Krosno by the Wislok River
(Krosno, Poland)

49°41' / 21°47'

Compiled by William Leibner

Unpublished, April 2014



Project Coordinator

William Leibner


Edited by Jane W. Aronson & Toby Bird


Krosno by the Wislok River,
Compiled by William Leibner,
April 2014

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Krosno by the Wislok River

William Leibner




In Memoriam

Yehuda Leibner

Dedicated to John (Yehuda ) Leibner, son of Jacob and Serl Leibner, a native of the city of Krosno by the Wislok River. He died on the slopes of Massada near the Dead Sea in Israel. He loved the land of Zion.

May he rest in peace


Chapter Title
I Jews in Krosno
II Between the Wars
III Germany Attacks Poland
IV The Census
V Germany Attacks Russia
VI The Krosno Airfield
VII The End of the War
VIII Krosner Jews in the World
IX The Executors
X Sztern and Steiner families in Krosno
XI The Akselrads
XII The Spa Resort Iwonicz–Zdroj
XIII Bibliography
XIV Jews in Krosno to 1919
XV Jews in Krosno Between 1919–1939
XVI Jews In Krosno Between 1939–1946
XVII List of Jews in Krosno prior and during WWII
XVIII The city of Krosno pays hommage to the Jewish residents of the city that were killed in the Shoah


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Contact person for this translation William Leibner
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Updated 8 Aug 2015 by LA

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