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[Columns 1061-1062]

Necrology – Obituaries (cont.)

[ ] translator's remarks

We will never forget our father and brother:

Avrohom-Leizer Teichman (Simcha Yehudis's son), lived in Demblyn, killed by the Nazi murderers at the train station in Naleczow.

Avrohom-Leizer Teichman

May their blood be avenged!

Daughter: Andzhe Yoskovitch, Cholon;
Brother: Chaim Teichman, Tel Aviv;
Sister: Soroh Davidovitch, Tel Aviv;
Sister: Shaindel Guberman, Brooklyn

In sorrow for our murdered father:
Hersh Yechiel Shteinman (shamesh) [beadle]
And our sister Sheva and brother-in-law Moshe and their child.

Hersh Yechiel Shamesh, his son-in-law Moshe Fishbein,
his daughter Sheva, and grandchild

We will never forget them.

Son – Mordechai Shteinman;
Daughter – Gitel Rosenberg;
Pesse Gelman – in Montreal

We will never forget our dear ones, [those] who perished and [those who] were killed -

Our father Simcha Teichman, may his memory be blessed (Yehudisel's), died in Kurow, 24 Nissan, 1918;

Simcha Teichman

Our mother Vitel, died 11 Kislev, 1913;

Our sister Leah Teichman-Federbusz (from Demblyn), Simcha Yehudis's daughter, who in the year 1943, along with 18,000 other Jews from Warsaw, was burned alive in the village of Poniatow near Opole.

Leah Teichman-Federbusz

May their blood be avenged!

Son and brother – Chaim Teichman, Tel Aviv;
Daughter and sister – Soroh Yehudis Davidovitch, Tel Aviv;
Daughter and sister Shaindel Guberman, Brooklyn

[Columns 1063-1064]

All these family members, murdered by Hitler, may his name be erased:

My father Mordechai Rotfarb;
My mother Chana Devora;
My brother Ber Rotfarb;
My sister Chaya and her husband Bentzion Weitzman, and their three young children; Bailtche, Zalman, and Sarah;
My sister Shaindele and her husband Chaim Waida, and two young children: Simcha'le and Yisroel;
My uncle Simcha'e Rotfarb and his wife Kaila;
My cousin Malka Rotfarb and her husband Itche Fishbein, and her young daughter Pola.

May G-d avenge for their innocent, spilled blood!

Simcha Rotfarb (Nedivi), Ramat Gan, Israel.

In eternal sorrow and memory of our family:

Our father and mother, grandfather and grandmother Volf Leib and Chaya Hershman;
Our brother and uncle Moishe Hershman;
Our father and brother Yitzchol Hershman – killed by the murderers in the Ruzhyn forest in the year 1925;
Our mother and aunt Perl, died in Detroit;

Perl Hershman

Our brother and nephew Eliezer Hershman, his wife Faige and children;
Our brother and nephew Volf Leib Hershman;
Our brother and uncle Shloime Hershman, his wife Ruchama and children;
Our sister and niece Mattel, her husband Leibel and daughter;
Our sister and niece Shaindel, her husband Yankel and daughter;
Our sister and aunt Mindel, her husband Yechiel Shiye and children;
Our sister and aunt Lieba, her hysband Leibel and children;
Our sister and aunt Chava, her husband Shloime and children;

Yankel and Roza Hershman, Detroit;
Soroh Handelsman, Detroit.

In sorrow for our father and brother, who died before his time:

Moshe Berish Shiffman,
Born 1901 and died in Rio de Janiero December 9, 1953, did many good deeds, a distinguished businessman.

Moshe Shiffman

We mourn his memory.

His brother Yakov Shifman and his wife Sarha Rivka; his son Sholom and his wife Mirele; his son Yakov; his son Noach; his daughter Chanale; his daughter Simele

We will always mourn for our deceased family:

Our father Gershon Henech Wurman;
Our mother Sorole (Temele Luzer's);
Our brother Chaim Eliezer and his wife Tzivia and their child Raizke;
Our brother Moshe;
Our uncle Hershel Naimark, wife, and children;
Our uncle Shmuel Yitzchok Naimark, wife and children.

Chantshe Wurman and husband Aryeh, Israel;
Chaya Wurman and husband Noach, New York;
Nechemiah Wurman and wife Gloria, Israel

I will always curse the German murderers and never forget our ones that were murdered:

My father Leibish Gotlieb;
My mother Chana Roiza;
My sister Rechel and her husband Yechiel, and their children Faigele and Lyuba;
My brother Yitzchok;
My sister Chaya;
My sister Lyuba;
My sister Rivkale;
My brother Shimon, wife and children;
My brother Aharon, wife and children.

Shmuel Gotlieb and his wife, Israel.

[Columns 1065-1066]

With deep anguish and pain, we remember our dear family:

Our brother Yehoshua Strassburg and his wife Hadas Lustman and their children in Warsaw;
Our brother Itche Strassburg, his wife and children, in Warsaw;
Our sister Perl and her husband Pesach Lipskind and their children;

Killed by Hitler's murderers, may their names be erased.

  Our father Dovid Hersh Strassburg, died in Kurow, 24 Adar [February 24], 1919;
Our mother Tobele, died on 15 Av [August 9] 1922 in Kurow;
Our sister Pessel and her husband Yakov Gait and their children, in Lublin;
Our sister Fraidel and her husband Mottel Hopenheim and their children;

Yehoshua Strassburg, his wife Hadas, their daughter and son-in-law Mendel Brik and their children and grandchild. Shmuel and Mindel Strassburg and their family; Chantshe Strassburg and her husband Moishe Avrohom Kenig and their family, New York.

We mourn for our husband and father:

Shmuel Hersh Lerman
The son of Yosef and Chayale Lerman


Died in the year 1931.

His wife: Chava Lerman
His sons: Yosef and Dovid, Tel Aviv, Israel

With deepest pain, we remember our parents:

Leib and Broche Weide;
Sister Raizel, husband and child;
Sister Shaindel;
Brother Yerachmiel Weide.

Yerachmiel Weide

Soroh and Gershon Weide
Los Angeles

[Columns 1067-1068]

With great pain and anguish we remember our dear parents:

Father Moshe Strassburg, perished in the year 1942, killed by the Hitler murderers;
Mother Shoshe Rivka, daughter of Reb Moshe Mechel, died in Kurow;
Our sister Roizele and her husband Leizer Hersh Kenig, and their children: Sholom, Velvel, and Shoshe; perished in Kurow in the year 1942, killed by the Nazi murderers, may their names be erased.

Your commemoration will always remain in our memory!

Mindel, her husband Shmuel Strassburg and their children – Brooklyn, NY.;
Devora and her husband Moshe Klimensberg and their children, in Montreal;
Bracha Strassburg and her husband, New York; Golde, her husband Dovid Bauer and children, Montreal;
Leibel Strassburg and his family, Montreal.

We will always mourn for and remember

Our father Mendel Mules Rokbrand, deceased;
Our mother, Soroh, perished;

Soroh Rokbrand

Our sister Teme, died; her children – perished;
Our sister Freide, and her husband Yosef and their children – killed by the Nazis;
Our brother Moshe, died in a tragic incident in Costa Rica.

Leibel Rokbrand and family, Montreal.
Ben Tzion Rokbrand and family, Costa Rica; Sheindel Peintshnir and family, Montreal.

With anguish and pain, we remember our dear, unforgettable family:

Our husband and father Leizer (Pesach's) Libhaber,
Died in New York, 16 Nisan [April 3] 1950;

Leizer Libhaber (Pesach's)

Our sister and aunt Ruchama, her husband Shloime Hershman (Kanier) and their children;
Our brother and uncle Leibel Rosen and his wife Lieba and their children;

Leibel Rosen

Our brother and uncle Melech Rosen and his wife Rochel Leah and children;
Our sister and aunt Perl, her husband Yonah Szabenmacher and their children;
Our brother-in-law and uncle Simcha Pesach's, his wife and children;
Our sister-in-law and aunt Shaindel, her husband Mordechai and their children, in Lublin;
Killed by the Nazis, may G-d avenge their blood.

Esther Libhaber-Rosen; Yosel Libhaber; Avrohom Libhaber; Yehoshua Libhaber; Chana Libhaber; Yitzchok Libhaber and their families, New York.

[Columns 1069-1070]

Sholom Zalckvar, of blessed memory, a great, kind activist in town, died in Israel
We will always remember

Our dear father Reb Sholom son of Meir Zalckvar
Who died on 7 Elul 5699, August 23, 1939;
Our dear mother Malka daughter of Chaim Zalman, died 8 Teves 5669 – January 1, 1909.

Son: Shlomo Zalman Zalcman (New Zealand);
Son: Leibel Zalcman (New Zealand);
Daughter: Shaindel (Israel)
Daughter: Ettel Rachman (Israel).

In eternal sorrow for my family, killed by Hitler, may his name be erased.

My father Shmuel son of Boruch Zukerman, died 11 Teves 5679, December 14, 1918;
My mother mattel Zukerman, daughter of Yosef Melhendler;
My first wife Soroh Zukerman, daughter of Isaac Bruten, and my three children: Boruch, Chana, Rivka;
My sister Chaya Tzivia, her husband Mordechai Rozenson, and their three children;
My brother Boruch Zishe, his wife Fraide daughter of Mordechai Volf Klaperman, and their three children;
My sister Soroh Zukerman daughter of Shmuel, and her husband Yosef Elboim, and her daughter Chaya;
My sister Roza daughter of Shmuel, and her husband Yoel Tauz, and their two children;
My brother Yosef and his wife Fraide;
My mother's brother Leibel Yosef's Melhendler, and his family;
Shimon son of Yosef and his family.

Hershel Zukerman, New York.

With a broken heart and deep pain, we remember our dear parents: Leib Walerstajn and Yocheved

Leib and Yocheved Walerstajn

Our sister Nechama and Aharon Akerman
We will never forget you!

Mindele Shor and family;
Mordechai Hersh Walerstajn and family
Los Angeles

In sorrow for my parents:

Leib Weide and mother;
My brother Moshe Aharon, his wife and children;
My sister Neche and her husband Yankel;
My sister Chaya.

Neche Fishman (Leib Beiger's)
Los Angeles

We will always mourn for our dear family who perished and some of whom were killed:

Our father Lozer Zeidenwerg;
Our mother Chana Lieba;

Elazar (Shneider) Zeidenwerg and his wife Chana Lieba

Our brother Eliyahu and his wife Feige Gittel and the children;
Our sister Pesse and her husband Moshe Kuzhitski and the children;
Our brother Isaac, died in Argentina;
Our brother Zalman, died in Canada;
Our uncle Gutman Ritzer, his wife, son Dovid, and hiw wife Laya and children.

Reuven Zeidenwerg (Israel)
Simcha Zeidenwerg (Buenos Aires)
Laya Zeidenwerg (Canada)

[Columns 1071-1072]

Moshe Blumels with his sister's daughter, Yocheved, at the gravesite of this father Aharon Blumels, of blessed memory; died in Kurow in the year 1932.

Sholom Zalckvar, of blessed memory, a great, kind activist in town, died in Israel

Roiza and Binyomin Blum (Zuker) and son;
Shaindel and Melech Derfner and children.
New York, United States.

We will eternally mourn for our dear mother Laitche Blumels, and our sisters and brother and their families, who were killed by the Nazi murderers. We will never forget them.

Laitche (Shmelke's) Blumels

Our brother Moshe Blumels, his wife Soroh Esther, and daughter Faigele;
Our sister Dina'le, her husband Avrohom Roitblat, and their four children;
Our sister Soro'le, her husband Simcha Hochman, and their four children;
Our sister Chana, her husband Hilel Rozenblum, and their two children.

We remain in eternal pain after the death of our [dear ones]:

Our father Yisroelke Nirenberg;
Our mother Chaya (Breindele's);
Our sisters:
Tzippe, her husband Meir Schildkraut and children;
Rivka and her husband Moshe Etinger and children;
Our brothers:
Mendel, his wife Dobre Nisenboim and children;
Hersh Nirenberg;
Our relatives:
Rashke and her husband Hershel Weberman and children;
Rochel and her husband Yosel Oczinski and children;

We will never forget them!

Golde and Moshe Friedman, Detroit.

In eternal memory for my late parents:

My father Pinchas, son of Shmuel Leizer's, and my mother Shevale Lerman – may they rest in heaven's eternity!
Also my sisters' and brothers' children, who perished:
Tzippe, her husband Binyomin Zilbering, and their children;
Yakov Pinchas Feinshmidt, his wife Devora and son Mendel;
Raizele Mandelmilch, with her husband and children;
Yankel Mandelmilch, his wife and children;
And all my relatives and friends.

Chantshe Lerman Kava and husband, Detroit.

I am expressing my deepest sorrow at the early death of my husband:

Yitzchok Isaac Elenboigen

Yitzchok Issac Elenboigen, of blessed memory

Born in Kurow. Came to Canada at the end of World War One. He immediately went to work to create the Kurow Assistance Society in Montreal. Until the last day of his life, until his difficult health situation, he devoted very much time to the Kurow Assistance Society in Montreal. He died in 1948 in Montreal.

Roiza Elenboigen, Montreal, Canada


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