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[Page 377]

Memorial Pages and Pictures

Translated by Jerrold Landau, Esther Muller, Ron Rabinovitch,
Martin Small a/k/a Mordechai Leib Schmulewicz & Myrna Siegel



A Memorial to the Martyrs of the congregation of
And the environs (District of Baranovich)
Who were murdered and exterminated
On the sanctification of the Holy Name
By the Nazis (may their names to blotted out)
In the years of the Holocaust 5639-5705, 1942
Memorial day the first of the Month Av
May their souls be bound up in the bond of everlasting life 
Perpetuating their memory, the countrymen
of Maytchet and the environs in Israel and the Diaspora


(Translator's note: Located in the Memorial Hall [Martef Hashoah] on Mount Zion, Jerusalem. Photo of the unveiling of the sign (July 9, 1964) is on page 197)


[Page 379]

From the Kehilah of Maytchet

For Eternal Memory

Our Father: Reb Shlomo son of Reb Yakov Aharonovitz
Our Mother our teacher: Bracha, daughter or Reb Dovid
Our Sister: Bluma, Mina and their families

During the rising of the sun and the descent of night: during the holidays and the festivals, in the day of our happiness, their memory will accompany us for eternity.
You were murdered and you gave your souls in sanctification of the Divine Name.

Their souls should be bound in the bond to the living
  The survivors:
Chaya Lubchick-Aharonovitz
Devorah Mlinikovsky-Aharonovitz


In Internal Memory

With Great Pain and with deep sorrow, for eternity, I enter in the “Book of Remembrance,” my loved and dearest, who perished together with all of the Jews from Maytchet, through the murderous Germans.

My Father: Rav Shlomo son of Rav Eliezer , (Shlomo the scribe) Ozerski.
My Mother: Elka (Berel Pesha (Channah's))
My Sister: Malkah
My Brothers: Berel Dove and Elchanan

Hashem should avenge their blood
I will remember you forever
  Your dearest son and brother:
Lazar Ozerski, Canada

[Page 380]

For Eternal Memory

We memorialize in the “Memorial Book” of the Maytchet Jewish Kehila ( community)
The glowing memory of our dear parents and sister:

Our Father Reb Osher Orzechovsky (Hashem avenge his blood) was killed in the slaughter in Maytchet.
Our Mother: Shayna Orzechovsky (of blessed memory) died in the year 1941 in Maytchet.
Our Sister: Chaya Sarah Ross (of blessed memory) born in Maytchet (from home (nee) Orzechovsky)
Died in Chicago- America, 17 Cheshvan 5724 – 4/1//1963

We will always remember you with the greatest awe and respect!

  In sorrow:
Fayga Rochel – Chicago
Chasha Freyda – Los Angeles
see picture in the front of the book


In Eternal Memory

I record for eternity, in the Yizkor Book of Maytchet, my closest and dearest:

My Father: Reb Chaikel Israelvitz (of blessed memory) who died in Maytchet
My Mother: Tzivia (from the home (nee) Lubetzki) (hashem avenge her blood) was killed in Maytchet
My Sister: Dobeh with her family (Hashem avenge their blood) was killed in Vilna
My Sister: Liebkeh with her family (Hashem avenge their blood) was killed in Maytchet
My Sister Rosa (Hashem avenge her blood) Was killed in Maytchet

May their souls be bound to eternal life

  In sorrow:
Isser Israeleitz (of blessed memory)

[Page 381]

An eternal memorial in the Yizkor Book

Of the community of Maytchet that was destroyed, to my dear parents and sisters who perished:

Father: Yona the son of Reb Asher Orzechovsky, may G-d avenge his blood
Mother: Kreina nee Volinski, may G-d avenge her blood
My sisters, Chana Mere, and Chasha, may G-d avenge their blood

Their memory is guarded forever in my hearts and in the hearts of all the members of my families

  The perpetuator:
Nachum Naor (Orzechovsky)


A Candle for the souls of my dear ones

My dear father: Yosef Boretcky
My dear mother: Sheina-Yafa
My dear brother: Aryeh Dov
My dear sisters: Zelda and Shoshana

  The perpetuator:
their son and brother – David Boretcky


A Candle to the memory of my dear ones
Victims of the Holocaust in Maytchet

My dear father: Tzvi Brunitzki , may G-d avenge his blood
My dear mother:  Pesia, may G-d avenge her blood
My dear sister: Chaya, may G-d avenge her blood

  Honor to their memory!
The son and brother – Yerachmiel Brunitzki

[Page 382]

In Eternal Memory

With deep pain I remember my family, murdered in Maytchet, by the Nazi Bandits, (eradicate their names)

My beloved father: Reb Shlomo Barda (Hashem avenge his blood) Killed in Dvoretz
My beloved Mother: Nechama (Hashem avenge her blood) Killed in Dvorets
My beloved brother: Shmeil (hashem avenge his blood) Killed in Vilyeyka
My beloved sister: Esther Rochel and her husband Beryl Rovcha, (Hashem avenge their blood) Killed in Pinsk

Honor their Memory!
  In sorrow:
Yisroel Barda - America


For Eternal Memory

With sorrow and with burning pain, I raise up in the “Book of Remembrance” of our city Maytchet the memory of those precious to my soul:

My dear Father: Noach Boretcky– passed away in 1930
My dear Mother: Alteh (of the house of (nee) Dvorjetski) (hashem avenge her blood) met her end in Maytchet
My dear sister: Faygeleh (Hashem avenge her blood) met her end in Maytchet
My dear Brothers: Hertzl and Meirim (Hashem avenge their blood) met their end in Maytchet

May their souls be bound in eternal life and this page should be an everlasting memorial to their memory

  The Mourners:
Channah Mechtiger (from the home (nee) Boretcky and her family
See the family pictures at the front of the book

[Page 383]

  Sitting in the center: Mother Sima, to her right Moshe, and to her left Chaya-Dvora, may G-d avenge their blood.
Standing from the right: Chana may G-d avenge her blood, on the left: Sara-Rivka may she live long
My father: Reb Shepsl the son of Yosef Boyarski of blessed memory – perished at the hands of the murderers in 1916 during the First World War.
My mother: Sima, may G-d avenge her blood – perished in Maytchet during the Holocaust
My sister: Chana may G-d avenge her blood – perished in Maytchet during the Holocaust
My brother Moshe, his wife Chaya-Dvora and their children, may G-d avenge their blood – perished in the Baranovich Ghetto
  The mourner:
Their daughter and sister:
Sara-Rivka Blumbsein

[Page 384]

For These Do We Mourn
Our dear father: Reb Leib-Chaim Volinski of blessed memory – died in 1923
Our dear mother: Konia Rivka, may G-d avenge her blood – perished in Maytchet
Our dear brother: David, his wife Teiba Rivka and their children, may G-d avenge their blood – perished in Lubtsh
Our dear brother: Eliezer may G-d avenge his blood – perished in the Kozlikova Camp
Our dear brother: Zelig, his wife and their children, may G-d avenge their blood – perished in Maytchet
Our dear sister: Golda, her husband Leizer Polonski and their children, may G-d avenge their blood – perished in Maytchet
Our dear sister: Lea Freidel may G-d avenge her blood – perished in Maytchet

May this page in the Yizkor Book of our town Maytchet serve as an eternal monument to their memory
  The mourners and perpetuators:
Shifra Losovski (Volinski)
Miriam Kleinshtov (Volinski)

[Page 385]

For Eternal Memory
I hereby perpetuate the memory of my dear parents in the Yizkor Book of our town Maytchet
My mother Chasia
(nee Shershovski),
may G-d avenge her blood
  My father Ben-Zion Boretcky,
may G-d avenge his blood
Who perished during the time of the Holocaust
May their memory be blessed!
  The perpetuator:
Their daughter; Alta Katz
(nee Boretcky)

[Page 386]

Always to remember and never to forget
My dear father: Shmuel Boretcky of blessed memory
My dear mother: Ethel of blessed memory
My dear brothers: Nathan, Meyerim, Menachim and Fischl of blessed memory
My dear sister: Channa Leah of blessed memory
Who were killed in Maytchet during the Holocaust

May their souls be bound up in eternal life

  Submitted by:
Daughter and sister:
Sarah Boretcky Birbis, (from the house of Boretcky)

[Page 387]

To always Remember

We are inscribing this in the Yizkor book from Maytchet

Our grandfather: Yitzckak, the son of Meyerim Boretcky, born in Molchad and died in Baranovich
Our grandmother: Sarah Rachel born in Molchad and died in Molchad
May their souls be bound up in eternal life
  The grandchildren:
David, Leib amd Eliezer Shmuel Lubetcky – In America


For These Do I Mourn
My dear father: Yekutiel Lublinski of blessed memory
My dear father: Reb Moshe Belski, may G-d avenge his blood
My dear mother: Rivka, may G-d avenge her blood
My dear sister: Meere and her husband Hershel Tzvi Rubizewski, may G-d avenge their blood
My dear brother: Shmuel, may G-d avenge his blood
My dear sister: Nechama, may G-d avenge her blood
Perished in the Holocaust in Maytchet
  In grief:
The daughter and sister: Vichna Ezrachi (nee Belski)

[Page 388]

With honor and awe, we perpetuate the memory of our dear parents
in the Yizkor Book of the community of Maytchet
Reb Alter Eliahu Chaim Gorski of blessed memory. Died in the forests on 21 Adar I, 5703 (1943).
Mrs. Miriam, nee Turetzki, perished in the Holocaust.
    The perpetuators:
Their daughter – Mina Levin
Their sons – Tuvia Gorski, Mordechai Gorski

[Page 389]

In Eternal Memory
My dear father: Hirsch (Tzvi) Viloikhinski, may G-d avenge his blood
My dear mother: Rachel, may G-d avenge her blood
My dear brothers: Chaim-David, Theodor, and Pesach, may G-d avenge their blood.
My dear sisters, Rishel and Malka, may G-d avenge their blood

Who were murdered in Maytchet during the Holocaust by the German murderers, may their names be blotted out, and their evil assistants.

May this page serve as an eternal monument to their memory
    The perpetuator:
The daughter and sister
Rashel Boimel (Viloikhinski)

[Page 390]

In Eternal Memory
On the left: Mother Leah Hanelis.
On the right: Aunt Chaya Dubkovski
My dear father: Yaakov Hanelis, may G-d avenge her blood – perished in the Horodisht Ghetto.
My dear mother: Leah (nee Dubkovski) of blessed memory – died in 1936
My dear brother: Yitzchak, may G-d avenge his blood – perished in the Horodishtch Ghetto
My dear sister: Sonia, may G-d avenge her blood – perished in the Horodishtch Ghetto
My dear sister: Chienke of blessed memory – fell in a partisan action
My aunt: Chaya Dubkovski, may G-d avenge her blood – perished in the Horodishtch Ghetto

May their memories be blessed!
  The perpetuator:
Abrasha Hanelis

[Page 391]

For Eternal Memory
We are memorializing in the memorial book of Maytchet
Our dear sister: Sarah Rachel (Sylvia) Weiss (ne Lubetsky)
Born in Maytchet and died in America
May her soul be bound in eternal life
  The brothers:
Dovid Leib and Eliezer Shmuel


For Eternal Memory
The names of my beloved and dearest parents, brothers and sisters, who were killed for the holiness (sanctity) of Hashem, in Maytchet, through the Nazi murderers and their accomplices should be recalled for eternal memory in the Memorial book of our town (shtetl), Maytchet.
Honor their memories!
  In sorrow, the survivor:
NachumYachatz - South Africa


Candle for the Soul (Memorial Light)
Our Dear Uncle: Reb Gedaliah Yotvitsky of blessed memory.
Died in Maytchet 1933, was brought for burial to Warsaw.
Our dear Aunt Nechama Yotvitski -- perished during the Holocaust in Maytchet
May their memories be blessed!
  The perpetuators:
Yitzchak Binyamini (Yotvitsky)
Eliezer Yotvitsky

[Page 392]

For Eternal Memory
My dearest and nearest should be memorialized for future generations:

My father: Reb Isser Zusman , (of blessed memory) died in Maytchet
My Mother; Chayenkeh, (Hashem avenge her blood) was killed in Maytchet
My Brother: Shmuel, with his family (Hashem should avenge their blood) were killed in Pinsk
My Sister: Etl with her family, (Hashem should avenge their blood) were killed in Maytchet
My Brother: Yosef, (Hashem should avenge his blood) was killed in Maytchet

I will forever remember them and never forget
  In sorrow:
Faygle Zinger nee Zusman


Memorial For My Unforgettable Relatives

by Isaac Lublinski

My dear father: Yekutiel Lublinski of blessed memory
My dear mother: Henya Lea of blessed memory
My dear brother: Moshe and his wife Rosa and daughter Henya (murdered)
My dear sister: Sara, her husband Israel Chaim Shinevski and children: Yekutiel, Asher, Michal, Alke, and Hilel (murdered)
My dear sister: Rivka, her husband Zelig Ravatz and their children Yekutiel, Devora and Isaac (murdered)
My dear sister: Freidke, her husband David Shviranski and their son Yekutiel (murdered)
Let This Memorial Page in the Molchad Community Book be for their Holy Sign
  Their son & brother: Isaac Lublinski

[Page 393]

For Eternal Memory
I will forever mourn and remember my beloved brother
Shimeon Lakhovitski, his wife Sorah Rochel, with their son
Yitzchak, Hashem should avenge their blood,who were murdered in
Maytchet through the German murders with their accomplices.
Honor their memories!
  In Sorrow:
Hertzel Lakhovitski - America

[Page 394]

For Eternal Memory
My dearest and nearest should be memorialized for future generations:

Our Father: Yitzchak Akiva son of Reb Meirim Lubetsky of blessed memory.
Our Mother: Yachneh Rivkah of blessed memory.
Born in Maytchet and died in America

May their souls be bound to eternal life
  The children:
Dovid Leib and Eliezer Shmuel Lubetsky – America
See picture in front of the book


For Eternal Memory
We memorialize in “the Memorial Book” of the Kehilah of Maytchet
The memory of our grandfather Reb Meirim Lubetsky
and our Grandmother, Dobeh of blessed memory, lived in Maytchet
and passed away in Maytchet
May their souls be bound to eternal life
  The grandchildren:
Dovid Leib and Eliezer Shmuel
Lubetsky – America


A Candle for the soul (Memorial Candle)
My Husband and our father dear and venerated, Reb Yehoshuah Melishansky of blessed memory.
Passed away during the time of the wandering in the forest and bunkers (in hiding)
His soul should be bound to eternal life
  The survivors:
The wife: Devorah Melishansky
The daughter: Esther Lubetsky
The son: Meir Melishansky

[Page 395]

An Eternal Memorial to Those Not Forgotten
My dear brother: Mordechai-Izak Lisagorski
My dear sister-in-law: Alta, and their dear children:
Gavriel, Michael, Ezriel, Rafael, and Grona

May G-d avenge their blood!
  The perpetuator:
Their brother: Chaim-David Zeler – United States

[Page 396]

In Memory of Those Dear to our Souls
My dear father: Yekutiel Lublinski of blessed memory
Our dear mother: Batya of blessed memory – died in 1936
Our dear father: Zeev. Our dear brother: Chaim, and our dear sisters: Pesia and Chaya, may G-d avenge their blood
Who were murdered during the period of the Holocaust
by the destroyers of the Jewish people in Poland and Europe
  The perpetuators:
The son and brother: Yitzchak Movshovitz – Israel
The daughter and sister: Miriam Eizenwasser – Israel
The daughter and sister: Roza Sobalf – Canada


For Eternal Memory
Our father: Reb Yaakov Nachum Mlinikovski of blessed memory
Our mother: Sara of blessed memory
Our sister: Bracha of blessed memory
Our brother: Moshe of blessed memory
Our brother: Meir and hs wife Sara, may G-d avenge their blood, perished in the Holocaust in Zhetl
Our sister: Chaya-Musha and her husband Yaakov, may G-d avenge their blood, perished in the Holocaust in Horodishtch
May this memorial page serve as a memorial and monument to their holy memory
  Those who sanctify and perpetuate their memory:
Yudel Mlinikovski -- Argentina
Moshe Zelner (Mlinikovski) – Israel
Pesach Mlinikovski – Israel

[Page 397]

“For these do I weep, my eyes, my eyes,
my eyes drop water, for the comforter is far from me”

Perpetuating our not to be forgotten dear ones who perished in the Holocaust

  Standing from the right: Moshe Margolin, may they live, Nachum and Freidel Margolin, Yaakov Margolin
Sitting: The parents Aryeh-Leib and Bodna, and their young son Mordechai
At the bottom: Chasha and Abba Margolin
May this page serve as a memorial and marker to the holy memory of our dear parents, sisters and brothers, and an eternal monument for their unknown graves

  The perpetuators:
Freidel Makarensky (nee Margolin)
Nachum Margolin

* Translator's footnote: Lamentations 1:16.

[Page 398]

For Eternal Memory
To my dear parents, sisters and brothers who perished, were murdered, and died:
My father: Reb Mordechai Margolin of holy blessed memory – He was the prayer leader and shochet in the town of Starobin (Russia). Died in Warsaw, 17 Av 5681 (1921).
My mother: Sheina Margolin nee Kadoshin, may G-d avenge her blood – perished in the Holocaust in Maytchet
My sister; Dvosha, her husband and children, may G-d avenge their blood – perished in the Holocaust in Maytchet
My sister Sara, her husband and children, may G-d avenge their blood – perished in the Holocaust in Maytchet
My brother Avraham, his wife and children, may G-d avenge their blood – perished in the Holocaust in Maytchet
My brother Yaakov of blessed memory – Died during an air raid in Baranovich at the beginning of the Second World War – his wife and children perished in the Baranovich Ghetto.
My father's brother of blessed memory – died in Maytchet in 1938
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
  The perpetuator:
Chemda Lubrani (nee Margolin) Negba
See the family picture earlier in the book


For Eternal Memory
Our dear mother: Nechama-Dvora of blessed memory – died in Maytchet in 1918
Our dear, not to be forgotten father: Reb David Tzvi Novomishiski may G-d avenge his blood – perished in the Holocaust in Maytchet at the hands of the troops of the German murderers, may their names be blotted out, and died in sanctification of the Divine Name. A refined soul, an observer of Torah and the commandments.
Brother: Nathan Feitel and sister Chana
Our dear sister: Pua (Paya), her husband and son, may G-d avenge their blood – perished in Maytchet during the era of the Holocaust
The grief will never depart from our midst forever
  The perpetuators:
The daughter and sister: Sara Ahronovski and family, Israel
The sons and brothers: Avraham Yosef, Meirim, Yehoshua, Moshe, Meir and their families, Argentina
See family photos earlier in the book

[Page 399]

In grief and agony, I mention the memory of my family who perished
in the Holocaust in the Yizkor Book of our town Maytchet:
My dear father: Reb Zimel, may G-d avenge his blood
My dear mother: Chaya-Charna, may G-d avenge her blood
My dear brothers: Leibel and Moshe, may G-d avenge their blood, and my dear sister Sheina, May G-d avenge her blood.
My uncle: Reb Michel Stolovitzki, his wife Eshke, and their children Nachum and Chasha, may G-d avenge their blood
My aunts: Miriam, Rachel, and Esther, and their families
My uncle: Reb Nisel Shlovski, his wife Itka, and their children Kunia and Binyamim, may G-d avenge their blood
My uncle: Reb Yakkov Okun, my aunt Chasha, and their son Binyamin, may G-d avenge their bood
My uncle: Reb Zeev Shlovski, his wife and children, may G-d avenge their blood
May their memory be blessed!
  The perpetuator:
Binyamin Stolovitzki, Petach Tikva
See the family photograph earlier in the book


In memory of my dear family who died
and perished in the Holocaust
My dear father: Reb Avraham Abba Polonski, of blessed memory
My dear mother: Mrs. Musha Polonski, the son of Reb David Eidlin
My sisters: Freidel, her husband Yisrael Moshe Izralvitz, and their children:
Reizele, Asnale, and Iserke – who perished in Baranovich
My dear brother: Moshe Chaim of blessed memory – who died in Argentina in 1970
My brother: Yechezkel, his wife Menucha, and their children Estherke, Sarale, and Asnale, who perished in the Dvorets Ghetto
My sister Pesha and her husband, whose blood was spilled in the garden next to our house in Maytchet
My brother Davidke, may G-d avenge his blood – who was murdered while wandering along the paths
My paternal grandmother: Liba Polonski
My grandparents: Reb David Eidlin and his wife Hinda
The grief will never depart from our midst forever
  The perpetuator:
Tova Shomroni, nee Polonski
See the family photo earlier in the book

[Page 400]

An Eternal Memorial to Those Not Forgotten
My father: Reb Shalom Peltzok, may G-d avenge his blood
My mother: Ita, may G-d avenge her blood
My brother: Moshe and his wife Mara, may G-d avenge their blood
My sister: Reizel, may G-d avenge his blood
My brother: Moshe, may G-d avenge his blood
The blood of all of them was spilled like water, with nobody to save them,
and for this the heart is agonized, and is unable to be comforted. 
  The perpetuator:
The survivor of the annihilated Peltzok family:
Chanan Peleg (Peltzok)


For my dear brothers and sisters,
who were tragically killed in Maytchet during the Holocaust
My brother: Yaakov Kosterovitzki, his wife Chana
and their children
My brother: Noach Kosterovitzki, hs wife Gudtil
and their children
My sister: Chasha, her husband Nota Lozovski, and their children
My sister Malka and her children
My sister: Beila
Let these lines in the Maytchet Yizkor Book serve as a symbolic monument
  The perpetuator:
 Berl Kosterovitzki


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