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Shmuel Beck, New York
Translated by Archie Barkan
In the year 1941 I became a mourner after my father who died in the city of my birth, Bialystock. I decided to give the proper honor to my father who was a very religious Jew and to go daily to temple and say kaddish.
Arriving in a Brooklyn synagogue to pray and putting on the tefillin, a Jew came over to me and of course greeted me with Sholom Alecheim and he was interested to know why I suddenly began to come to shul. I became quite friendly with him, and as it turns out, this was Avigdor Dub and he was the gabbai and the hospiteler of the society of Kamin Koshirski. We made trips often to visit to one another in our homes and, also when he went to visit sick members he took me along and in this manner I became acquainted with many of the landsleit of Kamin-Koshirski society. As time passed, he acquainted me with more and more of the townspeople and began to talk me into coming into the organization. So I did, and from a Bialystocker, I became a landsman of Kamin-Koshirski, and so, since the 25th of December 1943, I am active in the organization and I participate in many of their events. I have already been elected financial secretary and I hold that office until this day nineteen years later. In the time of the war, I was also the secretary of the Relief Committee.
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