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[Page 401]

Memorial Pages and Pictures (cont.)


I will always weep and remember my beloved and dear ones who died
and were murdered at the hands of the murderers in Maytchet
Our mother Sara Kravtzik , may G-d avenge her blood, in the middle.
On the right: Sheina Feiga may G-d avenge her blood.
On the left: Mina may she live long, Mordechai of blessed memory.
On the right: Malka may G-d avenge her blood.
On the left: Esther may G-d avenge her blood.
My father: Moshe Kravtzik of blessed memory
My mother: Sara, may G-d avenge her blood
My sisters: Malka, Esther, and Sheina Feiga, may G-d avenge their blood
My brother: Mordechai of blessed memory
May these lines in the Maytchet Yizkor Book serve as an eternal monument
    In sorrow:
Their daughter and sister, Mina Rasales, nee Kravtzik, Canada

[Page 402]

Eternal Memorial Not To Forget Our Family
Rabinovitch family
(The picture also includes Esther Mochkovski Kerushinski, Reuven & Nachum Rabinovitch)
Our dear father: Rabbi Israel Rabinovitch
Our dear mother: Gania
Our dear sisters: Miriam and Fani
Our dear brothers: Shimon and Nechemia
Our dear grandfather: Rabbi Hazel Tsvi Mochkovski
Our dear grandmother: Razel Mochkovski
This Memorial Page is for their Holy Rememberance
    Reuven Rabinovitch - Israel
Nachum Rabinowicz - USA

[Page 403]

I will always weep for and remember my beloved dear ones who died
and were murdered in sanctification of the Divine Name in Maytchet
My father: Reb Izik Ravitz of blessed memory
My mother: Sara Ravitz, nee Dikshtejn, may G-d avenge her blood
My sister: Beilka Epshtejn and her family
My sister: Sheinke Pintzinski and her family
My sister: Chana Ravitz and her family
My sister: Itka Shlovski and her family
My brother: Zelig Ravitz and his family
My late husband: Zeev Kaplan and our dear children: Izik, Leibl and Fayele,
and his parents Yitzchak-Tzvi and Relke Kaplan, may G-d avenge their blood.
Their holy memory will be guarded in my heart forever.
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life.
    Let these lines serve as a symbolic monument:
Tzirel Royak – United States

[Page 404]

Glory Memorial for our unforgettable relatives

by Dov and Chaikel Shlomovitch

Our dear father: Rabbi Shlomo Tzvi Shlomovitch
Our dear mother: Hanna
Our dear brother: Eliezer
Our dear sisters: Chaya Sara, Shaina, Miriam and Sola
They were all murdered in the Holocaust at Molchad by the Nazis
    Dov Shlomovitch, Israel
Chaikel Shlomovitch, Canada


For Eternal Memory

We perpetuate our near and dear ones in the Yizkor Book of our town Maytchet

Our father: Michel Shmulevicz
Our mother: Leah
Our sister: Dvosha
Who were murdered in Maytchet by the Nazi murderers and their assistants,
may their names and memories be blotted out
    In sorrow:
Chanan and Moshe Shmulevicz, America

[Page 405]

A Candle to the Memory of my Dear Ones

Natives of Maytchet who died in the United States

My dear father: Reb Shlomo Chaim the son of Reb Yitzchak Krolvitzki of blessed memory
My dear mother: Rachel of blessed memory
My uncle: Reb Alexander-Zisel the son of Reb Yitzchak Krolvitzki of blessed memory
My uncle: Reb Eliezer the son of Reb Yitzchak Krolvitzki of blessed memory
May this page in the Yizkor Book of Maytchet serve
as a monument to their memories and a candle to their souls
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
    The perpetuator:
Rabbi Mordechai the son of
Reb Shlomo Chaim Kaplan (Krolvitzki) – Israel


For These Do We Mourn
Our dear father: Reb Moshe Aharon Shevchik of blessed memory, died in Maytchet in 1933
Our dear mother: Elka – perished in Maytchet during the Holocaust
Our dear brother: Aharon, his wife Sonia, and their dear son Moshe – perished in the Holocaust in Maytchet
Our dear brother: Velvel – perished in the Holocaust in Maytchet
Our dear sister: Rivka – perished in Maytchet during the Holocaust with her husband and children
Our dear sister: Alta – died in the United States
Our dear sister: Merke, her husband and children – perished in the Holocaust in Slonim
    The perpetuators:
Yehuda the son of Moshe – Israel
Yechiel Shef – United States
See the family pictures earlier in the book

[Page 406]

A Candle to the Memory of my Dear Ones
My uncle: Reb Avraham Yitzchak Novomishiski and his entire family
My aunt: Chaya Vilkormirski and her entire family
Perished in Maytchet during the Holocaust – may their memories be blessed
    The perpetuator:
their niece Sara Ahronovski (nee Novomishski)


For Eternal Memory
Of my dear parents and brothers who perished during the era of the Holocaust:
My dear father: Reb Avraham-Dov, may G-d avenge his blood, perished in the first group of martyrs in Maytchet
My dear mother: Liba, may G-d avenge her blood – perished in the Dvorets Ghetto
My dear brothers: Ezriel, Shepsl, Mordechai, Feivel and Leib, may G-d avenge their blood
    The perpetuator:
Moshe Korn
See the family photos earlier in the book


In Eternal Memory
Of the destruction of my entire family, who perished at the hands of the enemy:
My father: Shalom
My moher: Rivka
My sisters: Sara, Sheina, Reizel
My soul mourns and cannot be comforted
Your bodies were annihilated, but your sublime images will always be before my eyes
    The perpetuator:
Eliezer Rom (Romanovski)

[Page 407]

Memorial of Shlomo Chaim, Esther,
Pesha and Elka Schmulewicz

I will always remember my beloved ones who perished in Molchad during the Shoah

My father Shlomo Chaim Shmulewicz
My mother Esther
My two sisters Pesha and Elka
I am pictured between my parents together with my two sisters,
(far left Elka and far right Pesha)
These words in this Yizkor book for my town Molchad shall be a memorial forever
Mordechai Leib Schmulewicz, America

[Page 408]

In Eternal memory
I uphold my holy duty to perpetuate the memory of my beloved uncles in the Yizkor Book of the destroyed community of Maytchet:

Kasriel Likter, may G-d avenge his blood, and his family, who were murdered in Maychet by the German murderers, may their names and memories be blotted out.
Moshe Lis (Lisagorski), born in Maytchet, died in America in 1967

    Their niece:
Zelda Rozovski of Kfar Saba
See the photo earlier in this book


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 16 May 2013 by LA