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The Gestapo team of the Jaslo district that included the city of Krosno
These socalled officials were actually the murderers who were responsible for the deaths of thousands of Jews in the district of Jaslo. They made the area Judenrein or clear of Jews. |
The poster of the war criminals was displayed at the police station of Jaslo following WWII. Max Findling visited the place where he was incarcerated during the war and saw the poster. He photographed the poster that showed most of the Gestapo men in Jaslo. The document is presently displayed at the local museum.
Dr. Walter Gentz, Kreishauptman, of the Jaslo district |
Walter Gentz was born in Dusseldorf, Germany in 1907. He pursued his academic studies in the legal field, especially finances. He joined the Nazi party in 1928. He was awarded a doctorate in law. He advanced rapidly within the ranks of the Gestapo. In 1940, Dr. Gentz was appointed finance inspector of the Jaslo district in Galicia that included the hamlets of Zmigrod and Osiek In 1941, he was appointed kreishauptman district leader of the Jaslo district that included Jaslo, Gorlice, Krosno, and Zmigrod. He immediately began a process of Germanization of the city of Jaslo. He was determined to change Jaslo into a German city. He brutally persecuted Jews throughout his district. He participated in all actions aimed at the Jewish population in his district. He actively participated in the selection of Jews in Zmigrod. His sadistic behavior to innocent Jews is beyond description. Following the war, he managed to find work in Germany until he was arrested and brought to trial with some of his assistants. During the trial in Ansberg, Germany, he committed suicide in March of 1969.
Ludwig Losackers, S.S. Shturmbanfuhrer.
Wilhelm Raschwitz, was a hauptsturmfuhrer or chief of the Gestapo office in Jaslo from 1941 to 1943. He was killed in battles with the partisans.
Ludwig Rommies
Salzer, obersharfuhrer
Paul Baron, scharfuhrer
Laubenthal AugustinWalter Matheus
Albert Krischook
Theodor Drzyzga
Helmut Menz
Karl Hauch
Erich Kuschke
Leopold Backer
Franz Zalser
Anton Neuman
Gunter Gutsche
Ernest Meber
Wilhelm Schumacher
Oscar Baecker was a Gestapo official of the Jaslo district but worked mostly in Krosno where he was nicknamed the Terrible Phantom. He appeared from nowhere and killed Jews without even talking to them. He was arrested in Germany and brought to trial. The jury found him guilty of killing a Jewish girl, a Jewish mother with her two children, and an old rabbi. The court dismissed the additional charge of complicity in killing 3,000 Jews by sending them to the concentration camps where they perished. He was condemned to life imprisonment.
Schmatzler Hauptshturmfuhrerr, head of the Krosno Gestapo. Was caught and brought to Justice in Poland. He was executed.
Von Davier Obershturmfuhrer, was Schmatzler's assistant in Krosno.
Stentzler Untershturmfuhrer mostly in Krosno.
Some of these officials were arrested and brought to trial. Most of them received light sentences.
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Krosno, Poland
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