[Page 745]
Yehoshua Shwartz
Translated by Lazer Mishulovin
That tragic dark time, although it is already many years past, this poor shtetl Lishe, will in my memory always remain. extended a murderous rule, Ridiculed and humiliated the kdoshim,[1] And then drove them to the slaughter. |
Heaven forbid, we forget, our destroyed community; Forever remember the bitter end, The day twenty-seven of Av.[2] To remember and always remind, the destruction of the Third Temple,[3] Millions were killed on kidush-hashem,[4] |
1. | Kdoshim – Holy-ones, Jewish martyrs who were murdered for no other reason other than being Jewish. Their death is considered to be a sanctification of G-d's name, hence the term kdoshim, holy-ones. |
2. | Av – The eleventh month of the Hebrew calendar, also a month of mourning for the destruction of two Holy Temples, see footnote 3. |
3. | Third temple - There were two Holy Temples that were destroyed in antiquity by non-Jewish oppressors on the Ninth of Av. The author here is referring to the destruction of the Lishe [Wielka Glusha] Jewish community on the twenty-seven of Av as the destruction of the third holy temple. |
4. | Kidush-hashem – Sanctification of G-d's name. See footnote 1. |
Yehoshua Shwartz
Translated by Lazer Mishulovin
In memory of my father, Moshe the religious man. | My relatives: uncles and aunts, |
I remember, he was pale and haggard. | Distant and close neighbors; |
From the beit-midrash[1] late he would come, | Friends, associates and cousins, |
In his hands his talit[2] with the old siddur[3]. | I will never forget anyone. |
My mother Chaia-Yehudit, peace be on her, | And our goyim[8] and even the good ones, |
A righteous woman, loyal and soft-spoken, | Robbed away from the Jews the last penny. |
To travel to Eretz Yisrael[4] was her dream | They stand by their huts in good spirit, |
And on her lips always rested a prayer. | Looking on the Jews with the yellow patches. |
My mother, the religious woman, who | The goyim all pressed and fresh, |
Never missed to recite her entire psalms and prayers; | With no shame or embarrassment, |
Went to slichot[5] predawn to beseech G-d, | Watch how the enemy drives the k’doshim from Lishe; |
Read the Yiddish-Chumash[6] and counted the omer[7]. | Young and old, infant, man, and woman. |
In memory of Pinchas, my brother the good man, | A child breaks out with a bitter cry; |
Alone he remained with my mother, | He cannot comprehend what happened here. |
Assisted, comforted, and watched; | For what sin? – asks the child; |
Until the murder in the ghetto they were together. | Why do we deserve such suffering and pain? |
A great Torah scholar was Reb Moshe Chaim: | That is how the Jews of Lishe and its surroundings went, |
A Jew, a humble, and a G-d-fearing man. | On kidush-hashem without any why and without any reason. |
He was in Lishe, the Rabbi, | Driven to Kamin together, like sheep all, |
Until the destruction of the twenty-seventh of Av. | Brutally murdered, all together |
1. | Beis-medresh – House of Study and prayer. |
2. | Talis – Prayer shawl. |
3. | Siddur – Prayer book. |
4. | Eretz Yisrael – Land of Israel. |
5. | Sliches – Supplication prayer recited during the week before Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year. |
6. | Yiddish- Chumush – The Pentateuch with Yiddish translation. |
7. | Omer – The forty-nine day period between the Jewish holidays Passover and Shevues (Pentecost) |
8. | Goyim – Gentiles. |
See endnotes on poem p. 745 Never Will I Forget
K'doshim – Holy-ones, Jewish martyrs who were murdered for no other reason other than being Jewish. Their death is considered to be a sanctification of G-d's name, hence the term k'doshim, holy-ones. Kidush-hashem - Sanctification of G-d's name. Lishe 51°49' 25°03', is a name for Glusha, [Wielka Glusha]. |
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