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Translation of
Sefer ha-zikaron le-kehilat Kamien Koszyrski ve-ha-seviva
Edited by: A. A. Stein, et al.
Published in Tel Aviv: Former Residents of Kamin Koshirsky
and surroundings in Israel, 1965 (H,Y)
Project Coordinator
This is a translation from: Sefer ha-zikaron le-kehilat Kamien Koszyrski ve-ha-seviva, Kamen Kashirskiy Book
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Kamin Kashyrskyi
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the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Chapter Title | Author | Page # |
Hebrew Section | ||
Map | 9 | |
Introduction | Chaim Lazar Litai | 13 |
The Jewish Town That No longer Exists | A. Ramba | 21 |
Foreword | The Editorial Board | 25 |
The Activities in Israel of the Jewish Survivors of Kamin-Koshirski and its Surroundings | Fishel Leizeruk | 27 |
Events and Dates to Remember | 31 | |
The Towns as They Were in Their Time and Place | ||
The Beginnings of Kamen-Kashirskiy | Y. Krost / A.M. Orzhitser | 37 |
An Exemplary and Glorious Community | Baruch Melamed | 39 |
My Town Kamien-Koszyrski | Shmuel Aba Klurman | 43 |
Childhood in the Shadow of Pogroms | Bracha Gazit | 45 |
Childhood and Youth in a Village | Bat-Sheva Rabiner | 49 |
Memories of Kamen-Kashirskiy | Mina Karsh-Soloveitchik | 53 |
The Uniqueness of Our Town | Yosef Gananni | 55 |
The Zionist Movement in Our Town | Yaakov Plot | 57 |
The Beginnings of Hashomer Hatza’ir in Our Town | Bracha Ben Yehonatan | 61 |
The Freiheit Organization | Ze’ev Vaton | 63 |
The Founding of the School and Its Influence in the Village | D. Kuten | 65 |
The Dayanim Controversy | Abish Klurman | 69 |
The War of Yesterday and Tomorrow | Baruch Stoller | 71 |
My Town Glusha | Berl Greenberg | 73 |
A Visit to the Town after its Destruction | Moshe Paltieli (Plot) | 81 |
Mala Glusha and Wielka Glusha | Reuven Grabov | 85 |
The Jews of Vul'ka Shchityn’ska and Cherche | Yoel Eidess / Iser Oremland | 87 |
Mala Glusha and the Surrounding Area | Reuven Grabov | 89 |
The Holocaust and Heroism | ||
September 1939 – the Beginning of the End | Shmuel Abba Klurman | 101 |
The Holocaust – Outbreak of the War | Avraham Biber | 103 |
Thus was I Saved | Scheindl Buckler | 113 |
Avenged and Paid For | Ben-Zion Malik | 122 |
From the Mouth of Survivors | D. Kattan | 125 |
Rosh Hashanah in the Forest | Moshe Paltieli (Plot) | 129 |
A Little Girl Among Wolves | Masha Wolfstall | 131 |
The Forest Gathered Us | Ze'ev Ingberg | 143 |
Annihilation and Vengeance | Dov Amit (Berish Drug) | 145 |
The Destruction of Pnevno | Mendel Chazan | 177 |
By the Grace of the Rabbi's Kaddish | Moshe Paltieli (Plot) | 187 |
The Jewish Partisan’ War in Eastern Europe | Moishe Kahanowitz | 189 |
About the Village that Was – and is Not | Simcha Lavi | 199 |
People and Personalities | ||
Images | Baruch Melamed | 205 |
The Rabbi Benzion Gynzberg zl | Eliezer Gynzberg | 211 |
Two Old People | Noah Cohen | 213 |
Reb Yitzhak Ben Shalom Friedmann | Benjamin Barg | 215 |
A Portrait of the Ritual Slaughterer Yitzhak, The Son of Reb Moishe | Yisroel Poznanski | 217 |
Baruch Rubinstein zl and his Family | Avraham Biber | 219 |
My Father, Mordecai Lehrmann | Bracha Ben-Yehonatan | 221 |
A Portrait of Yosef (Yossele) Segal zl | Dov Amit (Berish Drug) | 223 |
To The Memory of Our Dear Ones, Deprived of Their Lives at the Hands of the Nazis | Nechama Greenstein | 223 |
My Mother, Malka Gortenstein | Yosef Gananni | 225 |
Hanniah Malik | Frieda Malik | 227 |
Shmuel Wolinietz | Berl Greenberg | 229 |
Lema Klurman | Bracha Ben-Yehonatan | 231 |
Lema The Builder and Hero | Asher Shofet (zl) | 233 |
Lema The Personality | Simcha Lavi | 235 |
Baruch-Asher Shapira | Eliezer Shapira | 235 |
To the Memory of Moishe (Munick) Zeltzer | Moishe Font | 243 |
Yiddish Section | ||
Foreword | The Editorial Board | 249 |
The Town in Construction | ||
Various Sources about Kamen-Kashirskiy | A.M. Arzhitser / J. Krost | 251 |
Historic Features/Traits of Kamen-Kashirskiy | B. Melamed | 255 |
The Beginning of the Jewish Community In Kamen-Kashirskiy | Y. Plot | 257 |
Our Town and the Neighboring Towns | Yaakov Plot | 261 |
A Pack of Recollections | Yaakov Plot | 263 |
The Creation of the S.S. Organization | Isaac Solomon Plot | 279 |
Saturday and Sunday in Town | Baruch Melamed | 281 |
Fairs and Market Days | Y. Ben-Moshe | 285 |
My Home | Khave Litvinsky Zafran | 287 |
The Yiddish Kamen-Kashirskiy | M. Zafran | 289 |
From Kamen to the Land of Israel | Brokhe Factorovitz | 291 |
The Town and My Father’s House | Mordecai Zafran | 297 |
Under Soviet Rule | Y. Plot | 305 |
A Communist Gathering - A Zionist Elected as Representative | Y. Ben-Moshe | 311 |
My Memories of Home | Dvore Gooz | 313 |
I Recall | Rayzl-Gitl Plot Winograd | 315 |
Two Towns | J. Konishtser | 319 |
The Importance of Lyubeshov | Fishl Layzeruk | 327 |
Memories of Lyubeshov | A. M. A. | 329 |
My Little Town Lyubeshov | Khane Elyavitch De Manker | 331 |
Pnevno | Israel Begun | 337 |
Pnevno My Town | Brurye Freedman-Gebovny | 341 |
Jews of Glusha | Joshua Swartz | 343 |
Memories of Glusha | Joshua Swartz | 347 |
My Birth Town, Mala Glusha | Sawsye Kandel De Shander | 351 |
The Temple Court Near Kamen | Meyer Eisen | 353 |
Khoteshiv | Leybl Bakler | 355 |
Memories of Politsy | Yerachmiel Tsinovich | 357 |
Martyr Anthology and Resistance | ||
Pogroms, Self-Defense and Conflict | Abish Klurman | 365 |
The Bandit Army of Bulak-Balakhovich | Yaakov Plot | 397 |
Describes a Pogrom in Kamen Kashirskiy and Surroundings On Rosh Hashanah 1920 | Hillel Zeitlin | 405 |
A Pogrom | Rachel Schechter-Ingber | 409 |
The Pogrom in Kamen-Kashirskiy | Hirsh Leyzer Levinson | 409 |
Kamen-Kashirskiy in the Years of World War I | Yaakov Plot | 411 |
Parties and Organizations | ||
The Beginning of the Zionist Movement in Kamen-Kashirskiy | Yaakov Plot | 425 |
Zionism in Kamen-Kashirskiy: A Folk Institution | Baruch Melamed | 441 |
Zeire Zion (Marxist Zionists) and Poale Zion (Socialist Zionists) in Kamen-Kashirskiy | Yaakov Plot | 447 |
Zionism in Town | Pinches Gorenstein | 457 |
Farewell Banquets of Zionist Organizations | Picture | |
The Communal (Social)-Cultural Life | ||
Education Up to World War I | Yaakov Plot | 473 |
The School Hitkhayeh (?) | Yaakov Plot | 479 |
The Arlozorov Library | Yaakov Plot | 487 |
Unions and Institutions | Yaakov Plot | 489 |
The Food Cooperative | Y. P. | 497 |
A General Picture of Jewish Economic Life In Kamen-Kashirskiy | Y. Plot | 501 |
List of Settlements Around Kamen-Kashirskiy Where Jews Lived | 507 | |
Images, Episodes and Characters | ||
Rabbis and Chasidism | Jacob Orimland | 513 |
The Large Fire in Town in 1904 | Yaakov Plot | 513 |
The River in Our Town | Y.P. | 517 |
Our Little Street Adjacent to Kovler Street | Henny Tsinovich-Engel | 519 |
A Wedding in Town | Mina Soloveitchik | 523 |
A Yiddishe Mama | Tsvi Vasoon | 525 |
Sincerity/Cordiality of Kamen-Kashirskiy Jews | Helen and Hirsch Gelfant | 529 |
Images and Experiences of Kamen-Kashirskiy | Israel Cohen-Kasher | 529 |
Nise the Tailor (Dub) | Dov Amit (Berish Drug) | 533 |
Moshe Falafan | Yaakov Plot | 535 |
The Old Cemetery | Yaakov Plot | 535 |
A New Torah Scroll in Town | Y. Ben-Moshe | 537 |
R' Abraham Yankel, the Old Fellow: R'Abraham Yankel, the Old Man | Y. Ben-Moshe | 539 |
Kamen Kashirskiy – My Home Town | Aaron Verba | 541 |
Mass Death (Holocaust) and Heroism | ||
Pain, Suffering and Hope | Pinkhes Ormland | 557 |
Slaughter and Death | Shlome Kaganovich | 605 |
Suffering and Holocaust | Shoshana Perchick | 637 |
This is How Jews Were Killed | Jacob Goldstein | 649 |
My Experiences | Fradel Goldstein-Kofler | 659 |
German Murders | Moone Meltzer (Koshar) | 683 |
My Sister, Frume | L. Olitsky | 689 |
Pogroms, Murders and Liberation | Menashe Perchick | 691 |
I was So Young At That Time | Rachel Vinokur | 701 |
The Murdered: Yankel Leyzerik and a Single Gun | Kalmen Rubenstein | 709 |
The Perishing of My Family | Baruch Primack | 713 |
The Judenrat (The Jewish Council) | Ben Tzion Karsh | 729 |
The Destruction of Lyubeshov | Yahfe Plotnick | 739 |
Never Will I Forget | Yehoshua Shwartz | 745 |
Murders in Vul’ka, Zolochiv and Divin | Pesl Perliss | 745 |
Yezerki, Kamen Kashirskiy’s Ghetto | Aryeh Eisen | 753 |
Alone | Yahfe Plotnick | 771 |
A Tragedy of a Kamen-Kashiskiy Family | Baruch Melamed | 775 |
In Memory of the K'doshim (Martyrs) of My Family and of the Jews in Lishe | Yehoshua Shwartz | 781 |
My Road to the Partisans | Abraham Roufa | 783 |
Among the Partisans | T. Berliner | 789 |
The Last Jew of Kamen-Kashirskiy | Chaim Gershnoble | 793 |
A Eulogy For Our Saints | Shlome Kagan | 795 |
The New Century | Y. Plot | 797 |
The Last Trace of Our Saints is Destroyed | Y. Ben-Moshe | 799 |
Personalities and Times | ||
Rabbi Pesakh Aaron Weisman | A. Klurman | 805 |
Rabbi Mordechai Perlin | Baruch Melamed | 805 |
The Last Rabbi in Kamen Kashirskiy | Pinkhes Orimland | 809 |
Eliezer Plot: the First Haskalah Adherent in Kamen-Kashirskiy | A.M.A | 813 |
Reb Asher Ehrlich zl | Y. Ben-Moshe | 815 |
Tziporeh Ehrlich-Plot | Y. Ben-Moshe | 817 |
David Klurman | Y. P. | |
R' Yitzhak Barg | Y. P. | 819 |
R' Isser and Leah Layzerik | Y. P. | 819 |
Images | Frahdl Goldstein | 821 |
Shmuel Verbliya | Baruch Melamed | 821 |
R’ Aryeh Leibush Goldstein | Jacob Goldstein | 823 |
R’ Yoel Chaim Kasher | Benjamin Barg | 825 |
R’ Yitzhak Verba: Yitzhak the Teacher | Benjamin Barg | 827 |
The Agony of Destruction | Meyer Rosen | 829 |
They Fell in Battle Against the Hitler Gangs | 831 | |
The Young Baruch Shapiro, Fallen for the Land of Israel | A. M. A. | 833 |
An Excerpt of a Letter to America | Yitzkhak Bernholtz | 835 |
A Letter to Friends in Canada | 837 | |
Baruch Melamed, of Blessed Memory (zl) | Yaakov Plot | 839 |
People of Kamen-Kashirskiy Around the World | ||
The Beginning of Kamen-Kashirskiy and Environs’ Jews Gathering in Israel | Fishl Layzerik | 845 |
On the Road to Israel | Pictures | 847 |
Receptions in Honor of American Guests in Israel | Pictures | 849 |
The 27th of Nissan at the Tombstone in the Forest of the Saints | Pictures | 853 |
Characteristics of a Societal Activist | Fishel Layzerik | 855 |
Of the History of Kamen-Kashirskiy’s Countrymen's Organizations | Y. Plot | 857 |
Kamen Kashirskiy Compatriot Society in America | A.M.A. | 859 |
Kaminers in America | Abish Klurman | 865 |
With the Kaminers in America | David Kimmel | 867 |
Townsmen in America | Berel Abel | 869 |
My Arrival in the Kamen Kashirskiy Organization As Secretary | Shmuel Beck | 871 |
Union of Kaminers in Argentina | Mordechai Zafran | 871 |
The Town in Pictures | ||
The Old Generation | 881 | |
Celebrations and Pastimes | 885 | |
Family Pictures | 891 | |
Youth | 909 | |
In Military Service | 915 | |
Children | 917 | |
Pnevno | 923 | |
Velika Glusha | 925 | |
Mala Glusha | 929 | |
Lyubeshov | 931 | |
Lists of the Martyrs | 937 | |
The 27th of Av – the Yahrtseit of the Martyrs of Kamen Kashirskiy and Environs | 967 |
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