Darlington Jewish Community

Darlington, County Durham




Press Reports relating to the Darlington Jewish Community
Part 3 — 1940-1961

Compiled by Harold Pollins

Information within square brackets is from the compiler

Jewish Chronicle
, 5 January 1940, page 4

On 27 December 1939 Harold Albert Musgrave aged 24 was killed in a motor accident as a result of which his brother Stanley Richard Musgrave age 20 died on 30 December. Mourned by parents and sister Flora. 51 Victoria Road, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 January 1940, page 6

Harold and Stanley Musgrave - Obituary.
Accident during blackout when a car in which they were travelling collided with a lorry. Passengers Alfred Marks, Flora Marks, and Cyril Ezra were seriously injured.
Father was until recently president of the congregation. Harold was in business with his father, Stanley was student at St Bartholomew’s Hospital. London. Both took keen interest in communal affairs.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 March 1940, page 1

Death on 26 February at 8 Hargreave Terrace, Darlington, of Adam David Raphael, father of Samuel, Max and Florrie.
[Death. Abraham D. Raphael March 1940 aged 83 Darlington 10a 62].

Jewish Chronicle, 5 April 1940, page 25

Rev S. Barron addressed the Trinity Youth Fellowship League on the subject of Judaism.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 June 1940, page 25

Engagement. Annie, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs A. S. Goldberg of Liverpool to Rev Shalom Barron, son of the late Mr and Mrs M. Barron, 51 Victoria Road, Darlington.
[Marriage. Simon Barron September 1940 Liverpool S 8b 765 //Annie Goldberg]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 September 1940, page 4

Tombstones for Harold and Stanley Musgrave will be consecrated on 15 September at Darlington West Cemetery. 51 Victoria Road, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1940, New Year Greetings [page obscured]

Mr and Mrs J. Raphael and daughter, Ivy House, Darlington, present address. 35 Llewellyn Road, Colwyn Bay.

Release from internment authorised (no date)

Paul Wallach born 1  February 1878 Berlin
Address: Wendyholme, Briar Walk, Blackwell, Darlington
Normal occupation: Official Receiver in Bankruptcy
Occupation prior to internment: Director firm of button manufacturers.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 November 1940, page 14

‘Mentor’ Memorial Fund for the Kiddies. ‘J.R.’ Darlington, Yahrzeit gift, 7s 6d. Ernie Barnett, Darlington, 2s 6d.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 December 1940, page 14

Annual Meeting. President, S. Raphael. Presented on behalf of members a silver cup, suitably engraved, to the minister, Rev S. Barron on his marriage.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 December 1940, page 3

Engagement. Anita, only daughter of Mrs Florence Cailler of Darlington to Corporal John Jay Harris, only son of Mrs Kate Harris of Liverpool.
[Marriage. John J. Harris June 1941 Darlington 10a 135//Annie Cailler]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 January 1941, page 13

Many Jewish soldiers of the allied armies attended a service at ‘The Poplars’, Darlington, at the invitation of the Darlington Hebrew Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 January 1941, page 14

Annual meeting. Elected: F. Rachkind, President; H. Prag, Treasurer and Secretary; B. Keetz(sic) and G. Routledge, Auditors; A. Richardson, H. Raphael, M. Musgrave, and S. Abrahams, Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 January 1941, page 13

Engagement. Youngest son of Mr and Mrs Paul Wallach, ‘Wendyholme’, Brian Walls, Darlington, to Margot, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Albert Plaut, NW2, at present at ‘Park House, Henley-on-Thames.
[Marriage. Henry Wallach June 1941 Hampstead 1a 1449//Margot Plaut]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 February 1941, page 13

A large party of soldiers from the Pioneer Corps was entertained to tea and concert organised by the newly-formed Darlington Jewish Ladies’ Guild of which Mrs F. Rachkind is President, Mrs M. Musgrave Treasurer, and Miss F. Musgrave, Hon Sec.
A knitting circle has also been formed.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 February 1941, page 18

At ‘The Poplars’ last week Mr Charles Gillis of Sunderland gave an address on ‘The Situation in Palestine’ illustrated by films.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 March 1941, page 2

Death of Sarah Abrahams in Bournemouth, late of Plaistow, mourned by, inter alia, sister Jenny Musgrave and brother-in-law, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1941, page 16

S. Barron lectured recently to the Conscliffe Road Methodists and the Stockton Brotherhood.
Letter of appreciation from an officer of the Pioneer Corps following the social which the Ladies’ Guild recently provided.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 April 1941, page 14

Through the efforts of Pte Berliner and Rev S. Barron a communal Seder was arranged for the Jewish members of the Pioneeer Corps, some with wives. The Mayor and his wife and thecompany’s officers attended the first night.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 May 1941, page 16

At a public meeting in aid of the Polish Jewish Refugee Fund a committee was formed comprisingF. Rachkind (President of the congregation) as chairman, H. Prag, Treasurer, and Rev S. Barron, B. Kletz, and H. Raphael.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 July 1941, page 16

A Young Zionist Society has been formed. Elected: Rev S. Barron, President; Miss Olga Jackson, Chairman, Miss Sonia Jackson 33 Bracken Road, Darlington, Secretary. Meetings will be held in the Shool rooms every Monday at 7.30. The male members are almost entirely soldiers.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 1941, page 15

Engagement. Hyman, second son of the late Mr and Mrs Max Raphael of Darlington, now of 89 The Ridgeway, Golders Green, and Yetta, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs K. Kahn of 36 Wellington Court, St John’s Wood.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 August 1941, page 2

Forthcoming marriage. Mr F. Biermann of London and Miss Anne Hyams, 6 Oakdene Road, Darlington to be solemnised at the Darlington synagogue on 6 August.
[Marriage. Fritz R. Biermann September 1941 Darlington 10a 125//Annie Hyams]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 August 1941, page 13

Darlington Young Zionist Society. First dance, in aid of the JNF Victory Campaign, music to be provided by the Pioneer Corps band, will be held in the Masonic Hall, Archer Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 September 1941, page 16

Oneg Shabbat was inaugurated by Rev S. Barron some months ago, composed almost entirely of soldiers.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 October 1941, page 14

Councillor Barnett Jackson has accepted nomination to be Darlington’s Mayor in the coming year. He is a member of Jesmond Hebrew Congregation, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 January 1942, page 13

Engagement. Fred Peter Kalkstein, son of Mrs Kalkstein and the late Mr M. Kalkstein of Blackwell House, Briar Walk, Darlington, to Anne, daughter of Mr and Mrs John Lee, NW4.
[Marriage. Anne Lee March 1942 Marylebone 1a 1137//Fritz Kalkstein]

Jewish Chronicle, 16 January 1942, page 16

Bro Samson Abrahams installed as Worshipful Master of Restoration Lodge No. 111. First Jewish Worshipful Master. Until his resignation last year had been Hon Sec of Darlington Hebrew Congregation for over 13 years and is still Registrar for Marriages.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 January 1942, page 14

Zionist meeting attended by members of the Pioneer Corps.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 February 1942, page 14

Film, ‘Homeland in the Making’, shown at the Repertory Theatre, organised by Darlington Young Zionists. Proceeds to the Mayor’s Funds and Palestine refugee settlements.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 March 1942, page 3

Rev S. Barron lectured to Toc H on ‘Jewish Question Today’. At a social organised by the Ladies’ Guild prizes were awarded to the children of the Classes by F. Rachkind, President, who quoted the report of the report by Rabbi Miller of Middlesbrough who has examined the children, referring to Rev S. Barron’s efforts and the satisfactory results.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 May 1942, page 1

Engagement. Cyril Kaufman ARIBA, only son of Mr and Mrs Nathan Kaufman of London NW2, to Pamela, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry Prag of 34 Elton Road, Darlington.
[Marriage. Israel Kaufman December 1942 Paddington 1a 177//Pamela P. Prag]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 May 1942, page 4

Bishop Auckland Hebrew Congregation Religion Classes for children in the district, directed by Rev S. Barron of Darlington (by courtesy of Darlington congregation) are now being held at the Lightfoot Institute, Bishop Auckland. Secretary, 2 Clarence Street, Bishop Auckland.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 July 1942, page 10

Rev S. Barron recently addressed a women’s meeting of the Lanchester Methodist Church on ‘Palestine and the Jew’.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 November 1942, page 1

The Mayor of Darlington, Councillor Barnett Jackson, has been elected for another year as Mayor.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 December 1942, page 11

A Zionist Society has been formed. Sol Abrahams, Chairman, H. Raphael,
Treasurer, Rev S. Barron, 14 Moorlands Road, Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 December 1942, page 10

Annual meeting of congregation. Elected: F. Rachkind, President, G. E. Routledge, Secretary, S. Jackson, Treasurer, B. Kletz and S Norman Auditors.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 February 1943, page 11

Marriage of Pte Eric Cahn, son of Mr and Mrs Siegmund Cahn of Hamburg, and Olga, elder daughter of Mr  and Mrs Sidney Jackson (formerly Jockelson) of 13 Bracken Road, Darlington, will be held at the Imperial Hotel, Darlington, on 17 February.
[Marriage. Erich Cahn March 1943 Darlington 10a 73//Olga Jackson]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 February 1943, page 14, Young Israel

Marriage of Pte Eric Cahn, son of Mr and Mrs Siegmund Cahn of Hamburg, and Olga, elder daughter of Mr  and Mrs Sidney Jackson (formerly Jockelson) of 13 Bracken Road, Darlington, will be held at the Imperial Hotel, Darlington, on 17 February.
[Marriage. Erich Cahn March 1943 Darlington 10a 73//Olga Jackson]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 February 1943, page 14, Young Israel

Mentioned. A. Destor, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 February 1943, page 3

Marriage of Nathan only son of Mr and Mrs Jacob Rayman of Birmingham, to Miriam, daughter of Max Behrman of Barnard Castle and Sunderland will be solemnised at Darlington Synagogue on 28 February.
[Marriage. Nathan Rayman March 1943 Darlington 10a 7s//Miriam Behrman]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 July 1943, page 10

Annual meeting of Zionist Society. Elected: Samson Abrahams, President, Sol Abrahams, Chairman, H. Raphael, Treasurer, and Rev S. Barron , Hon Sec.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 July 1943, page 10

H. Raphael recently elected President of Darlington Liberal Party.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 August 1943, page 3

Marriage of Edward M. Benson, Glasgow, and Beryl Kletz, 6 Oakdene , Darlington, will be solemnised at the Imperial Hotel, Darlington, on 18 August.
[Marriage. Edward M.  Benson September 1943 Darlington 10a 85//Beryl Kletz].


Jewish Chronicle, 6 August 1943, page 3

Marriage of Edward M. Benson, Glasgow, and Beryl Kletz, 6 Oakdene , Darlington, will be solemnised at the Imperial Hotel, Darlington, on 18 August.
[Marriage. Edward M. Benson September 1943 Darlington 10a 85//Beryl Kletz].

Jewish Chronicle, 13 August 1943, page 10

Rev Dr B. Joseph CF and Rev S. Barron conducted a service at the synagogue recently for Jewish members of the Forces. The men were afterwards entertained to tea by the Ladies’ Guild.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 January 1944, page 10

Zionist social recently to raise funds for the Darlington avenue of trees and to bid farewell to Rev S. Barron a founder of the Society.
A brains trust was held with Mr A. Friede of Bishop Auckland as question master and the company of Rabbi L. Miller, and Revs S. Turtledove and S. Barron.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 February 1944, page 16

David Freeman is Darlington’s representative at the Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 March 1944, page 13

The Jewish Ladies’ Guild sent to the Youth Aliyah Fund of the Federation of Women Zionists £75, the proceeds of a number of dances.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 April 1944, page 13

Mr Raymond Woolf of Newcastle upon Tyne addressed the Zionist Society on ‘My Impressions of the recent E.Z.F Conference’.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 April 1944, page 4

Chazan, Shochet and teacher required. Apply to Hon Sec, G. Routledge, 134 Willow Road, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 August 1944, page 4

Wanted for 3 days High Festivals, a Baal Tefila, Baal Koach and Baal Tokeah for Darlington. Hon Sec, 134 Willow Road, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 January 1945, page 3

Death of Ethel nee Levey on 2 January after long illness, wife of George E. Routledge, 134 Willow Road, Darlington, and daughter of the late Moses and Pauline Levey, of Newcastle upon Tyne.
[Death. Ethel M. Routledge March 1945 aged 68 Durham SE 2a 885]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 January 1945, page 13

After 13 years as Chazzan, Shohet and Mohel in the Swansea Beth Hamedrash Rev M. Schwarz is leaving to take up a position in Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 February 1945, page 10

Rev Marcus Schwarz has assumed his duties in Darlington. At recent annual meeting of the congregation elected: Samson Abrahams, President and Treasurer, and G. E. Routledge, Hon Sec.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 June 1945, page 12

Two volumes of Kol Bo were presented by Mr and Mrs Samuel Raphael to the congregation before leaving for Liverpool. The congregation presented Mr Raphael with a Kiddush cup in appreciation of services as president and trustee.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 July 1945, page 12

Annual meeting of Zionist Society. Elected: H. Raphael, President and Treasurer, and S. Abrahams as Chairman. Successful year reported as did the JNF Commission. Elected members of the Commission: Mesdames R. Abrahams, B. Raphael, and F. Schwarz.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 July 1945, page 11

Silver wedding. on 4 August 1920 at Darlington by Rev B. Hyams, Harry Raphael to Betty Greenberg of Glasgow ‘At Home’, “Gleneagles”, Abbey Road, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 August 1945, page 11

Marriage. Benjamin youngest son of the late Maurice Auerbach and Mrs Auerbach of Barrow-in-Furness and Sonia youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Sidney Jackson (formerly Jockelson) of 33 Bracken Road, Darlington, at the synagogue, Darlington, on 22 August.
[Marriage. Benjamin Auerbach September 1945 Darlington 10a 119// Sonia Jackson]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 August 1945, page 3

Birth. On 2 August to Mr and Mrs F. Bierman(sic) (nee Anne Hyams), a son, David Julius, 6 Oakdene Avenue, Darlington
[Birth. David J. Biermann(sic) September 1945 Darlington 10a 37. Mother Hyams]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 September 1945, page 4

New Year Greetings. Mr and Mrs S. Raphael and daughter Liverpool (late of Darlington).

Jewish Chronicle, 7 September 1945, page 20 Young Israel

Mention of Marion Rosenberg, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 1945, page 13

Mr and Mrs Musgrave presented to congregation a velvet Sefer Torah mantle from Canada by an airman Cpl A. Smaller to show his appreciation of hospitality extended by Mr and Mrs Musgrave and the congregation..

Jewish Chronicle, 2 November 1945, page 1

Reference to RSM John J. Harris RAMC whose home is in Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 December 1945, page 14

Silver Wedding. At the Old Hebrew Synagogue, Hull, on 27 December 1920 of Fred Rachkind of Darlington and Jeanette Rosen only daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Calmen Rosen of Hull. 19 Elton Road, Darlington..

Jewish Chronicle, 21 December 1945, page 13

Rev M. Isaacs of Stoke on Trent has received call to take up ministry in Massachussetts. After study his first appointment was to Darlington which he left in 1933 for Stoke.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 March 1946, page 4

WANTED. Chazan, Shochet and Teacher. Commencing salary £5.10s per week and house available. President Samson Abrahams, 25 Manor Road, Darlington..

Jewish Chronicle, 26 April 1946, page 12

Mr S. Phillips, chairman of the North-Eastern Regional Zionist Council, addressed the Darlington Zionist Society on ‘The Palestine Political Situation’.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 September 1946, page 7

Engagement. Harry Rachkind LDS, RCS Eng, only son of Mr and Mrs F. Rachkind, 19 of Elton Road, Darlington, to Joyce Barbara, only daughter of Mr and Mrs A. Ginsberg, Leeds.
[Marriage. Harry Rachkind December 1967 Leeds 2c 955//Joyce B. Ginsberg]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 October 1946, page 7

A son, Valentine Mark, was born on 15 October to Betty, nee Valentine, wife of Raymond Herman, of ‘Tregenna’, 14 Damesmoor Avenue, Darlington.
[Birth. Valentine M. Herman December 1946 Darlington 1a 322. Mother Valentine]

Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1947, page 15

Annual meeting of congregation. Elected: A. Richardson, President, F. P. Kalkstein, Treasurer, S. Rosenberg, Secretary.


Paul Wallach of Wendyholme, Briar Walk, Blackwell, Darlington. Died 19 January 1947 at Royal Victoria Hospital Newcastle upon Tyne. Admin to widow Wanda Wallach.
Effects £122 13s 1d.
[Death. Paul Wallace(sic) March 1947 aged 69 Newcastle upon Tyne 1b 182

Jewish Chronicle, 20 June 1947, page 12

N. Engelsberg, Provincial Secretary of the Zionist Federation, gave an address to the Darlington Zionist Society. Mr Sol Abrahams who presided welcomed Rev I. Cohen, the newly-appointed Chazan and Teacher.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 1947, page 13

A social was held was held by the Ladies’ Guild in aid of relief work on the continent, contributions by the children under direction of Rev I. Cohen, who also gave a rendition of Hebrew melodies accompanied by Madame Jacobs.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 October 1947, page 7

Engagement. Montague, only son of Mr and Mrs Harry Raphael of ‘Gleneagles’ Abbey Road, Darlington, to Gwendoline, only daughter of Dr and Mrs Michael Stein, 4 Hillcrest, Ferryhill, Co Durham.
[Marriage. Max I. M. Raphael December 1948 Darlington 1a 521//Gwendoline L. H. Stein]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 February 1948, page 12

Meeting organised recently in the North-East by the Trades Advisory Committee included rep from Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 April 1948, page 12

Supper-dance was held recently by the Ladies’ Guild, proceeds to the Central British Fund and Youth Aliyah.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 June 1948, page 20, Young Israel

Roy Rubinstein (Darlington) mentioned.
[Birth. Roy Rubinstein December 1936 Darlington 10a 22. Mother Hyams.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 November 1948, page 12

Ladies’ Guild held a supper in honour Lady Fletcher who gave a talk on Youth Aliyah.
An appeal raised £150.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 November 1948, page 13

A communal memorial service was held recently at the West Cemetery. This was the first of its kind in Darlington. Conducted by Rev I. Cohen.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 December 1948, page 16

Conference on Shechita at Leeds. Among the places represented was Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 February 1949, page 20, Young Israel

Reference to Robert Nigel Rosenberg, Darlington
[Birth. Robert N. Rosenberg September 1945 Darlington 10a 19. Mother Morris.]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 March 1949, page 2

Death. 16 March. Florrie nee Raphael, widow of Israel Cailler, late of Darlington. Leeds.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 June 1949, page 12

Visit of Chief Rabbi to North East including Darlington. At Darlington welcome on behalf of the citizens of Darlington by R. D. Hardman MP.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 June 1949, page 18, Young Israel

Mention of Ruth Rosenberg, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 June 1949, page 2

Death on 16 June 1949 of Sarah Linskill, 41, of Sunderland, sister. inter alia. of Mrs Barnett, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 July 1949, page 3

Daughter, Della Gail Simons, born at 16 June 1949 at 125 Cleveland Terrace, Darlington, to Lily nee Topol, wife of Leon Simons, sister for Rosalind.
[Birth. Della G. Simons September 1949 Darlington1a 280].

Jewish Chronicle, 23 September 1949, page 7

Bar Mitzvah. Roy, eldest son of Mr and Mrs S. Rubinstein, ‘Royville’, Hartford Road, Darlington, will read Maftir and Haftarah at Darlington Synagogue, 9 Victoria Road, Darlington, on 1 February.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 November 1949, page 7

Engagement. George, youngest son of the late Mr and Mrs G. Frankl (of Hungary) of 44 Deneside Road, Darlington, to Gertrude, daughter of Rev S. and Mrs Stern, Leeds.
[Marriage. George Frankl March 1950 2c 40//Margit G. Stern.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 November 1949, page 15

Organised by Mr J. Magoon a series of lectures has been organized by the Darlington community on ’Judaism and the Modern World.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 November 1949, page 15

Organised by Mr J. Magoon a series of lectures has been organized by the Darlington community on ’Judaism and the Modern World.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 January 1950, page 2

Geoffrey Marks, Ilford, died. Brother, inter alia, of Jeannie, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 May 1950, page 17

An address ‘Jewish Women Throughout the Ages’ was given recently at the Darlington Ladies’ Guild by Mrs Miller of Middlesbrough.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 June 1950, page 17

Mr E. Ellison of Israel addressed the community and launched the JPA appeal. Raised £600.
Rev I. Levy SCG visited Catterick Garrison and addressed Jewish servicemen. Pointed out that Jews of Darlington, nearest community, opened doors to visiting servicemen.
Later lunch with Rev and Mrs I. Cohen and addressed the congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 August 1950, page 2

Death. On July 30 Leah Rosenberg nee Morris wife of Sidney, Mother of Ruth, Marion and Robert. Shiva at 2  Aston Avenue, Kenton.
[See Obituary 11  August 1950. S. Rosenberg Secretary of Darlington congregation 1947, Ruth (1949), Marion (1945) and Robert (1949) in Darlington.]

Jewish Chronicle, 11 August 1950, page 7

Obituary of Leah Rosenberg of Darlington aged 45. Former President of Darlington Synagogue Ladies’ Guild and ardent worker for Youth Aliyah. In the war was hostess to hundreds of American servicemen stationed at Glastonbury and in last 3 years Jewish servicemen at Catterick Camp enjoyed her hospitality.
[Death. Leah Rosenberg. September 1950 aged 45 Newbury 6a 28]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 August 1950, page 15

Rev Israel Cohen of Darlington elected Chazan, Shochet and Teacher of Portsmouth and Southsea congregation. When in Darlington active in Zionism and JNF, and Officiating Chaplain to Jewish troops in the area.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 September 1950, page 19

Successful garden party held at home of Mrs H. Raphael, ‘Gleneagles’, Abbey Road, Darlington, in aid of Children and Youth Aliyah.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 October 1950, page 22

Obituary of Harry Raphael who died at Darlington last week aged 51. Served the Hebrew Congregation as Treasurer and the general community in political and other spheres. Mr J. Magoon, Hon Sec of the congregation writes: He was devoted to the progress of the synagogue and supported all communal efforts. Held office in local Liberal Association and the Ratepayers’ Association.
[Death. Harry Raphael September 1950 aged 51 Darlington 1a 216].

Jewish Chronicle, 16 February 1951, page 22

Darlington’s Children and Youth Aliyah Committee, under presidency of Alderman J. Cohen JP, last week arranged a showing of Youth Aliyah film, ‘Tomorrow’s a Wonderful Day’, followed by an address by Mrs Lorna Wingate. Reception held earlier at home of Mr F. P. Kendall. Raised £550 for support of ‘North of England House’ which Jewries of Newcastle, Darlington and Sunderland are giving to Wingate Children’s Village.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 March 1951, page 15

Rev M. I. Fabritz has resigned as minister of South Shields and has taken up appointment as minister of Darlington. Has been at South Shields since September last having moved there from Norwich where he had been for 20 years.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 July 1951, page 20

Rev M. I. Fabritz minister at Darlington and Mr J. Magoon, Hon Sec, write ‘a lady of sincere Jewishness, charming manner, and kindliness.’ Worker for welfare of synagogue and other communal causes. Her hospitality will long be remembered especially by members of the Forces.
[Death. Rally Abrahams September 1951 aged 70 Darlington 1a 168].

Jewish Chronicle, 1 February 1952, page 15

A social evening in aid of the Israeli Flood Distress Fund was held recently at the synagogue schoolrooms, Victoria Road, Darlington. Hostesses were Mesdames Rubenstein, Wootliff, Jackson and Barnett.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 March 1952, page 11

Among several new B’nei Akivah groups recently formed is Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 April 1952, page 15

A coffee morning and bring-and-buy sale was held recently at home of Mrs B. Raphael, ‘Gleneagles’, Abbey Road, Darlington, in aid of Youth Aliyah.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 May 1952, page 17

Reception at the Imperial Hotel, Darlington, in honour of Mr P. Leshem, the Israeli Consul and Mrs Leshem. Mr and Mrs F. P. Kendall were hosts and Alderman J. Cohen J.P., of Sunderland, Hon President of the Darlington Youth Aliyah Committee, presided.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 May 1952, page 16

Memorial in loving memory of Rally Abrahams, of Ferndale, Maude Street, Darlington, will be consecrated on Sunday 25 May at the West Cemetery, Carmel Road, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 August 1952, page 7

Daughter, Hanna Michele, born 11 August 1952 at Worthing, Sussex, to Madeline (nee Rachkind of Darlington) and Samuel Wine, Littlehampton, Sussex.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 November 1952, page 17

A social was held at the Imperial Hotel, Darlington, in aid of Magen David Adom.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 December 1952, page 17

A recent social was held at the Imperial Hotel and raised £30 in aid of Jewish Child’s Day. Hostesses were Mesdames Rachkind, Rubenstein, Kletz, and Barnet.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 January 1953, page 16

Annual meeting. Elected: A. Richardson, President and Warden; B. Kletz and F. P. Kendall, Joint Treasurers; E. M. Goldstein, Hon Sec.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 January 1953, page 7

Bar Mitzvah. Stephen, younger son of Mr and Mrs S. Rubinstein of ‘Royville’, Hartford Road, Darlington, will read Maftir and Haftarah, at the synagogue, Victoria Road on 7 February.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 February 1953, page 16

At a meeting of the Darlington Jewish Ladies’ Guild Mrs Rachkind was elected President, Mrs H. Wolfe, Treasurer, and Miss N. Jackson, 123 Cleveland Terrace, Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 April 1953, page 19

A gathering in aid of the Jerusalem Baby Home, held at the home of Mrs B. Raphael, raised £20. Hostesses were Mesdames Raphael, Abrahams, Gillow and Sannick.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 June 1953, page 17

A social evening in aid of Women’s Week, held by the Jewish Ladies’ Guild at the Imperial Hotel, raised £25. Hostesses: J. Bilden, L. Bilton(?), H. Fine and A. Benn.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 June 1953, page 3

Memorial stone for Samuel Raphael late of Darlington, to be consecrated at New Lanes Cemetery, Liverpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 July 1953, page 14

Garden Party in aid of the Chaim Weizmann Fund, held by the Jewish Ladies’ Guild, at home of Mrs B. Raphael, Abbey Road, raised £40.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 July 1953, page 21

House Mr and Mrs Nathan Schmidt were host and hostess at a gathering organized by the Darlington Youth Aliyah Committee at the Imperial Hotel when Mme Peretz Leshem made he last visit to the provinces before returning to Israel.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 October 1953, page 18

A social evening in aid of the Hebrew University was held at the Imperial Hotel. £30 raised. Hotesses were Mesdames N. Schmidt, A. Schmidt, Amerikaner, H. Smith and A. Smith.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 March 1954, page 22

Letter from M. I. Fabritz, 30 Loraine Crescent, Darlington, on subject of ball games on Shabbat.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 April 1954, page 25

Coffee-morning and bring-and-buy sale by the Jewish Ladies’ Guild at the home of Mrs Wilkes, Salutation Road. And a Purim Party was arranged by the Guild at the Imperial Hotel where a collection was made for the Jerusalem Baby Home.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 June 1954, page 21

Lady Balfour at Darlington as guest of honour at reception at the Imperial Hotel by the Darlington Children and Youth Aliyah Committee. The Committee has made a generous contribution to the North-East England in the Wingate Village.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 July 1954, page 22

Seventh Jewish Women’s Week, Preliminary Report July 1954.
Darlington £10.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 December 1954, page 19

R. Rubinstein of Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Darlington, awarded Open Exhibition in Mathematics at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 March 1955, page 24

Dinner and Dance at the Crofts Spa Hotel, Darlington, in aid of the Anti-Tuberculosis League of Israel. Mr C. P. Spielman OBE and Mrs Spielman were hosts and guests of honour were the Mayor and Mayoress of Darlington, Cllr and Mrs N. R. Barker.
The dinner was organized by Sydney Rosenberg and raised over £50.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 April 1955, page 2

Death on 15 April of Abraham Richardson, 8 North Lodge Terrace, Darlington. Wife Rachel, brother-in-law and sister-in-law Morris and Rossina Charlton.
[Death. Abraham Richardson June 1955 aged 80 Darlington. 1a 203.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 May 1955, page 11

Two obituaries for A. Richardson. A founder-member of the congregation. Generous to many charitable causes, in particular Yeshivot. Had been President.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 May 1955, page 27

3rd obituary of A. Richardson by Rev M. I. Fabritz of Darlington. Was Treasurer and at time of death was President.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 June 1955, page 7

Engagement. Victor, elder son of Mr and Mrs D. Wilkes of 6 Salutation Road, Darlington, to Mildred, younger daughter of Mrs Jackson and the late Mr J. Jackson of Newcastle upon Tyne. [Marriage. Victor E. Wilkes December 1955 Newcastle upon Tyne 1b 279//Mildred Jackson].

Jewish Chronicle, 27 July 1955, page 18

Mr J. Magoon of London was recently elected representative for Darlington at the Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 August 1955, page 2

Ruby wedding. Rev and Mrs M. I. Fabritz of 30 Loraine Crescent, Darlington, 40th anniversary of marriage at Duke’s Place on 1 August 1915.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1955, page 6

Darlington, Bridegrooms of the Law: B. Kletz, F. Rachkind.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 October 1955, page 21

Darlington branch of Children and Youth Aliyah held its first Golden Ticket Ball at the Croft Spa Hotel. Alderman Jack Cohen OBE presided, Lady Low, one of the Hon Secs of the Fund was guest of honour. Mr and Mrs Kendall were host and hostess in the hall.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 February 1956, page 19

The Jewish Ladies’ Guild has re-elected Mrs F. Abrahams, President, Mrs N. Hyams, Treasurer, Miss M. Abrahams, Hon Sec.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 February 1956, page 4

The marriage will be solemnized at Dollis Hill Synagogue, London, NW2, on 19 February of Sidney Rosenberg of 84 Elton Road, Darlington, to Gertrude Dare of Harrow, Middlesex.
[Marriage. Sidney Rosenberg March 1956 Willesden 5f 870//Gertrude Dare].

Jewish Chronicle, 24 February 1956, page 13

Elected at meeting of congregation. F. Rachkind, President and Warden, F. P. Kendall and H. Wolfe, Treasurers, H. Jackson, Hon Sec, F. P. Kendall and Sol Abrahams, Trustees.
Thanks to retiring Treasurer, B.  Kletz.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 April 1956, page 2

Bar Mitzvah. David, only child of Mr and Mrs Jack Baum, 10 Neville Road, Darlington, will read portion of the Law at Darlington Synagogue on 5 May.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 June 1956, page 19

A Tercentenary celebration by the Darlington congregation was addressed by Mr J. Magoon and Rev M. I. Fabritz. A silver salver was presented to Mr Bernard Kletz who has served for almost 30 years as Secretary and Treasurer.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 June 1956, page 18

Meeting held at Synagogue Chambers, Middlesbrough, to form Tees-side Shechita Board. Delegates were from Darlington, Middlesbrough, Stockton, and West Hartlepool congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 July 1956, page 7

Engagement. John Karl, younger son of Mr and Mrs Martin Goldstein, of ‘Deneview’, 44 Deeside Road, Darlington, to Frederica (Erica), younger daughter of Mr and Mrs Maurice Fishkin of Newcastle upon Tyne.
[Marriage, John K. Goldstein June 1937 Newcastle upon Tyne 1b 253//Frederica Fishkin]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 August 1956, page 13

Obituary of Bernard Kletz by Rev M. I. Fabritz. He was for nearly 50 years an active worker in the community. Held office as Treasurer and Secretary. Gave his services for many years on the Holy days as Baal Tefilla. Due to men of his calibre traditional Judaism is alive and practiced in Darlington.
[Death. Bernard Kletz September 1956 aged 76 Darlington 1a 176]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 September 1956, page 7

Marriage of Raymond Antebi MD, son of Mr and Mrs Antebi of Alexandria, to Anne, daughter of Mr  and Mrs Van-der-Velde of 57 Harlsey Road, Hartburn, Stockton-on-Tees, on 16 September at Singer’s Hill Synagogue, Birmingham.
[Son, Daniel L. Antebi born Darlington December 1957 1a 313. Mother Van der Velde]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 March 1957, page 2

Death of Victor Hose, Manchester, brother-in-law of Anne and Ernest Barnett, 35 Belvedere Road, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 April 1957, page 23

Last week Rev M. I. Fabritz addressed the Catterick (Yorks) Toc H on ‘Israel and her Neighbours.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 May 1957, page 21

The Ladies’ Guild recently made a gift of a new Sefer Torah mantle to the congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 May 1957, page 2

Bar Mitzvah. Daniel, son of Mr and Mrs Sam Pollock of 36 Neville Road, Darlington, will read Maftir and Haftarah at Darlington Synagogue on 8 June.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 July 1957, page 19

Consecration of new cemetery at Darlington last week, followed by dedication of new wrought-iron entrance gates in memory of Mr Bernard Kletz, whose widow presented them to the congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 August 1957, page 14

Youth Club formed. Officers are Rev M. I. Fabritz, Hon President, Mr G. R. Stoppleman, chairman, Mrs Betty Bilton, Treasurer, Mrs Doris Jackson, 93 Abbey Road, Secretary. Hope that neighbouring communities will form clubs with view to organizing inter-club activities.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 September 1957, page 2

Death of Yetta Cohen, mother of Gertie and mother-in-law of Sidney Rosenberg, 23 Flambard Road, Harrow and Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 October 1957, page 9

Bridegrooms of the Law
F. Rachkind and Rev M. I. Fabritz.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 November 1957, page 21

The Wingate Children’s Village of Youth Aliyah in Israel has been presented with a complete library of Hebrew books and atlases by Mrs Rachel Richardson of Darlington in memory of her husband Abraham Richardson.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 February 1958, page 9

Obituary of Reuben Cohen, Hon Life President of Stockton Hebrew Congregation, aged 77. Born Darlington, First Jewish lawyer on Tees-side.
[Death. Reuben Cohen March 1958 aged 77 Durham SE 1a 696].

Jewish Chronicle, 28 February 1958, page 9

Obituary of Reuben Cohen, Hon Life President of Stockton Hebrew Congregation, aged 77. Born Darlington, First Jewish lawyer on Tees-side.
[Death. Reuben Cohen March 1958 aged 77 Durham SE 1a 696].

Jewish Chronicle, 28 February 1958, page 21

Social evening by the Ladies’ Guild raised £25 for Ravenswood Home and £15 for spastics in Israel.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 March 1958, page 25

Third annual Golden Ticket Ball of Darlington Children and Youth Aliyah, held at Scotch Corner House. Raised £550.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 April 1958, page 28

Advert. Darlington Hebrew Congregation invite applications for Reader/Shochet/Teacher. £700 p.a. with free modern semi-detached house. Hon Sec H. Fine, 1 Thornbury Rise, Darlington.
[Repeated 2 May 1958 p. 33.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 June 1958, page 21

Children of the Jewish Youth Club arranged party for Rev M. I. Fabritz and presented him with a housecoat on his retirement.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 June 1958, page 18

Mr F. P. Kendall elected to represent Darlington at Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 July 1958, page 16

Rev M. I. Fabritz is retiring at end of seven and a half years at Darlington. Going to live in London. At a meeting he was presented with a cheque and Mrs Fabritz was presented by the Ladies’ Guild with a travelling case. He was born in Latvia, came to England after WWI and was minister at Norwich for 30 years, then short time at South Shields and then Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 October 1958, page 5

Bridegrooms of the Law. Darlington:
Rev A. Freedman and I. J. Baum.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 October 1958, page 3

Death on 29 August at her home in Doncaster, Wendy Wallace. Mother of Edith, Ruth, Ernest and Henry. Funeral has taken place at Darlington.
[Lived in Darlington in 1930s]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 October 1959, page 10

Bridegrooms of the Law.
N. Hyams and H. Woolf.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 November 1959, page 20

The Mayor and Mayoress of Darlington were guests of honour at the Jubilee Year Golden Ticket Ball organized by the Children and Youth Aliyah Committee under its chairman Mr J. Bilden, at the Imperial Hotel, Darlington. Ball raised £500.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 June 1960, page 13

Darlington entertained members of Newcastle B’nai Brith at the Freemasons’ Hall, Darlington. Rabbi Dr I. Lerner, Vice-President of the Men’s Lodge, gave and address on ‘Problems of the small communities’. He said that Darlington was fortunate in having a resident minister and all the appurtenances of a kehilla.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 October 1960, page 11

Bridegrooms of the Law.
F. Rachkind and D. Wilkes.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 October 1960, page 2

Birth. Son, Jonathan Lewis, at the Bearsted Memorial Hospital on 15 October to Rita nee Freedman of London E9. Grandson for Rev and Mrs Freedman of Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 November 1960, page 7

Bar Mitzvah. Ian, younger son of Mr  and Mrs  S.  Rubinstein of 45 Hartford Road, Darlington, will read Maftir and Haftarah at the synagogue 9 Victoria Road, Darlington, on 26 November.
[Birth. Ian Rubinstein December 1947 Darlington 1a 344. Mother Hyams]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 April 1961, page 14

Elected to office: F. Rachkind, President and Warden, D. Abrahams, Treasurer, H. Finn. Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 May 1961, page 25, Young Israel

New member, Monica Hannahh Stoppleman
[Birth. Monica D. H. L. Stoppleman June 1949 Darlington Darlington 1a 335. Mother Mannheimer]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 September 1961, page 7

Engagement. Brian Dale of Darlington to Gillian Eve, daughter of Mr and Mrs Herbert Weber of London NW4.
[Marriage. Alec B. Dale March 1962 Paddington 5d 571//Gillian E.  Weber]

Jewish Chronicle, 8 September 1961, page 12

Obituary of Mrs M. Musgrave (Jennie Musgrave). A founder-member of the Ladies’ Guild. President of the Ladies’ Chevra Kadisha.
[Death. Jennie Musgrave September 1961 aged 69 Darlington 1a 180]

Formatted by David Shulman

Press Reports relating to the Community, Part 1 — 1773-1919

Press Reports relating to the Community, Part 2 — 1920-1939

Press Reports relating to the Community, Part 4 — 1962-2015 

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