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[Page 454]

Translations by Tina Lunson

Additional Hebrew text translated by Sara Mages

In Eternal Remembrance

Father: Yisroel Yitskhak Shron

Mother: Khaye Beyle
Died at the start of the war

Brother: Dan and his wife Reyzl
And their little son Sholem Hershl

Brother: Dovid
All murdered

In deep mourning:
Rokhl Leye Koskovitsh-Shron, America
Aron Shron, Israel
And their families

In Eternal Remembrance

Our father: R' Aron Malovani

Our mother: Sore Sheyndl

Our sister: Devore Yetke and with her husband

Khayim Oyslender, and their children Avrom Yosef, Gitl and Sheyne

Our sister: Rivke, our brother: Elisha

All perished in the Nazi Holocaust


In great grief:
Meyshe Dovid Malovani
Khave Vayner-Malovani
And their families in Israel
Devore, Gitl, Avrom Yosef

[Page 455]

In Eternal Remembrance

Our parents
Khayim Dovid and Beyle Shron

Our sister and brother-in-law
Rokhl Leye Shikora and her husband Pinkhas
And their children Avieyzer and Yehudis

Our sister Malke Rozenberg and her husband Nakhman and their children.

Our sister Bashe Yismeyakh and her husband Yekhiel and their children.

All killed by the Nazi murderers, may God avenge their blood.


In great grief:
Nathan and Devore Shron
and their family in Israel
In Eternal Remembrance

Our parents: R' Yehoshe and Alte Rozen of blessed memory

Sisters : Khave and Sore Blume of blessed memory

Brother: Yankev of blessed memory


In mourning
Leye-Tashe, Israel
Yetke, America
And their families

[Page 456]

In Eternal Remembrance

Our father and mother, grandfather and grandmother:
Eliyahu and Perl Zshefa

Brother and uncle:
Avrom Zshefa and his wife Dvore Rokhl and their children Yoske and Tsvia

Sister and aunt:
Gitl Gerver, her husband Mordkhe and the children Pinkhas and Blume
All murdered, may God avenge their blood.

My husband and father:
Yitskhak Reytshik of blessed memory, died during deportation to Russia.
Daughter and sister Rivke Nekhe and her husband Ayzik Frand and
their child Lili, murdered in Camp Auschwitz
Rivke Nekhe

Khaye Sore Reytshik, Israel
Zelig Reytshik, Belgium
Perl Reytshik, Germany
Shleyme Reytshik, Israel
Golde Reytshik, America
And their families

[Page 457]

Peshe Tsirl
In Eternal Remembrance

Parents: R' Beytsalel Yosef and Sore Leye Karvat

Brother: Yankev and his wife and children

Sister: Peshe Tsirl and her husband and child

Brothers: Meyshe Aron and Naftali

All murdered
Beytsalel Yosef
Khane Elke Shtetin, Canada
Noyakh, Dovid and Khayim Karvat, Israel
and their families
Meyshe Aron
In Eternal Remembrance

My husband and our father:
R' Yankev Ha'koen Shtetin of blessed memory

My daughter and our sister:
Chava Tsirl, may God avenge her blood
Perished in 5701


In deep grief:
His wife and her mother: Chana Elka Shtetin, Canada
The children: Khaye Rivke Rozental, Shmuel Yitskhak Shtetin, Dine Sore Fayntsayg, Yesheyahu Nosn Shtetin and families

[Page 458]

In Eternal Remembrance
Mother and sister: Leye Govartshik

Sister: Blume and her husband Dovid Shulman and their little children –

Shmuel Meyshe, Khayim Matisyahu and Sore Hinde

Brothers: Avieyzer and Yisroel

All were killed by the Nazi murderers. May God avenge their blood.

Brother: Yerakhmiel, died in 1941 in Israel

Shmuel Meyshe
With sadness:
Ester and Note Tenenboym, America
Gitl Pashkovski-Tenenboym, America
Yehoshe Mordkhe Govartshik, Israel
Avrom Govartshik, America
And their families.

[Page 459]

In Eternal Remembrance
Our sister, brother-in-law, aunt and uncle

Sore and Mordkhe Blum

And their daughter Blume

All murdered

In grief:
Ester and Note Tenenboym
Gitl Pashkovski-Tenenboym
Yehoshe Mordkhe Govartshik
Avrom Govartshik

And their families

In mourning:
Her mother: Devashe Hasenholtz
Her brother: Shmuel the rabbi's son
And their families in Israel

In Eternal Remembrance

My daughter and sister

Feyge the rabbi's daughter, may God avenge her blood

Who perished in the Holocaust

[Page 460]

In Eternal Remembrance


With deep grief and great sorrow, we mourn the passing of the most beloved woman,

Mrs. Toybe Mozes, may she rest in peace

Who passed away in the United States and brought for burial in Jerusalem


Her husband: the slaughterer Nisan Mozes
Her sons: Moshe, Yakov, Avraham, Menachem, Shmuel and their families
Her daughter: Feiga Rosen and her family, USA
Khane Shapira
Beyle Rits
Rokhl Klepfish

[Page 461]

In Eternal Remembrance
Alte Khaye
Grandmother: Alte Khaye Glogover, murdered
Mother: Blume, died in 1946
Sister: Yehudis, died in 1956
Bashe with the children
Aunt: Bashe and her husband Khayim Niedzshvietski

And their children Hershl, Ester Leye and Yitskhak

Uncle: Dovid Glogover and his wife Malke

And their children Hershl and Beile

All perished
In grief:
The Gemora family in Israel and Canada

[Page 462]

In Eternal Remembrance

Our parents: R' Avrom and Bina Grudka

Our brother: Dovid Aron and his wife Tsirl and their children Zisa Elieyzer and Yekhezkel

Our brother: Khonen, our sisters: Tove, Libe, Brayne and Rokhl

Who perished in the Nazi Holocaust


In great grief:
Yehude Grudka
Tsipore Kliborski-Grudka
And their families in Israel

In Eternal Remembrance
My dear parents

R' Khayim and Khane Shapira

My dear sisters

Sore and Hadasa

Who were tragically killed by the German murderers, may God avenge their blood.
In deep mourning:
Velvl Horovits, Israel


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