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[Page 10]

List of Pictures (cont.)

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Caption Page(s) Thumbnail
A photocopy of the title page of the 1938 calendar of the Maytchet Gemilut Chessed fund 207
Workers Evening Courses, April 15, 1930 Maytchet 203
Yonah and his wife Kriena Orzechovsky and their daughter Hanna-Mara 207
Mrs. Feiga-Rachel Weisbord née Orzechovsky 208
Yoel [Julius] Kolodny and his first wife from the Orzechovsky family 209
R' Dov-Ber Dvorzecky z”l and his wife Tzivia hy”d (née Rumanov) 212
Town elders 216
Nathan Naten, and his wife Chana Lea Naten 218
Baruch and Chaya-Sarah of blessed memory (nee Orzechovsky) Ross 220
R' Nachum and his wife Sara-Rivka Abramovsky z”l 222
Noach Boretsky 225
Feigl (Zipora) Boretsky 228
Wolinsky Family 234
Maytcheters who were partisans 237
“Management of Ezrat Cholim” 239
Yitzchak Akivah and Yachne Rivke Lubetcky 241
Reb Mordechai Margolin 242
Sheina Margolin 244
Reb Avi Hirsch Aronovitch 245
Pua (Poya) Novomiski 249
Maytchet Zionist Association 251
Abraham Abba and his wife Masha Polonsky 253
Avraham Dov Korn of blessed memory 256
The feldscher Reb Aharon Korn of blessed memory 256
Velka Shevchik 258
Reb Moshe Aharon Shevchik 258
Chaya-Tcherna Stolovitsky nee Shlovsky and her son Benjamin 266
Rabbi Asher Orzechovsky 270
Rabbi Yisrael Elchanan Pikalni and his wife Hadassa 272
Yaakov Gilerovits 273
Yisrael Belski 273
Moshe Savitsky 273
Reb Shlomo Tzvi Shlomovitz and his wife Chana 274
Naftali Hertz and his wife Sema Dvorzecky, the grandparents of Chana Machtiger 275
People from Maytchet at a gathering of the family Zimonkoft 275
Sarah Rabinovitz of the Margolin Family 276
Dvosha Jukovitsky of the Margolin Family 276
Avraham Margolin, his wife and children 276
Chana Losovsky (nee Boretck) 277
Moshe and his wife Dvorah Boretck 277
Uncaptioned. A family photo 277
Mina Berman and Dvorah Melinkovsky 278
Bluma Bosel (nee Aharonovich) 278
A gathering of Maytchet natives in Israel with Yechezkel Ravitz 278
Yitzchak-Meir and his wife Golda Tapoli (nee Volinski) and their children 279
Yechiel Shebchuk and his wife Mira (nee Lamkin) 279
David and his wife Teiba Rivka Volinski 279
David and Hinda Eidlin, grandparents of Tova Shomroni 280
Yechezkel and his wife Menucha Polonski 280
Moshe Chaim and his sister Freidel Polonski 280
Yechiel-Yitzchak Dvorecki family 281
TThe descendents of Reb Yechiel-Yitzchak Dvorecki 281
Rabbi Yisrael-Elchanan Pikalni and his family 282
Photo Farwell of the Occasion of Migration to America 282
Leadership of Gemilat Chesed 283
Maytchet natives in Israel at a gathering with visitors from the United States 283
The leadership of the Folks Bank 284
The leadership of the tradesmen 284
Yosef Lozovski as a Polish soldier 285
Mordechai Ravitz as a Polish soldier 285
Avraham-Dov Korn as a Russian soldier 285
Abba Margolin as a Polish soldier 286
Moshe Lisagorski as an American soldier 286
Yaakov Margolin as a Polish soldier 286
Noach Dubkovski as a Polish soldier 286
The Leadership and Council of the Folks Bank 292
The Workers of the Folks Bank 302
Tsira Royak (Rabec) 314
Uncaptioned 319
Uncaptioned 322
Rueven Bitenski 328
Uncaptioned 331
Uncaptioned [A Nazi cutting off the beard of a Jew] 345
The soldier Avraham Rimon 371
Yehoshua Shomroni 371
Moshe Kleinshtov 371
Esther Biribis 371
Avraham Zeev Savitzki of blessed memory 374
Yisrael Savitzki of blessed memory 374
Malka Chalamish (Rabinovitch) 374
Sima Ginzberg, nee Dvorjetskiy 374
Elkana Ben-Hur 375
Sima Ben-Hur (Abramovski) 375
Leibel Shmulevicz of blessed memory 375
Reb Avraham Kaplan of blessed memory 375
Sima Boyarski and Family 383
Leib-Chaim Volinski and Family 384
Ben-Zion and Chasia Boretcky 385
Shmuel Boretcky and Family 386
Alter A.H. and Miriam Gorski 388
Hirsch (Tzvi) Viloikhinski 389
Leah Hanelis and Chaya Dubkovski 390
Shimeon Lakhovitski 393
Mordechai-Izak Lisagorski 395
Aryeh-Leib Margolin and Family 397
Sara Kravtzik and her Family 401
Yisrael Rabinovitch and Family 402
Izik Ravitz and Family 403
Shlomo Chaim Shmulewicz and Family 407
Aharon and his wife Sara-Chaya Katz 410
Chaim and Gittel Ber 411
Leibel Perlman and Family 412
Shlomo and Hodel Machtiger 416
Yaakov Makarensky and his Family 417
Mordechai Leib Likter and Family 418
Moshe Chiam Niversky and Family 420
Yakov Sadovsky and Family 421


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