Side Dishes: Home-made Noodles

By Lena

Related to: Poltava (Province)

The Cooks: Yunia and Regina Sovietov

This is a tricky one. You go with the feel of it.
Take 2 eggs, break them into the bowl add a pinch of salt, then add 5 tablespoons of water and start adding tablespoon after tablespoon of flour until the dough is stiff, very stiff, then you beat it. Divide it into parts and start rolling out very thin layers of dough.

Let them dry for about 30min to an hour. Then, roll the thin layer of slightly dry dough into a roll and with a very sharp knife start cutting the thin strips of the noodles while turning the roll around. You'll have to separate them eventually. Some of them you may cook immediately in salted boiling water, some you can leave to dry off for the future and keep them in the jar or wherever.

When serving with bullion it is better for the homemade noodles to be cooked separately from the soup.
Before serving add already cooked noodles to that clear bouillon.