Swansea Jewish Community

West Glamorgan, Wales




Press Reports on the Swansea Jewish Community 1804-1917 & 2008-10

1894-1917 compiled primarily by Harold Pollins

Information within square brackets is from the compiler

Links to decades
1830: 1840: 1850: 1860: 1870: 1880: 1890: 1900: 19102008/10

21 July 1804

Hyam Barnett, Silversmith of Gloucester, is opening a room in Swansea.
[ibid 11.2.1815 he died]

Cambrian, 21 August 1813

Death of Joseph Cohen, Clerk to the Jewish Synagogue

Cambrian, 2 March 1822

Marriage of Rev Moses Moses, Hebrew Teacher, Swansea, to Miss H. Myers of Bethnal Green

Cambrian, 29 November 1827

Douglas Cohen, late of Swansea, elected President of the Royal Edinburgh Physical Society

Cambrian, 17 April 1830

Douglas Cohen applies for post of physician at Swansea Infirmary

Cambrian, 24 March 1832

Ref to Solomon Woolf, Jeweller, late of Merthyr. Petition to be heard.

Cambrian, 12 January 1838

Samuel Frankel, Park Street, Swansea. Lessons in Hebrew and German.

Cambrian, 7 July 1838

General meeting of subscribers to Swansea Infirmary to elect a successor to Dr Cohen who resigns

Jewish Chronicle, 27 June 1845, page 188

Prize at Birmingham Hebrew National School awarded to Edward M. Marks of Swansea

Jewish Chronicle, 31 January 1845, page 96

WANTED for the SWANSEA HEBREW CONGREGATION, a Shohet, Hazan, and Baal Korah [all in Hebrew]. Application and testimonials as to qualifications, to be forwarded to  Mr. J. Lyon, President of the Congregation, Castle Square, Swansea.
A Mohel would be preferred

Jewish Chronicle, 12 September 1845, page 240

WANTED, a Respectable Young Man, as Assistant to the China, Glass, and Fancy Business. - Apply to I. Jacob, 33 Castle Street, Swansea; unexceptionable references will be required.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 June 1846, page 159

Birmingham Hebrew National School. Prize awarded to F.I. Marks of Swansea.

Voice of Jacob, 19 June 1846

Reference to prize at Birmingham Hebrew National School to Edward Lloyd Marks of Swansea

Jewish Chronicle, 15 January 1847

List of donations to Jews Orphan Asylum includes J.M. Moses. Swansea £25

Cambrian, 5 February 1847

Judah Lyon presented with a goblet by the Hebrew Congregation, Swansea

Cambrian, 5 March 1847, page 94

Gift from Miss Matilda Cohen of Swansea to the Committee for the Relief of the Jewish Poor

Cambrian, 17 September 1847, page 247

Reference to squabble in the Swansea Synagogue during the last Passover and at other Festivals in consequence of the effort of the synagogue to carry out the Chief Rabbis new regulations.

Cambrian, 24 December 1847, page 367

Notice of a public meeting to be held in Swansea in favour of the admission of Jews to Parliament. Praised by the JC.

Cambrian, 7 January 1848, page 382

Report of the Swansea public meeting. Chair was taken by the mayor.

Cambrian, 28 April 1848, page 518

Letter from Joseph Samuel, Swansea, about Mr I. M., Moses, pawnbroker, who recently filled the office of Grand Juryman and on 14 April was elected a member of the Board of Guardians for the Swansea Union, the first Jew in the Principality to fill any honorary and important offices.

Cambrian, 30 June 1848, page 591

'Swansea Hebrew Congregation

WANTED for the above Congregation, a Person to fill the office of Shohet, Hazan, Mohel, and Baal Korah [all in Hebrew] whose Age  does not exceed Forty Years. Applications and Testimonials as to qualifications to be forwarded to the President, Mr. B. Joseph, Castle-square, Swansea.
N.B. - A Cohen [in Hebrew] need not apply'.
[repeated 21 July 1848 page 616; 28 July 1848]

Cambrian, 1 September 1848, page 664

'WANTED, A RESPECTABLE YOUNG MAN as an Assistant in a Jewellery and General Fancy Business. Apply to Mr. J. Jacob, Castle Street, Swansea'.

Cambrian, 12 January 1849, page 664

Fund for the Jews of Tiberias. Contribution by the Congregation of Swansea £2. 2. 0

Cambrian, 6 April 1849, page 211

The congregation has been called on to pay within 3 months a mortgage on the synagogue and having an opportunity to buy the freehold of their burial ground (the only Jewish one in Wales) the lease of which has nearly expired, and now makes and appeal to the public. The congregation is numerous but most are in humble circumstances.

Received so far contributions from:
   Jacob Joseph; Isaac Jacob; Mrs [Catherine] and the Misses Cohen; Mrs [Rosetta] and the Misses Marks; H. Rosenthal; Isaac Levine; M, [Moses] Moses; M. [Mordecai] Harris; Solomon Brown.

Cambrian, 15 June 1849, page 292

Further sums including 2 guineas from Samuel Polak of Newport.

Cambrian, 24 August 1849, page 372

'Wanted. A YOUNG MAN, as an Assistant to a Jewellery and General Fancy Business. Apply to Mr. I. Jacob, Castle Street, Swansea'.

Cambrian, 15 February 1850

Lazarus Jacob, Jewish youth. Charges against 70 year old master of Greek ship in port

Cambrian, 3 May 1850

H. Lowenthal, 4 Lower Oxford Street, Swansea. Teacher of Hebrew and German

Jewish Chronicle, 27 June 1851

'WANTED, a person to fill the Office of Shohet, Hazan, Korah, and Mohel [all in Hebrew].  Application to be made to Mr. I. Jacob, Castle-street, Swansea'.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 November 1851

Wanted, assistant for a General Fancy Business. Apply J. Jacob, Castle Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 February 1854, page 155

A society was formed a few days ago in Swansea for alleviating the resident poor - 'The Hebrew Ladies' Philanthropic Society or Meshivat Neshef[in Hebrew]'. Miss M. Cohen is Treasurer.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 April 1854, page 242

'To Pawnbrokers, Clothiers, etc.
WANTED, by a Young Man, of the Jewish Faith, a Situation, either as Second in a Pawnbroker's, or as an Assistant to a Clothier. Can have a two years' character from his last employer. Address," Veritas," care of Mr. Jacobs, Clothier, 29, Strand, Swansea'.
[In 1851 Greenbone Jacobs was in the Strand.]

Jewish Chronicle, 26 May 1854, page 29

Births, Marriages and Deaths for the period January 5613 (1853) to January 5614 (1854) Swansea, Waterloo Road.  I. Jacob Esq President:

  Births  M F Marriages Interments M F
  6 3 3 Nil 1 1 Nil


Jewish Chronicle, 29 December 1854,  page 14

'A PUBLIC examination of the children attending the "Swansea Hebrew Sabbath School" took place on Monday last at the school-room in Picton-place'. Conducted by the President (J. Jacob) and the chief instructress of the school, Miss [Matilda] Cohen, assisted by Miss R [Rosabelle] Marks. Assistant teachers the Misses Z [Zipporah] and R. Marks, Miss Michael and Miss A [Alice] Joseph.

The children were afterwards taken to the residence of Mr D. Levi 'where they were regaled, at that gentleman's expense, with cake, wine, and (to use  Mr. Levi's own expression) other "odds and ends" .'

Cambrian, 16 February 1855

Hebrew Philanthropic Society. Tribute to J.H. Vivian

Jewish Chronicle, 30 March 1855, page 12

'WANTED, A YOUNG MAN as an ASSISTANT in a FANCY BUSINESS. Also a YOUTH as an APPRENTICE, Apply to Mr. J. Jacob, Castle-street, Swansea'.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 June 1855

Swansea has 72 sittings.

Cambrian, 13 February 1857

Dispute between Jews and sailors. Isaac Bentwitch and Lazarus Jacobs involved

Jewish Chronicle, 22 May 1857, page 1015

Reference to the Swansea Herald which published a petition for the removal of Jewish disabilities. JC strongly approves.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 May 1857, page 1018

Rev C. Isaac Pisar died on 23rd. 'the respected Reader of the Congregation' aged 42. His pious disposition and meek and gentle teaching endeared him. Held ministry for 6 years.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 June 1857, page 1040

'WANTED by the Swansea Congregation a person who can undertake the duties of Hazan, Shohet, Mohel [all in Hebrew] and teacher at a salary of £60 per annum.
Application to be made to Mr. I. Jacob, Castle-street, Swansea.
None need apply above the age of forty-five'.

[Similarly repeated 3 July 1857 page 1046 except for extra sentence: 'He must be a competent teacher of children for which service there will be extra remuneration'. This repeated 10 July 1857 page 1065 and 9 October 1857.]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 November 1857, page 1203

Letter dated 2.11.1857. To inform that Mr I. Jacob has resigned as President of the Congregation after 7 years. The new officers are S.[Simon]  Goldberg President and David Frankell as Treasurer. At the meeting it was decided to have a new synagogue as there were many during the holidays who could not attend because the synagogue was too small. They have purchased a piece of land and have collected £75 from the few who attended the meeting. Signed I. GODFREY, Hon Sec to the Building Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 February 1858, page 58

Repetition of amended adverts for Hazan etc of 3 July 1857 and subsequently, but changed to £75 per annum, and application to Mr S. Goldberg, 17 Goat-street. Also added to 'None need apply above the age of forty-five' '  'and Cohen [in Hebrew]'.

[Repeated numerously, in February and March 1858 and May 1859]

Jewish Chronicle, 15 October 1858, page 5

An appeal had gone from the Board of Deputies to the various synagogues on behalf of the congregation of Bojonowa which had experienced a bad fire. But only two replies, from Cheltenham and Swansea.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 April 1859, page 1

Advert. Appeal signed by, inter alia, Simon Goldberg 'Warden'.

The Swansea synagogue was built half a century ago. Them the congregation consisted of four Jewish families, now there are upwards of 30 resident in Swansea. The community has raised from its own resources enough to buy and pay for a freehold site in the centre of the town for a new synagogue. Will cost £1,600 with seats for 210 and a reservation of free seats. To include a committee and a schoolroom.

'The total further amount required to meet the expected outlay will be about £500, and the Jews of Swansea believe and hope that the pious zeal of their co-religionists in London will enable them to obtain this comparatively small sum without difficulty'.

'It may be stated that so insufficient is the existing synagogue for the requirements of the Swansea Congregation, that even on the ordinary Sabbath there are not the required number of seats for the resident families; while on Festival days ladies are compelled to occupy the stairs leading to the gallery, and many persons are obliged to absent themselves from public worship for want of the necessary accommodation'.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 April 1859, page 5

'SWANSEA. -A NEW SYNAGOGUE. - The foundation stone of a new synagogue in Swansea was solemnly laid on the 22nd ult. The members of the congregation, male and female, having met in the old synagogue, formed a procession, and then repaired to the site of the new one. Here they were joined by several co-religionists from other congregations, and many friends from Swansea and neighbourhood. Several suitable psalms having been recited the foundation stone was laid by Mr. Benjamin Joseph (senior member of the congregation), assisted by Mr. S. Godfrey(sic. sc Goldberg), President, and Mr. I. Jacob, Chairman of the building committee, on which occasion Mr. B. Joseph was presented with a silver trowel, suitably inscribed. The ceremony was then proceeded with in the usual form, after which an appropriate prayer  composed by the Rev. Dr. Adler, for the occasion, was read, followed by other psalms. The assembly then returned to the synagogue in procession, the solemnity concluded with the afternoon service. The intended new synagogue is to be in the Italian style of architecture, to be built of Bath stone, with a dwarf ornamental iron railing and folding gates, with stone walling and gate piers in front of the street. The synagogue will be 48 feet in length, by 25 feet wide; adjoining the synagogue will be committee, robing, and ladies retiring rooms; the beams of the main roof will be visible stained and varnished, the height of the synagogue will be 31 feet, and the wood work of pews, doors, gallery. front, &c., will be stained and varnished. The contractor is Mr. Holtham (from Bath) the building designed and to be carried out under the direction of J. Henry Baylis Esq., architect, of Swansea'.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 April 1859, page 1

First list of contributions to Building Fund

Jewish Chronicle, 22 April 1859, page 1

Second list. Already contributed £132 7s 6d

Jewish Chronicle, 29 April 1859, page 8

Advert by I. Jacob, 19 Castle Street, for a respectable young man as Assistant in General Fancy Business.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 May 1859, page 5

Board of Deputies. Mr S. Kisch of London proposed as deputy for Swansea. But he has not been elected so Board declined to take official notice.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1859, page 1

Building Fund. Expected outlay £500. Further appeal to Jews of London, and another list of contributions.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 July 1859, page 1

Another list. Already contributed £185 16s

Jewish Chronicle, 22 July 1859,page 4

At general meeting held on Sunday Rev I. Tuehman (sic, Rev J. Tuchman) unanimously elected Shohet, hazan [in Hebrew] &c

Jewish Chronicle, 12 August 1859, page 1

Up to now fund has raised £209 16s, Further list of contributions including from Miss L. Michael, Swansea, F. Michael, Swansea,  and H.J.Madge, Swansea. Also 2 from Australia one being from Sandhurst, Australia.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 September 1859, page 1

Contributed so far £233 19s

Jewish Chronicle, 7 October 1859, pages 5-6

Long report of consecration of synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 November 1859, page 8

Advert by I. Jacob, 19 Castle Street for a young man to be an assistant in a General Fancy Business who is accustomed to the China and Glass trade.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 February 1860, page 8

'WANTED, a SITUATION as TRAVELLER, by a Young Man (aged 29)  having a thorough knowledge of the Glass, China, Earthenware, Birmingham and Sheffield trades, also te Foreign and English Fancy Goods. Reference from previous employer, with whom he has been eight years. Address, L. Godfrey, 19, Castle-street, Swansea'. 

Jewish Chronicle, 17 February 1860, page 8

'WANTED, an experienced YOUNG MAN in the Furnishing and Fancy Trade. Apply to Mr. I. Jacobs, 2, Northampton-villas, Swansea'.
[Repeated 2 March 1860 page 1]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 March 1860, page 5

Presentation of a testimonial in the shape of a silver snuff box to a co-religionist. Inscription engraved, 'Presented by a few Jewish friends to Mr. L. Godfrey, on his leaving Swansea, as a mark of esteem for his services as hon. secretary to the new synagogue building committee, March 21, 1860.' Presented by Mr. Goldberg, President, and a suitable address, duly acknowledged by Mr. Godfrey, was read by Mr. E.L. [sic] Moses.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 April 1860, page 6

Letter from Henry Micholls Jones, 1 Nelson Place, Swansea, refers to a statement that Mr Davidson had been elected a Guardian for the city of Chester and it was presumed that he was the first Jew to have been so honoured in that city. Jones writes that he was a resident for 17 years and was a member of the Board of Guardians for three years 1834-6 and was also elected a member of the House Committee.

Cambrian, 14 September 1860

Ship arrived. Pit props for H. Worms

Cambrian, 21 September 1860

Ship arrived. Quantity of railway sleepers for H. Worms

Cambrian, 25 April 1862, page 5

Request by D. Frankell, President of the Swansea Congregation, for this to be published. A presentation was made to Dr Hermann Adler of a silver sanctification cup as a mark of his kindness in delivering the first sermon at the inauguration of their new synagogue 25 September 5619.

Cambrian, 20 June 1862, page 5

Board of Deputies. S.A. Kisch elected deputy for Swansea.

Cambrian, 11 September 1863, page 1

Fund for the 'Judith, Lady Montefiore  Memorial "Convalescent Home". ' Contribution from Swansea Hebrew Congregation £5 per S. Brown, President.

Cambrian, 9 October 1863, page 1

Donation from members of the Swansea Synagogue of £7 10s for fund for the Jews of Monastir.

Cambrian, 23 October 1863, page 1

'ABSCONDED from his EMPLOYMENT, ABRAHAM JACOBS, aged 18, Watchmaker, formerly of Gower-street, Swansea. Anyone who will give information as to his whereabouts, will greatly oblige. A. Myer, Silversmith, Hereford'. [Son of Charles Jacobs of Gower Street, Swansea].

Cambrian, 30 October 1863, page 5

Election of officers. President Sol Brown, Treasurer Chapman Jacobs

Cambrian, 8 April 1864, page 8

Appeal for assistance on behalf of Youtaff Levy of Merthyr Tydvil. 4 children,  ill with fever, one buried a few days since and wife expected to be confined daily. A respected tradesman for 16 years. Hope to raise funds to place him in a 'little way in business'. Donations to be received inter alia by Simon Goldberg of Swansea. Donations already received include from Swansea Congregation £8 15s.

Cambrian, 26 August 1864

1st(?) reference to Moses Pisar, pawnbroker, High Street

Jewish Chronicle, 16 September 1864, page 1

'WANTED by the Members of the SWANSEA HEBREW CONGREGATION a Young Man competent to TEACH HEBREW with TRANSLATION; to devote during week-days about three hours a day, Saturday and Sunday as per arrangement. Salary £40 per annum. Apply to D. Levy, Esq., Chairman, 113, Goe [sic]-street, Swansea'.
[repeated 23 September page 1]

Jewish Chronicle, 18 November 1864, page 1

Contribution to a fund Mrs L. Michaels, Swansea [?]

Cambrian, 13 January 1865

Jacob Joseph, 8 Heathfield Street. Thanks Hebrew friends etc for condolences on the loss of his wife

Jewish Chronicle, 3 February 1865, page 1

'WANTED for the SWANSEA CONGREGATION, a qualified HEBREW and ENGLISH TEACHER. Salary £70 per annum, with prospect of further increase. Apply, immediately, to Mr. D. Levy, Gower-street, Swansea'.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 February 1865, page 5


SIR, - At a special general meeting of this congregation, held on Sunday, 29th January last, the following mark of our esteem was presented to Henry Worms, Esq., Highbury Hill, London.

"Synagogue Chambers, Swansea.

"At a general meeting of this congregation, held 16th October 1864, it was unanimously resolved that our best thanks be given to Henry Worms, Jun., Esq., of London for his many tokens of respect towards us.


The above was engrossed on vellum, and mounted in a gold frame, and was presented at a full meeting by the Wardens; after which Henry Worms, Esq., made a feeling reply to thank them for the great honour they conferred on him'.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1865, page 1

Board of Deputies 'Holy Land Relief Fund', for the relief of sufferers in Palestine from Cholera, Locusts and Drought.
From 'Swansea Synagogue, Congregational Funds 5.5.0'

Jewish Chronicle, 20 October 1865, page 5

Article on the High Holydays. Extract:
'our attention is also being called to the efficient manner in which the service was performed at Swansea and the uncommon decorum which marked it'.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 1865, page 2

Holy Land Relief Fund

Swansea (3rd amount) per Solomon Brown Esq.
Cambrian Newspaper       10.0
Christian Friends             13.8

Jewish Chronicle, 21 September 1866, page 7

Letter from H. Worms, Jun. He refers to the examination of pupils at the Swansea Hebrew School which was conducted by Mr Israelson. Wonderful improvement., High praise for Israelson.

'...this is the first examination of the kind that has ever take place in Swansea since it has been a congregation, which now extends back over a period of more than a hundred years'. [But see 29 December 1854]

Editor says that from a letter from the chairman of the School Committee, Mr D. Levy, we learn that Mr Worms has presented the 8 most deserving pupils with very handsome prizes.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 June 1867, page 1

'WANTED at Swansea, a competent Hebrew and English TEACHER (an Englishman). For salary and other particulars apply to D. Levy, No. 8 Dynevor place, Swansea'.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 May 1867, page 6

"Jewish volunteers". Letter from E.S [sic] Moses, 26 College Street, Swansea.
Replies to a newspaper report that there were few Jews in the Volunteers

Swansea has population of some 50,000, with about 40 Jewish families. 8 are in the Volunteers. Moses joined the 1st Glamorgan Artillery Volunteer Corps No.1 at the formation of the corps. In the same corps there is a Sergeant, Joel Jacobs. At Cardiff there are several Jews in the service and they have joined in several Welsh towns where only a few Jews live.

London Gazette, 7 April 1868, page 2148

Moses Pisar of Commercial Row, Pembroke Dock, formerly of High Street Swansea and of Briton Ferry, 'Pawnbroker, Outfitter, Shoe Dealer, General Draper, Auctioneer, and Tobacconist' having been adjudged bankrupt on 18 February 1868 - last Public Examination to be held on 26 April

Cambrian, 24 April 1868 to 6 November 1868

References to proceedings at Bristol Bankruptcy Court of Moses Pisar, Pawnbroker & Clothier, of Swansea. Mostly of adjournments

Cambrian, 26 February 1869

Swansea Hebrew School, run by H. Israelson. Presentation to H. Worms of Leeds, benefactor

Jewish Chronicle, 30 April 1869, page 2

List of Swansea contributors to a fund [unnamed. Previous page with name of fund is missing]

  S Samuel [President] Nathan & Levy [Isaac, Samuel] Rev I. Tuchman [Joseph]
  D & M Frankell [David, Moses] L. Samuel Neath D. Levy [Daniel]
  E.F. Moses [Emanuel] S. Brown [Solomon] W. Lyon [Woolfe]
  M. Seline [Moses] J. Seline [Isaac?] L. Cohen [Louis]
  S. Goldberg [Simon] B. Hyams [Benjamin Hyam] M. Jacobs [Michael Jacob?]
  H.M. Jones [Henry Michols Jones] G. Jacobs [Greenbone] B. Levinberg [Benjamin]
  S. Jacobs Treasurer [Simon]  C. Jacobs [Chapman] Mrs Marks [Rosetta?]
  A. Moses [Alfred] Lazerus [sic] Jacobs Miss M. Cohen [Matilda]
  M. Harris [Moses] L. Jacobs [Louis] Mrs Piser [Louise Pisar]
  Miss Michael M. Goldstein [Morris]  


Jewish Chronicle, 17 December 1869, page 14

'SWANSEA - The vicinity of the Jewish burial-ground has been the scene of a very unpleasant procedure. The corpse of a child was taken to the ground for interment, but owing to some alleged informality as to membership, burial was refused and the mourners were obliged to retrace their steps, the gates of the ground being closed against them. Shortly after, a person who for many years had been a member of the synagogue was desirous of placing a stone on the grave of his late wife. He gave notice of his intention, and proceeded with several workmen, to place the stone. He found the gates closed, the authorities refusing admission into the ground. An altercation ensued at the entrance. There was a large crowd, the proceedings being very disagreeable. Two other persons were there at the same time, with head-stones, which had to be taken back, the authorities in charge of the burial-ground fearing that if the gates were opened for the two in question, the third would go in likewise'.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 July 1870, page 11

'A Jewish Lady, of standard position, residing within five minutes' walk of the beautiful Bay of Langland, would be happy to receive a family of her own faith, or small party of friends, during the bathing season. The "Mumbles" is a favourite place of resort in summer, and near the congregation and town of Swansea, where trains ply to and fro every hour of the day. References required. Apply, with real name and address to Miss Cohen, Church Park, Mumbles, near Swansea'.                  

Jewish Chronicle, 3 February  1871, page 12

Board of Deputies. Consideration of a complaint by H. Barnett of Swansea that the sum of over £10 was demanded for two recent marriages at Swansea. He asked if there were any rules as to fixing of fees. Board told that President of congregation had been written to or explanation but had received no answer.         

Jewish Chronicle, 12 March 1871, page 13

Reference to a letter from Chapman Jacobs, President of Swansea Congregation which contained a copy of a letter to a local journal which had given currency to an accusation against the congregation's executive. The Jewish Chronicle refuses to report the attack.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 May 1871, page 16

From members of the congregation who object to the calumnies in the Jewish Record against the President, C. Jacobs. Signed: Moses Seline, M. Goldstein, H.M. Jones, Morris Frankell, David Frankell, Emanuel Fredk. Moses, Simon Jacobs, Joel Jacobs, Louis Jacob, Lazarus Jacobs, Isaac Seline, W. Lyons, Louis Cohen, Barnett Freedman.

Cambrian, 26 May 1871

Jacob Cohen Marks summoned by Chapman Cohen for violence and indecent conduct in the synagogue

Cambrian, 14 July 1871

The children of the Jewish School were examined in Hebrew by Rev Dr Hermann Adler, Rabbi of Bayswater Congregation [see 21 July 1871]

Cambrian, 14 July 1871

Swansea Hospital. Donation of arm slings by Mrs Cohen

Jewish Chronicle, 21 July 1871, page 9

Chief Rabbi's pastoral tour of Swansea. Met by C. Jacobs, President, and Seline, Treasurer. "An address was presented to the Chief Rabbi. Reference was made therein to the lamentable dissensions which had given to the Swansea congregation an unenviable notoriety. The Chief Rabbi replied to the address. He expressed an earnest hope and prayer that his stay amongst the members of the congregation would tend to the re-establishment of peace in their community'. He also met members in his hotel. As a result he 'succeeded in bringing about a perfect reconciliation'.

Dr Hermann Adler examined the children.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1871, page 10

Large attendance at synagogue during High Holydays, including residents of neighbouring towns. Services by Rev Tuchman assisted by Messrs Brandon and Goldberg.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 1871, page 14

Mr Michael Jacobs who died on 16th inst left legacies to the Hebrew Congregation of Swansea, Holy Land Relief Fund, Swansea (General) Hospital, Hospital for Incurables (London).

Jewish Chronicle, 10 May 1872, page 78

Election of honorary officers: President Isaac Seline; Treasurer S. Goldberg. Committee of Management S. Braun (sic. Brown), C. Jacobs, W. Lyons, E.F. Moses. J.C. Marks. Auditors C. Levy and Joel Jacobs.

A new code of law 'has been framed'.

Cambrian, 24 May 1872

Reference to Partnership between Louisa Pisar and Mr Goldberg (presumably Simon)

Jewish Chronicle, 19 July 1872, page 229

At exam held in Swansea in May under supervision of Government Science and Art Department:
Inorganic Chemistry, David Harris, 2nd class, advanced stage; Joseph Harris, 1st class, elementary stage, Queen's prize.
Navigation, Moses Harris, 2nd class, advanced stage; Benjamin Harris, 2nd class advanced stage.
Acoustics, (Light & Heat), Moses Harris, 2nd class advanced stage.
Nautical Astronomy, Moses Harris, 2nd class, elementary stage.
Physical Geography, Joseph Harris, 2nd class elementary stage.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1872, page 361

Report taken from a local paper, as the Swansea synagogue had omitted to inform the JC.

The synagogue was dedicated on 20th inst, having been closed for 3 months for repairs, painting and renovation. Re-consecrated at service led by Rev B. Hast of the Maiden Lane Synagogue. Large crowd including 'several influential Christian friends'.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1872, page 376

List of subscriptions for liquidating debut incurred in repairing &c the synagogue. Cost was upwards of £250. List of contributors, including non-Jews, eg Mr H. Walters Williams, Cambrian Newspaper; Students of Swansea Training School'; 'Ladies Academy of the same'.

Some Jews from Neath [Mr & Mrs L. Samuel; Mr H. Samuel; Mr S. Nathan; Mr Jacobs; Mr Morris]

Jewish Chronicle, 18 October 1872, page 400

List of subscriptions towards liquidating the debt issued for repainting, repairing and renovating the Swansea synagogue. Mostly non-Jews.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 November 1872, page 445

On 7 November, birth of daughter (posthumous), at 20 Bristol Road, Birmingham, to Mrs Louis Jacobs (late of Swansea).

Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1873, page 549 [?]

Advert. For a certified Hebrew and English teacher and to act as 2nd Reader and occasional Lecturer. £100 p.a.

Apply I. Seline President 39 High Street.

[repeated 10.2.1873 p. 580; 17.1.1873; 7.2.1873; 28.2.1873.]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 August 1873, page 304

At recent examination in Swansea of Government Science & Art Department, Joseph Harris passed in organic chemistry & physical geography (advanced stage) and acoustics, light and heat, and electricity (elementary stages). Reuben Joseph passed elementary stage of physical geography. Both passed in 2nd class.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 October 1873, page 494

On Sunday last examination of children in presence of parents and other visitors. First examination since Chief Rabbi and his son Dr Hermann Adler visited Swansea. Efforts have been made from time to time to procure an efficient teacher, at last accomplished. Mr Heinemann is new teacher and has been in Swansea about 4 months. Has been energetic as the successful results of the examination show. Resident minister Tuchman was absent.

After the exam children were given tea by the ladies of the committee 'by whom a profusion of wine, fruit, cakes, &c., were dispensed'.

School matters in Swansea 'are now fixed on a fair basis'. To be hoped that through the efforts of the President Mr Seline, the Treasurer Mr Goldburg [sic], the able committee and Mr Heinemann, Swansea, though very backward previously, will be found 'forward in the future to promote Jewish education in their midst'.

Cambrian, 31 October 1873

Examination of children in Hebrew &c in Swansea Jewish School at the synagogue. Teacher Dr Heinemann

Jewish Chronicle, 31 October 1873, page 508

Letter from 'S' referring to report in previous week's issue which omitted certain facts and to be just to Rev Tuchman.

Dr Hermann Adler examined the pupils 2 1/2 years ago and said that while there was room for improvement, the children were better than expected. Since it had to be taken into account that Rev J. Tuchman acted as shohet, reader and teacher. Then an eminent Hebrew scholar from London examined the pupils; this time the exam was by the teacher.

The absence of Tuchman was due to the great amount of work he had to do during the late holydays. He has been minister for 14 years and there are few older provincial ministers. The attack on him was unjust.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 February 1874, page 746

Advert. Wanted, Reader, shohet etc £70 p.a. Application to Isaac Seline, President, High Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 February 1874, page 772

A few friends of Mr Joseph Tuchman presented him with a testimonial on his departure from Swansea for Sheffield where he has been elected as minister. The testimonial consisted of an engraved 'massive' silver cup in a case and a purse of money.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 April 1874, page 37

I. Seline re-elected as President and Mr S. Goldberg Treasurer.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 May 1874, page 86

Rev L. Slevansky of Norwich appointed to Swansea.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 July 1874, page 256

At recent examination in Swansea of Science and Art Department. Joseph Harris passed in Magnetism and Electricity 1st class advanced stage.

Queen's Prize Nautical Astronomy - Moses Harris 2nd class advanced stage.

Cambrian, 12 March 1875

Partnership between Louisa Pisar and Goldberg dissolved

Cambrian, 16 April 1875, page 885

'MISS JONES, Swansea, has VACANCIES in her SCHOOL for Four young ladies of the Jewish faith as Boarders. For terms and particulars apply to Miss Jones, 20. Mansell-street, Swansea'.

Cambrian, 24 September 1875

Butcher sought to supply meat to the Swansea Hebrew Congregation. Tenders to Solomon Brown or Joel Jacobs

Jewish Chronicle, 11 February 1876, page 731

Among list of authorised mohelim who belong to the 'Society for Granting Relief to the Poor on the Initiation of their Children into the holy covenant of Abraham; - Rev L. Slavensky, Swansea.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 April 1876, page 52

Meeting of members. Retiring wardens were re-elected, viz Solomon Burm [Brown], President, and Joel Jacobs, Treasurer.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 June 1876, page 157

Ref to Rev I. Leventon, 61 Brunswick Street, Swansea, in list of people who will received donations for Leeds (St Albans Street) Hebrew Congregation.


Tender to supply meat to Swansea Hebrew Congregation to Solomon Brown, 16 Nelson Street, or Joel Jacobs, 10 Wassail Street

Jewish Chronicle, 20 April 1877, page 4

General meeting of members. The following were elected for the ensuing year. Wardens, Joel Jacobs, President; Isaac Seline, Treasurer. Auditors, Hyam Jacobs and H. Friedman.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 June 1877, page 11

At recent exam in Swansea under supervision of the Science and Art Department, Joseph Harris passed in physiography, first class, honours stage; M. Harris passed in navigation, 2nd class, honours stage; David Harris passed in navigation, Queen's prize advanced stage; David Harris passed in nautical astronomy, first class, elementary stage, Queen's prize.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 June 1877, page 2

Appeal for Merthyr Synagogue and School - to liquidate deficiency in the building fund. Includes contributions from Swansea: Henry Barnett £5; Miss Cohen, Mumbles £1; Abraham Freedman (2nd donation) £1.1.0

Jewish Chronicle, 13 July 1877, page 2

Barrow in Furness. Appeal for family of labourer hurt in accident.

Contributions from 'Nemo' Swansea and JCM Swansea [?Jacob C. Marks]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 July 1877, page 1

Merthyr Hebrew Congregation. Thanks to Mrs S. Friedman of Swansea, formerly resident of Dowlais, for presentation of Sepher Torah to the synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 August 1877, page 13

'REQUIRED by a young lady a RE-ENGAGEMENT as useful Companion to a lady or children, or useful assistant in a school, thoroughly understanding all duties. Good references. Address, H.M., Post Office, Walter-road, Swansea'.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 1877, page 12

Rev A. Lowy, Secretary of the Anglo-Jewish Association, addressed members of the Swansea Congregation which resulted in the formation of a branch of the AJA.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 October 1877, page 4

3 other branches of the AJA formed in South Wales - Cardiff, Newport and Merthyr

Jewish Chronicle, 11 January 1878, page 2

'Turkish Sufferers' Fund'

Contribution from Charles Levy, Swansea

Jewish Chronicle, 3 May 1878, page 10

General meeting. Joel Jacobs and Isaac Seline re-elected honorary officers for the ensuing year.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 May 1878, page 2

Fund for the 'Institution for Relieving the Indigenous Blind of the Jewish Persuasion'.

S. Goldberg 10s 6d [annual]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 June 1878, page 13


Appeal for funds for burial ground. It has become overcrowded and the congregation has been compelled to purchase freehold of the present and adjoining plot of ground and also the wall, over 100 years old, is decayed and needs rebuilding. Needs heavy outlay and in present depressed state of trade it is beyond the means of the congregation, but they have nevertheless subscribed the greater proportion but still £125 outstanding.

Donations received:

Baron de Rothschild per Rev A.L. Green; Baron Henry de Worms £5 and I Seligman £2 both per Rev A. Lowy

Per Isaac Jacobs (London): Isaac Jacobs £1 1 0; Michael Samuels £3 3 0; Mrs H. Mosely 10s; Miss H. Mosely £1 1 0; Miss E. Mosely 10s; Mrs M. Mosely £1; miss M. Joseph 5s

Per M. Mosely: P.L. Phillips £5 5 0; C. Samuel £3 3 0

Morris Frankell £3; Messrs Joseph Bros. £1 1 0; Chapman Jacobs £1 1 0; Jacob Levy £1 1 0; Messrs Issacs & Berg £1 1 0; J. Davies £1 1 0; Messrs Lazarus & Rosenfeld £1 1 0; - Langner Esq 15s; Messrs Izenstein & Rosenfeld 10s 6d; -Berg, senior 10s.6d; Coleman Moses 10s 6d; Messrs Frankell Bros 10s 6d; Messrs Newmark & Abrahams 10s 6d; B. Frankell 10s 6d; Mrs B. Frankell 10s 6d*; Mrs J. Berg 10s 6d; E. Berg Jnr 5s; L. Woolf 5s; L. Woolf 5s; F. Moses 5s; Friends 7s,

[See 21 June 1878, page 13]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 June 1878, page 13

Advert re burial ground repeated

Received from E. Joseph Gloucester £1 1 0; I. Mason London £1 1 0; I. Cohen Wolverhampton £1 1 0'

Correction to last list. For Mr & Mrs B. Frankell read Mr & Mrs B Franklin.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 July 1878, page 12

These Swansea students passed the May 1878 exam of the Science & Art Department:

Joseph Harris. 1st class in advanced stage Physiography

2nd class ditto Magnetism & Electricity

2nd class ditto Accoustics, Light & Heat

David Harris. 1st class Queen's Prize in advanced stage of Nautical Astronomy

1st class ditto in elementary stage of Magnetism & Electricity

Benjamin Harris. 2nd class in advanced stage of Nautical Astronomy

2nd class in elementary stage of Magnetism & Electricity

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1878, page 6

Contributions. M.L. Marks 10s 6d for Penny Dinners and 10s 6d for the Sabbath Meals Society


31 January 1879

Wedding. Rev Mr Leventon, the local rabbi, gave a reading in Hebrew

Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 1879, page 13

Exam of Art & Science Department held in May.

Joseph Harris. 1st class certificate in advanced stage of Magnetism & Electricity

David Harris 2nd class certificate in advanced stage of Magnetism & Electricity.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 August 1879, page 7

Lawrence Barnett (Normal College, Swansea) passed recent matriculation of University of London

Jewish Chronicle, 21 November 1879, page 3

'A YOUTH attending college, requires BOARD and LODGING in an orthodox Jewish family. West-end neighbourhood preferred.

Apply, stating terms, to H.B., 10, Heathfield-street, Swansea'.

[H.B. = Henry Barnett. The 'youth' was his son Lawrence, attending University College London].

Jewish Chronicle, 19 March 1880, page 13

Contribution to the 'Society for Providing Poor Strangers with Meals for Sabbaths and Festivals'.

Mrs R. Joseph. Swansea.. £1 1 0 [Rosabella?]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 June 1880, page 5

Joseph Harris, Science Teacher, Swansea, has been selected by the Science & Art Department, South Kensington, to attend the course of Theoretical and Practical Geology under Professor Judd RFS at the Science Schools, the Department defraying the entire cost.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 August 1880, page 7.

London University. Mr Lawrence Barnett of Swansea passed the Preliminary Scientific (MB) Exam.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 May 1881, page 1

Board of Deputies. Fund for Famine in Armenia.

Swansea Congregation. S. Goldberg 10s 6d; Joe Barnett 10s 6d; Sums of 5s and under £5.10.6. Total £6.10.6

Jewish Chronicle, 17 June 1881, page 6

Anglo-Jewish Association. Remittances from branches, including from Swansea.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 August 1881, page 18

'BOARD and RESIDENCE in a quiet family (by the sea side) for one or two ladies, or a lady and gentleman. Terms moderate. Apply to Miss Jones, Gloucester House, St Helen's, Swansea'. [Frances E. or Emily B. Jones?]

Jewish Chronicle, 20 January 1882, page 18

'A Young Lady REQUIRES an ENGAGEMENT as NURSERY GOVERNESS, Useful Companion , or in any other light business. Good references. Address L.G., 146 Llangyfelach-street, Swansea, South Wales'.

[In 1881 that address occupied by Marcus Gold man and family. No-one with initial L. but might be 23-year old wife. Kate?]

[repeated 27 January 1882, page 3]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 February 1882, page 12

Meeting of Hebrew Congregation. Resolutions passed expressing grief at Russian outrages, sympathy with the sufferers, and pledging to raise subscriptions to the Mansion House Relief Fund. Also resolution expressing gratitude to Christians for their warm interest and expressions of sympathy for the sufferers. About £45 raised.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 May 1882, page 2

Mansion House Fund, 10th list

From the Town of Swansea per Hyam Goldberg.

List of names of Jews and non-Jews. Total £143.18.9

Jewish Chronicle, 6 July 1883, page 3

'SWANSEA, Sea-Side. - BOARD and RESIDENCE, or Apartments only, in a Jewish family. Good cooking and attendance. For terms, &c., address Miss Jones, Gloucester House, St. Helen's Road, Swansea'.

[repeated 13 July 1883, page 1]

Jewish Chronicle, 31 August 1883, page 11

On Sunday last the President of the Swansea Hebrew Congregation, Mr Goldberg, was presented with a testimonial consisting of an oil portrait of himself in a massive gilt frame and an address engrossed on vellum. The address referred to the great services rendered to the congregation by Mr Goldberg in liquidating the debt of the synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 October 1883, page 7

'WANTED, position of trust, as HOUSEKEEPER, or Manager of Fancy, Wool or Toy business. Good correspondent, bookkeeper, &c. Ten years' experience. Highest references. Address Miss E.B. Jones, Glo'ster House, St. Helen's Road, Swansea'.

[repeated 26 October 1883, page 2]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 May 1884, page 8

Visit of Dr Adler after consecrating the new synagogue at Tredegar. He preached his first sermon nearly 25 years ago in Swansea's new synagogue. In the afternoon he examined the children and found that their religious education had been greatly neglected. At several meetings

during the day resolutions were passed to establish a Sabbath school under the direction of Mrs Jacob Joseph, Mr & Mrs Hyam Goldberg, Miss Jones, Miss L. Levy and Mr Lawrence Cohen. It was resolved to take immediate steps to engage an efficient teacher of Hebrew and religion. The congregation voted and annual sum of £50 and up to £100 was subscribed by Jewish residents.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 May 1884, page 2

'A HEBREW TEACHER and LECTURER WANTED for the SWANSEA HEBREW CONGREGATION ar a salary of £120 per annum. A married gentleman would probably secure a few scholars as boarders from the neighbourhood. Applications, with copies of testimonials, to be addressed to the President, Mr. Simon Goldberg, 16, Northampton Place, Swansea. No candidate will be allowed travelling or othr expenses'.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 July 1884, page 10

Rev M. Hyamson BA was on Sunday elected preacher and Hebrew teacher. 22 years of age, trained at Jews' College. BA London 1882. In 1882 the Council of University College London awarded him the Hollier Hebrew Scholarship. Has preached at several London synagogues and for last 3 years has, under the direction of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue, preached at Portsmouth Prison on New Year and Day of Atonement.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 October 1884, page 11

Centenary of Moses Montefiore. In Italy publication of 'Album Montefiore' includes an acrostic by Rosabella Joseph of Swansea.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 October 1884, page 13

Service in honour of the centenary. Synagogue filled with Jews and Christians, 'a large number of the latter attending in response to the former's invitation'. Service conducted by Rev Miron and address given by Rev M. Hyamson BA.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 May 1885, page 7

Lawrence Barnett of Swansea admitted MRCS (Eng) on 25 April, of University College Hospital.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 March 1886, page 12

Rev M. Hyamson BA lectured at the Royal Institution, Swansea, on 'Jewish Ethical Work of the Eleventh Century'.

A Scroll of the Law, presented by Barnett Freedman on his son's bar mitzvah. 'was "consecrated" at the synagogue'.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 April 1886, page 12

David Seline passed the Intermediate Exam of the Incorporated Law Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 May 1886, page 2

'PARTNERSHIP, sleeping, or a LOAN of £1,500 REQUIRED to pay out retiring sleeping partner, from a first-class well-established pawnbroking business, in a large sea-port town in South Wales, doing a large sale and pawnbroking trade. The amount advanced could be repaid in weekly or monthly instalments, with interest if required. Full security, no liabilities. Address, J.F. & Co., 21, College Street, Swansea, S.W.'.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 July 1886, page 6

At the May exam of the Science and Art Department, in Metallurgy, Joseph Harris, Science Teacher, Swansea, obtained 1st class in the advanced stage teacher's certificate in that science.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 August 1886, page 5

Mr H. Goldberg of Cardiff and Swansea is consul for the Sandwich Islands.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 October 1886, page 10

Reference to the Swansea branch of the Anglo-Jewish Association. S. Goldberg, President; H. Barnett, Hon Sec, to be Vice-President.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 July 1887

Jubilee Service.

Swansea synagogue was decorated. A number of Christians were present. Prayer for the Royal Family in Hebrew and English. 'The National Anthem was sung in the same languages by a choir of boys specially trained by Rev. J. Miron'.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 July 1887, page 12

Rev S. Singer visited Swansea. Examined the children of the Hebrew School and Sabbath Classes - established 3 years ago as result of Rev Dr H. Adler's visit a short time previously. Conducted by Rev M. Hyamson BA. Generally satisfied with the result of his examination.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 August 1887, page 5

The late Lewis Lyons [obituary 29 July 1887, page 12] has left Scrolls of the Law to congregations at Swansea, Merthyr, and Tredegar.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 October 1887, page 11

At Swansea Synagogue prayers were read by Rev I. Miron assisted by the President, Mr Simon Goldberg, who has completed his 30th year as Baal Tefillah.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 December 1887, page 11

Lawrence Barnett successful candidate for the degree of Doctor of Medicine of the University of London

Jewish Chronicle, 6 January 1888, page 17

'TO SURGEONS. A gentleman M.D., London, &c., desires to become an ASSISTANT to a Jewish Practitioner in London or large provincial town, with view to partnership. Address L.B., 5, Walter-road, Swansea'.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 March 1888, page 7

Rev M. Hyamsom BA gave lecture at the Royal Institution, Swansea, on 'Some Gentile Proverbs about the Jews'. Proselytising the Jews was misdirected zeal. 'If a Jew converted, he was generally a bad Jew, and he had yet to learn that a bad Jew would make a good Christian'.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 August 1888, page 3

Jewish Provincial Ministers' Fund. 2nd Report and Balance Sheet.Rev M. Hyamson 1.1.1886 - 31.10.1887 --£52.10s

Jewish Chronicle, 14 September 1888, page 11

Rev M. Hyamsom BA delivered sermon on New Year. On Shabbat Shuvah he made a special appeal on behalf of the Swansea Hospital.

Henry Freedman and F. Owen are Hatan Torah and Hatan Bereshith respectively.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 November 1888, page 3

Advert for Hebrew Teacher and Lecturer - £100 plus expectation that the Committee of the Jewish Provincial Ministers' Fund would grant a subvention as they have done before.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 November 1888, page 13

Quote from the Cambrian. Departure from Swansea of the Rev Moses Hyamson BA. Excellent education and religious services and lectured on Jewish subjects at the Royal Institution of South Wales.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 December 1888, page 3

'AN experienced, domesticated lady is desirous of meeting with an ENGAGEMENT as HOUSEKEEPER or Useful Companion. Address E.F., 62 St Helen's-road, Swansea'.

[? Frances E. Jones, at 62 St Helen's Rd, in the 1891 Census]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 January 1889, page 6

On Monday last at the Manchester Jews' School, Mr Harris L. Price, Preacher and Teacher, elected to the Swansea Hebrew Congregation, was presented by the Headmaster, Ephraim Harris MA on behalf of teachers and scholars, with a handsome writing wallet prior to his departure for Swansea. He has been connected with the Manchester school for 18 years.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 June 1889, page 16

Among the presents received by Rev Harris L. Price on the occasion of his marriage was an exquisite silver tray, from the members of the Swansea congregation with inscription signed by the President, Treasurer, Hon Sec and members of the Committee. Children of the Hebrew School gave a pair of handsome vases with a letter 'begging his acceptance of the gift as a small token of their affection'. He took up his duties at Swansea at the beginning of the year.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 July 1889, page 10

Rev G.J. Emanuel BA examined the children of the Hebrew Congregational Classes which are conducted by H.L Price. He was highly pleased with the results of the examination.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 August 1889, page 12

Owing to the liberality of members of the congregation the children attending religious classes were again enabled to spend a most enjoyable day at Oystermouth Castle. Tea was prepared and served by Mrs Price, Mrs L. Jacobs, and Mrs Miron.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 August 1889, page 7

Meeting at Swansea Hospital, consisting of nearly all the local medical men, to bid farewell to Dr Lawrence Barnett who is leaving to take up a post in London. An illuminated address was presented.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 September 1889, page 2

Contribution by Mrs R. Joseph of 10 shillings to 'Society for Providing Strangers with Meals on Saturdays and Holydays'.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 September 1889,page 11

The synagogue was re-consecrated after having been decorated. Sermon by Mr Price, in favour of the local hospital.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1889, page 16

Mrs I Seline, wife of the President, has presented an elaborately embroidered white silk cobering for the 'handsome pulpit', the gift of Messrs [sic] Goldberg, junr. Mrs Owens [sic] wife of the Treasurer has presented a mantle for the Sepher.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1889, page 4

Hatan Torah F. D. Owens [sic]
Hatan Bereshith Braham Freedman

Jewish Chronicle, 27 February 1890, page 18

Lecture by Rev Harris L. Price at the Royal Institution, Swansea, on 'The Science of Religion'.

Jewish Chronicle, June 1890, page 2

Appeal for widow of Abraham Miller who died in Porth.
Per Rev Harris Price, Swansea
'Harold', Swansea 10s; Mrs Joseph £1; J. Marks £1; Mrs & Mrs Owens 7s 6d; Henry Barnet 10s; Mr & Mrs D. Barnett 10s; Mrs Lewis Lyons 10s; S. Goldberg 10s; Hyam Goldberg 10s; Barnet Goldberg 10s; B. Franklin 5s; Ellen Moseley 5s; Sums under 5s - 5s.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 June 1890, page 9

Anglo-Jewish Association. 'The two former branches at Swansea and Adelaide have been revived'.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 July 1890, page 15

Rev Harris L. Price has published in a Swansea paper an eloquent protest against the attempts in the town to convert Jews to Christianity.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 1890, page 2

Appeal for funds for Hampstead Synagogue. Contribution by Messrs H & B Goldberg, Swansea

Jewish Chronicle, 22 August 1890, page 2

'WANTED by JEWISH LADY, Situation as useful Companion or HOUSEKEEPER. Accustomed to Cooking; all kinds of Needlework; care and instruction of Children, &c., very economical. Address Miss Jones, 62, St Helen's-road, Swansea'.
[repeated 5 times up to 10 October 1890, page 2]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 September 1890, page 2

Donations to 'Society for Providing Strangers with Meals on Sabbaths and Holydays' include one from Simon Goldberg 10s 6d

Jewish Chronicle, 17 October 1890, page 1

St John's Wood Synagogue. Rev Harris L. Price will conduct morning service and preach a sermon tomorrow Sabbath.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 October 1890, page 15

Swansea. 'Six appropriate and impressive sermons were delivered by the Rev. Harris L. Price during the recent festivals. The Succah adjoining the synagogue was again tastefully decorated by the lady members of the congregation. Mrs. Josephs also contributed several beautifully executed Hebrew inscriptions. On the evening of Simchath Torah the choir and children were entertained through the kindness of Mr. Henry Barnett. Mr. Braham Freedman and Mr. Sol Barnet were Hatan Torah veHatan Bereshith [in Hebrew].
At the annual general meeting of the members the following were elected the honorary officers for the ensuing year: Mr. I. Seline, President (re-elected); Mr. Sol Barnett. Treasurer; Mr. Braham Freedman, Honorary Secretary; Committee: Messrs. Simon Goldberg, Joel Jacobs, A. Freedman, Braham Freedman, and A. Lyons. Auditors: H. Barnet and S. Lyons'.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 October 1890, page 6

St John's Wood Synagogue. Rev Harris L. Price of Swansea conducted the entire service on Friday evening and Saturday morning.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 November 1890, page 19

Report of Congregational Hebrew Classes, conducted by Rev Harris L. Price, examined by Rev G. J. Emanuel, has just been received.
Full of praise. 'In all subjects the requirements of the code have been satisfied. The Biblical history and religious knowledge in the upper strand were particularly good. Number presented 38'.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 January 1891, page 21

'WANTED. SITUATION as companion or Housekeeper has had much experience and very Domesticated. Address Miss Jones, 62, St. Helen's-road, Swansea'.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 January 1891, page 2

Contribution to 'Soup Kitchen for the Jewish Poor'. Mrs R Joseph 10s

Jewish Chronicle, 16 January 1891, page 8

Rev H. L. Price elected by 32 to 30 to be Reader and Secretary of St John's Wood Synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 January 1891, page 1

Notice by Harris L. Price thanking for his election. Address 38 Brunswick St, Swansea

Jewish Chronicle, 30 January 1891, page 3

'WANTED, for the SWANSEA HEBREW CONGREGATION, LECTURER and TEACHER. Salary £150 per annum, £30 of which is a subvention from the Provincial Ministers' Fund. Preference given to one competent to act as a Reader. - Apply with testimonials to the President, I. Seline, 8, Bellevue-street, Swansea'.  [repeated 6 February 1891, page 17]

Jewish Chronicle, 3 April 1891, page 14

Rev Jacob Phillips of Tredegar conducted services in Swansea on Sabbath last and gave a sermon. Next day he lectured to a large audience on the Talmud and examined the children. At a general meeting, Isaac Seline Senior Warden in the chair, he was unanimously elected minister.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 April 1891, page 16

'ENGAGEMENT required as COMPANION or HOUSEKEEPER by a thoroughly experienced and domesticated Jewish lady. Well accustomed to the supervision of House and Servants, also care and instruction of Children, &c. Address, Miss Jones, 62, St. Helen's-road, Swansea'[repeated 10 April 1891, page 5]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 August 1891, page 13

Master Wolf Miron, eldest son of Rev Israel Miron, read the whole Sedrah and the Haphtorah on Sabbath last on occasion of his barmitzvah.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 October 1891, page 15

Hatan Torah, Sol Barnet. Hatan Bereshith, Hyman Freedman

Jewish Chronicle, 6 November 1891, page 19

Mr F.D. Owens has presented a handsome clock and Mr David Harris a beautiful silver and gold pointer for the Sepher. Mr Sol Barnett and Mr Hyman Freedman entertained at their residences the members of the congregation on the 25th and 31st ult.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 November 1891, page 15

Rev Phillips delivered lecture at synagogue on Sunday to Jews and Christians, on Russia. The local fund is now £300.
At meeting of members of the 'Swansea and [sic] Hebrew Educational Committee' Sol Barnett elected chairman and Henry Freedman Hon Sec for the ensuing year. Votes of thanks to Mrs R. Joseph, the Misses Pearlie Goodman, Stella Jacobs, Lizzie Jacobs and Rose Mendelssohn for their honorary services in connection with the Sabbath classes. Henry Freedman elected member of committee in place of George Goodman resigned.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 December 1891, page 3

Long list of contributors to Russian Fund. Many non-Jews

Jewish Chronicle, 18 December 1891, page 6

Edward Lloyd Marks RCS &c has been appointed lecturer in Chemistry and Physics at the College of Pharmacy, Melbourne. He is a brother of Mrs R. Joseph and Mr M.L. Marks of Swansea

Jewish Chronicle, 15 January 1892, page 7

'British Sympathy for the Russian Jews'
'The appeal in Swansea has been responded to by contributions to the amount of £300. The Cambrian, a Swansea paper, supported the suggestion to form a Dorcas Society in aid of the exiled Jews'.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 February 1892, page 20

Rev J. Phillips lectured at the Royal Institution of South Wales on 'A Peep into the Talmud'. [See below 27 May 1892, page 16] He also lectured to the Swansea Literary Society on ' History of the Jews in Britain'. The lecture was printed in The South Wales Liberal.
At the distribution of prizes at Swansea Higher Grade School the prize given by the Mayor was gained by Miss Florrie Freedman, 6th daughter of Abraham Freedman.
On the occasion of his bar mitzvah Master Jacob Goldman, eldest son of Myer Goodman, offered up a prayer in English in the synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 March 1892, page 18

A lecture on 'Jewish Life in Russia', to the St David's Guild, was given by Rev M Franks in absence of Rev J. Phillips.
Phillips lectured to the Scientific Society on 'Water'.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 May 1892, page 17

Rev J. Phillips appealed for Swansea General and Eye Hospital. Congregation responded generously.
At a meeting of the privileged members Dr Lawrence Barnett MD of Hampstead was unanimously re-elected Delegate to the Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1892, page 16

David Seline read paper on the question 'Whether legislation to declare that publicans have a vested interest in their licences' to the Law Students' Society.
The lecture by Rev J. Phillips, 'A Peep in to the Talmud' which appeared in weekly instalments in the Swansea Cambrian has been printed in a pamphlet.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 July 1892, page 16

Rev J. Phillips. candidate for post of Minister, Reader, and Secretary of Dalston Synagogue.
[7 October 1892, page 9. He failed to receive any votes. Rev M. Hyamson, once at Swansea, was elected]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 July 1892, page 17

AGM of subscribing members of the Swansea General and Eye Hospital. Simon Goldberg and Rev J. Phillips re-elected members of the Committee of Management.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 September 1892, page 13

Rev J. Phillips in a sermon on Saturday referred 'feelingly' to the colliery explosion at Aberkenfig.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 October 1892, page 16

David F. Owens has presented 2 mantles for the Sepher Torah in memory of his late brothers and a Megillah. He has on many occasions presented the synagogue with costly gifts.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 October 1892, page 19

General meeting. Elections. Braham Freedman, Warden and President. Sol Lyons, Treasurer. Committee of Management, Simon Goldberg, Jacob Marks, Isaac Seline, Joel Jacobs, Henry Freedman, Sol Barnett, Israel Bloom.
Hebrew Educational Committee, F. David Owens, M. Goldman, P. Mendelsohn, G. Goodman, D. Harris, D. Levy.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 October 1892, page 18

Preliminary meeting, D. Seline in chair. Resolved to establish 'The Swansea Jewish Mutual Improvement Society'. Elected: David Seline, President. Jacob C. Marks, Vice-President. Rev J. Phillips, Hon Sec. Barnett Goldberg Treasurer. M.L. Marks, Auditor. Committee: Hyam Goldberg, Sol Barnett, Abraham Lyons, Michael Jacobs, Harris H. Barnett, Ernest Barnett.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1892, page 19

Inaugural lecture of the Swansea Jewish Mutual Improvement Society on The pleasures and advantages of education' was given by Rev J. Phillips at the Minor Drill Hall. Chair, President of the Society Harris H. Barnett. Addresses also by Ernest Barnett and David Seline.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 December 1892, page 2

List of contributors to the 'Hanbury Street and Church Row Free Dinners Fund' - The Misses Goldberg, Swansea £2 2 0

Jewish Chronicle, 6 January 1893, page 1

Jacob, Henry and Hyman Freedman sends thanks for condolences for father and brother

Jewish Chronicle, 13 January 1892, page 18

First public debate of the Mutual Improvement Society at the Minor Drill Hall. Subject 'Women's Suffrage' :List of participants, all men.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 January 1893, page 20

'THE Rev J. Phillips, Minister of the Hebrew Congregation, CAN RECOMMEND two young Jewesses (orphans), one as a Sewing Maid and to make herself generally useful, the other as Mother's Help. Full particulars given. Apply as above'.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 January 1893, page 15

Highly successful musical evening in connection with the Mutual Improvement Society. Chair, Braham Freedman, President of congregation, supported by, among others, Harris H. Barnett, President of the Society. Programme: Instrumental solos: Ernest Barnett and Mrs Braham Freedman. Songs: Harry Seline, Michael Jacobs (whose song was written and composed by Sol Barnett), and Master M. Joseph. Readings: Mrs R. Joseph, Mr Monte Ahronsberg and David Seline

Jewish Chronicle, 27 January 1893, page 16

Lecture at the Minor Dill Hall before the members of the Mutual Improvement Society, on 'Astronomy', by David Harris FSS, Principal of the Navigation School. Swansea.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 February 1893, page 20

Rev J. Philips gave a Public Free Lecture (in place of another who was indisposed) on 'The Rites and Ceremonies of the Jews'. Well received.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 February 1893, page 3

'Fund for the Relief of Russian Jewish Fugitives'. 18th list. 'Swansea Committee, addition. £24 7s 6d'

Jewish Chronicle, 17 February 1893

Two meetings of the Mutual Improvement Society.
On 5 February Rev J Philips spoke on 'Tom Hood'. In chair David Harris F. Sh. S.
On Sunday last Mrs R Joseph on 'Facts in Rhythmic Form'. She recited many original verses and acrostics.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 March 1893, page 1

Rev J. Phillips gave lecture at the Free Library on 'Contrasts: or how each half of the world lives'. Crowded meeting. Chair, Councillor David Jones who commented that the lecturer had touched upon a topic which concerned Swansea and had been before the Council- 'the better housing of the poor'. He proposed that the lecture be printed and he hoped to hear the lecture again in the Council Chamber.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1893 page 18

Rev J. Phillips was among those invited by the Mayor & Mayoress of Swansea to an 'At Home' for the members of a committee who had been instrumental in raising funds and distributing relief to the unemployed.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 May 1893, page 19

Rev J. Phillips elected Minister to Sunderland. Quotes the Cambrian Daily News referring to Phillips's work in Swansea. 'He has endeared himself to all, and has made himself popular among all the sects in the town. He has opened up a new era for the Jews in Swansea, and cultivated a most friendly feeling among all denominations‘.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1893, page 22

Advert. 'WANTED, by the Swansea Hebrew Congregation, MINISTER, Teacher, and Second Reader. Salary £120 per annum, exclusive of grant from Ministers Provincial Fund' ; married gentleman preferred; only successful candidates' expenses defrayed.
Apply with testimonials to
SOL LYONS, Treasurer,
155, High-street, Swansea'

Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1893, page 3

Advert. 'SWANSEA. - Visitors can be accommodated with kosher meals, &c., at 28, Carlton-terrace'

Jewish Chronicle, 9 June 1893, page 17

Rev Philip Wolfers, having been invited, read the services and preached in the synagogue last Sabbath. On Sunday he addressed and examined the children of the Swansea Hebrew Schools.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 August 1893, page 7

Royal Academy of Music. At competition on 27 July for the John Thomas Welsh Scholarship, Sidney Freedman, son of Mr & Mrs Henry Freedman of Swansea, was elected the successful candidate. The young violinist, a pupil of Mr Strelitskie, is not yet 12 years of age and was the youngest of the 9 candidates. [Simon in 1891 Census]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 August 1893, page 14

Annual outing of children on Thursday 17th. They went to a rural spot about 14 miles from Swansea, accompanied by teachers and friends.
Rev P. Wolfers delivered a drosha last Sabbath. 'This innovation excited much interest among the members'.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 October 1893, page 16

AGM. Elected. Pres, S. Lyons; Treasurer, D. Harris. Committee: F.D.Owen, J. Marks, H. Freedman, B. Freedman, I. Bloom, G. Goodman, S. Jacobs. Auditors: M.L. Marks, B. Behrens. A School Committee was also formed: S. Barnett, P. Freedman, P. Mendelsohn, W. Myesr, A. Shepherd, P. Manschester, M. Aronsberg.
On Sunday evening inauguration of 2nd session of the Mutual Improvement Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 November 1893, page 20

At half-yearly meeting of Newport (Mon) branch of Chovevei Zion the Rev Philip Wolfers of Swansea read a paper on 'The Religious Beliefs of Palestine, Past and Present'.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 February 1894, page 16

Jews' Hospital and Orphan Asylum. The number of children from provinces equals 17 per cent of the total.
Manchester 10; Liverpool 7; Leeds 4; Glasgow 4; Birmingham 3; Newcastle 3; Hull 3; Slough 2. One each from Cardiff, Dublin, Edinburgh, Leicester, Nottingham, Oxford, Porth, Southampton, Sunderland, and Swansea.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 March 1894 page 20

At meeting of the Mutual Improvement Society Rev P Wolfers read paper on origins of language. Reference to much evidence that Hebrew was the language from which others were derived.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 June 1894, page 17

Chief Rabbi's Pastoral Tour, Swansea 22 May. He was met by Reception Committee: Solomon Lyons and David Harris, (Wardens), S. Goldberg, Jacob Marks, Isaac Seline, Sol Barnett, B. Freedman, Revs I. Miron and P. Wolfers.
Chief Rabbi and Committee had luncheon at Tintern House, residence of Hyman Goldberg. In the afternoon he examined the children and delivered an address in the evening. Later he dined with the chief members at Mr S. Goldberg's, 18 Northampton Place.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 June 1894, page 18

The Secretary of the Swansea & District Cricket League has received a silver medal from Harris H. Barnett of 26, page Street (ex-President of the Mutual Improvement Society) to be given to the member who has the best bowling average during the season.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 July 1894, page 2

4th Report of the Jewish Provincial Ministers' Fund. As communities have grown in numbers and in wealth they have been able to dispense with the assistance of the fund - instances Cardiff and Swansea.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 July 1894, page 22

In sermon last week Rev P. Wolfers appealed for the sufferers of the Albion Colliery disaster. £10 collected.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 September 1894, page 6

Letter from Wolfers re the interpretation of the first sentence of Genesis.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 January 1895, page 21

Children attending the schools of the congregation were taken on Thursday evening, 10th, to Pool's Myriodrama at the Albert Hall. Arrangements were made by Rev Wolfers assisted by Mrs Wolfers and Miss S. Mendelson [sic]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 March 1895, page 17

The Queen has approved the appointment of Hyman Goldberg as Consul for the Republic of Haiti at Swansea.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 April 1895, page 21

Simon Goldberg has been appointed a magistrate. He is President of the Swansea branch of the Anglo-Jewish Association. Is one of the oldest members of the congregation and has had office of President on several occasions, amounting to 17 years.
'He has by keen business abilities, kindness of heart, and general moral rectitude, made himself beloved by, not only his co-religionists, but by all his fellow-townsmen, and the honour conferred upon him has given satisfaction and pleasure to the whole of the district'

Rev Wolfers, on 7th day of Passover, devoted a major portion of his sermon to a consideration of the claims of the
Jews' Hospital and Orphan Asylum on the charity of the community.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 May 1895, page 9

'Immigration in 1894'
'The reports from Bradford, Bristol, Burton-on-Trent, Darlington, Derby, Hastings, Merthyr, Northampton, Oxford, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Reading, Sheffield, South Shields, Stockton, Sunderland, Swansea and Wigan, state in the majority of cases that there are no destitute aliens in the towns dealt with; where there are any of this class, the numbers are said to be small, and to either decreased or not appreciably increased in 1894'.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 August 1895, page 15

Royal Academy of Music. At a recent exam of students of the RAM, Sidney Augustus Freedman, aged 12, son of Mr & Mrs Henry Freedman of Swansea, gained a silver medal for sight-singing and reading. He had previously taken the bronze medals for sight-singing and violin-playing and is the 'John Thomas' scholar at the Academy.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1895, page 18

Services during the High Festivals were conducted by Rev S. Miron assisted by Simon Goldberg JP. Rev P. Wolfers preached 3 times.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1895, page 19

Chatan Torah Mr Rubenstein. Chatan Bereshit Mr Sheppard [sic]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 November 1895, page 14.

'The Maccabaeans' Prize Essays' [provided by Herbert Bentwitch]
1st prize Lilian Goldberg, 62 Walter Street, (private tuition) aged 11.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1896, page 2

'Situations Vacant'
'RESPECTABLE orthodox Jewess; active and cheerful, as useful COMPANION; small family, moderate salary; servants kept. Address, Mrs Joseph, Heathfield-street, Swansea'.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 January 1896, page 27

'WANTED, a MOTHER'S HELP' capable of teaching 3 young children Hebrew, English, and music; and to be handy with the needle; cheerful and fond of children and willing. Apply with full particulars and salary required to D.M.D., "Western Mail"" office, Swansea'.
[repeated 31.1.1896, page 21]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 February 1896, page 20

Purim Prize Competition
A prize awarded to Henriette Van Raalte (15), 4 Rowland Terrace, Welch Rd, Swansea.
One printed acrostic by Rosabelle Joseph, Swansea.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 May 1896, page 21

Simon Goldberg JP has presented 'an elegant and elaborate silver crown of bells, breast-plate, and two pointers'. This is the second gift of 'appurtenances for a scroll of the law' that Mr & Mrs Goldberg have presented in the last few years.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 November 1896, page 24

Braham Freedman elected a member of the Borough Council unseating the late representative of his ward with a majority of 374 votes.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 November 1896, page 20

The Maccabaeans. Seven people were awarded a Hampstead Foundation Prize for an essay on 'Manasseh ben Israel and the Resettlement of the Jews in England. One was Lilian Goldberg, Swansea

Jewish Chronicle, 18 December 1896, page 24

Among the guests at the Mayor's Reception were Councillor & Mrs Braham Freedman, Mr & Mrs Hyam Goldberg, and Rev and Mrs Wolfers.

Cambrian, 29 January 1897

The Jews Burying Ground, an article on the Jewish Cemetery in Swansea.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 February 1897, page 28

In response to Dr Adler's Indian Famine Fund a sermon was delivered by Rev Wolfers. However, there is a great deal of distress in the district and many calls are made on the congregation. Thus no systematic collection was made for this famine appeal. But Rev Wolfers was able to hand to the Mayor the sum of £6.5s 6d.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 October 1897, page 2

'WANTED, orthodox Jewess, as USEFUL COMPANION, active, cheerful and domesticated; widow not objected to. Apply to Mrs. Joseph, 8, Heathfield-street, Swansea'.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 December 1897, page 8

'Jews' Free School'
Moses Angel, headmaster, retires through ill-health.
The Vice-master, L.B. Abrahams, BA, appointed headmaster
He was born Swansea, where his father, Barnett, was hazan. His mother was a sister of Rev Aaron Levy, a Dayan.
Family went to Manchester in 1845 then to London. L.B. Abrahams was indentured to Moses Angel as pupil teacher in 1854. Graduated in Arts at UCL. In 1884 became vice-master., Has written several works.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 December 1897, page 33

AGM of the Benevolent Society. Treasurer, Mrs R. Marks, said that the average amount spent each week was £1. Isaac Seline elected President. Mrs Marks re-elected Treasurer, and Rev Wolfers re-elected Hon Sec.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 January 1898, page 29

The children attending the congregational classes were taken to a performance of the pantomime 'Robinson Crusie' at the Grand Hotel. The children were regaled with refreshments during the evening.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 February 1898, page 2

Jews' Hospital & Orphan Asylum. Election of inmates, including 'Myer Finkelbach [sic], Swansea'.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 October 1898, page 24

Chatan Torah Councillor B. Freedman. Chatan Bereshit David Seline

Jewish Chronicle, 21 October 1898, page 29

AGM. President Abraham Lyons, re-elected. Michael Jacobs appointed Treasurer. New Committee: Sol Barnett, I. Seline, B. Goldberg, Btt [sic] Freedman, M.L. Marks, S. Lyons, P. Mendelson. Auditors: B. Freedman and D. Seline.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 December 1898, page 28

David Seline, solicitor, has been presented by members of the Swansea and Neath Incorporated Law Society of which he is Hon Sec with a handsome drawing-room cabinet, for services rendered by him in connection with the recent visit to Swansea of the Incorporated Law Society of the UK.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 December 1898, page 28

AGM of Benevolent Society. The three officers re-elected.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 January 1899, page 26

As result of special appeal for the hospital Rev Wolfers able to hand over £5 7s.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 April 1899, page 27

Rev Wolfers invited to Cardiff.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 April 1899, page 2

APPLICATIONS are INVITED for the post of MINISTER, Teacher and Reader; salary £104 per annum, exclusive of any grant which may be made by the Jewish Provincial Ministers' Fund.
Applications with copies of testimonials to be addressed to the President, Mr. A. Lyons, 'Milderton', Walter-road, Swansea'.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1899, page 4

'SWANSEA. - Lessons in Hebrew and German languages are given at pupils' residences by M.L. Krawitz, of 3A, Neath-road, Hafod, Swansea'.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1899, page 23

Adler's Tour
Dr Adler arrived on Friday in the company of S.M. Harris of Southport. Friday evening attended synagogue and on Sabbath preached. Mentioned it was 40 years ago that he preached his first sermon on opening of Swansea synagogue. The Jewish anxiety to preserve Hebrew resembled the desire of the Welsh that their literature should not die. Recommended that their children are taught in English not Yiddish, 'for since they lived in England it was their bounden duty to cultivate a knowledge of that tongue'.
He was guest of the President A. Lyons on Friday evening and on Saturday at his residence, 'Milverton', Walter Road.
On Sunday morning he examined the children and thought that the children had been excellently taught by Wolfers. He distributed prizes.
Sunday afternoon there was a conference at which synagogue affairs were discussed.
Sunday evening there was a reception by the President and Mrs Lyons at their house and later in evening he was at residence of Mr H. Goldberg.
The services were held during the whole of the visit to the synagogue were conducted by Rev I. Miron and P. Wolfers, minister.
On Monday he left for Pontypridd.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 June 1899, page 3

APPLICATIONS are invited for the Post of MINISTER, Teacher and Second Reader. Applications with copies of testimonials, to be addressed to the President from whom further particulars be obtained. Address Mr. A. Lyons, Milverton, Walter-road, Swansea'. [repeated 23.6.1899 p. 5]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 June 1899, page 1

Letter from L. Goldberg, 57 Neath Road, Hafod, castigating Zionists who are abusive towards those who cast doubt on authenticity of political Zionism.

Jewish Chronicle, 30.6.1899, page 30

'USEFUL COMPANION; orthodox; cheerful and kind; age 35 to 40. State references and salary required to Mrs. R. Joseph, 8, Heathfield-street, Swansea'.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 August 1899, page 10

Letter from S. Fyne, Newport, minister-elect of Swansea.
In favour of reviving Friday evening service. '..the synagogue attendance on the Friday evening has reached the lowest possible ebb, and touched the nethermost spoke of the religious machinery of the Anglo-Jewish community'.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1899, page 22

Newport, Mon. Last Sunday Rev S. Fyne was presented with a silver kiddush cup on his leaving Newport. Expressions of regret on his severing connection with Newport. Fyne responded: thanks for kindness and generosity and the efforts made to retain his services, 'but having been pledged to Swansea he could not respond to the latter, much as he might have wished it'.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 October 1899, page 26

Fyne preached farewell sermon at Newport on Sabbath last.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 November 1899, page 21

Letter from D. Rotter, 1381 Neath Rd, Swansea, complaining of lack of decorum etc when he visited Brynmawr synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 November 1899, page 19

Letter from B. Isaacs and I. Brest of Brynmawr denying the allegation and asserted that Rotter was aiming to induce a split in the community such as he did at Swansea and attempted at Pontypridd.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 January 1900, page 26

Fyne preached special sermon in aid of the War Fund..'...every nation has a mission on earth to fulfil. To the English nation Providence
would seem to have delegated the task of spreading civilisation - to bring about the equality of races, and the brotherhood of man'.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 February 1900, page 23

H. Halpern, representing the English Zionist Federation, addressed a crowded meeting at the Temperance Hall. Rev S. Fyne in the chair.
Resolution, moved from the chair, seconded by Mr T. Shepherd, and supported by A. Levy and Mr Rabbinowitz, pledged support for the movement as formulated by the Basle Congress.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 March 1900, page 10

Death of Pte Edward Levy, Prince Alfred's Volunteer Guard. A former pupil of Westminster Jews' Free School. His father, Samuel Levy, was clothier in Swansea. After his death the family came to London 13 years ago. Edward was only son. left 6 sisters. Was in employ of Raphael Tuck & Sons.  [In fact family went to Manchester in early 1880s and later went to London]

Jewish Chronicle, 8 June 1900, page 1

Mrs Fonseca, on account of serious illness is unable to resume her duties and says good bye. 9 Grove Place, Swansea [In 1901 Census this was house of Isaac Seline, whose wife was sister to Rachel Fonseca. Household included her blind son, B. Fonseca].

Jewish Chronicle, 2 November 1900, page 29

General meeting of congregation. Abraham Lyons in chair. to 'genuine regret of the entire congregation' he could not be prevailed on to allow himself to be re-elected.
Elected: President, Michael Jacobs. Treasurer, David Seline.
Committee of Management: A.Lyons, Braham B. Freedman, Sol Lyons, A. Shepherd, A. Degotts, A. Levy, A. Rubinstein. Auditors: F.D.Owen and S. Solomon

Jewish Chronicle, 7 December 1900, page 22

Mr J. de Haas, Hon Sec of the English Zionist Federation, addressed a mass meeting at the Temperance Hall. Rev S. Fyne, president of the local branch, moved resolution pledging support, seconded by D. Saul supported by I. Rubenstein and Wisebord.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 December 1900, page 23

Illuminated address presented to Abraham Lyons, 70 signatures. The text referred to his having served for 11 years as committeeman, Treasurer, President and Hon Sec.. 'Special stress is laid on what is the unanimous opinion of the entire congregation, that the harmony now happily prevailing in the Swansea Jewish community is in no small measure due to the tact and conciliatory attitude displayed by Mr. Lyons during his term of office as President'.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 December 1900, page 32

Last Sunday a Children's Chanucah Party was held. Upwards of 70 children. After service went to the Temperance Hall for substantial tea, supervised by Mrs M. Jacobs and Mrs D. Seline, wives of the Wardens assisted by a representative Ladies Committee. On the following day there was a magic lantern entertainment worked by W and S Miron, sons of Rev I. Miron. There was a performance of music and recitations. Julian Freedman played solo violin. Piano by Mabel and Doris Owen. Solos by M. Levy and Miss Miron. Songs and recitations by H. Rotter, A. Goodman, N. Seline, H. Harris, M. Shepherd, D. Solomon, S. Rubinstein, and A. Dennis.
Followed by the presentation to A, Lyons.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 December 1900, page 33

Passing reference to Rev Raymondo Coen of Swansea

Jewish Chronicle, 4 January 1901, page 30

General Meeting of the Swansea Benevolent Society. Re-elected I. Seline sen. President; Mrs M.L. Marks, Treasurer; Rev S. Fyne and W. Miron, Auditors. 'The balance sheet was presented and showed that good work had been done amongst the resident poor of the town'.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 February 1901, page 30

At the weekly meetings of the local Zionist and Literary Association these papers were read during the last month. Rev S. Fyne, 'Daniel'; Mr J. Shepherd 'What is Zionism?'; Mr A. Levy ' The Zionist Movement during the Babylonian Captivity'. 'All the meetings were well attended and the Society is making real progress'.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 February 1901, page 8

Among list of advance subscribers to the Jewish Encyclopaedia
H. Goldberg, shipowner, Swansea; B. Goldberg, shipowner, Swansea; A. Lyons, Swansea; Rev S. Fyne, Swansea

Jewish Chronicle, 10 May 1901, page 29

Special General Meeting. Michael Jacobs, :President in chair. Michael L. Marks and Rev S. Fyne unanimously elected Treasurer and Hon Sec respectively.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 June 1901, page 19

In general article about sharing pulpits.
South Wales congregations have initiated interchange of pulpits. Bristol Newport, Cardiff and Swansea will occupy each other's pulpits at regular intervals.
'The provinces have always been regarded as the training ground for young ministers, where they serve an apprenticeship that should fit them to occupy important posts in London'. Perhaps they could obtain acquaintanceship with metropolitan pulpits by periodical visits but if cost and distance too much then such local arrangements are a step towards it.’

Jewish Chronicle, 5 July 1901, page 29

H. Halpern of Manchester, the well-known Juedisch lecturer on Zionism, at invitation of Swansea Zionist Society, gave an address last Sunday to a crowded meeting. He said that Zionism had entered a new phase and the time for speaking was at an end and now time for action.
Cheering news from Constantinople. The usual resolution was passed proposed by Rev S. Fyne, seconded by T. Shepherd supported by A. Rubenstein. Vote of thanks to lecture proposed from the chair seconded by H. Zeligman. Similar compliment to chair proposed by L.L. Weisbard and seconded by S. Salaman.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 July 1901, page 24

Article by Rev S. Fyne on 'The 9th of Ab'.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 August 1901, page 7

Letter from Rev S. Fyne responding to an anti-Zionist correspondent

Jewish Chronicle, 16 August 1901, page 1

Engagement. Rose, 2nd daughter of Mr & Mrs L. Lipman, 7 Worcester Place, Swansea, late Chazan and Shochet of Aberdare to Simon Chinn of Aberaman and Aberdare

Jewish Chronicle, 20 December 1901, page 31

Chanucah treat on 12th. Over 100 children sat down to a substantial tea. Magic lantern show by W. and S Miron. Violin recital, songs and recitations by children. Fruit and sweets. Arranged by Mrs H. Goldberg (wife of President), assisted by Mrs Abraham Lyons, Mrs R. Joseph, Mrs M.L. Marks, Mrs S. Fyne and Mrs I. Miron. Miss Barnett (sister of the Treasurer), Mrs Sol Lyons, Mrs A. Rubenstein, Mrs P. Mendleson, Mrs D. Seline, the Misses D. Barnett, Levi and Rubenstein gave their services. Mr H. Goldberg (President)n and his colleague in office E. Barnett also gave their services.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1902, page 35

Meeting convened by the Swansea Jewish Watch Committee at the Temperance Hall, Orchard Street. Mr P. Shepherd in the chair. Object: 'to protest against the action of the Swansea Hebrew Congregation in refusing a vote to members paying 1s. a week'.
Resolved: that application be made to the Swansea Hebrew Congregation for the enrolment of one shilling members in the privileged list of voting members. If refused the Chairman and the Committee to take steps towards establishing a new congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 January 1902, page 21

'Letter from the Front'
Pte L. Abrahams writes to his sister Mrs Lewis, 44 Princess Street, Swansea.
Editorial note: Pte Abrahams arrived in England 3 years ago from Russia, at the age of 21. His father is being pursued by the Russian authorities for payment of 300 roubles through his son's avoidance of military service in Russia. He was a traveller in jewellery prior to volunteering for the front some 12 months ago]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 February 1902, page 28

Annual meeting of the Incorporated Law Society of Swansea and Neath. David Seline was for the 7th time re-elected Treasurer and Hon Sec. Unanimously resolved to present him with a bookcase. This in addition to a silver cigarette case which was presented last month by the Past Presidents of the Society as a mark of their personal regard.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 March 1902, page 26

Article by S. Fyne on 'Purim - its Cheering Message'

Jewish Chronicle, 21 March 1902, page 32

Formal opening of the Beth Hasepher (Hebrew Classes) last Sunday at the Temperance Hall. Rev H. Macht of Cardiff delivered an address.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 March 1902, page 10

Profile of Rev M. Hyamson BA, LlB, now a Dayan. Born Russia 1863 came to England at early age. Student of Jews' College and UCL. BA 1883 and appointed minister at Swansea - the first and for a time remaining the only Jewish minister, as distinct from Reader, in South Wales'.
Five years there and travelled all over Wales. At Swansea lectured on Jewish themes at the Royal Institute of South Wales.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1902, page 28

Performance of 'Ahasuerus' by Goldfaden at the Shaftesbury Hall in aid of the JNF by the Swansea Jewish Young Men's Dramatic Society. Artistes were P. Sherman, J. Dagots [sic], Rosenfeld, Hyman, L. Weisbard, Horowitz, A. Symons, Miss Snipper and Miss Dagots. Mr A. Symonds trained the children. Mr S. Salomons was Managing Director. Mr P. Sherman wrote for the programme a long introduction to the play.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 June 1902, page 24

Meeting to consider forming a Jewish Literary Society. Decided unanimously to proceed to be called the Swansea Jewish Literary Society.
Chairman H. Goldberg (President of congregation) for ensuing year. Abraham Lyons vice-president. Delegates elected for forthcoming Conference: Mrs R. Joseph, D. Seline, W. Miron.
Provisional committee elected to draw up rules.

Swansea Jewish Mutual Loan Society. Half-yearly meeting. Capital £52 16s. loans circulated £91 7s. K. Baddil, B. Baddil, and H. Coffman elected Overseer, Treasurer, and Hon Sec respectively for six months.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 June 1902, page 20

At recent examination of the International Musical Incorporation held at Swansea, Master Max Shepherd passed pianoforte exam with honours in 1st class. 174 marks out of possible 200. This is his 3rd successful exam in 18 months.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 July 1902, page 2

Jews' Hospital and Orphan Asylum. Election of pupils. Joseph Rosenberg of Swansea top with 593 votes.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 July 1902, page 29

Zionist meeting at the Temperance Hall. Banner presented to the local Zionist Society by lady Zionists. About 25 Shekolim sold, many new members enrolled, and a collection made for the JNF.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 1902, page 1

Mrs Rosenberg thanks all those ladies and gentlemen who kindly recorded their votes in favour of her son Joseph Rosenberg and secured his election to the Jews' Hospital and Orphan Asylum at the head of the poll.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 1902, page 21

Agnes Lilian Goldberg, Swansea, passed London University matriculation..

Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 1902, page 27

'New Jewish School Rooms in Swansea'
School accommodation was a long-felt want. In past have used a School Board school but the school used in the last 2 years was not central enough. Mr & Mrs Simon Goldberg, whose golden wedding is approaching, looked for a site but it was unattainable, so paid for accommodation 'under the roof of the synagogue'. Paid £250 for structural alterations. In recognition of this gift two small marble tablets were installed, one in the Hall recording a resolution passed by a General Meeting which elected Mr Goldberg Hon Life-President of the synagogue and another in the schoolroom recording the fact. Last Sunday the schoolroom was formally opened. The tablets were unveiled by Abraham Lyons. Also F.D. Owen spoke 'with whom the proposal for the formal recognition originated'

Jewish Chronicle, 15 August 1902, page 22

On Sunday last the newly-formed Swansea Jewish Literary Society held a general meeting. The rules were passed. Committee of Management elected: Mrs R. Joseph. Miss Jones, Messrs A. Deggots, Sol. Freedman, B.. Goldberg, M. Jacobs, A. Levy, Sol Lyons, D. Seline, and P. Sherman

Jewish Chronicle, 22 August 1902, page 5

Letter from Hyam Goldberg on 'The Voting System at the Jews' Hospital and Orphan Asylum'.
Has been recent correspondence on this subject. Thinks proposal put forward would be to disadvantage of provincial candidates who would have very little chance of being elected..
At the last election the writer and others interested themselves in a local and most deserving case 'and thanks to the efforts of a large number of friends' the candidate was elected. But just before, he had appealed to the Committee for support and 'was informed indirectly' that provincial candidates had very little chance of securing any votes at the disposal of the Committee. The Committee personally investigates any London case but are not in a position to judge the merits of the provincial cases.
It may be said that the provinces do not contribute proportionately to the institution and admits that more could and should be done to support charitable institutions but the provinces contribute as liberally as London, having regard to their numbers and the calls made upon them.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 August 1902, page 6

Letter from S. Louis Harris, Tredegar.
Gives figures for contributions &c by local provincial congregations to the Jews; Hospital ...

Centre of branch No. of Paying Seatholders No. of subscribers Total contributed
in synagogue

Bristol 74 15 £9. 9 .0
Cardiff 107 (1 child in institution) 29 16.16 .0
Merthyr 26 4 3. 3. 3
Newport 11 (3 children in institution) 11 5. 5. 0
Pontypridd 23 1 10. 6
Swansea 86 (2 children in institution) 16 13.13.. 0
West Monmouthsire
& Breconshire 36 33 18.18. 0

Proud of position in the list which is because of superior organisation. 'We have not allowed the conflicting elements of congregational matters to come between us in this noble charity, and our officers are all workers, not figureheads to grace the printed lists, and to work more effectively they are so appointed that every district has its worker'.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 September 1902, page 22

Meeting at Llanelly (including Mr Lippman [sic]. Swansea - described in Swansea 1901 Census as 'Jewish Minister'). Decided to buy Sepher Torah in London and 'to inform the Swansea Congregation that the Llanelly Jews had not withdrawn from that body'.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1902, page 29

Monthly meeting of the Committee of the Swansea Jewish Literary Society. Letter read from A.M. Hyamson, Hon Sec of thr Union of Jewish Literary Societies, that Dr J. Newman will deliver the opening address at the inaugural meeting of the Society on 2 November. Also a letter from Bertram Jacobs saying that he will read a paper on the 1st Sunday in February.
Rev A. Levin delivered an address in the King's Hall to a large audience on 'Why they should be Zionists'. Lecture much appreciatd and he was invited to lecture again next Sunday.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 October 1902, page 31

For the first time an overflow service was held in the King’s Hall. Presided over by Abraham Lyons and Michael Jacobs, ex-Wardens. The services in both places were conducted by the Revs Fyne and Miron assisted by octogenarian Simon Goldberg, JP (who read Musaph on the 2nd day) and Mr S. Solomon, and in the Hall by D. Taub [sic]. On the Saturday Rev Fyne made his annual appeal on behalf of the Hospital Sunday Fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 October 1902, page 33

At recent exam under the Central Welsh Board of Education Harry Lyons, son of Mr Sol Lyons, Stockwell Villas, Heathfield-road, gained junior certificate with honours in English language, French, Latin and Arithmetic.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 October 1902, page 2

'Society for Providing Strangers with meals on Sabbaths and Holydays'.
Per Rev M. Hyamson, F.D. Owen, 10s/6d

Jewish Chronicle, 17 October 1902 pp.7-8

Advance subscribers to Jewish Encyclopaedia.
Rev S. Fyne, Barnett Goldberg, Hyam Goldberg, Abraham Lyons.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 November 1902, page 31

Dr J. Snowman, a Vice-president of the Union of Jewish Literary Societies, last Saturday night delivered the inaugural address of the newly-formed Swansea Jewish Literary Society. In the King's Hall and the auditorium 'was literally packed'. He said main object of the Societies 'is to infuse Jewish intellectual life into the Jewish body politic - to get the Jew to know himself' through a knowledge and through acquaintance with their own history and literature. He read a paper 'The Position of Judaism in the Conflict between Religion and Science'.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 November 1902, page 2

Contributions towards fund re a disastrous fire at Tredegar.
S. Goldberg & Sons, 2.2.0. Mrs R. Joseph 1.0.0., Messrs Levi Brothers 10s 6d. Henry Barnett 10s 6. Michael Jacobs 10s.6d.
[JC 31 October 1902, page 3. Appeal for funds because fire resulted in the loss of life of the wife of Mr S.N. Levene, Shohet and Reader of the Tredegar congregation, leaving 2 children aged 2 and 3 months.
Other occupants of the house, Ellen Marks sister of the deceased and brother-in-law Harry Levene, both sustained severe injuries and are in the local infirmary and fear that they will be incapacitated for some time. The young woman broke a window and threw a child to someone in the crowd. She jumped but severed one of the arteries in her arm.]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 November 1902, page 33

Committee of local Public Library, under whose auspices free lectures are delivered every Saturday evening in the winter, invited Rev S. Fyne to give a lecture which he did last Saturday on 'Ten Tribes'. This was well received and has been asked to give another one.

On Sunday Rev Fyne gave the 2nd lecture to the Literary Society on 'Samaritans'.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 November 1902, page 31

Leeds. Lecture delivered on Friday evening by Mr Sherman of Swansea on 'Zionism'.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 December 1902, page 27

(1) The Swansea Zionist Association held its annual meeting at the Synagogue Chambers. The society
has been inscribed in the 'golden book of honour'. During the last 16 months £37 paid to the Joint Share Club, £28 towards JNF, £8 4s Shekolim, £2 19s 8d Federation fees, £1 towards the Coronation Medal, and £10 on lectures and meetings.
Elected for ensuing year: A. Levy, President (re-elected); Rev S. Fyne, Vice-president; Samuel Solomon, Treasurer; L. Weisbard, Hon Sec. (re-elected). Messrs Simon Solomon, K. Baddil, M. Goodman, M.A. Shepherd, H. Seligman, M. Galkin, N. Goidgen, H. Factor, M. Sefstein, W. Lawrence, D. Saul, Committee. Auditors H. Coffman, M. Sefstein.

(2) The public meeting of the Swansea Zionist and Library Association, originally for December 7, has been postponed because Father Ignatius unable to attend on tha date.

(3) Half-yearly meeting of Swansea Hebrew Mutual Loan Society. Rev S. Fyne in chair. Balance sheet income, principally for weekly contributions, of £12 8s, a capital of £88.14s, loan circulation of £89 15s.
New rule adopted 'That the Society admits new members twice a year at its half-yearly general meetings. That the same be advertised, or otherwise made known, a month before, so that those in the town or neighbourhood, who wish to become members, may send in their applications to the Hon.Secretary, all such applications to come before the general meeting, who have the power to admit or refuse to admit the various applicants. H. Coffman and B. Baddil re-elected and M.A. Shepherd elected Hon Sec, Treasurer, and Overseer respectively.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 December 1902, page 28

Naturalisations in November: Simon Mendelsohn, 11 Barlais [sic] Crescent, Swansea.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 December, page 2

Jews’ Hospital & Orphan Asylum. Acknowledge receipt of £10 10s from Simon Goldberg on his Golden Wedding.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 December 1902, page 28

9th annual meting of the Swansea Jewish Benevolent Society last Sunday. Income £35(?). Expenditure £39(?). A. Lyons re-elected President, Mrs M.L. Marks re-elected Treasurer, Miss Barnett Hon Sec declined to stand for re-election on the ground that ‘no one should have a monopoly in serving the Society’. Mrs B. Goldberg elected in her place. The Committee was re-elected. Auditors: W. Miron (re-elected), N. Rubenstein.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 December 1902, page 3

1. Kiddush cup presented to Mr S. Goldberg JP on occasion of his golden wedding

2. David Seline gave paper to Swansea Jewish Literary society ‘and others’ in the King’s Hall on ‘ The Jews in Rome and Greece after the Dispersion’.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 January 1903, page 23

Rev J. Polack of Clifton College spoke on ‘Shylock’ to the Literary Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 January 1903, page 32

Order Achei Brith. At invitation of Messrs Levinson and Snipper 3 delegates representing the Cardiff Lodge of the Grand Order Achei Brith visited Swansea for the purpose of forming a Lodge. This was formed and 27 members enrolled. M.A. Shepherd, W. Lawrence, L. Snipper, and M. Rosenfeld elected President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary respectively. The Secretary was instructed to communicate with Mr I. Zangwill to obtain his permission to name the Lodge after him. [Note. Morris Rosenfeld in 1901 Census at Mountain Ash]

Cambrian 16 January 1903

Swansea Property Committee. Application for extension of Jews’ Burial Ground agreed. Land sold for £150.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 January 1903, page 37

Last Thursday week concert in the Shaftesbury Hall under the auspices of the Literary Society at which local Jewish talent was displayed in pianoforte selections, violin solos, song, and recitations.
Also the meeting presented Mr & Mrs Miron with testimonial on their silver wedding. He has been hazan and shochet for past 2 years. The testimonial was a silver kiddush cup, a pair of silver candlesticks, and a purse of gold.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 January 1903, page 38

At recent exam of the London College of Music held at Swansea Reuben Freedman, 11 years, obtained certificate for violin playing 3rd grade.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 January 1903, page 31

Abraham Lyons, vice-president of the Literary Society, gave paper at the King’s Hall, on ’The Importance of Jewish History for Jews’

Jewish Chronicle, 30 January 1903, page 29

On Sabbath last Rev Philip Wolfers, late minister at Swansea, preached at the synagogue at Forest Gate on the occasion of bar mitzvah.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 February 1903, page 35

Report of first session of Newport’s Jewish Literary Society included note that David Seline gave paper on ‘The Jews of ‘Rome and Greece after the Dispersion’.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 February 1903, page 36

Debate on the question, ‘Is Political Zionism the Solution to the Jewish Question?’ by the Literary Society last Sunday. Chair Barnett Goldberg. Abraham Levy opened in affirmative, Abraham Lyons in negative. Hyman Goldberg, Rev S. Fyne, and M.A. Shepherd also spoke. Affirmative carried by 3 votes.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 February 1903, page 7

Letter from S. Fyne, minister, 46 Carlton Terrace, Swansea. On 17th a poor man died in the street. Items on him proved he was Jew and the Jewish community buried him. Among his papers was old card of the dissolved Ladies’ Tailors’ Union which gave his name as Miller Braize or Price. But in 2 Hebrew prayer books name stamped in Hebrew as Woolf Pressman. Believed to have been travelling tailor aged about 60.

[Note. Death registered as Wolf Preis March 1903 aged 60 Swansea 11a 572]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 March 1903, page 3

Death on 7 February at Port Elizabeth, South Africa, Harris Joseph, late pawnbroker, aged 74. Sorrowing children Mrs S. Shapiro, Mrs I Benjamin, Joe, Phoebe, Moss, and Rosie. Shiva at 10 Gorse Lane, Swansea.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 March 1903, page 36

Quarterly meeting of the Zionist Society. Sam Solomon, Treasurer, submitted financial report for quarter ending 2 February. Income £19 11s. Of that £10 2s went to the Share Club and £4 to the National Fund. The meeting favoured the formation of a District Committee at Cardiff of all Zionist Societies in S Wales and Monmouthshire.
The question of establishing a Union of all provincial societies in Manchester or any part of the UK was rejected.
The Wardens of the Beth Hamedrash have offered their services to sell shekolim and it was resolved to ask the officers of the other Jewish organisations in Swansea to follow this example.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 April 1903, page 31

Conference of delegates of the South Wales Zionist Societies at Cardiff to discuss advisability of forming a S Wales District Committee.
Agreed unanimously.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 April 1903, page 28

First annual meeting of the Swansea Jewish Literary Society. Elected: President A. Lyons; VicePresident D. Seline; Treasurer S. Freedman; Sec W. W. Miron. Committee: Mrs R. Joseph, Rev S. Fyne, Messrs H. Goldberg, M. Jacobs, S. Lyons, B. Goldberg, M. Mendleson, M. Joseph, N. Rubenstein, and A. Nathan.
H. Goldberg read paper on ‘Anglo-Judaism in the Nineteenth Century’.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 May 1903, page 1

Death on 24 April on board S.S. ’Oravia’ on way to England, of Moss Montague Moses of Iquique (Chile). Son of the late Emanuel and Esther Moses of Swansea. Grief of wife, children, brothers and sisters. 24 Brighton Rd, Stoke Newington.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 May 1903, page 31

The Talmudical Class under the auspice of the Zionist and Literary Association met on Saturday when the Masechat Sabbath was discussed. On Sunday a general meeting of the Association was held to arrange the details of the demonstration on 7 inst when Father Ignatius is to be chief speaker. The proceeds of the raffle of 2 framed pictures presented by M. Rosenfeld and M. Koffman have been handed to the National Fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 May 1903, page 31

Naturalisations in April. Louis Snipper, 34 Carlton Terrace, Swansea

Jewish Chronicle, 5 June 1903, page 27

Naturalisations in May. Simon Fyne, 46 Carlton Terrace, Swansea

Jewish Chronicle, 19 June 1903, page 38

Reference to the installation of the Israel Zangwill Lodge no. 21 of Order Achei Brith, founded last January at Swansea.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 October 1903, page 31

Session of the Literary Society opened by Albert M. Hyamason, Hon Sec of the Union who read paper on ‘Five Centuries of Anglo-Jewish History’ Explained new idea of Marranos in England between expulsion and readmission.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 November 1903, page 33

Third paper to Literary Society, by David Seline, Vice-president of the Society. On ‘David Garrick’. The chairman, Abe Lyons, President of the Society, read Goldsmith’s Epitaph on Garrick.
Last Sunday annual meeting of the Swansea Jewish Benevolent Society. Elected President, Mrs M.L. Marks; Treasurer, Mrs A. Rubenstein; Hon Sec, Mrs B. Goldberg (re-elected); Committee, Mesdames R. Joseph, H. Goldberg, P. Mendleson, A. Lyons, M. Jacobs, S. Fyne, I. Miron, A. Deggotts, the Misses Barnett and Levi, Abe Lyons, B. Goldberg, and E. Barnett. Auditors, Mrs David Seline, Mr M. Jacobs.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 December 1903, page 27

Fourth paper to Literary Society by Hyam Goldberg (President of the congregation) on ‘History and Influence of the Talmud’.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 December 1903, page 27

Paper to the Literary Society by S.J. Heilbron (London) on ’Wit, Wisdom and Women of the Talmud’.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 December 1903, page 32. Meeting of the Israel Zangwill Lodge 21, Swansea, of Achei Brith.

Elected, President M.A. Shepherd (re-elected); Vice-president M. Rosenfeld, Marshalls, Messrs L. Levinson and J. Black; Trustees Messrs S. Solomon, and A. Levi.
Among correspondence was letter from Rev S. Fyne in reply to a letter intimating that he was an honorary member . He refused as he could not associate himself with a society which bore then name of a person ‘who had lately broken the Covenant’. Discussed at length and passed resolution that while regretting the action of Mr Zangwill, ‘the Lodge expressed unabated confidence in him as a worker in the noble cause of elevating Jews and Judaism’ and decided to continue its name as before.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 January 1904, page 27

Rev J. Abelson BA of Bristol read paper to the Literary Society on ‘Some characteristics of Old Jewish Home Life’ -Jewish hospitality, table customs etc.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 January 1904, page 1

Death on 13 January at 18 Northampton Place in her 74th year Hinda Goldberg, wife of Simon, mother of Hyam and Barnett, Mrs Isaac Samuel, Cardiff, [Isabella Goldberg], and Mrs Harry Samuel, 9 Lauderdale Mansions, MaidaVale [Bertha Gooldberg]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 January 1904, pages 12-13

Obituary of Hinda Goldberg. She was very religious. She looked after the synagogue vestments which for over a quarter century she provided at her own expense.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 January 1904, page 32

Ahavath Zion Share Society. At a meeting it was decided to amalgamate with the Swansea Zionist & Literary Society. Elected for the Joint Societies: President, D. Crystal; Vice-president, D. Saul; Treasurer, H. Deggotts; Hon Sec M. Rosenfeld.
Committee: Mesdames Crystal and Levy; Messrs E. Deggotts, Simon Solomon, M.A. Shepherd, N. Bromish (?), A. Levy, N. Lawrence, H. Zeligman, and Glosberg. Balance Sheet of Ahavath Zion Share Society: Income £56 17s 9d. Of this sum 48 shares in the Jewish Colonial Trust were purchased and distributed among the members. Expenditure for the year, £ 16s 6d.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 February 1904, page 31

Paper ‘The Last Jewish Revolt’ to the Literary Society read by Abraham Lyons (President), Sol Lyons presided.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 February 1904, page 2

‘Soup Kitchen for the Jewish Poor’
List of donations including Mrs F.D. Owen, 5s.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 February 1904, page 32

General Council of the South Wales & Monmouthshire Zionist District Committee held at Brynmawr. Reference to ‘The co-operation of the two Swansea Societies was reported’.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 February 1904, page 33

Paper on ‘The Siege of Ladysmith’ read by M. Mendleson who was in Ladysmith during the siege.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 March 1904, page 27

Letters of administration of the effects of Mrs Hinda Goldberg who died intestate given to her husband. Value of estate £76 19s 8d.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 April 1904, page 23.

Article by Rev S. Fyne, ‘Why eat Matzo?’

Jewish Chronicle, 15 April 1904, page 27

2nd annual meeting of the Swansea Jewish Literary Society. Elected for ensuing year.
President, David Seline; Vice-president and Hon Sec, Rev S. Fyne; Treasurer, Barnett Goldberg.
Committee: Mrs R. Joseph, Messrs Hyman Goldberg, A. Lyons, Sol Lyons, A. Levy, A. Deggotts, S. Freedman S. Miron, M. Mendleson, and M. Rosenfeld together with honorary officers.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 April 1904, page 29

Naturalisations in March
Paul Schenker, 6 Goat Street, Swansea. (?)

Jewish Chronicle, 13 May 1904, page 32

Largely attended meeting of the Zionist and Share Society at the King’s Hall. Resolution deeply deploring death of Col A.E.W. Goldsmid.
A lecture by Rev S. Fyne ‘Zionism, Past, Present and Future’ followed.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 July 1904, page 34

M.B. writes: re the JC report of the annual conference of the Union of Jewish Literary Societies at which David Seline made a sweeping charge against the foreign element: ‘they in Swansea invited them, or some of them, to attend each of their meetings “free of charge” .’
This was news to the writer. He knew of no Literary meeting (except for the first, to establish the Society) where the public received a printed invitation (cf the Zionist Society which did so invite people). ‘If anything, the foreigners were plainly given to understand at the first meeting that they were not wanted, at least not until such time as they had thoroughly mastered the English language. The appeal of some forty to fifty foreign Jews at that meeting, that permission should be given to the Rev. S. Fyne to explain in Yiddish the meaning of “Literary” Society and its objects, was made in vain, and several foreigners left the Hall in disgust’.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 July 1904, page 27

Royal Visit to Swansea. The royal procession halted opposite the hospital where an address was offered to their Majesties by the chairman of the Board of Managers, Hyam Goldberg. Mr Samuel Eistein of Cardiff represented the Mory line of steamers at the ceremony of the cutting of the first sod of the new dock by the king and was present at the subsequent luncheon.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 July 1904, page 28

Hyam Goldberg, mentioned last week, is president of the Hebrew Congregation.
The South Wales Daily Post, on the day of the Royal Visit, printed ‘Appreciations’ of His Majesty in as many languages as could be procured. Rev S. Fyne wote in Hebrew.

At recent meeting of the Swansea Guardians Mr Stevens moved that 6s weekly be paid in respect of Jewish orphans. Sir
J.T. Llewellyn said he understood that there were 4 orphans the father having died about 2 years before and the mother recently. The 4 would be cared for by the Jewish community but all they asked was 6s for the 2 in a home. This was agreed.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 November 1904, page 27

The Literary Society held an inter-town debate (Swansea and Newport) in Swansea on ‘The system of selecting ministers needs amendment’. In favour of motion, Newport, against Swansea. Negatived by a large majority.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 December 1904, page 36

Rev S. Fyne had examined the children of Merthyr.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 December 1904, page 38

Rev S. Fyne examined children of Aberavon.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 December 1904, page 28

D. Seline read paper to the Merthyr and District Jewish Literary and Social Society on ‘The Jews of Greece after the Depression’.

Cambrian, 2 January 1905

Marriage on 22 December 1904 in South Africa of Rosalie Joseph late of Swansea to Louis Tubach of South Africa.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 January 1905, page 27

Mr J. Nestor Schnurmann of Cheltenham College read paper to the Literary Society on ‘Russian Literature’.

An illuminated address bearing 100 signatures was presented to Hyam Goldberg ex-President of the congregation at the King’s Hall. He has been closely associated with congregational affairs for upwards of 25 years and president for the last 3. He added schoolrooms, helped to enlarge burial ground, he created the Ladies’ Holy Vestment Society, took initiative in repairing the Scrolls of the Law, and was the inspiration behind the formation of the Literary Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 January 1905, page 26

Bro. A. Lyons installed as Worshipful Master of the Indefatigable Lodge of Freemasons no. 237, formed 1776. First Jew to occupy this position. He is ex-president of the congregation and is still on the committee. Also is on committee of every charitable organisation as well as of the Literary Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 January 1905, page 37

Mr M. Mendelson [sic] of Swansea read paper to the Merthyr and District Jewish Literary and Social Society on ‘My experiences during the siege of Ladysmith’.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 February 1905, page 3

‘National Tribute for the Children of Dr. Herzl’. Several contributions from Swansea.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 March 1905, page 20

Letter from ‘South Wales’.
Most congregations in South Wales have only a shochet, most of whom have little knowledge of Judaism. There are only two ministers, Rev S. Fyne at Swansea and Rev I. Raffalovitch of Merthyr. Thus there is little provision for spiritual and therefore much intermarriage. Need another minister who could visit smaller communities.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 March 1905, page 35

Meeting of Swansea Zionist Society. Resolved to reorganise the Society.
Elected: President, A. Levy; Treasurer, Rev S. Fyne; Hon Sec, S. Rubenstein; Committee: D. Saul, J. Cohen, L. Lawrence, M. Cohen,
M. Mendleson, S. Weisbard, E. Deggotts.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 March 1905 -31 March 1905

Letters in response. Some agree with analysis in part, others disagree.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 April 1905, page 35

The Sabbath and Festival Meals Society held their annual meeting. B. Goldberg presided. Balance sheet adopted. Rev S. Fyne re-elected Treasurer. Committee: Rev I. Miron, I. Seline, A. Deggotts, A. Rubenstein, and I. Nathan, re-elected. Auditors: I. Seline and S. Lyons.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1905, page 36

Quarterly meeting of the Isaac Zangwill Lodge no. 21 Swansea, of the Order Achei Brith. Elected [all Brothers]: President, D. Seline; Vice-president, L. Hyman; Treasurer, L. Snipper; Secretary, H. Silverstone; Marshalls, J. Black, H. Zeligman; Inside Guardian, D.Rosenbaum; Trustees, J. Struck, W. Lawrence, E. Marcus; Committee, A. Levy, P. Levy, M. Safter, E. Kirshner, N. Lidgen, B. Badiel, S. Bernstone and L. Barnett; Auditors, H. Glyn and S. Mendelsohn. Delegate to G.L. D. Seline.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 June 1905, page 31

Third annual meeting of the Swansea Jewish Literary Society.
Elected: President, D. Seline; Vice-president, A. Levy; Treasurer, B. Goldberg (2nd year); Hon Sec, W. Miron.

A Zionist meeting was held at the King’s Hall, A. Levy, President in the chair. Mr A. Val Frankenstein of London gave an address. Rev S. Fyne appealed for more members and about 80 joined.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1905, page 28

Public meeting under the auspice of the Swansea Branch of the Russian Jews’ Self-Defence Association was held in the Albert Hall, Swansea. S. Green, President, in he chair. Addressed by Revs S. Fyne and W. Tudor Jones PhD, and Mr Matt Giles. Lily Shepherd, Secretary, read messages of sympathy Collection made and several new members enrolled.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 October 1905, page 23

First reference to Rev M. Lubner at Swansea. Services conducted by Revs S. Fyne, I. Miron, and M. Lubner [and Simon Goldberg]. Lubner appointed to Swansea May 1906.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 October 1905, page 28

Chatan Torah Hyam Goldberg. Chatan Bereshit F.D. Owen.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 November 1905, page 15

Anglo-Jewish Association. General point about falling contributions from branches. ‘Swansea contributed an average of £8 annually for 13 years to 1891, and only 33 since’.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 November 1905, page 41

Fourth session of the Literary Society opened at the Shaftesbury Hall with lecture by B.. Benjamin of London on ’What was He?’ on the founder of Christianity.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 1905, page 31

Meeting of congregation. Resolution passed expressing horror and indignation at the Russian outrages. Fund opened an over £40 subscribed.
Meeting of Zionist Society. Resolution expressing grief at atrocities ’and blaming the Jewish leaders and aristocracy “all over the world” by their opposition to the Zionist movement for the loss of Jewish lives in Russia’.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 December 1905, page 2

Mr M.L. Marks, Picton Place, Swansea, thanks for condolences for his sister Mrs B.S. Marks. ’[Zipporah, married to Barnett. Died Fulham.]

Jewish Chronicle, 15 December 1905, page 36

In response to an invitation from the committee of the Swansea Public Library the Rev S. Fyne last week delivered a ’Saturday Free Lecture’. He spoke on aims and objects of Zionism. The lecture will be printed by request.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 December 1905, page 2

Mrs R. Joseph thanks for sympathy on her illness and bereavement. 4 Northampton Place.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 December 1905, page 1

Death on 19 December at 4 Northampton Place, of Rosabella Joseph, in her 79th year, sister of Mr M.L. Marks.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 December 1905, page 35

Tribute to Mrs Rosabella Joseph. Orthodox, until recently honorary teacher at the Hebrew Classes. Much charitable work. Served on committee of the Jewish Benevolent Society from its foundation and last year was its President. A regular attender at weekly meetings of the Charity Organisation and was deeply interested in the South Wales Deaf and Dumb Institute. Scholarly and poetic. Especially at writing acrostics, several of which were accepted by Queen Victoria, the King and Queen, and the Prince & Princess of Wales.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 January 1906, pages 30-31

Owing to growth of the community have secured from Corporation an additional plot for the cemetery, which was consecrated last Sunday. Simon Goldberg JP has financed the building of a Mortuary Hall in memory of his wife who died 2 years age.

Mr Michael Adler of London read a paper last Sunday to the Literary Society on ‘Cromwell and his work’.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 January 1906, page 33

Order Achei Brith. Quarterly General Meeting of the 1.Zangwill Lodge No. 21 Swansea, held at the King’s Hall on Sunday.
Bro L. Hofman ,vice-chairman, in chair. Balance sheet: income £88, expenditure £60. Cash in bank £79. Membership 45.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 February 1906, page 33

Swansea Zionist Society held debate on Sunday on ‘Is Territorialism an Opposition to Zionism?’ Carried by large majority. Participants: Rev S. Fyne, W. Lawrence,- Shepherd, H. Zeligman, R. Zeligman, A. Barer, H. Silverstone, A. Levy, W.Weisbard,
L. Hyman, D. Crystol, L. Huwiitz.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 February 1906, page 23

At a largely attended meeting it was agreed unanimously to from a branch of ITO at Swansea.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 March 1906, page 38-39

At the conclusion of a lecture at the Jewish Literary Society, Mr David Davies (editor of the South Wales Daily Post) who presided was presented with an illuminated address and a copy of Graetz’s History of the Jews. Ernest Barnett made the presentation on behalf of the Jewish community and said they were a slight acknowledgement of the services rendered by Mr Davies in connection with the Swansea fund in aid of the suffering of the Jews of Russia. The fund had reached £212 which was highly satisfactory, ‘and especially as denoting the sympathy and respect which the Jewish community enjoyed among the non-Jewish townspeople. As the wording of the address showed, their grateful feelings towards Mr. Davies were not on account solely of his ready and earnest advocacy of the Russian fund, but of his consistent goodwill and broadmindedness in all matters relating to the Jewish people’.
Mr Davies in response spoke of ‘the most interesting race in the world - a race which had always fascinated him by reason of the wonderful endurance during the ages, its intense intellectuality, its solidarity, and, above all, the tragic character of its history since the great dispersion’.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 April 1906, page 38

Order Achei Brith. General Meeting of Swansea Lodge. Bro D. Seline in chair. Elected: D. Seline, President; L. Hyman, Vice-President; L. Snipper, Treasurer; H. Silverstone, Secretary; B. Goldberg, W. Lawrence, G. Glasberg, Grustees; J. Black, L. Guard, Marshalls; S. Barlin, Inside Guardian and Collector; A. Lyons, H.Zeligman, Auditors. A committee of 8 also elected.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 May 1906, page 1

Death in South Africa of Maurice Harries aged 68 brother of B. and J. Harries, Swansea.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 May 1906, page 30

At General Meeting of congregation on Sunday Rev Morris Lubner elected Hazan, Shochet etc.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 July 1906, page 47

Gen Meeting of Zionist Society. Expressed appreciation of services rendered to the Society and to cause of Zionism by Rev S. Fyne and regret at his leaving Swansea

Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 1906, page 28

Hatan Torah: B. Goldberg. Hatan Bereshith: A. Lyons

Jewish Chronicle, 26 October 1906, page 34

Naturalisations in September. Albert Rubenstein, 24 Gower St, Swansea

Jewish Chronicle, 9 November 1906, page 34

Meeting in favour of erecting a new Beth Hamedrash, started several years ago, now nearing realisation. Work has been much interrupted by lack of funds. Last Sunday a public meeting was held to secure ‘fresh assistance’. Great success. Messrs D. Sohl [sic], H. Chavinson, A. Levy, and N. Chavinson each promised to contribute 2,000 bricks. Messrs Silver, Schneider, Silverston, Blank, Guard, Lewis, Crystal, Dennis, Hyman and Gadzin each 1,000 bricks. D. Zusman offered 6 cart-loads of stones, Silverston and Zusman each offered 3 cart-loads of stones, A. Sheferd(si) offered paint and H. Fein glass and labour for the entire building. Kaufman offered a perpetual lamp and P. Zieler 5 guineas.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 December 1906, page 35

Leon Simon of London addressed large meeting of Zionists. Also his visit was in connection with the Literary Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 January 1907, page 13

Obituary of Simon Goldberg JP
Born February 1823 in Schneidermuhl. Has been in Swansea for 67 years. In 1895 made JP. Long-time member of the Board of Management of Swansea Hospital and President and Treasurer of the Jewish congregation for many years. Gave many gifts to the synagogue. Reconstructed and equipped the new synagogue schoolrooms in 1902 and was elected honorary Life President in appreciation. Oldest Freemason in the town. Director of the Atlantic Patent Fuel Co. Chairman of Glamorgan Building Society, Came to Swansea in 1839 and at first was a traveller in jewellery. Entered other branches of business and in 1864 became a shipowner, being senior partner with sons Hyam and Barnett.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 January 1907, page 24

An article on ‘Kingsley and the social problems of his day’ has been contributed by Miss Florence Goldberg of Swansea to the Westminster Review.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 January 1907, page 30

Rev H.J. Sandheim, new minister at Swansea, presented his inaugural sermon last Sabbath.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 May 1907, page 33

John L. Jacobs of London elected to represent Swansea at Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 November 1907, page 26

Meeting held, resolved to form a Swansea Naturalisation Society. Elected: President and Treasurer, A. Lyons, Hon Sec, S. Rubenstein, Committee, G. Levi, W. Lawrence, A Kiseff and C. Coffman.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 March 1908, page 31

Annual meeting of the Literary Society. Rev H. J. Sandheim re-elected President, B. Goldberg Treasurer and Miss Shepherd, Hon Sec. Committee of 13 formed. Rev Simon Jones, BA, Unitarian Minister, gave lecture on ‘The Old Testament and Socialism’ - the last lecture of a successful session. ‘Mr. Jones paid a high tribute to the teachings of Judaism as remedies for the many modern social evils‘

Jewish Chronicle, 8 May 1908, page 32

Comfortable Board-residence for Jewish lads. Religious teaching supervised.. Visitors and commercial gentlemen accommodated.- 55 St George’s Terrace. Rev. I. MIRON’.
[repeated 22 May 1908, page 29]

Jewish Chronicle, 15 May 1908, page 35

Members of the Young Israel Society made a presentation to their late teacher, Mr S. Solomon, a large silver Kiddush cup. Inscribed ‘Presented to Mr. S. Solomon by his past pupils as a mark of affection and esteem, Swansea, 5668-1908’. Speeches were made by Masters Hyman Finkelblech (President), J. Manchester, Deggotts, Dennis, L.Sefstone, H. Sefstone, L. Lyons, A. Silverstone, and L. Crystol. Papers on ‘Poverty’ by Master I. Levi, and ’Charity’ by Master M. Dennis, were read. The Society is almost entirely managed by the boys and has a large membership.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 July 1908, page 19

Re the Olympic Games. Abe Freedman of Swansea, a member of the Welsh Swimming Association, has been appointed a Steward at the Games.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 October 1908, page 32

Mrs S. Green has presented a handsome curtain for the ark to the Beth Hamedrash, Prince of Wales Road, for the High Festivals.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 October 1908, page 25

WANTED, Experienced Hebrew Teacher, good disciplinarian, must be able to translate into English, good Baal-Korah. Salary 30/- a week, with promotion. Splendid opening for a capable man. Apply to the President, Mr. S. Green, 2, George-street’.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 October 1908, page 32

Annual Church Parade of ‘The Old Volunteers’ to celebrate Trafalgar Day. ‘Mr. E. Levi being among the veterans’.

The half-yearly meeting of the Talmud Torah was held in the rooms of the Beth Hamedrash, Mr S. Green, President, in the chair.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 November 1908, page 32

Mr D. Seline (Swansea) read paper on Early Jewish Life in England’ at meeting of the Bristol Jewish Social and Debating Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 December 1908, page 13

Special service for children held at synagogue. Maariv read by Master Isaac Levi and lights kindled by Master Harry Davies. Address by Rev H. J. Sandheim. Concluded by singing of Hatikvah by Fev M. Lubner and children.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 January 1909, page 26

Abe Freedman, a Welsh Rugby Union referee, writes to support idea of ‘a Jewish International Rugby’.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 June 1909, page 7.

Solomon Abrahams died, the eldest surviving son of late Rabbi Abraham Abrahams, chief shochet in London. Brother of late Rev Barnett Abrahams and of Mr Mordecai Abrahams. His widow was daughter of late David Fraenkel, sometime President of the Swansea synagogue. [Died 1873]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 September 1909, page 13

Interview with Dayan Hyamson on 25 years of ministry.
Re appointment of ministers to provincial congregations. As soon as he was appointed, the Delegate Chief Rabbi visited them and found that the smaller congregations needed competent Hebrew teachers.
‘My own experience in Swansea shows how great this need was. When I came to Swansea I had a class of between forty and fifty children. There were several girls of 15 and 16 who did not know their aleph-bet and the big boys could read but did not know the translation of the shemah [in Hebrew].’
‘Mr. Hyamson described how within a fortnight altered these conditions…’.
Also he ’had to represent the congregation to the outside world. “When I was at Swansea’” he stated, “I lectured before the South Wales Royal Institution every year on Jewish literature and thus did some good.” ‘

Jewish Chronicle, 22 October 1909, page 3

Ref to JNF Commission at Swansea. Hon Collector M. Foner.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 November 1909, page 13

Annual meeting of Chevra Shass, held at the Beth Hamedrah. Elected: A. Herman, President; G. Lewis, Treasurer; G. Beckman, Secretary; and a Committee [unnamed].

Jewish Chronicle, 10 December 1909, page 13

Rev S. Levy MA preached in synagogue on Saturday and lectured at the Literary Society on Sunday on ‘Personality in Jewish History’. Mr Hyam Goldberg presided.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 December 1909, page 14

Arrangements have been made for lectures on the work of the Anglo-Jewish Association by Mr J. Prag.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 December 1909, page 34

Annual Chanukah service at the synagogue, ’close upon 200 children attending’. Fully choral service by Master Louis Goldstone and Master Sam Finkelblech who kindled the lights. Address by Rev H.J.Sandheim. Afterwards each child received a bag of sweets and fruit and a coin, the gift of Mr & Mrs L. Hyman. [Not in Swansea in 1911 Census].

Jewish Chronicle, 7 January 1910, page 11

Meeting of the Zionist Society was held at the Shaftesbury Hall when Miss Helena Weisberg of Manchester addressed a large audience on ’Zionist Idealism’. A society, ‘Swansea Daughters of Zion’, was formed and members pledged themselves to support the Jewish Women’s League for cultural work in Palestine. Elected: Mrs I. Levy, President; Mrs Weisberg, Vice-President; Mrs A. Levy, Treasurer; Miss Rachel Levy, Hon Sec; and Committee [unnamed].

Jewish Chronicle, 4 February 1910, page 19

Beattie Saul, Dora Baddiel, Harry Davies, and Abraham Silverstone of the Swansea Hebrew Classes have been awarded Asher Myers Memorial Prizes for Jewish History, presented by the Jewish Historical Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 February 1910, page 15

1. Mock General Election held at the Young Israel Society’s meeting. Liberal elected. Decided to send annual contribution to Swansea Hospital.

2. Meeting of Daughters of Zion Association. Mrs Sinsfsky [sic] gave a reading on Jewish history.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 March 1910, page 13

Meeting of the Literary Society. Joseph Prag JP lectured on work and objects of the Anglo-Jewish Society. Decided to form a branch of the AJA. Mr S. Green consented to act as Treasurer and Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 March 1910, page 14

Mr M. l. Marks is 70 today. Born in Swansea in 1840. He is a Trustee and is Senior Member of the Swansea Hebrew Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 May 1910, page 13

Swansea Guardians had before them an unusual case in which a Jewess, a dressmaker, appeared before the Committee for relief. She told the Guardians that on the death of her husband the Hebrew congregation had set her up in business but as she had not contributed to their funds she had not appealed to them again. Dr Gomer Lewis said that during his long experience only 3 or 4 Jewish applicants. ‘The Guardians thought it best, in view of the disinclination of Jews to come on the rates, to consult the Hebrew Congregation before granting relief’.

Mr H. R. Lyons has been successful in the final exam (LDS Eng) in dental surgery. [In Hampstead in 1911]

Jewish Chronicle, 20 May 1910, page 11

Meeting of members of local branch of AA. Alfred Mond MP unanimously elected President and ex-officio representative on the Council.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 July 1910, page 27

A Ladies Society has been established in Swansea (in article on Zionist Societies.)

Jewish Chronicle, 29 July 1910, page 2

Jews’ Orphan Asylum election

1.Advert. The workers in the case of Abraham Goldstein (Swansea) thank all who recorded a vote in his favour.

2. List of votes for candidates. He was top of unsuccessful candidates but Ada Goldstein apparently successful.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 July 1910, page 2

Swansea Hebrew Educational Board. Wanted 2 Assistant Teachers. £52 p.a. Applications to S. Rubenstein, 24 Gower Street, Swansea.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 August 1910, page 11

‘The Chevra Shass held a Siyum on Sunday of a Talmud tractate. Rabbi Ellinson and Mr. S. Green, President of the Beth Hamedrash, gave expositions. Mr. E. Fonner [sic] also spoke. A collection was made on behalf of the Talmud Torah’.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 August 1910, page 22

Morgan Jones, a young visitor to Langland Bay, got into difficulties when bathing. Myer Goodman, 17-year old son of M.D. Goodman of Merthyr rescued him. He was highly praised in the local press.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 November 1910, page 11

Rev S. Fyne, ex-minister of Swansea, and now rabbi of the Montefiore congregation, Philadelphia, has received Rabbinical Diploma.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 November 1910, page 15

1. Annual meeting of congregation. Elected: Abe Freedman, President; D. Saul, Treasurer.

2. Louis Simon delivered inaugural lecture at Literary Society on ‘ Achad Ha’am’.

3. Rev H. J.Sondheim lectured at the Neath Brotherhood in connection with the YMCA, on ‘The Message of Judaism and some Social Questions; and also the Progressive League at the Unitarian Church on ‘ The Discipline of Judaism’.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 November 1910, page 18

1. Under auspices of the Zionist Society, meetings will be held at the Beth Hamedrash every Sunday at 5.30 when debates on Zionism and Nationalism will be held.

2. Annual Meeting of Chevra Shass held. Elected: A. Herman, President; Rabbi B. J. Ellison, Treasurer; G. Beckman, Hon Sec and Collector; and Committee.

3. Annual Meeting of Beth Hamedrash and Talmud Torah. Income £194. Elected: S. Green, President; M. Foner, Treasurer and Hon Sec; J. Lewis and M. Shatz, Auditors; and Committee.

4. Meeting of Literary Society. Rev Sondheim spoke on ‘Position of Women in Judaism’. At close of meeting, illuminated address to Isaac Seline, 35 years as Marriage Secretary and long loyal service to the congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 December 1910, page 16

Winding up meeting of the first Swansea Jewish Naturalisation Society. 20 members have been naturalised by means of the Society. Decided to convene a meeting to form a second Naturalisation Society.

Annual meeting of the Jewish Benevolent Society. Restricted to resident poor. Expenditure £125. Mrs B. Goldberg and Mrs M. L. Marks re-elected President and Treasurer respectively.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1910, page 13

1. Annual meeting of the Hebrew Self-help Society. A. Levy in chair. D. Saul re-elected Treasurer. D. Baddiel, Secretary, and a Committee. Presentation made to Mr Deggotts for his good work as Treasurer during 7 years.

2. Jack M. Myers of London lectured at the Jewish Literary Society on ‘Liberal Judaism’. Rev H. J. Sondheim presided.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 January 1911, page 16

1. Congregational Classes examined by Mr A. Hyams BA of Newport. Satisfactory.

2. General meeting of Daughters of Zion Association, held at Siddall Buildings. Re-elected: Miss Lily Shepherd, President; Miss Rachel Levi, Secretary. Elected: Miss Annie Sonnenfeld, Vice-President; Mrs L. Weisbard and Miss S. Saul, Treasurers; and Committee.

3. Lecture on ‘The Need for Zionism and the Cause of Delay in its Consummation’, by Mr T. Shepherd of Ystalyfera. At the Beth Hamedrash.

4. Abraham Lyons, David Seline, and L. Rubinstein, the President, Solicitor, and Secretary respectively of the first Swansea Jewish Naturalisation Society received presentations in appreciation of their efforts. That society’s aim has now been achieved and is being succeeded by a second one.

[Note.Lectures to outside bodies. Eg Abe Freedman to Merthyr & District Jewish Literary Society on ‘The Poor of the Big City’; Also H.J. Sondheim, frequently.]

Jewish Chronicle, 3 March 1911, page 2

Elections to Jews’ Hospital & Orphan Asylum. Abraham Goldstein, Swansea, elected.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 March 1911, page 14

Dance in aid of the Jewish Ladies’ Benevolent Society. Addition to funds £45.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 April 1911, page 28

Meeting held of the Order of Ancient Maccabeans (Friendly Society) to form Swansea branch. 50 people attended. Elected: Bros. A. Freedman, Commander; A. Levy, Deputy Commander; W. Lawrence, Treasurer; A. B. Levy, Secretary; and a Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 June 1911, page 15

Dayan Hyamson visited Swansea. He was the congregation’s first minister, 1884-8. Examined the Classes and also the pupils of the Talmud Torah at the Beth Hamedrash. E. Deggots died during his visit.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 June 1911, page 42

Order of Ancient Maccabeans. Ref to the ‘Rabbi Akiba Beacon (Swansea)’.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 July 1911, page 34

Installation at Swansea in connection with the Rabbi Akiba Beacon. Installed: [as at meeting of 14 April} plus A. Kesseff, L.Hyman, and M. Lawrence, Trustees; and Committee.,

Jewish Chronicle, 11 August 1911, page 11

1. Rev B. Liebermann of Oxford preached at Swansea synagogue on Sabbath.

2. The Chevra Gemorah held a Siyum Massechsa Rosh Hashanah on Sunday at the Beth Hamedrash. Large attendance because this was the first Siyum of a Massechsa held under the supervision of the new rabbi, Rabbinowitz. The members were addressed by Rabbinowitz, Rev H. J.Sondheim, and others.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 August 1911, page 24

Ref to S. Green of Swansea, ‘a veritable pillar of his community, a really great Talmudic scholar, and a true lover of his people’.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 September 1911, page 17

General Meeting under the auspices of the Swansea Zionist Society, the Rabbi Akiba Beacon [Order of Ancient Maccabeans], and the Daughters of Zion Association, to hear report of M. Foner, delegate to 10th Zionist Congress.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 January 1912, page 26

Walter Hyman lectured to the Jewish Lit Soc on ‘Jewish Proverbs’. E. M. Levy BA presided.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 January 1912, page 32

Rev Dr Berlin of Manchester lectured on Sunday to the Lit Soc on ‘Superstition and Judaism’ and inspected and addressed the religion classes. He also preached in the synagogue on Sabbath.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 January 1912, page 18

Letter from A. Levy, ‘Carmel’, Eaton Grove, Swansea, complaining that the United Synagogue dominates the election of the Chief Rabbi.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 January 1912, page 26

1. Meeting of Beth Hamedrash. Presentation of a cup to Mr T. Shepherd of Ystalyfera by S. Green and M. Foner (ex-Wardens) for services rendered during the last high festivals.

2. Isaac Goodman, sec of the English Zionist Federation delivered lecture and slide show at Shaftesbury Hall on ‘Scenes of Life in Palestine’. first time the slides shown to an English [sic] audience.

3. Meeting of the Beth Hamedrash. Resolved: The Beth Hamedrash promises to contribute to the Chief Rabbi’s Fund if the promise that any Jewish place of worship that contributes is entitled to participate in the election of the Chief Rabbi in proportion to the number of seat holders. But if the Chief Rabbi is otherwise elected it reserves its submission to the authority of any Chief Rabbi so elected.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 February 1912, pages 21-22

1. Letter opposes views expressed in point 3 of 26 January. Mentions there are 60 members of the Beth Hamedrash and that there are members of both the Beth Hamedrash and the synagogue.

2. Rev H. J. Sondheim read paper on ’Judaism and Women’ to the Women’s Freedom League.

3. Annual Ball in aid of Jewish Benevolent Society at the Albert Hall. Raised £25.

4. At the Lit Soc short papers were read by Miss Leah Levy on ‘The Jewish Young girl of Today’; Abe Levy on ‘The Jewish Worker’; Hirshman on ‘Is the Usual Jewish Talk Fair?’; and Abe Freedman on ‘Schnorrers I have known’.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 January 1917, page 2

In Memoriam notice for Hyman Finkelblech died 23 December 1915. Was founder and first president of Swansea Jewish Zionist Society

Jewish Chronicle, 24 August 1917, page 12

Obituary of John I. Jacobs who died on Saturday morning in his 62nd year. Born Swansea, he was initiated into shipping because his father and uncles were ship owners in Swansea.  J. I. Jacobs was articled to Messrs Taylor & Streatfield of London in 1872 and in 1879 set up own business as John I. Jacobs & Co, 6 Billiter St, EC. At one time he had 18 sailing ships. He was one of the first to reconstruct cargo steamers for carrying molasses in bulk or for oil. For many years he was chairman of Institute of Ship Brokers which he helped to found.
He was also a founder of the Glamorgan Society in London, and a committee member of several Jewish organisations including membership of the Board of Deputies.  Member of the Board of Management of the Central Synagogue. He was unmarried and his two brothers and two sisters survive him.  The surviving partner is Joseph H. Jacobs a son-in-law of Sir Adolph Tuck.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 December 2008

Church wants to buy Welsh Synagogue [extract]
by Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore

Swansea Hebrew Congregation is selling its 67-year-old synagogue building to a church group. The community has less than a dozen-and-a-half active members with an average age of 70. Others have moved away but retain membership for burial or sentimental reasons.
If the sale to the LifePoint Church is completed, the congregation will be able to rent a small hall in the premises to continue services.
[This is just an extract from the report]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 September, 2009

Swansong for Synagogue.  Press cutting.

From an unknown newspaper 2009

Closure of Swansea Synagogue - Synagogue had to be sold to fund Cemeteries work. Press cutting

Jewish Chronicle, 17 December 2009

Michael Howard pays to restore Swansea cemetary(sic) [extract]
by Robyn Rosen

Michael Howard has helped to pay for the restoration of a vandalised Jewish cemetery in Swansea, where his father was buried.
The United Synagogue’s burial team was asked to restore Townhill Cemetery, which is now closed, by Mr Howard and the local Jewish community.
Mr Howard, the former Conservative leader, offered to pay for some of the team’s expenses and asked for his father, who was buried there in 1966, to be moved to Bushey cemetery to join his late mother.
[This is just an extract from report.]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 2010

Rabbi's window on a Swansea childhood (extract)
by Jay Grenby

As a six-year-old in 1956, Cockfosters and North Southgate Synagogue, Rabbi Yisroel Fine was pictured with his mother at the opening of a new shul for Swansea Hebrew Congregation. Now 54 years later, the Welsh shul's stained glass windows, so familiar from his childhood, have been installed in the Cockfosters building.
When the Swansea shul closed last year, Rabbi Fine was alerted to the concern of the community's few remaining members for the future of the windows - a set of nine illustrating the festivals and a further set of 12 for the tribes of Israel.
[This is just an extract from the report]


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