Mulazh); Shimon Zilbering, wife and children (Israel)
My dears, you will always remain in my memory,
My father, Sheps Mordechai Wachenhazer, died 5 Shevat 5689 [January 16, 1929];
My brother Yekusiel, wife and children; Gitel Trudler, Ramat Hasharon, Israel. |
We will never forget our deceased father Noach Mendel Buchshreiber And our entire perished family;
Our mother Chaya;
Gutshe Gringruz (Buchshreiber); Naomi
I will always remember my family that was murdered by Hitler's wild animal-people
My father Leibel Fajerglas;
Tauba Fajerglas (Lyubitcher) |
[Columns 1051-1052]
Our father Reb Yakov (Yankel) Weinreb, our mother Shaindel; Our sister Chana and her husband Reb Yisroel Meir Kohen,Shochet u'Bodek (ritual slaughterer and kashrut inspector), in Ostrowa, and their children: Leibishel, Sheva'le, Moishele, and Soroh'le; Our sister Serke and her husband, who died in their youth, and their children: Sheva'le, Yisroel, and Rochele; Our sister Devoira who died in her youth, and her son Leibele; Our brother Aharon, his wife Miriam and their son Moishe'le; Our sister Sheva, her husband Mendel Faierstajn, and their son; Our uncle Moishe (Moishke) Nisenboim, his wife Rivka and their children; Our uncle Avrohom Yitzchok Zlutczicki and his wife Tzirel and their children: Henye, Pinchas, and Selah.
Binyomin and Liptche Weinreb
In perpetual sorrow and memory for
My father Sender son of Yechezkel, died on 15 Elul, 1922; Chaim Gutman, Montreal
With a holy tremble, we remember our beloved parents:
Aharele Hitelman (Shneider) and our dear mother Henye Mindel, may they rest in peace; By giving charity, we will consecrate your blessed memory. Avrohom Hitelman and family, Montreal |
Our father Sholom son of Harav Yechiel Goldberg, perished in Israel, 4 Iyar 5701 ----- Our mother Soroh Rochel, perished 23 Elul 5705 -------- Our brother Avromtche, his wife Neche and children: Yechiel, Pinchas, Chaya, Moishele; Our brother Mordechai, his wife Perel and their children: Yechiel, Blima; Our sister Chaya, her husband Shmuel Tzimerman and their children: Tzadok, Blimele; Our uncle Chaim son of Harav Reb Yechiel, who died before the war, and his children were killed by the hands of the Nazis; Our uncle Shmuel Menachem son of Harav Reb Yechiel, died in Russia, and his wife Gitele who died in Israel; Our uncle Elimelech, died before the war; his wife, Sorole and her children: Tzivia and her husband and their children; Shaindel and her husband and their children, Rashale and her husband and their children; Our aunt Liptche, perished, and with her two children at the hands of the Nazis; Our aunt Shaindel daughter of Harav Reb Yechiel and his wife Mindel Lerman, and their children who were murdered at the hands of the Nazis; Our uncle Avrohom Hersh Bubes, his wife Baila Rochel, and their children; Our aunt Kaila with her husband Shimon Dovidson from Belsiec----- and their children: Yakov Yitzchok and his wife Tzivia and their daughter Chantche, Chaim Gershon, Rivka Leah, Nachman Dovid, Shaindel Dobra, who were killed in Majdanek; Our uncle Leibish Goldshlager and his wife Yocheved Kaveh, and their children; Our uncle Nechemia Goldshlager and his wife and his children; Our aunt Perele with her husband Nechemia Migdalek and their daughter.
Binyomin and Liptche Weinreb
With anguish and pain we announce to all the Kurow people in the world about the early death of our beloved wife and mother
Honor her memory!
Remaining in sorrow |
[Columns 1053-1054]
In perpetual sorrow and in memory [of my family who] perished, and were murdered at the hands of the Germans, may their names be erased
My mother Esther, daughter of Mindel (Wolinski);
My brother Shmuel; Yakov Lerman, Montreal
I will always cry for my dear family, perished, and murdered by the Nazi murderers.
My father Yudel Brik, long-time chairman of the community in Kurow; died before the war;
Faige Brik Rechtman, her husband Yitzchok, |
Our deceased and perished family will remain as an eternal memory Our father and mother Hertzke and Chava Teitelboim, died in Israel
Our brother Meilech, died in his blossoming age before the war.
Our brother Meir, his wife Sorole and children, perished;
Eliezer and Devorale Teitelboim; |
[Columns 1055-1056]
With awe and reverence, I remember my family that perished
Father Shiye Altman;
My cousins Yankel and Malka Gutman. Chaim Avigdor (Nesher) Altman and his family, Israel
With sorrow and pain, we remember our wife and mother
Our sister-in-law, brother-in-law, uncle, and aunt;
In sorrow, |
With sadness and pain, I remember my dear ones, deceased, and murdered by the Hitler murderers
My grandfather Noach , Dobre's, Shildkraut;
My father Avremele, Noach's (Malach);
In eternal sorrow
We wish to eternalize in the Yizkor Book the names of those who perished and those who were killed:
Our parents: Yakov Hersh and Chaya Soroh Morgenstern; We will never forget them.
Silke and Zalman Lifskind, New York |
[Columns 1057-1058]
We mourn for our family that was horrifyingly murdered by the Nazi killers.
Our father Shloime Eisenshmidt (Moshe Asher's);
Our sister Roiza and her husband Leibel Zeidentrager and children;
Our brother Avrohom Aharon and his wife Gittel Rozen and their children;
Rivka and Fishel Brutman;
We will always remember in sorrow:
My father Shimon Matis (Matisyahu) Gilbert; We will never forget you. Yankel Gilbert and his wife Chana, Israel. |
With pain in our hearts, and perpetual sorrow, you will always remain in our memory my dear and loved ones
My father Yosef Boruch Lerman;
My uncle Melech Gosziczanski and his wife and child -
The only survivor of the entire family
We will always remember our dear family:
Our father, Moshe Chanisman, died on 10 Shevat, 1927; All perished.
Chaim Chanisman, Israel |
[Columns 1059-1060]
With great pain and in dark grief, I cry for the members of my family who were killed and strangled in the gas chambers by Hitler's soldiers, may their names be erased. They may have been destroyed but will not be forgotten.
My grandfather Reb Shulem son of Simcha Bunim, died in Kurow; May it be that the People of Israel never forget this, for eternity. Remember what Amalek did to you!
From the only survivor of the entire family
We will never forget our deceased, and those who were murdered by the Nazi thugs
Our father Moshe Shulem Goldshlager, died in Israel;
Soroh Rivka and her husband and children.
Gitel Goldshlager, her husband Moshe Fishman; |
In eternal memory of my deceased and tragically murdered family
My father Chaim Chanisman (Motel Yenta's);
My brother Yeshiye Leib;
Simcha Chanisman and wife,
In eternal memory of my tragically murdered family, killed by the Nazi murderers, may their names be erased.
My father Reuven son of Yosef Feivel Finkelstein, from Gniwisov; May G-d avenge their blood, and redeem us in eternal redemption, speedily, in our days.
Their son and brother, |
* Tombstone content
[shows date of death]
An honest man |
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