Govorowo Memorial Book
(Goworowo, Poland)

52°54' / 21°34'

Translation of
Goworowo; sefer zikaron

Edited by Aviezer Burstin, Dov Kossovsky

Published by The Govorover Societies in Israel, the USA and Canada, Tel Aviv, 1966



Project Coordinator

Lester Blum


Emeritus coordinator: Martin Jacobs


This translation of the Goworowo Yizkor book has been donated by Lester Blum and Elaine Ann Blum in honor of their father, Abraham Isaac Blum in recognition of his dedication to preserving the memory of the victims of the Holocaust.


This is a translation from Goworowo; sefer zikaron [Yiddish: Govorovo Yizkor-bukh] (Govorowo memorial book)
Editors: Aviezer Burstin, Dov Kossovsky, Publisher: The Govorover Societies in Israel, the USA and Canada, Tel Aviv, 1966
[Irgunei yots'ei Govorovo beYisrael, Artsot habrit, veKanada]
[Yiddish: Govorovo landsmanshaftn in Yisroel, Amrike [sic] un Kanade], Pages: 512 Languages: H,Y,E

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Goworowo

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TOC translated by Martin Jacobs

Title Author Page
Forward – Hebrew The Editors 12
Forward – Yiddish The Editors 14
The Shtetl
A chapter of history   16
Goworowo half a century ago Abraham Schwartzberg 24
Once There Was… Meyshe Granat 28
A Walk Through the Shtetl   37
R. Solomon Zalmen Klepfish z.ts”l Moses Zinowitz 55
R. Jacob Judah Kahana-Bucian z.ts”l Moses Zinowitz 57
A Few Memories of the Old Rov Rov N. Talmud 59
The Last Rov A. Avinoam 61
Rabbi Alter Moses Mordechai Burshtin Rabbi Samuel Aaron HaLevi Pardes 65
The Religious Life
Jewishness in the Town Yosef Gurka 66
Among Hasidim Avrom Levin 68
Der Beys-medresh (The Study-house) Yosef Gavati 76
The Aleksander “shtibl” Yosef Zilbertson 79
The Ger “shtibl” Yosef Gur 82
The Vurke “Shtibl Avrom Holtsman 86
The “Progressive” Minyen G. Yosef 88
Kheydarim un Melamdim (Religious Schools and Teachers) Yosef Gurka 90
The “Kosher” Kheydarim Yosef Gurka 99
Yeshive People Yosef Gurka 100
Two brothers Bat Yaakov Dov 109
The Beys-Yankev Schools Rov Yitskhak Shafran 110
The “Shomrey Shabes” Group A. Inbri 114
Khevre Kadishe The Burial Society Bar Bey-Rav 116
Community Bureaus and Institutions
The Local Council Bar-Even 118
The Jewish Community A. Bar-Even 121
Schooling and Education A. Boki 124
The Merchants' Association D. Ben-Yitskhak 131
The Artisans' Association Meyshe Granat 135
The Free Loan Society B. Alef 139
Hospitality B. Avi-Eyzer 140
Housing Poor Travelers and Visiting the Sick A. Avi-Uriel 142
Parties and Organizations
The Zionist Organization K. Ber 144
My Activity in “Tsukunft” and the “Bund” Rokhl Brestel-Grudke 151
The Rise and Development of the “Poaley-tsion” Zionist Socialists Meyshe Granat 156
The Revisionist Movement B. Kosovski 165
Mizrakhi”, “He'khaluts-Ha'mizrakhi”, and “Ha'shomer-ha'dati Y. Avi-Sore 173
Tseirey Agudas Yisroel Rabbi Yitskhak Shafran 176
Basya” and “Banos Agudas Yisroel Rabonit Rivke Rozental-Shtshetshina 179
Ha'shomer ha'tsair Elieyzer Levin 182
The Left “Poaley-tsion” Neyekh Karvat 186
The Brener Library Avrom Holtsman 187
The Agricultural Training Camp “Pulkha” in Tshirnye Aron Shron 190
The Preparatory Training Point in Pasheki Leyvi Varshaviak 195
The Drama Circles Avrom Holtsman 198
The Work of the National Funds A. Sh. Menakhem 204
Scholars, Leaders, Types and Personalities  
Naske Goworower I. I. Trunk 206
Reb Meyshe Yehoshe Ginzburg of Blessed Memory Meyshe Granat 209
Reb Avrom Mordkhe Fridman of Blessed Memory A. Bashan 211
My Father the Cantor & Ritual Slaughterer Eliahu Yankev Brukhansky 212
My father R. Jonathan Zilbertsan Yosef Zilbertson 216
R. Matisyohu Rosen z”l B. Itshes 218
My parents B. Kosovsky 221
R. Moses Tenenbaum hi”d A. Bashan 226
R. Menashe Holtzman z”l Abraham Holtzman 229
R. Abraham Shafran hi”d Sh. Yitskhoki 231
Five generations Khave bas Yakov Dov 233
R. Meir Zeev HaKohen Tehillim hi”d Isaac Shafran 237
Memorial light for my family Menuha Zeltser-Grudka 239
R. Baruch Mintz z”l A. Bashan 240
R. Meir Romaner z”l A. Egber 241
R. Jacob Hersh Vengrov A. Bashan 243
R. Fayvl Brik hi”d A. Bashan 244
Yoyelke the baker A. Bar-Even 245
In memory of my father R. Moses Skornik z”l Khayim Skornik 248
Rabbi Khayim Mordechai Bronrot z.ts”l Sh. D. Yerushalmi 249
Rabbi Abraham Mendl Galant Moses Khayim Galant 251
Hasidic figures Yosef Zilbertson 252
R. Avrumke Tsalke, may God avenge his blood A. Bashan 256
History of one family in Goworowo Isaac Vardi-Rosenblum 258
My uncle R. Ephraim Leyb Boynem Jacob Gurke 263
R. Velvl and Feyge Nekhome Blumstein hi”d A. Bashan 265
R. Mordechai Leyb Gurka z”l Y. Ben-Hasid 266
R. Hershl Glogover z”l M. Rimon 269
R. Elhanan Friedman hi”d M. Rimon 270
R. Israel Isaac Shran hi”d A. Enbar 271
R. Khayim David Shran hi”d A. Enbar 272
R. Khayim Leyb Maryansky, the cantor-shoykhet Y. Avi-Sarah 273
R. Tsvi Aleyarzh, the Zamoshtsher Rebbe z.ts”l A. Ben-Even 274
R. Jacob Shtshetshina z”l A. Bashan 276
R. Isaiah Hertzberg hi”d Yosef Gurka 277
R. Yudl Shaynyak z”l B. Avi 278
My mother (Monument to a living soul) Khave Bernstein-Burshtin 279
Hannah Papiertshik B. P. Miriam 280
Two figures – Rokhl Shmilkes and Khane Rivke Khave bas Yakov Dov 281
R. Baruch Kupperman z”l A. Bayis 282
R. Asher Kutner hi”d R. Abraham Alter Kutner / A. Ben 283
R. Solomon Leyb and R. Khayim Baruch Shachter z”l Tsipora Zaltsberg-Shakhter 284
R. Gedalya Grinberg z”l G. Even 286
My grandfather, R. Jacob Shabbetai Trukhnovsky z”l Rebecca Rosenberg-Shafran 287
R. Joshua Rosen z”l A. Bashan 292
R. Jacob Rosenberg hi”d I. Ben-Mordechai 294
My home Rebecca Vinderboym Praska 296
Peshke Goldman H. Sh. Kazhdan 297
R. Mordechai Shmelts z”l Khaye Shmelts 298
Benjamin Ginzberg hi”d Rebecca Rosenberg-Shafran 300
Leybl Kersh hi”d I. Sh. Hertz 302
The leader of the Bund Feyge Sheiniak 304
Memorial light for our distinguished brother Moses Granat / Isaac Granat 305
Elhanan Kosovsky D. Avi-Dani 308
Memories and episodes
I remember you!... I Zerubabel 309
A Jewish shtetl for the people A. Reis 313
Goworowo Israel Ritov 316
The Betar in Goworowo Yosef Khrust 319
Rabbi Jacob Dovidl Amshinover in Goworowo Nisen Mozes Shu”b 323
The ban Isaac David Tehillim 324
The eruv affair Sh. L. Tsitron 325
One Saturday night A. Bar-Even 327
A Sabbath dawn in winter Yosef Zilbertson 330
Sabbath at home Feyge Sheiniak 331
Memories of youth Sara Tsimerman-Romaner 332
Four years in Goworowo R. Menahem Belfer 334
Two neighboring towns Jacob Katz 336
Martyrdom R. Tsvi A. Slushts 339
My family Isaac Romaner 340
My road to Erets-Yisrael Sara Blumstein-Skurnik 341
With the Rabbi's approval Isaac Blumstein 344
A Jew goes to Erets-Yisrael . . . Aaron Shran 346
Goworowo in my eyes Cantor Nathan Stolnitz 351
Khomets at Passover time A. B. Shoshani 352
Footnotes to an essay H. Yustus 355
A story of “nadlitshbovi” B. Dines 359
Town pranksters A. Govorover 361
Teaching the in-law a lesson A. Govorover 365
Two episodes Jacob Gurka 368
As luck would unfortunately have it Moses Sarne 371
Town curiosities Hannah Vaysbord / Sh. Ts. 373
Solomon Akiba the village fool A. B. Shoshani 376
Town folklore M. Rimon 379
Goworowo in “HaTsefira”, 1887   380
In Polish fields Binem Heller 381
“Although we are condemned to death we have not lost the divine image” Dr. Arye Leon Kububi 382
“I seek my brother” R. Isaac Jedidiah Frenkel 384
This is how it began Isaac Romaner 387
Diary of a mobilized soldier Jacob Gurka 390
Holocaust Moses Molavani 394
A month with the German beasts Moses Dranitsa 401
Looking back Pesah Czerwin 405
The last Kol Nidre night Eve Bernstein-Burstin 410
So that you may remember. . . R. Isaac Shafran 414
Elegy A. Ben-Ir 416
A page of Talmud saved me B. Aviezer 417
In the crematoria Yosef Perlstein 420
Hear O Israel. . . Rachel Auerbach 423
Martyrdom in exile K. Noah 425
Goworowo without Jews Mordecai Govartshik 427
Kaddish R. Moses Bernstein 429
Psalm of David A. Y. Brukhensky 432
These I remember
Prayer for the dead   434
List of the slain   435
Obituary notices   447
Landsmanshaft organizations  
The Yotse Govorovo organization in Israel Aaron Shran 481
The Free Loan Society of the Yotse Govorovo organization in Israel Abraham Levine 486
Goworowo societies in America Isaac Safran 488
The Goworowo landsmanshaft in Canada A. Ben-Meir 492
Goworowo people in other countries   494
An expression of thanks Vaad Irgun Yotse Govorova BeYisrael 405
English summary of the book   I – XVI


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Contact person for this translation Lester Blum
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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