Congregation Data |
Name: |
Swansea Beth Hamedrash (also known as
the "Greeners' Shul")(iii) |
Address: |
Prince of Wales Street, Greenhill, Swansea
SA1(iv) |
Date Founded: |
The origins of the congregation dates back to
about 1895, when the Prince of Wales Road Minyan was
formed by a breakaway group from the
Swansea Hebrew Congregation, comsisting primarily
of poor Yiddish-speaking recent immigrants,
who were generally more orthodox than the established congregation.(v)
Their spokesman at the time was David Rutter, and later (by 1899),
A. Shepherd.(vi)
Although it was initially supplementary to the main synagogue, it developed as a
separate congregation,(vii) in particular when it built its own synagogue in 1906 (which is often given as the date the
congregation was established(viii)).
The foundation stone for the new synagogue was laid in November 1906.(ix) |
Final Status: |
The congregation ceased to function about 1954,(x)
and was effectively incorporated into
Swansea Hebrew Congregation. |
Ritual: |
Ashkenazi Orthodox |
Ministers: |
The is currently only scant information on the congregation's spiritual
leaders. The following is data uncovered so far.
Rabbi S.M. Rabbinowitz
was appointed rav of the Beth Hamedrash in 1911, but left shortly
afterwards as the congregation could not afford to pay his salary.(xiv)
He was also treasurer of Chevras Shass in Swansea.(xv)
Rabbi Moshe Shimon Turetsky
was reported to have served as minister in Swansea until shortly before
his death in 1919,(xvi)
and it is believed that this was with the Beth Hamedrash.(xix)
Rev. Israel Litovitch
was shochet, reader and teacher at the Beth Hamedrash in the 1920s,
until about 1930.(xx)
Rev. Maurice Schwartz
- reader/minister, shochet and teacher from about 1932 until January 1945.(xxi)
Rev. Baruchas. M. Starr
- reader/minister from about 1946 until about 1948.(xxii) |
Lay Officers:(xxvi) |
1908-1909 - Abraham Levy
1909-1911 - S. Green
1911-1914 - H. Coffman
1914-1918 - P. Levi
1918-1921 - J. Ruck
1921-1924 - P. Levi
1924-1927 - J. Black
1927-1930 - M. Silverstone
1930-1931 - B. Karlin
1931-1939 - H. Cohen
1939-1940 - J. Black
1940-1945 - no data
1945-1946 - J. Black
1946-1950 - L. Goldstone
1908-1909 - D. Saul
1909-1911 - M. Foner
1911-1913 - A. Herman
1913-1914 - P. Levi
1914-1924 - M. Cohen
1924-1926 - M. Kramsky
1926-1930 - M. Cohen
1930-1934 - J. Black
1934-1936 - B. Karlin
1936-1940 - J. Black
1940-1945 - no data
1945-1946 - L. Goldstone
1946-1950 - N. Samuel
Secretaries and Hon. Secretaries |
1911-1913 - Abraham Levy
1918-1926 - Mr. Beckman
1926-1927 - Mr. Seal
1927-1931 - M. Solomon
1939-1940 - Rev. Maurice Schwartz
1946-1950 - L. Goldstone
Notes & Sources (↵ returns to text above)
Swansea Jewish Community home page
Jewish Congregations in the former historic of Glamorganshire
Jewish Congregations in the former county of West Glamorgan
Jewish Congregations in Wales, according to current unitary authorities
Jewish Communities & Congregations in Wales home page
Page created: 22 April 2005
Notes first added: 28 December 2017
Page significantly expanded: 20 September 2024
Page most recently amended: 13 October 2024
Research and formatting by David Shulman
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