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[Page 422]

Yizkor – List of Holy Ones

Abramovitz Alter and family
Abramovitz Zlata and family
Abramovski Zln and family
Abramovski Mordechai and family
Afrin Hertzen and family
Ahronovitz Hirshl and family
Ahronovitz Chana and family
Alpert David and family
Bar Chaim “Shub” and family from Ustrulnik
Bas Yakob and family
Belski Abraham and family
Belski Mendl and family
Belski David and family
Belski Israel and family
Belski Moshe Yehuda and family
Belski Tvi and family
Belski Koniah Rivka and family
Belski Freidl and family
Belski Shmuel Noach and family
Berman Gershon and family
Berman Israel and family
Gutman Leibl and family
Bilitzki Leizer and family
Bilus Iser and family
Bilus Zeidl and family
Binyamin Hertzen and family
Bisl Alter and family
Bitenski Chaia Cherna and family
Bitenski Mereh and Reuben and the “haorim”
Bitenski Sonia and family
Bodovla Yoel and family
Bodovla Israel and family
Bortzka Ariah and family
Bortzka Yosef and family
Bortzka Feigl and family (from Klshniki)
Boruk Hakurk and family
Breski Reuben and family
Brishinski Leibl and family
Brishinski Moshe and family
Drbinski Yakob and family
Dubkovski Efrim and Yosef
Dubkovski Yakob and family
Dubkovski Itzak and family
Duzitzki   and family
Dvortzki Gneshe and family
Dvortzki Yosef and family
Dvorz'tzki Yakob and family
Ehetz Aizik and family
Epshtein Iser and family
Feder Moshe and family
Garbarz Abraham (Kosher butcher) and wife Chana (SZELUBSKI)
Garbarz Golda husband and 2 sons
Garbarz Dobe 
Garbarz Peszja 
Garbarz Judith 
Garbarz Tauba (daughter) 
Garbarz (son) 
Garbarz Josel 
Girshovitz Elkhanon and family
Girshovitz Yosef Shimon haLevi and wife
Gildshtein Rabbi Elkhanon and family
Gildstein Noach and family
Gilrovitz Abraham and family
Gilrovitz Dinke and family
Gilrovitz Keikl and family
Gilrovitz Yakob and family
Gilrovitz Itzak and family
Gilrovitz Leibl and family
Gilrovitz Nachum and family
Gilrovitz Shimon and family
Ginburg Rabbi Yakob and family
Ginchinski Alter and family
Ginchinski Yakob and family
Ginzburg Yakob and family
Girski Bashke and family
Gordon Leizer and family
Gorski Hinda and family
Gorski Chaim Meir and family
Gorski Ekhial and family
Gorski Elke and Aidela
Gorski Kopl and family
Gorski Krushe and family
Itvitzki Nechama  
Kaplan “Der”  
Kaplan Dvora and children
Kaplan Zev and children
Kaplan Itzak Tzvi and family
Kharlap Alter and Sarah Reikl
Khasid Zishke and family
Khasid Yosef and family
Khenls Aharon and family
Khrvrovitzki Idl and family
Khrvrovitzki Mordechai and family
Khrvrovitzki Shmuel and family
Khrvrovitzki Shimon and family
Kobinski Nachum and family
Korn Yosef and family
Korn Itzak and Kreina
Korostovski Deikeh and Kreina
Korostovski Moshe and Kreina
Kostlinski Khenon and family
Kostrovitzki Beila and family
Kostrovitzki Yakob and family
Kostrovitzki Yakob and family
Kostrovitzki Noach and family
Kotin Itzak and Kreina
Kozlovitzki Abraham Ekhial and family
Kravchik Eliahu and family
Kravchik Sima and family
Kravchik Shmuel and family
Krulvitzki Tzira and family
Krulvitzki Hertzl and family
Krushinski Shmerl and family
Kushnrovski Shimcha David and family
Leib Hngr and family
Levin David and family
Libman Zev and family
Libman Itzak and family
Libman Moshe and family
Lipshitz Tzvi and Feigl
Lisker Abraham and family
Lkhovitzki Shimon and family
Lmshovski Ben-Zion and family
Lmshovski Yehuda Leib and family
Lmshovski Mordechai and family
Lmshovski Reuben and family
Lozovski Zeidke and family
Lozovski Israel and family
Lozovski Note and family
Lozovski Rakhel Leah and family
Lozovski Shaul and family
Lozrovitz Zelig and family
Luski Yosef and family
Mendelvitz Chaim and family
Mirski David and family
Mirski Shimon and family
Mishkin Grune and family
Miskin   and family
Mlvovski Aharon and family
Moleh Mariashe and Chana and family
Mordkovski Yona and family
Mordkovski Yosef and family
Mordkovski Mordechai and family
Mordkovski Tzira and family
Movshovitz Asher and family
Movshovitz Shlum and family
Nesviz'iski Heniah Bashe and family
Nesviz'iski Hirsh and family
no surname HaRav Abel Dov and family
no surname Moshe (Chaia Rakhel's) and family
no surname Sulke (Chana's) and family
Novogrodski Idl and family
Novogrodski Shlomo and family
Novogrodski Shimon and family
Novomishiski Itzak and family
Okun Yakob and family
Polonski Eliezer and family
Rabitz Iser and family
Rabitz David and family
Rabitz Yehoshe and family
Rabitz Mina and family
Rabitz Nachum and family
Rabitz Shlomo Leizer and family
Rabitz Shmeia and family
Rozik Eliezer and family
Rozinski Ekhial Leib the Shamos and family
Rozinski HaKhnoni and family
Rubinovitz Ester and family
Rubinovitz David (Duziah) and family
Rubinovitz Yehoshe and family
Rubinovitz Yudl and family
Rubinovitz Monia and family
Rubinovitz Mikl and family
Rubinovitz Moshe Tzvi and family
Rubinovitz Pinchas and family
Rubinovitz Tzira and family
Rubinovitz Tzvi and family
Rubinovitz Shlum and family
Rubizovski Yakob Israel and family
Rubizovski Hirshl-Tzvi and family
Rubizovski Berl and family
Rubizovski Yakob and family
Rubizovski Leibl and family
Rubizewski Reizl and family
Rukovitzki Gershon and family
Safir Shmariah and Alte
Shimshelvitz Yona and family
Shimshelvitz Itzak and family
Shinovski Zev and family
Shinovski Yosef and family
Shinovski Pinchas and family
Shinovski Ester and family
Shinovski Zev and family
Shinovski Chaim and family
Shinovski Israel and family
Shinovski Moshe and family
Shinovski Nisl and family
Shkolnikovitz Aba and family
Shkolnikovitz Efrim and family
Shkolnikovitz Boruk and family
Shkolnikovitz Yosef and family
Shkolnikovitz Meirim and family
Shkolnikovitz Moshe and family
Shkolnikovitz Ezrial and family
Shkolnikovitz Pesach and family
Shkolnikovitz Rafael and family
Shkolnikovitz Shlomo Henok and family
Shkolnikovitz Shlomo and family
Shlomovitz Abraham Moshe and family
Shlomovitz Itzak Heikl and family
Shlovski Tzvi and family
Shlovski Sheina Malka and family
Shmulvitz Aba and family
Shmulvitz Abraham and family
Shmulvitz Berl and family
Shmulvitz Ziml and family
Shmulvitz Yosef and family
Shmulvitz Yakob and family
Shmulvitz Mikal and family
Shmulvitz Moshe ben Abraham and family
Shmulvitz Moshe ben Shaul and family
Shnitzki Shlomo and family
Shtein David and family
Shushen Asher and family
Shvirnski David and family
Shvtz'ik Abraham Gitl and family
Shvtz'ik Berl and family
Shvtz'ik Zavl and family
Shvtz'ik Itzak Yakob and family
Shvtz'ik Moshe Aharon and family
Shvtz'ik Moshe and family
Singlovski Israel Yehuda and family
Sinvski Israel Chaim and family
Slutziak Dvora and family
Srverovski Abraham and family
Srverovski Dinka  
Srverovski Ziml and family
Srverovski Chaia and Golda
Stulovitzki Leizer Kadish and family
Stulovitzki Mikl and family
Stulovitzki Tzvi and family
Stulovitzki Shimon and family
Stulovitzki Abraham and family
Syitzki Yehuda Leib and family
Syitzki Moshe and family
Syitzki Nekeh and family
Talor Meir and family
Tzimerman Chaim Leib and family
Tzirinski Yehoshe and family
Tzirulnik Efrim and family
Tzirulnik Berl and family
Tzirulnik Velvel and family
Vankadlu Yehoshe and family
Vilkomirski Zvi and family
Vinograd Leibl and family
Vlfovitz Chaim and family
Yoselvitz Abraham and family
Zbortzki Zavl and family
Zilberman Yakob and family
Zimrinski   and family
Zlotnik Yakob and family
Zlotnik Shmel and family
Zmuchik Abraham and family
Zpolinski Henfa and family
Zpolinski Feivl and family
Zukovitzki Abraham David and family
Zukovitzki Lipa and family
Zusman Iser and family
Zusman Yosef and family


[Page 427]


Translated by Jerrold Landau

Thirty years have passed since the destruction of our town Maytchet, ten years have passed since our organization in Israel decided to publish this memorial book, and nearly four years have passed since the introduction to this book was written. These dates prove that our path was not paved in roses. We needed powerful energy and a deep will in order to not despair of the task that we took upon ourselves. During those years, we were forced to overcome deep difficulties in various areas, in the gathering of material, the gathering of photographs for the plates, and especially in the collecting of the financial means to fund the publication of the book. Finally, all these difficulties are behind us, and at the time that these words are being written, the book is already under the printing press, and the day that the book will appear in publication is approaching. In the wake of the many efforts that we imbued in the publication of the book, it is appropriate to clarify our aims for ourselves in full detail.

Three goals stood before us in the publication of this book.

  1. To fulfill the Divine decree: Remember… and do not forget.
  2. To perpetuate the memory of the martyrs of Maytchet and the region.
  3. To unite the Holocaust survivors of Maytchet in Israel and the Diaspora.
The survivors of Maytchet and their descendants who come after them, as all the nation of Israel, will recall that which the modern day Amalek, the descendents of the most cultured people in the world, perpetrated against us in our day. We will never forget this. We will remember them for eternal disgrace and disparagement. This book will remind every generation that follows us not to forget.

As in all holy communities, we have also established an eternal light and permanent monument as an appropriate memorial to the martyrs of Maytchet for the children of the People of the Book.

Throughout the years that we worked toward the publication of this book, we have felt ourselves as a united tribe. All of the meetings contributed greatly to bringing the hearts together, and we hope that in the future, the connections amongst us will strengthen, the brotherhood and friendship amongst us will increase, we will rejoice with the achievements of each person, we will come to the assistance of our fellow at a time of need, and perhaps we will succeed in planting the best of our aspirations in the hearts of our descendents - the young generation growing up before our eyes.

[Page 428]

However, we must not avoid the truth, and we must not hide a specific point that in our opinion represents a partial lack. Today, the book is not open to everybody. We have not succeeded in including all of the Maytchet natives in the Diaspora in the publication of the book, despite our many approaches to them to help us in our holy task. Throughout all these years, we have never stopped turning to and requesting our fellow natives to become partners with us in actualizing our objective; however, to our dismay, not all of them responded to our call. Even as this book is already under the printing presses, they still refused to believe that we were achieving our objective. Due to the lack of appreciation on the part of a portion of the Maytchet natives in the Diaspora, it will not be possible for us to bestow this book to their descendants in their language.

Aside from a few isolated articles, the content of this book is published in the language in which it was written. The majority of the Jews of Maytchet to whom this book will reach know both languages, Hebrew and Yiddish. The number who know only one is small. We planned at the outset to present a translation of a summary of the articles in additional foreign languages, so that they descendants of the Maytchet natives who are located primarily in the United States and Argentina will also be able to read the book. However, unfortunately, due to a dearth of financial means, we were forced to forgo this. We can only hope that the natives of our town overseas will enlist everything that remains in their memory from their childhood learning, from the Hebrew that they studied in cheder, in the Talmud Torah and in school, so that they can also understand that which was written in Hebrew, and that they will volunteer to read, tell and explain the content to their descendants.

Our thanks and gratitude are hereby extended to all those who helped us with the publication of the book. We also express our gratitude to the owner of the zincograph, Mr. Gershon Caspi and his staff, for preparing the plates to our satisfaction, and to the owner of the Mofet Printing Press, Mr. Yitzchak Reisman, and his workers, for producing such a fine work in the form of this book.

[Page 429]

Memorial Prayers for the Deceased and Communion

Compiled into English by Amir Shomroni

Sequence of the Memorial Service
  1. Evening prayer in public, full Kaddish (Kaddish Titkabal)
  2. Kindling of 6 candle Menorah in memory of the six million Jews who were murdered in the Shoah.
  3. The Head of the Congregation opens the memorial ceremony with awakening speech and eulogy.
  4. The participants pray Yizkor in the order set forth.
  5. The Cantor recites two chapters of Psalms – 69 and 83, followed by the recitation of the Mourners Kaddish with the entire congregation.
  6. Studying two Mishnayoth from the daily Mishnah, and then Kaddish DeRabbanan by the entire participants.
  7. Prayer of Aleynu LeShabeach and singing of Any Maamin
  8. Studying two Mishnayoth from the daily Mishnah, and then Kaddish DeRabbanan by the entire participants.
  9. Prayer of Aleynu LeShabeach and singing of Any Maamin.
For the martyrs of the Maytchet Communuty

May God remember the thousands holy and dear victims of the magnificent and extolled Community of Maytchet. Fathers and sons, mothers and babies, old and young, descendants of honorable and righteous, the innocent and the pious, Torah scholars and traditionally observant, merciful, charitable, and public servants. With their pure blood being spilled on the mass graves in the soil of the Chabonik, and breathed their last breath in holiness and purity. For their yearning to our holy land may their souls be bound in the Bond of its children, builders and defenders.

For the martyrs of the Shoah of the People of Israel

May God remember the pure and innocent souls of the millions of the children of Israel who were tortured furiously and cruelly murdered in all kinds of unusual deaths: who by water and who by fire, who by sword, who by beast, who by famine, who by thirst, who by storm, who by plague, who by strangulation, and who by stoning. Holy and pure were they all, among them scholars and saints, righteous and pious, authors and poets, leaders and public servants, innocent and charitable. For their sacrifice on the sanctification of God's name and being Jews, may their souls be bound in the Bond of the heroes and saints of the People of Israel for eternal memory.

[Page 430]

For the family martyrs

May God remember the souls of my father and mother, my grandfathers and grandmothers, my brothers and sisters, my uncles and aunts, my relatives, my friends who were killed, slaughtered, burned, drowned, strangled and buried alive, for the sanctification of God's name and the People of Israel who passed away. Because of that I vow charity in their behalf, memorializing their souls, and on account of that may their souls be bound in the Bond of Life, together with the souls of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah; and together with the other righteous men and women in the Garden of Eden. And let us say Amen.

El Male Rachamim - God full of mercy

God full of mercy, protector of widows and fathers of the fatherless, please be not silent, and show no restraint on their behalf for the Jewish blood that has been spilled like water. Grant perfect rest on the wings of Your Divine Presence in the lofty abode of the holy, pure and valiant, who shine as the brightness of the heavens to the souls of millions of children of Israel, among them three thousands children of the holy community of Maytchet, and its environs; men, women and children who were put to death, slaughtered, burned, drowned, strangled, and buried alive for the sanctification of God's name and the People of Israel.

Because all the children of Maytchet in Israel and elsewhere pray for the elevation of their souls, therefore, shall the Master of mercy care for them under the protection of his wings for all time, and bind their souls in the Bond of everlasting life. Their resting place shall be in the Garden of Eden. God is their heritage, may God remember their sacrifice, and may their righteousness stand for us and for all the People of Israel.

O Earth! Do not conceal their blood and let there not be a resting place for their cries. In their merit shall the remnant of Israel return to its rightful place and as for the holy ones, their righteousness shall be a presence before God as an everlasting memory. They will come in peace and will rest in peace, and they will meet their rightful destiny at the end of days. And let us say Amen.

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Updated 14 Nov 2014 by LA