Darlington Jewish Community

Darlington, County Durham




Press Reports relating to the Darlington Jewish Community
Part 1 — 1773-1919

Compiled by Harold Pollins

Information within square brackets is from the compiler

Oxford Journal, 4 September 1773, page 1

‘Monday se’nnight Matthew Vasey was executed at Durham, for the robbery of a Polish Jews near Darlington; and, we hear, the death warrant of Joseph Coltman, his accomplice, is gone down for his execution on Monday se’ennight’.
[Note. ‘se’ennight’ means seven night and days. ie a week.]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1871, page 1

Appeal for funds for building synagogue in West Hartlepool. Donation from J. Breski, Darlington.
[1871 Census. Jacob Breski, Pedlar in Jewellery.]

Jewish Chronicle, 11 October 1872, page 378

Appeal for new synagogue and schools at Middlesbrough. Donation from J. Breski, Darlington, 1.1.0

Jewish Chronicle, 7 November 1879, page 12

Miss Kate Gottheil has passed the examination at the Darlington Training College as Assistant School Mistress.

Northern Echo, 27 September 1879, page 2

£2 to £100 advanced on approved security, M. COHEN, 12, Russell-street, Darlington.

Northern Echo, 27 September 1879, page 2

North-Eastern Loan Office.
Apply J. Schott, Manager, 85 North Bridge Street, Monkwearmouth, Sunderland.
[In Darlington in 1891]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 May 1881, page 2

Appeal on behalf of the distressing case of Morris Paff of West Hartlepool. Donation from M. Cohen of Darlington. 10.0
[1881 Census, Myer Cohen , Loan Broker]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 May 1881, page 2

Appeal on behalf of the distressing case of Morris Paff of West Hartlepool. Donation from M. Cohen of Darlington.
[1881 Census, Myer Cohen , Loan Broker.]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 April 1882, page 2

Mansion House Fund for Persecution of Jews in Russia. M. Cohen, Darlington, £1.1.0

Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1882, page 6

‘Jewish Divine service was, probably for the first time, held at Darlington both on the New Year and on the Day of Atonement’.

Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 3 January 1885, page 4

First wedding by Stockton Hebrew Congregation in their new synagogue at Skinner Street, Stockton, of Joseph Stones of Darlington and Miss Sarah Gordon of Stockton. Performed by Rev G. B. Salomons late of Oxford, minister of Stockton.
[See below, 29 April 1899 page 1]
[No sign of Joseph & Sarah Stones in 1891 Census.]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 January 1885, page 6

The first Jewish marriage in Stockton since the formation of the congregation was solemnised there on 1st inst between Miss S. Gordon of that town and Mrs. Joseph Stoner of Darlington. The ceremony was witnessed by a large number of Christians.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 August 1886, page 10

Rev Mark L. Harris, Minister of Hanley Hebrew Congregation, has been elected minister of the Kimberley (South Africa) congregation. He was also connected with the Darlington and West Hartlepool congregations under the Provincial Ministers’ Fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 August 1886, page 10

Reference to election of Rev Mark L. Harris of Hanley to be minister of Kimberley (S. Africa) congregation. When at Hanley ‘He is also connected with the Darlington and West Hartlepool congregations under the Provincial Ministers’ Fund, and was also a master of the Jewish School at Sunderland’.

Northern Echo, 10 February 1887, page 1

‘Good, established and Fashionable CLOTHING (Ready-made or to Measure) on the New Credit System of EARLY PAYMENTS’ from Joseph Stones, 5,High Northgate, Darlington.

Northern Echo, 23 April 1887, page 4

‘Alleged Fraudulent Bankruptcy’
Yesterday Joseph Stones, draper and clothier, was prosecuted under the Fraudulent Debtors Act of 1869. He had obtained goods on credit and afterwards disposed of them not in the ordinary way of trade but by public auction. Cash obtained had not been satisfactorily accounted for by him. Also he had been guilty of obtaining goods by means of false representation. Remanded for a week.

Northern Echo, 28 April 1887, page 3

Order made yesterday at Stockton Bankruptcy Court against Joseph Stones directing him to render an account of the proceeds of drapery sales he has held.

Northern Echo, 12 May 1887, page 4

Stockton Bankruptcy Court.
Joseph Stones draper and clothier of Darlington, under remand charged with fraudulent bankruptcy, was thrice called for his adjourned examination but failed to appear. Examination adjourned sine die.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 July 1887, page 11

On Tuesday Rev S. Singer left London on a tour of inspection (on behalf of the Chief Rabbi) of Jewish schools in various provincial towns. ‘On Wednesday he examined the pupils of the small Religion Class at Darlington to which the Rev. H. P. Levy is visiting minister’.

Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 12 August 1887, page 1

Cash advanced. Bills discounted. M. Cohen, Central Hall Darlington, and 5 North Terrace, High Street, Stockton.

Northern Echo, 1 September 1887, page 14

Stockton Bankruptcy Court.
Failure of a Darlington draper. Solomon Abraham(sic) tailor and draper, Darlington and Middlesbrough. Liabilities £1,157 7s 4d. Assets £778 13s 7d. Due to bad debts. Adjourned.

Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 7 September 1887, page 3

Stockton Bankruptcy Court.
Solomon Abrahams, draper and clothier, 7 Duke Street, Darlington. Has carried on business in Darlington and Middlesbrough for 16 years and resides in Darlington. For last 8 or 9 years has been a draper and clothier, but previously had been a picture dealer and frame maker for 13 years after 1871. Carried on the two businesses for five years. Commenced with capital of £100. 8 or 9 years ago went into partnership with Mr Cohen who put £150 into the business, Cohen to have half the profits. He does not keep books. He gave up the picture business because it was losing money. Owes Mr Cohen £198 11s which he borrowed in 1884. He was surety for £14 for Joseph Stones of Darlington who has since become bankrupt, and various other debts

Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 19 October 1887, page 3

Solomon Abrahams, ‘formerly a draper and clothier’, 7 Duke Street, Darlington, at Stockton Bankruptcy Court. It was stated that when he held auction call he made a profit over the cost price of the goods sold. The debtor was allowed to pass his examination.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 June 1888, page 8

Rev D. H. Adler to proceed on pastoral tour of the north to include Darlington.

Northern Echo, 3 July 1888, page 4

The Chief Rabbi was in Darlington yesterday and at the meeting-house in Livingstone Buildings he examined the children in Hebrew and history. He was satisfied with the way the children acquitted themselves. Afterwards he was entertained by the President, Mr Abrahams.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 August 1888, page 3

Grants made under Jewish Provincial Ministers’ Fund for the services of Rev H. P. Levy of the Middlesbrough congregation for the Darlington and Stockton congregation for the purpose of preaching occasionally and giving school instruction. He visited Darlington 6 September to 6 December 1886 and Stockton and Darlington 6 December 1886 to 6 December 1887 Also to Rev Mark L. Harris of Sunderland for visiting Darlington November 1885 to August 1886.

Northern Echo, 3 September 1888, page 2

Cash advanced. M. Cohen, Central Hall, Darlington, and 5 North Terrace, High Street, Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1888, page 14

Rev Moses Reichman, chazan at Darlington, died ‘somewhat suddenly’ on Friday last. About 42 years old. And in Darlington only a short time. Leaves wife and 6 children. Buried Middlesbrough 25 September.

14 January 1889

National Schools Admission Registers & Log Books 1870-1914
Nyman Solomon Abrahams born 14 July 1881. 7 Arden Street, Admitted to Kendrew Street.

Northern Echo, 3 June 1889, page 3

Fire at premises of Messrs S. Schott & co, recently established jewellers on the High row, Darlington. A shop counter was nearly destroyed.

Northern Echo, 19 June 1889, page 2

Loans granted from £10 to £1,000 on note of hand only to clergymen, tradesmen, farmers, cow-keepers, householders &c. Mr Schott, financial agent, 1 Granville Terrace, Darlington. [Repeated]

Northern Echo, 20 June 1889, page 2

Mr R. A. Meacroft ‘favoured with instructions from Messrs Schott & co, High row’ will sell by auction all the stock in trade, jewellery, goods etc on 21 June.

Northern Echo, 25 June 1889, page 1

“NOTICE.- I, SIMON LEVI, 9. Tubwell-row, Darlington, hereby give notice that I will not be responsible for any Debts contracted by my Wife, MINNIE LEVI, and Children, after June 16th.”

Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 1890, page 18

Conference on the Rabbinate. Delegates excluded from congregations with less than 50 members which include...Darlington.

Northern Echo, 14 August 1890, page 4

Darlington County Court. Oliver v. Levy. Claim for wife maintenance. Plaintiff is newsagent, temperance innkeeper, and county councilor. Application to recover £7 for board and lodging and money advanced to Mrs Simon Levy, wife of a Jewish clothier and moneylender, Tubwell Row, Darlington, and living apart from him. Divorce proceedings in hand. Married Leeds 25 August 1871 came to Darlington and lived in Tobwell Row for 7 or 8 years. Seven years ago husband proceeded against at the Police Court for assaulting wife. Settled by payment of £25 to enable her to go to Germany to recuperate. He treated her badly on return and she left the house on 18 June. Eventually she went into the workhouse. Oliver then took her in and now wants reimbursement. Judgement for plaintiff £3.10.6 and costs.

Northern Echo, 24 August 1890, page 3

Samuel Gilbert, 18 Priestgate, Darlington, glazier and picture frame maker, filed his petition in the Stockton Bankruptcy Court yesterday and was adjudicated bankrupt.

Northern Echo, 15 November 1890, page 3

Darlington County Court.
“Jew and Gentile” Joseph Watson, furnaceman, sued Sarah Sliutko(sic), 23 Wooler Street, Alex Sliufko, draper, her husband, and Samuel Alexander of Newcastle, her father, for £10 for personal injuries. Watson and colleague went to Sliufko and there was rough and tumble. Verdict to 2 male defendants and female defendant given benefit of doubt despite having used a shovel. But she did not receive costs.

Northern Echo, 6 December 1890, page 2

“MONEY Lent Privately, from £10 upwards, at a reasonable rate of interest to Farmers, Tradesmen, and all reasonable persons, in town or country, at a short notice. Repayment to suit borrower. – applt personally or by letter to E. SLIUFKO and Co., 67, Park-place, Darlington. Mr. Watson, manager.”

Jewish Chronicle, 9 January 1891, page 15

Rev M. E Davis, Middlesbrough, appointed Visiting Minister to Darlington and West Hartlepool.

Northern Echo, 18 February 1892, page 3

Darlington County Court. large number of cases of moneys unpaid. Mentions particular cases of Louis Bloom ('a Jew'), Isaac Richardson ('another Jew'), Sinifko(sic) and Levi. Various committal orders made against defendants.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 March 1892, page 17

At Board of Deputies application received for certificate of Rev(sic) Jacob Schott of the Darlington Synagogue as secretary for Marriage Registration Purposes. President authorised to certify him to the Registrar-General.
[Note. In the 1891 Census Jacob Schott is described as a Financial Agent.]

Northern Echo, 19 April 1892, page 3

‘The Distress’
Subscription to the Charity Organisation Society Distress Fund.
J. Schott per week 2s 6d.
[Note. The distress was caused by the Durham Miners’ Strike of 3 months beginning on 27 February when they were locked out.]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 July 1892, page 8

The Levin Bequest (in Ephraim Levin’s will). List of Beneficiaries, includes Darlington £100.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1892, page 19

Rev S. Gordon assisted by Mr Morris Davis of Sunderland officiated on the New Year
A special service was held on Tuesday [27th] for consecrating new Sepher Torah purchased by the congregation which was completed on Sunday at the home of the president Mr J. Schott.
Rev M. E. Davies of Middlesbrough, at the service, gave a sermon.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 October 1892, page 14

Day of Atonement services were conducted by Rev S. Gordon assisted by Mr Morris Davis, chairman of Sunderland Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 October 1892, page 14

Chosan Torah Mr Honeyboum
Chosan Bereshith Mr S. Levy

Northern Echo, 3 May 1894, page 4

Teesside Bankruptcy Court.
Jacob Schott. Owes £604 15s 6d. Assets £84. Originally a draper in Sunderland where he made private arrangements with his creditors. During last 15 or 18 years a commission agent for procuring loans or advances. Left Sunderland for Darlington about 6 years ago and has been there since. Son had jewellery shop which had a fire 4 or 5 years since and son now in Australia. Chiefly an agent for George Chilton, moneylender, Darlington. Year ago Chilton brought an action against him for money Schott thought he could keep. Judgment against him. Adjourned.
[In the 1890s frequent advertisement by Sliufko offering money.]

Northern Echo, 27 October 1894, page 4

At the Jewish cemetery, Stockton, a tombstone was erected in memory of the late Solomon Abrahams of Darlington who died 4 February 1890. Came to Darlington 25 years ago, being the first Jewish family there. In 1880 he inaugurated the Darlington Hebrew congregation and was its president until his death.

Northern Echo, 7 November 1894, page 4

At Darlington Borough Police Court, Edward Chapman, cab proprietor, was charged with assaulting Simon Levi, draper etc, Tubwell-row, on 31 Ult. Complainant went to cab stand to see the defendant. Told him he had not kept up his payments and had with him a count court summons. Defendant would not take paper and struck him on his head. Sergeant Simpson examined Levi’s head but found no sign of a blow. Case dismissed.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 November 1894, page 10

Board of Deputies. Application of Marriage Register had been cancelled ‘owing to the decay of the congregation’.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 January 1895. page 17

Special service held in Middlesbrough synagogue for receiving 2 scrolls of the law from Darlington. ‘Mr Thlinfko (sic) has presented a new cover for one of the Scrolls’.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 January 1895, page 16

Board of Deputies. ‘A reply from the Registrar-General as to the custody of the Marriage Register Book of the extinct congregation at Darlington was also read’.

Northern Echo, 29 March 1895, page 4

Wedding at Stockton of Carrie Schott daughter of Mr Jacob Schott and Sol Goldston, son of E. Goldston, both of Stockton.
[Caroline Elizabeth Schott March 1895 Stockton 10a 123//Solomon Goldston]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 March 1898, page 21

At Cambridge Local Exam last December successful candidate was C.  S.  Benjamin, Darlington.
[CS: Cordelia Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Ann Benjamin. Born 1882.]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 July 1898, page 4

'JEWELLERY TRAVELLER WANTED, By Darlington Tradesman, to travel Darlington and Middlesbrough district on easy terms system; one who has occupied a similar position preferred; must be able to find security. Address E.S., 22. Russell-street, Darlington'.
[Ellius Sliufko?]  

Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 26 October 1898, page 2

Darlington Police Court. Joseph Stones, ‘a Jew’, trading as a draper, money lender etc,, under the name of his wife Sarah R. Stones, of 16 Finsbury Street, Darlington, charged with committing perjury at Darlington County Court on 14th inst. Bail was unforthcoming so imprisoned until acceptable bail produced.
[No further references found]

Jewish Chronicle, 12 January 1899, page 3

Contributor to Institution for the Relief of the Indigent Blind of the Jewish Persuasion. E. Sliufko, Darlington, 'ann' [annual?]

Jewish Chronicle, 3 March 1899, page 1

Marriage on Tuesday 21 February at Leazes Park Road Synagogue, Newcastle, Sara, second daughter of Mr & Mrs S. Alexander of Newcastle to Alexander Sliufko, 12 Barnard Street, Darlington. [see 23 February 1900]

Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 20 April 1899, page 3

‘Serious Allegation against a Darlington Jew’
Darlington County Court. An action was brought by Thomas Carter, a butcher, to recover from Joseph Stones, who acts on behalf of his wife Sarah R. Stones, the sum of £3 19s. In evidence it was said that Stones had been acting as a solicitor: he had advised plaintiff, had collected money for him, and paid court fees on his behalf, which it was the right only of solicitors to do. Possible penalty £50. Stones said he had done that sort of business for 6 years and this was the first complaint against him. Judgement against Stones for £3 0s 5d and costs.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 April 1899, page 1

Death on 20 April at Kilburne Terrace, Durham, Woolfe beloved husband of Minnie Gordon, son of Rev S. and Mrs Gordon of Manchester and late of Middlesbrough and brother of Mrs S. Stones of Darlington.
[1881 Stockton Census. Woolf Gordon , father Samuel Hebrew Minister. Sister Sarah Gordon born 1883 Poland.]
[Sarah Gordon married Joseph Stones March 1885 Stockton 10a 123. But no sign of Joseph & Sarah Stones in 1891 or 1901 Censuses.]

Northern Echo, 10 August 1889, page 4

Simon Levi sued Matthew Brown for £7 7s 3d for goods supplied. Defendant disputed the items.Levi said wife bought them but wife has died. Case adjourned.

National School Admission Registers & Log-Books 1870-1914

‘Miss Cordelia Benjamin commenced duties today as a pupil teacher ending her 2nd yr 14 Oct 1899’.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 December 1899, page 1

FIANCÉS. Annie eldest daughter of Samuel Gilbert and late Rebecca Gilbert of 19 Priest-gate, Darlington, to Lazarus Livingstone, of 18 Hindle-street, Darwen.
[No marriage found]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 February 1900, page 1

Birth on 17 February at 28 First Avenue, Heaton, Newcastle, a daughter to the wife of Alexander Sliufko (nee Sara Alexander).

Jewish Chronicle, 18 May 1900, page 2

Bessarabian Famine Fund. Collected by Mr S. Richardson. I Richardson 2s, Mrs I. Richardson 2s, Mrs A. Richardson 1s, Miss S. Richardson 1s.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 June 1900, page 1

Marriage on 17 May at the Synagogue, Robinson Rd, Hull, Rally, 2nd daughter of Mr & Mrs S. Rubinstein of Lister House, St James-square, to Sam Abrahams of Darlington.

Northern Echo, 24 August 1900, page 3

Samuel Gilbert, 18 Priestgate, Darlington, glazier and picture frame maker, filed his petition in the Stockton Bankruptcy Court yesterday and was adjudicated a bankrupt.

Northern Echo, 24 August 1900, page 3

Re Samuel Gilbert, in bankruptcy.
To be sold by auction the whole of the stock in trade. household furniture, and other effects, including crates of glass, 800 feet of glass at 15 oz.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 November 1901, page 1

Marriage solemnised on Wednesday 6 November at the Borough Hotel, Darlington, by Block of Sunderland, assisted by Rabbi Sandelson of Newcastle, Rev L. Muscat of Sunderland, and Rev Goldwater of Gateshead, of Sarah, only daughter of Mr & Mrs Isaac Richardson, 16 Priestgate, Darlington, to Solomon, youngest son of Mr & Mrs Joseph Cohen 18a Thrawl St, Spitalfields, London, E.
[Marriage. Sarah Richardson December 1901 Gateshead 10a 1535//Solomon Cohen]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 January 1902 page 1

Marriage on 1 January 1900 at the Gram Street synagogue, Edinburgh, Annie eldest daughter of Mr Samuel and the late Mrs Rebecca Gilbert of Darlington to Aaron Goldstein of Edinburgh.

26 March 1902

Militia Attestation into 3rd battalion Durham Light Infantry.
Henry Gilbert born Darlington, Age 17 years 5 months. Religion Presbyterian. Address after 28 March 60 Range Hill, Newcastle upon Tyne. Trade: Labourer.
Next of Kin: Mr Samuel Gilbert 18 Priest Gate, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 4(?) July 1902, page 30

Naturalisation in June. Eberhard Schumacher, 124 Westmoreland Street, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 September 1902, page 17

Naturalisation in August. Isaac Hirsch Richardson, 16 Priestgate, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 October 1903, page 26

At recent High Festivals services were held in the Reading Room of the Central Hall, conducted by Mr Berman of Jerusalem, Mr Levisohn of Durham, and Mr A. Richardson of Darlington. Mr Jacobs officiated as Baal Tokeach and gave an address.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 January 1904, page 1

FIANCÉS. Ray third daughter of the late Mr David Fritz of 5 Victoria Place, Leeds to Hyman, fourth son of Mrs and late Mr Solomon Abrahams of Newcastle, formerly of Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 September 1904, page 27

'A congregation was recently formed in Darlington'. Elected: President, E. Sliufko; Treasurer, S. Levi; Hon Sec S.Abrahams; Committee Messrs A. Kaufman, A. Richardson, S. Abrahams.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 September 1904, page 23

Services were conducted by Rev Daid Osherowitch and Messrs S. Cohen of Darlington and Mr Scheff of Leeds. Mr E. Sliufko, president, has presented congregation with two mantles for the scrolls.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1904 page 24

Simchat Torah.
Chatan Torah A. Richardson
Chatan Bereshith I. Richardson

Jewish Chronicle, 6 April 1906, page 1

Birth on 2 April at 51 Victoria Embankment, Darlington, a son to Mrs A. Freeman (Adelaide de Meza).

Jewish Chronicle, 20 July 1906, page 45

Mr E. Sliufko, President of the congregation, has been unanimously elected to the executive of the Darlington Liberal Club of which he has been a member for 12 months only.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 November 1906, page 21

No Jewish minister in Darlington. About 30 families. Application being made to the Jewish Ministers’ Fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 December 1906, page 16

Jewish Congregational Union, Meeting of the Dispersion Committee
The Secretary, J. E. Blank, read letters from Dewsbury, Darlington and Reading offering employment to workmen.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 August 1907, page 2

'DARLINGTON HEBREW CONGREGATION WANTED, at once, a CHAZAN, Shochet and Teacher. Salary £65 per annum and extras. - Apply to A. Richardson, 4 Russell-street, Darlington'.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 August 1907, page 24

On Sunday, at the Synagogue Chambers, Charlotte Street, South Shields, a silver-mounted umbrella was presented to Mr D. Kossick who is leaving for Darlington. He had been President and Vice-President on several occasions. Mr J Jackson also presented Mr Kossick with antique snuff box which bore a signed painting by Van Dyck. Mr Julius Jacobs, President, occupied the Chair, and Mr L. Freeman, on behalf of the congregation, made the presentation.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 October 1907, page 32

Mr D. Moss of Manchester elected Chazan, Shochet and Teacher at Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 November 1908, page 35

Annual meeting. Elected: S. Levi, President; S. Raphael, Treasurer; S. Cohen, Hon Sec; and a Committee

Jewish Chronicle, 17 September, 1909, 'New Year Greetings', page XI.

From Mr & Mrs Bernard Kletz and daughter, 35 Swinbourne-road, Darlington
[also later years]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 October 1909, page 1

Marriage at Portsmouth Synagogue, Isaac, only son of Mr & Mrs Simon Levi of Darlington to Rachael Violet, younger daughter of Mrs Quartermaine East of Portsmouth.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 July 1910, page 14

'The Dispersion of the Ghetto. The Story of an Interesting Movement.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 April 1910, page 16

Rev Dayan and Mrs Hyamson arrived in Darlington yesterday. Met at station by Rev B. Moss, Messrs  S. Levi, L. Hush, B. Kletz, and Rev M. E. Davies of Middlesbrough. He examined the children. He appealed to the members to work in harmony and ‘to make an effort to provide suitable class rooms, and a more convenient place of worship’. On Friday morning he examined Rev B. Moss Chalofim. During their stay they were guests of Mr and Mrs L. Hush.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1910, page 36

New Year Greetings. Mr and Mrs Bernard Kletz, 38 Swinbourne Road, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 November 1910, page 14

Elected: President, S. Levi; Treasurer, L. Hush; Hon Sec, B. Kletz; Trustees, E. Sliufko and L. Hush. And a Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 November 1910, page 1

Death on 13 November at 54 Camp Road, Leeds, of Annie Bessie, wife of Lewis Greenbaum of 2 Dixon Terrace, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 November 1910, page 1

Death on 13 November at 54 Camp Road, Leeds, of Annie Bessie, wife of Lewis Greenbaum of 2 Dixon Terrace, Darlington.
[Death. Annie B. Greenbaum December 1910 aged 33 Leeds 9b 243]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 June 1911, page 17

Dispersion Committee. Vacancies for tailors at Hanley, Nottingham and Darlington. ‘In the latter case a large factory has just been opened by a well-known firm of clothiers, who wanted six, and perhaps more skilled Jewish workmen.’

Jewish Chronicle, 20 October 1911, page 30

At the annual meeting of the Darlington Chess Club Mr Solomon Cohen of Corporation Road was elected Vice-President.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 June 1912, page 30

Received, for The Relief Fund, S. Cohen, Darlington, 2 shillings.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 September 1912, page 23

The Congregation has received notice to quit the premises which they now rent as a synagogue and classrooms, they accordingly appeal for donations for the purpose of erecting a permanent place of worship. They have only one room in which to hold services and give religious instruction to children, and there is no accommodation whatsoever for ladies who desire to attend services. The appeal, which is signed by Mr. Sliufko, president of the congregation, 6 Station Road, Darlington [who, with Mr. S. Abrahams, chairman, L. Hush, treasurer, and B. Kletz, hon. Secretary, of the Building Committee will be glad to received contributions], states:

‘The present congregation had been in existence since 1904, during which period we have had to remove our quarters several times. Our congregation consists of over twenty families, and there are a considerable number of children receiving religious instruction, which is free to all. Several of the Jewish residents are too poor to pay towards the expenses of the congregation, and are unable to help us to erect a synagogue. We have already purchased a site, and have been promised donations amounting to £80 by our own membership which together with the balance from the Levin Fund brings the amount to £130 but as this is far from being sufficient for our purpose, we hope that this appeal will not be in vain’.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 January 1913, page 1

Death of Hannah Cohen, wife of Joseph Cohen, 267 Fieldgate Mansions, E, mother of Solomon Cohen of Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 February 1913, page 26

Mr E. Sliufko, president of Darlington Hebrew Congregation, unanimously elected Treasurer of the Darlington Liberal Club.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 March 1913, ‘Young Israel’, page 3

Welcome to Ray Wilson of Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 August 1913, page 2

Darlington Hebrew Congregation
Wanted. Shochet, Reader and Teacher, 25s weekly and perquisites. Apply to secretary, 38 Swinbourne Rd, Darlington. [Home of Bernard Kletz]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 September 1913, page 4

Competition result. Highly commended Grendle Cohen, 10 Corporation

Jewish Chronicle, 19 September 1913, page 4

‘…we find that only four Jews in London have till now contributed to the Darlington funds. This, we feel sure, is only because the needs of this town were unknown. and now that they have been published, we are confident that the trivial amount asked for will quickly be furnished, and means supplied so that the cause of Judaism in this northern town may be adequately cared for.’

Jewish Chronicle, 21 November 1913, page 9


Letter from Mr E. SLIUFKO, president of the congregation and chairman of the Building Committee, Sycamore House, Pierremont Crescent, Darlington.

The town had a congregation as far back as 1865. Then dwindled as several families saw no prospect of there being a larger Jewish population and making a congregation, so they left. Those remaining continued until 1894 during which they had to travel to neighbouring towns for High Holydays and kosher meals. There were no Saturday services. But from 1894 there were more Jewish families and now there are about 30 plus several single, young men.
[Note. There is no evidence that there was a congregation in 1865.]

Up to now several places have been rented for synagogue, now having to move as a larger room is needed. Now under notice to quit present premises within a few months.

On the advice of the late Chief Rabbi a beginning has been made to form a permanent congregation and to raise money for building a proper synagogue and classrooms.

So far the Jews of Darlington have raised £350 – themselves £150, Stockton £10, Middlesbrough £55, Hartlepool £4, Sunderland £12, Newcastle £25, Hull £6, Durham £3, The Levene Trust £53, Liverpool £7, A. H. Jessel KC  2, C. G. Montefiore £5.5.0, L. L. Cohen  £3.3.0, the late N. L.  Cohen £5.

Of the £340 so far £150 spent on a freehold site. Now appeal for £300 which together with the £200 will allow building to begin. The saving of rent and annual surpluses (about £10  per year) will be enough to meet additional costs over and above the £500.

Expected that the synagogue will cost £850. Darlington is a prosperous town and therefore many Jewish people will be attracted to it. A number of workers who were offered employment have refused because of uncertainty of establishing ‘a proper congregation’.

A shochet is employed and he is also Hebrew teacher. Between 20 and 30 children receive instruction.

[Includes letter from Chief Rabbi which mentions that the late Chief Rabbi was in favour.]

Donations to L. Hush, treasurer of building fund, 60 East Mont Terrace, Mr  S.  Cohen, hon secretary, 10  Corporation Road, or to himself.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 December 1913, page 25

Letter from Mr S. Cohen, Hon Sec, correcting Sliufko’s letter. Name of A. H. Jessel among contributors should have been Captain Jessel.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 January 1913, page 36

A special Chanucah service was held in the synagogue on Sunday. Conducted by Rev M. Franks, minister of the congregation and was followed by a distribution of prizes to the children by the President and Treasurer.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 February 1914, page 1

Marriage. On 28 January at the synagogue, North Church Street, Sheffield, Sarah, daughter of Mr and Mrs  L.  Isaacs to Solly, son of Mr and Mrs E. Sliufko of Darlington.
[Marriage. Solomon A.  Slinfko[sic] Sheffield 9c 855//Fanny S. Isaacs]

Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 2 July 1914, page 6

‘The Baths Committee [of the Darlington Town Council] reported having considered the provision of a plunge bath for the use of the Darlington Hebrew Congregation, and as they had intimated their willingness to guarantee that the income from the bath should not be less than £15 a year for four years it was agreed to construct the bath.
[This appears to be reference to a mikveh. However, according to a contact in the Darlington community, there was talk of a mikvah but nothing came of it.]

Pasenger List Leaving UK, 1890-1960

12 September 1914 Leaving Liverpool for Montreal

Mr S. Chaplin Music Hall Artist age 29
Miss M. Gilbert Music Hall Artist age 25 [Minnie Gilbert born Darlington]

4 Septemmber 1914

Philip Silverstone, son of Rose [in 1911 Census]
British Army Service Records [in internet, Findmypast]
Enlisted in army, Signaller, Royal Field Artillery. Trade, auctioneer’s clerk
In hospital 11  September 1915 Gonorrhoea [later hospitalised for various ailments]
Embarked for France 21  January 1917.
Demobilised 18 February 1919, with flat feet. Demobilisation papers say that his former occupation was traveller.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 September 1914, New Year Greetings, page xvi

Mr and Mrs E. Sliufko, 34 Pierremont Crescent

Jewish Chronicle, 12 March 1915, page 3

Central Committee for Relief of Polish Jews B. Kletz Darlington £3.10

Jewish Chronicle, 12 March 1915, page 4

Central Committee for Relief of Polish Jews Members of Jewish community of Darlington £1

Jewish Chronicle, 16 April 1915, page 3

Central Committee for Relief of Polish Jews Members of Darlington Hebrew Congregation £3.10

Jewish Chronicle, 30 July 1915, page 18

Rev Saul Cohen during visit to Darlington was instrumental in the formation of a branch of the Sinai League. Elected: hon president, Rabbi Dr Jung, Hon Rabbi, Rev A. Hyams, President A. Richardson, Hon Sec S. Cohen, and a Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 July 1915, page 20
The Sinai League. The first provincial branch established at Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 October 1915, page 19

The Sinai Association meets three times weekly for purposes of study. Rev A. Hyams conducts an Ayin Jacob Study Circle. Jewish youths in this and neighbouring districts are invited to attend. Contact Solomon Cohen, Hon Sec, 10 Corporation Road.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 March 1916, page 1

Engagement. Ada, only daughter of Mr and Mrs A. Bloom of Pentrebach, Wales, to Henry Gilbert, second son of late Mr and Mrs S. Gilbert of Darlington and residing at 10 East Adam Street, Edinburgh.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 October 1916, page 2

Death of Deborah [in Hebrew] Richardson, 50 Corporation Road.
[Death. Deborah Richardson December 1916 aged 66 Darlington 10a 5]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 December 1916, page 22

S. Levi, president of the congregation, died suddenly on Tuesday week at age 72. Only 14 days previously he had been re-elected unopposed to the office which he has held for many years.
[Death. Simon Levi December 1916 aged 72 Darlington 10a 5]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 December 1916, page 12

A complaint has been made against Stockton congregation for having demanded £50 for the burial of a member of the Darlington congregation. Subsequently agreed to accept £15. It was stated that Stockton was a good congregation and poor people were buried free, but wealthier ones from neighbouring congregations could be charged. In this case the deceased’s family had made no objections which had been made by outsiders.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 January 1917, page 4

Fund for the Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia Darlington Committee £5.15.6

Jewish Chronicle, 12 January 1917, page 11

At the Christmas exam at the Bondgate Girls’ Higher Elementary School, Gwen Cohen aged 13, daughter of Mr and Mrs Cohen of Craigmont, Stanhope Road, became the first girl in the school. She gained 447 marks out of 450.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 January 1917, page 15

On Sunday Mr Abrahams conducted a service for soldiers.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 January 1917 page 18

Letter from S. Abrahams president of the congregation, which appeared in the Darlington Times regarding the ‘Jewish’ Flag Day proposed to be held on 13th inst. This was a missionary event.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 February 1917, page 18

Service for soldiers at Darlington conducted by Rev M. Abraham[sic]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 February 1917, page 24

Last Sunday Rev M. Abrahams BA of Leeds preached at the synagogue. In afternoon examined the children and addressed children and parents.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 April 1917, page 3

Fund for the Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia Darlington per B. Kletz £5.4.0

Jewish Chronicle, 20 April 1917, page 16

Service for soldiers conducted by Rev B. Hyams

Jewish Chronicle, 14 September 1917 New Year Greetings page xv

Mr and Mrs E. Sliufko Pierremont Crescent

Jewish Chronicle, 17 May 1918, page 10

At annual meeting of the Darlington Liberal Association E. Sliufko elected member of the executive committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 September 1918, page 15

Mosha Aaron Cohen (known as Maurice) eldest son of Mr and Mrs S. Cohen of Craigmont, Stanhope Road aged 12 has won a secondary school scholarship tenable at Darlington Grammar School for 4 years.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 November 1918, page 22

Death of Jacob Schott in Middlesbrough. Associated for many years with Sunderland then moved to Darlington where he was president, and later in Stockton. Went to Middlesbrough when already in advanced years.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 December 1918, page 6

General Election. Mr Solomon Cohen wrote to the local candidates asking them if they supported Mr Balfour’s scheme for the return of the Jews to Palestine and also guaranteeing protection from ill-treatment in many countries. Both candidates replied in affirmative.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 January 1919, page 9

Board of Deputies. Ref to B. A. Fersht as representative for Darlington [and appears frequently in reports of B o D].

Jewish Chronicle, 2 May 1919, page 3

Advert. PICTURE Framing. Practical Frame Maker wanted; good wages for energetic and useful man. – Apply, the Acme Picture Framing Co., Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 June 1919, page 9

Fund for the Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia: Appeal for Poland and Eastern Europe
Darlington Hebrew Congregation £10
Darlington Committee £5.15.6

12 July 1919

Royal Tank Corps Enlistment Records 1919-1934 Reuben. Attested 12 July 1919, at Glasgow. Age 18 and a half. Born Darlington. Trade on enlistment, driller and crane man. Henry Gilbert, brother, 14 Pleasance, Edinburgh. On 17 December 1920 at Alexandra Palace declared a deserter.
[Note. His sister Annie was married in 1902 to a man from Edinburgh]

Passenger Lists Leaving UK 1890-1960

3 September 1919 Ship leaving Southampton for New York
Chaplin, Sydney. Cinema Actor
Chaplin, Minnie. Wife. [nee Gilbert, born Darlington]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 October 1919, page 1

Death on 4 October in Middlesbrough of Isaac Hush aged  78. Father of, inter alia, Lipman Hush of 70 Bloomfield Road, Darlington

Formatted by David Shulman

Press Reports relating to the Community, Part 2 — 1920-1939

Press Reports relating to the Community, Part 3 — 1940-1961

Press Reports relating to the Community, Part 4 — 1962-2015

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Page created: 6 January 2012
Page materially expanded: 16 July 2017
Latest revision or update: 7 August 2017



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