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[Page 409]

Memorial Pages
to the Martyrs of Communities Close to Maytchet


In Eternal Memory
We perpetuate the names of our beloved ones in the Yizkor Book of the Jews of Maytchet and its region

Our father: Reb David-Heshel Katz, may G-d avenge his blood – perished in the Treblinka Death Camp
Our mother: Hinda of blessed memory – died in Israel
Our brother: Yitzchak of blessed memory – fell in the partisan actions in the forests of Goshorda in the area of Kovno
Our sister: Bluma, my G-d avenge her blood – perished in the Kovno Ghett

May G-d avenge their blood!
  Mourning in grief and sorrow, the daughters: Sonia Korn (nee Katz)
Genia Barnak (nee Katz)

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A Monument
With great pain and deep sorrow, I perpetuate in the Yizkor Book of my wife's native town of Maytchet my dear loved ones who died and were murdered by the Nazi murderers:

My beloved father: Reb Aharon Katz, may G-d avenge his blood
My beloved mother: Chaya Sara, may G-d avenge her blood
My dear sister: Esther Schveitzer, with her husband and children, may G-d avenge their blood
My dear sister: Freida Mehal, with her husband and children, may G-d avenge their blood
My beloved brother: Berl Katz, with his wife and children, may G-d avenge their blood
They were all murdered in our former town of Okuniev
My dear brother: Avraham Hirsch and his wife Bluma of blessed memory – died in Brazil

May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
Reb Aharon and his wife Sara-Chaya Katz
of blessed memory. May he live long, Shmuel Katz
    Perpetuated by their son and brother:
Shmuel Katz and his wife Alta

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For Eternal Memory
I recall the memory of my dear parents in the Book of Maytchet
Chaim and Gittel Ber
My revered father: Reb Chaim the son of Yaakov-Leib and Chana, may G-d avenge his blood
My revered mother: Gittel the daughter of Yaakov and Feiga, may G-d avenge his blood.
My brother: Yaakov, and my sisters: Chana, Pesia, Rachel, Sima, and Sara, may G-d avenge their blood
Who perished in the Holocaust in my native town of Kowal
If there is anything good in me – I inherited it from you.
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
    The perpetuator:
Tzipora Margolin (Ber) and her husband Nachum

[Page 412]

For Eternal memory
To our family members in Haradzieja

Our father: Reb Leibel Perlman of blessed memory – died in Haradzieja
Our mother: Chaya, may G-d avenge her blood – perished in the Haradzieja Ghetto
Our sister: Golda of blessed memory – perished in Haradzieja
Our sister: Chasha and her husband, may G-d avenge their blood – perished in the Haradzieja Ghetto

May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
Father Leibel Perlman, Mother Chaya,
and their daughter (my sister) Chasha
    The mourners:
The daughters and sisters: Batya Sadovsky nee Perlman – Israel, Gitel Stat, nee Perlman – United States

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A Candle for the Souls
I recall the memory of my dear ones in the Yizkor Book of the community of Maytchet:

My dear father: Reb Yechiel of blessed memory – died in 1925 in Baranovich
My dear mother: Mrs. Beila, may G-d avenge her blood – perished in the Baranovich Ghetto
My dear brother: Avraham Yitzchak of blessed memory – died in 1933 in Baranovich

May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
    The perpetuator:
The son and brother – Lazer Rabinovitch


A Candle for the Souls
For eternal memory in the Yizkor Book of Maytchet of my dear family members from Zhetl

My dear father: Reb Yosef Rozovski of blessed memory – died during the German occupation
My dear mother: Chana of blessed memory – died in Zhetl in 1936
My dear brothers and sisters: Berl, Moshe, David, Keila, and Itka –perished in the Holocaust at the hands of the murderers, may their names be blotted out.

May their memories be a blessing!
    The perpetuator:
The son and brother: Shlomo Rozovski of Kfar Saba


For Eternal Memory
I hereby perpetuate in the Yizkor Book of Maytchet the memory of my dear mother
Mereh Yarmelovski, nee Lubetzki, may G-d avenge her blood, who lived in Slonim and perished during the time of the Holocaust in Maytchet
May her memory be blessed!
    The perpetuator:
Doba Leterman nee Yarmelovski – Israel

[Page 414]

A Candle to the Souls of my Dear Ones
My revered mother: Chana Lubchik of blessed memory – died in 1916 in Haradzieja
My revered father: Reb Moshe-Yosef Lubchik of blessed memory – died in 1939 in Haradzieja
My sister: Menucha and her husband Yaakov Sabin and their children – perished in Stowbtsy
My sister: Sara Batya, her husband Berl Kroshinski and their children, may G-d avenge their blod – perished in Haradzieja
My brother: Avraham, his wife and children, may G-d avenge their blood – perished in the Holocaust
My brothers: Shmuel and Shlomo of blessed memory – perished in exile behind the iron curtain
May this page in the Yizkor Book of the community of Maytchet serve
as an eternal flame to their souls and a perpetual monument to their memories
    The perpetuators:
Their son and brother: Shimon Lubtzik and his wife Chaya


For Eternal Memory
We recall the memory of our dear ones in the Yizkor Book of the community of Maytchet

Our dear father: Reb Moshe Aharon Lebovitz of blessed memory – died in 1929 in Zhetl
Our dear mother: Leah, may G-d avenge her blood – perished in the Holocaust in 1942
Our dear sister: Michla of blessed memory – died in Zhetl in 1929
Our dear sister: Risha, her husband David Yarmovski and their children, may G-d avenge their blood – perished in the Holocaust
Our dear sister: Batya, may G-d avenge her blood – perished in the Holocaust

May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
    The perpetuators:
The daughters and sisters:
Yafa Harpaz nee Lebovitz – Raanana
Chasha Alter nee Lebovitz – Petach Tikva

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For Eternal Memory
I hereby perpetuate the memory of my dear ones in the Yizkor Book of the community of Maytchet:

My dear father: Yaakov Sochaczewski of blessed memory – died in £odz in 1940
My dear mother: Sheindel. May G-d avenge her blood – perished in the Treblinka Death Camp
My dear brother: Shimon and his wife, may G-d avenge their blood – perished in the Holocaust
My dear brother Yeshayahu of blessed memory – fell in the Second World War in Poland-Germany
My dear sister: Chana and her family, may G-d avenge their blood – perished in the Holocaust
My dear sister: Tzipora, may G-d avenge her blood, perished in the Holocaust

May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
    The perpetuator:
Bella Gorski nee Sochaczewski


For Eternal Memory
Our dear father: Reb Binyamin Yatvitzki, may G-d avenge his blood
Our dear mother: Tova, may G-d avenge her blood
Our dear brother: Chaim, may G-d avenge his blood
Our dear sister: Beila, her husband Leizer Fiksztejn, and their children Aharon and Chana, may G-d avenge their blood
Our dear sister: Leah, her husband Yitzchak Menker, and their children, may G-d avenge their blood

All perished in the Dvorets Ghetto at the hands of the Nazi murderers and their assistants

May their memory be blessed!
    The perpetuators:
the sons: Yitzchak Binyamini (Yatvitzki), Eliezer Yatvitzki

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In Memory of Those Dear to our Souls
Our dear father: Reb Shlomo Mechtiger, may G-d avenge his blood – perished in the Holocaust in his native town of Zawiercie
Our dear mother –Hodel of blessed memory – died in Zawiercie
Shlomo Machtiger,
may G-d avenge his blood
  Hodel of blessed memory
Let this page in the Yizkor Book of the community of Maytchet serve
as an eternal flame to their souls and a perpetual monument to their memories
    The perpetuators
The son Yechiel Mechtiger, the daughters – Hela, Rachel, and Shoshana

[Page 417]

A Candle to the Memory
My dear father: Reb Yaakov the son of Reb Tzvi Makarensky, may G-d avenge his blood
My dear mother: Beila the daughter of Avigdor Ratanski, may G-d avenge her blood – perished in the Pruzhany Ghetto
My dear sister: Rivka and her husband Yosef Shifman, may G-d avenge their blood – perished in Szereszów
My dear sisters: Liba and Esther, may G-d avenge their blood – perished in Auschwitz
Yaakov and Beila Makarensky
Liba Makarensky   Esther Makarensky
May this page in the Yizkor Book of the community of Maytchet
serve as an eternal monument to their memory
    The perpetuators:
Their son and brother Moshe Makarensky and his wife Freidel

[Page 418]

In Memory of Those Dear to our Souls
Our dear father: Reb Mordechai Leib Likter of blessed memory – died in Zhetl during the Russian occupation
Our dear mother: Rivka, may G-d avenge her blood
Our dear brothers: Isser, Zalman, Yerachmiel, may G-d avenge their blood
Our dear sister: Beila, may G-d avenge her blood

Murdered in Zhetl by the murderers, may their names be blotted out, during the era of the Holocaust

Our brother: David, killed on the front near Bialystok in the Red Army

May this page in the Yizkor Book of the community of Maytchet
serve as an eternal monument to their souls
Sitting: Father Mordechai Leib Likter and mother Rivka nee Lisagorski.
Standing from left to right: David, Zalman, may she live long Zelda, may she live long Liba, Beila, Isser, and Yerachmiel
    The perpetuators:
The daughters and sister: Zelda Rozovski nee Likter – Israel, Liba Solkin nee Likter – United States

[Page 419]

A Monument
In eternal sorrow for my beloved parents

My beloved father: Meir Cerulnik
My beloved mother: Zlata

Murdered in the Baranovich Ghetto

Honor to their memory!
    In sorrow:
Mere Barda-Cerunlik, United States


In Eternal Memory
My revered father: Reb Yehoshua Kozol, may G-d avenge his blood – perished in Baranovich during the Holocaust
My revered mother: Mrs. Golda of blessed memory the daughter of Reb Yisrael Zalman and Zlata Shlovski - died in Baranovich in 1939
My brother Moshe and his family, may G-d avenge their blood – perished in Baranovich during the Holocaust
My brother: Avraham and his family, may G-d avenge their blood – perished in Baranovich during the Holocaust
My sister: Gitel and her family, may G-d avenge their blood – perished in Baranovich during the Holocaust
My sister: Esther may G-d avenge her blood – perished in Baranovich during the Holocaust
My brother: Mordechai, may G-d avenge his blood – perished in exile in Russia
My brother: Leibel of blessed memory – fell in a partisan action
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
    The perpetuator:
Their son and brother – Eliahu Tenenhoiz

[Page 420]

Eternal Remembrance in the Memorial Book
Our dear sister Badna, her husband Moshe Chaim Nibsky and their dear children:
Avraham Shmuel, Yoseph, Eliyahu, Zalman Yitzchak, Sarah Leah, and Shulamit

-----that met their end Kiddush Hashem (sanctifying G-d's name) in the Holocaust in the ghetto if Baranovichi

Their soul should be remembered among the living

Our pain is great and there is no consolation for us
Sister: Henya Piklani Rosenbloom
Brother: Yoseph Eliyahu Pinual-Piklani

[Page 421]

These Are the People We Mourn
We are commemorating the memory of our loved ones, members of our family that died
and were destroyed by the Nazi's (may their names be erased) in Baranovichi
The ones who are standing left to right:
Our brother Aba Sduvitsky – he was killed in a German bombing raid.
Will be blessed for a long life Mordechai Sduvitsky (Israel) Will be blessed for a long life Kalman Sduvitsky (Israel)
Seated left to right: Our sister Kheina, our mother Rivke, their end came in Baranovichi,
Our father Yakov Sduvitsky (may his memory be for a blessing) who died in the year 1940.
Our brother-in law Moshe Pikus, his end also came in Baranovichi
Bottom row left to right: The children of our sister Kheina: Chasha, (and may they live long) Mordechai, Avraham and Aharon.
Their end was also in Baranovichi
Our pain is great and there is no consolation for us
    The commemorators:
Mordechai and Kalman Slduvitsky


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