[Page 294]
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Breitowicz, Yaacov, To Hell and Back. Survivor from Krosno, Galicia
Bauer, Yehuda, The Brichah She' erit Hapletah 19441948. Jerusalem1990
Bauer, Yehudah, Out of the ashes, Oxford 1989
Bauer, Yehudah, Flight and Rescue Bricha New York,1970 2000
Dobroszycki, Lucjan Survival of the Holocaust in Poland A Portrait based on Jewish Committee Records 19441947 Published by M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, New York. USA.
Cohen, Jonathan, The great Escape of Polish Jews 19461947, Yad Vashem
Cohen, Richard, The Avengers, A.Knopf publishing co. 2000
Fessel, Felicia, I wanted to live in Hebrew, TelAviv, August 983, Israel
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Grobman, Alex. Battling for Souls. Ktav Publishing House, Jersey City, N.J
Holocaust Encyclopedia
JDC Oral history projectGaynor Jacobson (Greece) Tuesday 21 1981 Interview Murray Kass, Herbert Katzki
Korczyna, memorial book, New York 1967. Yiddish
KrosnoShtetl link, JewishGen
Pinkas HakehilotYad Vashem
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Shragai, Shlomo Z. Massa Hatzala , Jerusalem, 1948 Hebrew
Szulc, Tad, The Secret Alliance, Farrar, Straus and Gitroux in New York, 1991 USA
Turkov, Jonas En Pologne, après la liberation (book was written in Yiddish Noch dem Bafraiung and translated by Maurice Pfeffer into French), published by KalmanLevy in 2008
Urzad Documentace A vyestrovani Zlocinu Komunismu, Policie Ceskie Republky. Czech police documents pertaining to Communist regime crimes
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Zertal, Idith, From Catastrophe to Power, University of California Press, London England 1996.
Newspapers and periodicalsGordoniaMaccabi Hatzair Archives, Hulda, 28/6
Yad Vashem Archives, JM/1572, jm/18481867,M1/E990/865; 06/18,06/19, 016/337, 016/2832,021/16, 053/105II P.154. TR.10/797 pp.1124
YIVO Archives; ADRP 20, 21
Central Historical Archives of the Jewish People in Jerusalem; HM/7921
Central Zionist Archives; S6/1876, S6/2181, S6/2196; Z3/820, Z4/22223 Z4/22624B, Z4/23413,Z4/2997II, Z4/3732.
Shomer Hatzair Archives, (3)84, 1,2.
American Joint Archives; Poland, CULT.REL.344a, 399.
Tagblat (newspaper) ;7/11/1912,
Hamagid; 23/6/1898.
Hamitzpe (newspaper); 28/8/1908, 25/6/1909
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Chwila Wieczorna (newspaper): 15/4/1935, 15/1/1937, 29/1/1937, 28/3/1938
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Slowo Mlodych listopad 1930
William Leibner interviewed the following residents of Krosno:Akselrad Batia
Bialywlos, Alexander
Breitowicz Herbert
Breitowicz Yaacov
Munz, Baruch
Lang, Awraham
Lang, Shimshon
Lang, Yossef
Trenczer, Yossef
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